91 – Bharadwaja arranges a befitting hospitality to Bharata.


Having been instructed by Bharadwaja to bring the army to his place, Bharata allowed his army also to come to the hermitage. Then, Bharadwaja invokes Visvakarma, the divine architect and requests him to arrange for a befitting hopsitality to Bharata,

Verse 1

कृत बुद्धिम् निवासाय तथैव स मुनिः तदा |
भरतम् कैकयी पुत्रम् आतिथ्येन न्यमन्त्रयत् || २-९१-१

Seeing he had resolved to halt at that place for the night, the sage Bharadwaja prepared to offer Bharata the son of Kaikeyi the full honours due to a guest

1. kR^ita buddhim = (Seeing that he) had resolved; nivaasaaya = to halt; tatraiva = at that place; saH = that; muniH = sage; tadaa = then; nyamantrayat = prepared to offer; bharatam = Bharata; kaikeyiiputram = the son of Kaikeyi; aatithyena = the full honours due to a guest.

Verse 2

अब्रवीद् भरतः तु एनम् ननु इदम् भवता कृतम् |
पाद्यम् अर्घ्यम् तथा आतिथ्यम् वने यद् ऊपपद्यते || २-९१-२

Then, Bharata said to Bharadwaja as follows: “Have you not presented me with water to wash my hands and feet and offered me this hospitality fitting for a guest in this forest?”

2. bharatastu = Bharata on his part; abraviit = said; enam = to Bharadwaja; paadyam = water to wash my feet; arghyam = and hands; kR^itam name = have indeed been presented; bhavataa = by you; tathaa = and; idam aatithyam = this hositality fitting for a guest; yat = which; upapadyate = is available; vane = in a forest (was made available to me).

Verse 3

अथ उवाच भरद्वाजो भरतम् प्रहसन्न् इव |
जाने त्वाम् प्रीति सम्युक्तम् तुष्येः त्वम् येन केनचित् || २-९१-३

Then, Bharadwaja smilingly replied to Bharata as follows: “I know you possess a friendly disposition and you are pleased with whatever is offered to you.”

3. atha = thereafter; bharadwaajaH = Bharadwaja; prahasanniva = smilingly; uvaacha = spoke; bharatam = to Bharata (as follows); jaane = I know; tvaam = you; priitisamyuktam = are of a friendly disposition; tvam = you; tuSyeH = are please; yena kena chit = with whatever is offered to you.

Verse 4

सेनायाः तु तव एतस्याः कर्तुम् इग्च्छामि भोजनम् |
मम प्रितिर् यथा रूपा त्वम् अर्हो मनुज ऋषभ || २-९१-४

“O, Bharata the excellent among men! I wish to offer food to your army. You ought to fulfil my satisfaction in every suitable way.”

4. manujarSabha = O the excellent among men!ichchhami = I wish; kartum = to offer; bhojanam = food; tava = to your; etasyaaH = this; senaayaaH = army; arhaH = you ought to ; (fulfil); mama = my; priitiH = satisfaction; yathaaruupaatathaa = in every suitable way.

Verse 5

किम् अर्थम् च अपि निक्षिप्य दूरे बलम् इह आगतः |
कस्मान् न इह उपयातो असि सबलः पुरुष ऋषभ || २-९१-५

“O, warrior! Why did you come here, leaving your army at a distance? Why did you not come to my place with your army?”

5. puruSarSabha = O; warrior!; kimartham = why; aagataH = did you come; iha = here; nikSipya = keeping; balam = your army; duure = at a distance?; kasmaat = why; na upayaataH asi = did you not come; sabalaH = with your army; iha = here?

Verse 6

भरतः प्रत्युवाच इदम् प्रान्जलिः तम् तपो धनम् |
ससैन्यो न उपयातो अस्मि भगवन् भगवद् भयात् || २-९१-६

Bharata, with joined palms, replied to Bharadwaja who was rich with austerity in the following words: “O, venerable one! I have not come here with my army for the fear of displeasing you.”

