Rama describes to Seetha the beauty of Mandakini River with its multi-coloured beaches, swans, geese, deer and flowery trees on its banks. He shows some sages taking dip in the river and herds of elephants and monkeys coming for a drink there. Thus Rama and Seetha spend some of their time in enjoying the charms of Chitrakuta mountain.
Verse 1
अथ शैलाद् विनिष्क्रम्य मैथिलीम् कोसल ईश्वरः |
अदर्शयत् शुभ जलाम् रम्याम् मन्दाकिनीम् नदीम् || २-९५-१
Then, turning away from the mountain, Rama (The prospective ruler of Kosala) showed Seetha (the daughter of the King of Mithila) the beautiful river of Mandakini carrying splendid waters.
1. atha = thereafter; viniSkramya = turning away; shailaat = from the mountain; kosaleshvaraH = Rama; the prospective ruler of Kosala; adarshayat = showed; maithiliim = to Seetha; the daughter of the King of Mithila; ramyaam = the beautiful; mandaakiniim nadiim = river of Mandakini; shubhajalaam = with its splendid waters.
Verse 2
अब्रवीच् च वर आरोहाम् चारु चन्द्र निभ आननाम् |
विदेह राजस्य सुताम् रामो राजीव लोचनः || २-९५-२
The lotus-eyed Rama spoke to Seetha, (the daughter of Janaka) who was having an elegant waist and whose face resembled the moon:
2. raamaH = Rama; raajiiva lochanaH = having lotus-eyes; abraviit = spoke; sutaam = to the daughter; videharaajasya = of the king of Videha (Janaka); varaarohaam = having elegant waist; chaaruchandra nibhaananaam = whose face resembled the moon.
Verse 3
विचित्र पुलिनाम् रम्याम् हंस सारस सेविताम् |
कुसुमैर् उपसम्पन्नाम् पश्य मन्दाकिनीम् नदीम् || २-९५-३
“Behold this charming river of Mandakini, with its multi-coloured sandy beaches, frequented by swans and geese and laden with flowers.”
3. pashya = behold; ramyaam = this charming; mandaakiniim nadiim = river of Mandakini; vichitra pulinaam = with its multi-coloured sandy beaches; hamsa saarasaa sevitaam = frequented by swans and geese; upasampannaam = and laden; kusumaiH = with flowers.
Verse 4
नाना विधैः तीर रुहैर् वृताम् पुष्प फल द्रुमैः |
राजन्तीम् राज राजस्य नलिनीम् इव सर्वतः || २-९५-४
“Behold this river, hedged on all sides with various kinds of flowers and fruits, growing on its banks and enhance its loveliness like the lake (Sangadhika) of Kubera (the ruler of Yakshas)”
4. (Behold this river); vR^itaam = hedged; sarvataH = on all sides; naanaavidhaiH = with various kinds; puSpa phaladrumaiH = of flowers and fruits; tiiraruhaiH = growing on its banks; raajantiim = and enhance its loveliness; aliniim iva = like the lake (sangandhika); raajaraajasya = of Kubera (the ruler of Yakshas).
Verse 5
मृग यूथ निपीतानि कलुष अम्भांसि साम्प्रतम् |
तीर्थानि रमणीयानि रतिम् सम्जनयन्ति मे || २-९५-५
“At this moment, its pleasant fords, where herds of deer drink and make the waters turbid, create ecstasy in me.”
5. saampratam = at this moment; ramaNiiyaani = its pleasant; tiirthaani = fords; mR^igayuuthanipiitaani = where herds of deer drink; kaluSaambaasi = and make the waters turbid; saN^janayanti = create; ratim = ecstasy; me = in me.
Verse 6
जटा अजिन धराः काले वल्कल उत्तर वाससः |
ऋषयः तु अवगाहन्ते नदीम् मन्दाकिनीम् प्रिये || २-९५-६
“O, beloved Seetha! Sages with matted locks and wearing antelope-skins and having bark of trees for their upper garment, take a dip in the River Mandakini, at the appointed hour.”
6. priye = O; beloved Seetha!; R^iSayaH = sages; jaTaajinadharaaH = with matted locks and wearing antelope-skings; valkalottara vaasasaH = and having bark of trees for their upper garment; avagaahante = take a dip; mandaakiniim nadiim = in the River Mandakini; kaale = at the appointed hour.