6. bharataH = Bharata; praaNjaliH = with joined palms; pratyuvaacha = replied; tam = to that Bharadwaja; tapodhanam = enriched with austerity; idam = these words; bhagavan = O; venerable one!; nopato.asmi = I have not come; sasainyaH = with the army; bhagavadbhayaat = for fear (of displeasing) you.

Verse 7

राज्ञा च भगवन्नित्यं राजपुत्रेण वा सदा |
यत्नतः परिहर्तव्या विषयेषु तपस्विनः || २-९१-७

“O, Venerable One! Either the king or the prince should always keep away from the places occupied by ascetics”

7. bhagavan = O; venerable one!; raajJNaacha = either by the king; raaja putreNa = or by the prince; tapasvinaH = ascetics; parihartavyaH = are to be kept away at a distance; yatnataH = deliberately; sadaa = ever; viSayeSu = in their own lands.

Verse 8

वाजि मुख्या मनुष्याः च मत्ताः च वर वारणाः |
प्रग्च्छाद्य महतीम् भूमिम् भगवन्न् अनुयान्ति माम् || २-९१-८

“O, Holy one! Spirited horses, men and rare elephants in rut covering an immense area are accompanying me.”

8. bhagavan = O; Holy one!; vaaji mukhyaaH = spirited horses; manuSyaashcha = men; vara vaaraNaashcha = rare elephants; mattaaH = in rut; prachchhaadya = covering; mahatiim = an immense; bhuumim = area; anuyaanti = are accompanying; maam = me

Verse 9

ते वृक्षान् उदकम् भूमिम् आश्रमेषु उटजामः तथा |
न हिंस्युर् इति तेन अहम् एक एव आगतः ततः || २-९१-९

“Let them not damage the trees, huts and ground and defile the waters of hermitages’ – in this thought, I came alone.”

9. na himsyuH = let them not damage; vR^ikSaan = the trees; uTajaan = huts; bhuumim = and ground; tathaa = and; (defile); udakam = the waters; aashrameSu = of hermitages; iti te = in this thought; aham = I; samaagataH = came; eka eva = alone.

Verse 10

आनीयताम् इतः सेना इत्य् आज्नप्तः परम ऋषिणा |
तथा तु चक्रे भरतः सेनायाः समुपागमम् || २-९१-१०

Thereafter Bharata, having been commanded by that great sage to bring the army there, allowed the army’s arrival to the hermitage

10. tatastu = thereafter; bharataH = Bharata; aajNaptaH = having been commanded; paramarSiNaa = by that great sage; iti = thus; senaa aniiyaatam = ‘Let the army be brought; itaH = here’; chakre = allowed; senayaaH = the army’s samupaagamam = arrival.

Verse 11

अग्नि शालाम् प्रविश्य अथ पीत्वा अपः परिमृज्य च |
आतिथ्यस्य क्रिया हेतोर् विश्व कर्माणम् आह्वयत् || २-९१-११

Meanwhile, entering the fire-sanctuary (the place where the sacrificial fire is kept), sipping water and wiping the lips, Bharadwaja invoked Visvakarma (the architect of gods) in order to fulfil his duties towards the guests (as follows)

11. atha = thereafter; pravishya = entering; agnishaalaam = the fire-sanctuary (the place where the sacrificial fire is kept); piitvaa = sipping; aapaH = water; parimR^ijyacha = and wiping the lips; kriyaahatoH = and in order to fulfil his duties; aatithyasya = towards the guests; aahvayat = (he) invoked; vishva karmaaNam = visva Karma (the architect of gods)

Verse 12

आह्वये विश्व कर्माणम् अहम् त्वष्टारम् एव च |
आतिथ्यम् कर्तुम् इग्च्छामि तत्र मे सम्विधीयताम् || २-९१-१२

“I wish to offer hospitality to the guest I summon vishvakarma who is also the divine carpenter. Let arrangements be made in that connection for me.”