Verse 7
आदित्यम् उपतिष्ठन्ते नियमाद् ऊर्ध्व बाहवः |
एते अपरे विशाल अक्षि मुनयः संशित व्रताः || २-९५-७
“O, Lady of wide eyes! Here are some other sages of austere vows, worshipping the sun with uplifted arms; as per the scriptural injunctions.”
7. vishalaakSi = O; Lady of wide eyes!; ete = here; pare = some other; munaayaH = sages; samshita vrataaH = of austere vows; niyamaat = according to the scriptual injunctions; upateSThante = worship; aadityam = the sun; uurdhva baahavaH = with uplifted arms.
Verse 8
मारुत उद्धूत शिखरैः प्रनृत्त इव पर्वतः |
पादपैः पत्र पुष्पाणि सृजद्भिर् अभितो नदीम् || २-९५-८
“The trees, their crowns agitated by the breeze, that shower down leaves and flowers on both sides of the river cause the mountain to appear as though it were dancing!”
8. paadapaiH = the trees; maarutodduuta shikharaiH = their crowns agitated by the breeze; sR^ijadbhiH = that shower down; patra puSpaaNi = leaves and flowers; nadiim abhitaH = on both sides of the river; parvataH = (cause) the mountain; pranR^itta iva = to appear as though it were dancing.
Verse 9
कच्चिन् मणि निकाश उदाम् कच्चित् पुलिन शालिनीम् |
कच्चित् सिद्ध जन आकीर्णाम् पश्य मन्दाकिनीम् नदीम् || २-९५-९
“See this River Mandakini with its crystal-like clear water at some places, with its shining sand-dunes at some places and crowded with Siddhas who are bathing at some other places.”
9. pashya = see; mandaakinii nadiim = this River Mandakinii; maNinikaashodaam = with its crystal-like clear water; kvachit = at some places; pulina shaalinim = with its shining sand-dunes; kvachit = at some places; siddha janaakiirNaam = filled with Siddhas (who are bathing); kvachit = at some places.
Verse 10
निर्धूतान् वायुना पश्य विततान् पुष्प संचयान् |
पोप्लूयमानान् अपरान् पश्य त्वम् जल मध्यगान् || २-९५-१०
“Behold you, heaps of flowers shaken down by the wind and shattered. See some other heaps of flowers floating, O lady with slender waist!”
10. pashya = behold; tvam = you; puSpa saN^chayaan = heaps of flowers; nirdhuutaan = shaken down; vaayunaa = by the wind; vitataan = and scattered; pashya = (and) see; aparaan = some other heaps of flowers; popluuyamaanaan = floating; tanu madhyame = O; lady iwth slender waist.
Verse 11
तामः च अतिवल्गु वचसो रथ अन्ग आह्वयना द्विजाः |
अधिरोहन्ति कल्याणि निष्कूजन्तः शुभाः गिरः || २-९५-११
“O, Kalyani! Behold the sweet-voiced ruddy geese, ascending the banks uttering harmonious tones.”
11. kalyaaNi = O; Kalyani!; (Behold); valguvachanaH = the sweet-voiced; rathaaN^gahvayanaaH dvijaaH = the ruddy geese; adhirohanti = ascending; taan = the banks; vikuujantaH = utteing; shubhaaH = harmonious; giraH = tones.
Verse 12
दर्शनम् चित्र कूटस्य मन्दाकिन्याः च शोभने |
अधिकम् पुर वासाच् च मन्ये च तव दर्शनात् || २-९५-१२
“I consider this sight of Mandakini River and of Chitrakuta, particularly at your sight, to be more delightful than dwelling in the City of Ayodhya, O, lovely woman!”
12. manye = I consider; darshanam = this sight; mandaakinyaashcha = of Mandakini River; chitrakuuTasya- and of Chitratua; tava = particularly at your; darshanaat = sight; adhikam = to be more delightful; puravaasaashcha = than dwelling in the city of Ayodhya; shobhane = O; lovely woman!.
Verse 13
विधूत कलुषैः सिद्धैः तपो दम शम अन्वितैः |
नित्य विक्षोभित जलाम् विहाहस्व मया सह || २-९५-१३
Here are Siddhas (semi-divine beings endowed with mystic powers), free from impurities and rich in asceticism, with their senses and mind under control, who perpetually stir the waters. You too should take a dip in the river along with me.”
13. (Here); siddhaiH = Siddhas; vidhuuta kaluSaiH = free from taints; tapodama shamaanvitaiH = rich in asceticism and control of senses and the mind; nitya vikSobhita jalaam = perpetually stir the waters; vigaahasva = you too should enter; mayaa saha = with me;
Verse 14
सखीवच् च विगाहस्व सीते मन्दकिनीम् इमाम् |
कमलान्य् अवमज्जन्ती पुष्कराणि च भामिनि || २-९५-१४
“Enter the Mandakini River, as on the breast of a friend, submerging the red and white lotuses in it- O, Lovely Seetha!”
14. vigaahasva = enter; mandaakiniim nadiim = the river Mandakini; shakhiivat = as a friend; avamajjantii = submerging; kamalaani = the red; puSkaraaNi = and white lotuses; bhaamini siite = O; Lovely Seetha!.
Verse 15
त्वम् पौर जनवद् व्यालान् अयोध्याम् इव पर्वतम् |
मन्यस्व वनिते नित्यम् सरयूवद् इमाम् नदीम् || २-९५-१५
“My darling! Think of the wild beasts as inhabitants of the city of Ayodhya, this mountain of Chitrakuta as the city of Ayodhya and this river as the Sarayu from now on!”
15. vanite = My darling!; tvam = you; nityam = always; manyasva = think; vyaalaan = of the wild beasts; paura janavat = as inhabitants of the city; parvatam = the mountain of Chitrakuta; ayodhyaamiva = as the city of Ayodhya; imaam = and this; nadiim = river; sarayuuvat = as the Sarayu.
Verse 16
लक्ष्मणः चैव धर्म आत्मा मन् निदेशे व्यवस्थितः |
त्वम् च अनुकूला वैदेहि प्रीतिम् जनयथो मम || २-९५-१६
“O, Seetha!; The virtuous Lakshmana is obeying my commands and you too are well-disposed, causing delight to me.”
16. vaidehi = O; Seetha!; dharmaatmaa = the virtuous; lakSmaNashchaapi = Lakshmana; vyavasthitaH = is obeying; mannideshe = my commands; tvam cha = you too; anukuulaa = are well-disposed; janayathaH = causing; priitim = delight; mama = to me.
Verse 17
उपस्पृशमः त्रि षवणम् मधु मूल फल अशनः |
न अयोध्यायै न राज्याय स्पृहये अद्य त्वया सह || २-९५-१७
“Bathing three times a day in the river and living on honey, roots and fruits in your company, I do not desire for the kingdom nor do I long for Ayodhya now.”
17. upaspR^ishan = bathing; triSa vaNam = three times a day (in the river); madhumuula phalaashanaH = living on honey; roots and fruits; tvayaa saha = along with you; na = I do not desire; raajyaaya = the kingdom; na spR^ihaye = nor do I long; ayodhyaayai = for Ayodhya; adya = now.
Verse 18
इमाम् हि रम्याम् गज यूथ लोलिताम् |
निपीत तोयाम् गज सिम्ह वानरैः |
सुपुष्पितैः पुष्प धरैर् अलम्कृताम् |
न सो अस्ति यः स्यान् न गत क्रमः सुखी || २-९५-१८
“There is none in the world, who would not be relieved of his fatigue and feel refreshed on the banks of this enchanting river, frequented by herds of elephants, who with lions and monkeys, come here to drink and which is adorned with innumerable flowers in full bloom.”
18. naasti saH = there is non in the world; yaH na syaat = who would not be; gata klamaH = relieved of his fatigue; sukhii = and feel refreshed; imaam = on the banks of this river; ramyaam = enchanting; gaja yuutha lo Ditaam = frequented by herds of elephants; gaja simha vaanaraiH = who with lions and monkeys; nipiita toyaam = come here to drink; alamkR^itaam = and which is adorned; puSpabharaiH = with innumerable flowers; supuSpitaam = in full bloom.
Verse 19
इति इव रामो बहु सम्गतम् वचः |
प्रिया सहायः सरितम् प्रति ब्रुवन् |
चचार रम्यम् नयन अन्जन प्रभम् |
स चित्र कूटम् रघु वंश वर्धनः || २-९५-१९
Describing the varied beauties of the Mandakini River, Rama the bestower of delight to Raghu dynasty with his beloved consort as a companion, strolled in the lovely mountain of Chitrakuta which was shining like a piece of collieries.”
19. bruvan = speaking; bahu = many; samgatam = suitable; vachaH = words; itiiva = thus; saritamprati = about Mandakini River; saH raamaH = that Rama; raghuvamsha vardhanaH = who bestows delight to Raghu dynasty; chachara = strolled; ramyam = in the beautiful; chitrakuuTam = mountian of Chitrakuta; nayanaanjana prabham = with the radiance of a piece of collieries.