12. aham = I; ichchhaami = wish; kartum = to offer; aatithyam = hospitality to the guests; aahvaye = I summon; vishvakarmaaNam = vishvakarma; tvaSTaaram eva cha = who is also the divine carpenter; samvidhiiyataam = let arrangements be made; tatra = in that connection; me = for me.

Verse 13

अह्वये लोकपालां स्त्रीन् देवान् शक्रमुखांस्तथा |
आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्चामि तत्र मे संविधीयताम् || २-९१-१३

“I further invoke the three gods (Yama, Varuna and Kubera) the guardians of the worlds with Indra as their king. I wish to offer hospitality to the guests. Let arrangements be made in this connection for me.”

13. tathaa = and; aahvaye = I invoke; triin devaan = the three gods; lokapaalaan = the guardians of the worlds; shakramukhaan = with Indra as their king; ichchhaami = I wish; kartum = to offer; aatithyam = hospitality to the guests; samvidhiiyataam = let arrangements be made; tatra = in this connection ; me = for me.

Verse 14

प्राक् स्रोतसः च या नद्यः प्रत्यक् स्रोतस एव च |
पृथिव्याम् अन्तरिक्षे च समायान्तु अद्य सर्वशः || २-९१-१४

“Let the rivers which flow towards the east and those which flow towards the west, across the earth and in the aerial region now come together here from all quarters.”

14. yaaH nadyaH = Let the rivers; praak srotasashcha = which flow towards the east; pratyak srotasa evacha = and those which flow towards the west; pR^ithivyaam = across the earth; antarikSecha = and in the aerial region; adya = now; saha aayaastu = come together here; sarvashaH = from all quarters

Verse 15

अन्याः स्रवन्तु मैरेयम् सुराम् अन्याः सुनिष्ठिताम् |
अपराः च उदकम् शीतम् इक्षु काण्ड रस उपमम् || २-९१-१५

“Let some rivers flow with Maireya ( a kind of wine made from date palms etc) some others flow with highly refined spirituous liquor and some others flow with cool water with a taste of sugarcane.”

15. anyaaH = (Let) some rivers; sravantu = flow with; maireyam = Maireya ( a kind of wine made from date palms etc); anyaaH = and some others (flow with) suniSThitaam = highly; aparaashcha = and some others; sravantu = flow with; shiitam = cool; udakam = water; ikSukaaNDarasopamam = with a taste of sugar cane.

Verse 16

आह्वये देव गन्धर्वान् विश्वा वसु हहा हुहून् |
तथैव अप्सरसो देवीर् गन्धर्वीः च अपि सर्वशः || २-९१-१६

“I invoke the celestials and celestial musicians Vishvavasu, Haha and Huhu as also Apsaras (nymphs) belonging to the celestial and celestial musicians’ race from all regions.

16. aahvaye = I invoke; devagandharvaan = the celestials; celstial musicians; vishvaavasu haahaa huhuun = Vishvavasu Haha and Huhu; tathaiva = and apsarasaH = the nymphs; deviiH = belonging to celestial race; gandharviishchaapi = and also belonging to celestial musicians race sarvashaH = from all regions.

Verse 17

घृताचीम् अथ विश्वाचीम् मिश्र केशीम् अलम्बुसाम् |
नागदन्तां च हेमां च हिमामद्रिकृतस्थलाम् || २-९१-१७

“I invoke the celestial nymphs called ghritachi, Vishvachi, Mishra Kesi, Alambusa, Nagadanta and Hema as also Hima who has an abode made in mountains.”

17. atha = And; (I invoke); ghR^itaachiim = the celstial nymphs called Ghritachi; vishvaachiim = Vishvachi; mishra kesiim = Mishra Kesi; alambusaam = Alambusa; naagadantaamcha = Nagadanta; hemaamcha = and Hema; himaam = and Hima; adrikR^ita sthadaam = who has an abode made in mountains.

Verse 18

शक्रम् याः च उपतिष्ठन्ति ब्रह्माणम् याः च भामिनीः |
सर्वाः तुम्बुरुणा सार्धम् आह्वये सपरिग्च्छदाः || २-९१-१८

“I invoke the fair women who are attending on Brahma the Lord of creation – all of them with their external appendages (like musical instruments) along with (their teacher) Tumburu.”

18. aahvaye = I invoke; yoSitaH = the fair women; yaashcha = who; upatiSThanti = are attending on; shakram = Indra the Lord of celestials; yaashcha = and those who are (are attending on); brahmaaNam = Brahma the Lord of creation; sarvaaH = all of them; saparichchhadaaH = with their external appendages (like musical instruments); tumburuNaasaartham = along with (their teacher) Tumburu.

Verse 19

वनम् कुरुषु यद् दिव्यम् वासो भूषण पत्रवत् |
दिव्य नारी फलम् शश्वत् तत् कौबेरम् इह एव तु || २-९१-१९

“Let that beautiful garden in the region of northern Kuru, presided over by Kubera (the god of riches) always with its leaves which serve as raiment and ornaments, with its fruits in the form of heavenly damsels appear in this place.”

19. tat = (Let) that; divyam vanam = beautiful garden; kuruSu = in the region of northern Kuru; kauberam = presided over by Kubera; shashvat = always; vaasobhuuSaNa patravat = with its leaves which; sarve = as raiment and ornaments; divya naariiphalam = with its fruits in the form of heavenly damsels; etu = appear; iha = in this place.

Verse 20

इह मे भगवान् सोमो विधत्ताम् अन्नम् उत्तमम् |
भक्ष्यम् भोज्यम् च चोष्यम् च लेह्यम् च विविधम् बहु || २-९१-२०

“Many the blessed moon-god (the duty presiding over annual plants) furnish me at this place, excellent food of every variety, confections, sweets, sauces and syrups.”

20. (May); bhagavaan = the blessed; somaH = moon god( the deity presiding over annual plants); vidhattaam = furnish; me = me; iha = at this place; uttamam = excellent; annam = food; bahu = f many; vividham = Varieties; bhakSyam = confections; bhojayam = sweets; choSyam = sances; lchyamcha = and syrups

Verse 21

विचित्राणि च माल्यानि पादप प्रच्युतानि च |
सुरा आदीनि च पेयानि मांसानि विविधानि च || २-९१-२१

“May the blessed moon-god furnish me many-coloured flowers which have just fallen from the flower-plants or trees, the drinks like wine and others as also various kinds of meat.”

21. (May the blessed moon-god furnish me); vichitraaNi = many-coloured; maalyaanicha = flowers; paadapa prachyutaani = which have just fallen from trees; peyaani = drinks; suraadiini = like wine and others; vividhaani = and various kinds; maamsaani cha = of meat.

Verse 22

एवम् समाधिना युक्तः तेजसा अप्रतिमेन च |
शिक्षा स्वर समायुक्तम् तपसा च अब्रवीन् मुनिः || २-९१-२२

That sage Bharadwaja, with his intense meditation, possessing unequal splendour and with austerity, spoke as follows, in tones befitting proper articulation and pronunciation of the scriptural texts:

22. muniH = that sage Bharadwaja; samaadhinaa = with his intense meditation; apratimena = having unequal; tejasaacha = splendour; yuktaH = and with; tapasaacha = austerity; abraviit = uttered; evam = thus; shiikSa svara samaayuktam = in tones according to the science which deals with proper articulation and pronunciation of Vedic texts.

Verse 23

मनसा ध्यायतः तस्य प्रान् मुखस्य कृत अन्जलेः |
आजग्मुः तानि सर्वाणि दैवतानि पृथक् पृथक् || २-९१-२३

While that sage Bharadwaja, with joined palms, was meditating with absorption in the east, all those celestials came one by one.

23. tasya = (While) that sage Bharadwaja; kR^itaaN^jale = with joined palms; dhyaataH = was meditating; manasaa = with intelligence; praaNmukhasya = turning his face towards the east; sarvaaNi = all; taani daivataani = those celestials; aajagmuH = arrived; pR^ithak pR^ithak = one by one.

Verse 24

मलयम् दुर्दुरम् चैव ततः स्वेद नुदो अनिलः |
उपस्पृश्य ववौ युक्त्या सुप्रिय आत्मा सुखः शिवः || २-९१-२४

Then, a pleasant comfortable and gracious breeze, passing over the mountains of Malaya and Dardura, began to blw, removing sweat by its influence.

24. tataH = then; anilaH = a breeze; upaspR^ishya = passing over; malayam = the mountain of Malaya; darduramchaiva = and Dardura; vavau = bean to blow; svedanudaH = removing sweat; yuktvaa = by its influence; supriyaatmaa = which was pleasant in nature; sukhaH = comfortable; shivaH = and gracious

Verse 25

ततो अभ्यवर्तन्त घना दिव्याः कुसुम वृष्टयः |
देव दुन्दुभि घोषः च दिक्षु सर्वासु शुश्रुवे || २-९१-२५

Thereafter wonderful clouds let loose a rain of flowers, while the sound of divine gongs could be heard on every side.

25. tataH = thereafter; divyaaH = wonderful; ghanaaH = clouds; abhyavarSantaH = let loose; kusuma vR^iSTayaH = a rain of flowers; divya dundubhi ghoSashcha = while the sound of divine gongs; shushrave = could be heard; sarvaasu = in every; dikSu = quarter

Verse 26

प्रववुः च उत्तमा वाता ननृतुः च अप्सरो गणाः |
प्रजगुर् देव गन्धर्वा वीणा प्रमुमुचुः स्वरान् || २-९१-२६

Troops of Apsaras (divine nymphs) danced to the melodious rustling of the wind. The clestials and the celestial musicians sang. Vinas, stringed musical instruments transmitted their tunes.

26. uttamaaH = (to the) Melodious; prasavuH = rustling; vaataashcha = of the wind; apsarogaNaaH = troops of Apsaras( divine nymphs); nanR^itushcha = danced; devagandharaaH = the celestials and celestial musicians; jagushcha = sang; viiNaaH = vina’s stringed musical instruments; pramumuchuH = sent forth; svaraan = their tones.

Verse 27

स शब्दो द्याम् च भूमिम् च प्राणिनाम् श्रवणानि च |
विवेश उच्चारितः श्लक्ष्णः समो लय गुण अन्वितः || २-९१-२७

Sweat and harmonious sounds emitted smoothly, entered the sky earth and the ears of beings.

27. SakSNaH = sweet; layasamanvitaH = and harmonious; saH shabdaH = sounds; uchcharitaH = emitted; samaH = smoothly; vivesha = entered; dyaamcha = the sky; bhuumimcha = earth; shravaNaanicha = and the ears; praaNinaam = of beings.

Verse 28

तस्मिन्न् उपरते शब्दे दिव्ये श्रोत्र सुखे नृणाम् |
ददर्श भारतम् सैन्यम् विधानम् विश्व कर्मणः || २-९१-२८

When those celestial melodies ceased so pleasingly heard by the human ears, Bharata’s army saw the wonderful creations of Visvakarma.

28. tasmin (when) those; divye shabde = celestial melodies; uparate = ceased; shrotrasukhe = so pleasingly heard; nR^iNaam = by human beings; bhaaratam = Bharata’s; sainyam = army; dadarsha = saw; vidhaanam = the wonderful creations; vishvakarmaNaH = of Visvakarma.

Verse 29

बभूव हि समा भूमिः समन्तात् पन्च योजनम् |
शाद्वलैर् बहुभिः चन्ना नील वैदूर्य सम्निभैः || २-९१-२९

A levelled land of approximately twenty miles on all sides, became covered by many carpets of grass, dark as emerald.

29. samaa = A levelled; bhuumiH = land; paN^ca yojanaa = of approximately twenty miles; samantaat = around; babhuuva hi = became; chhanna = covered; bahubhiH shaadvalaiH = by many carpets of grass; niila vaiDhuurya sannibhaiH = dark as emerald.

Verse 30

तस्मिन् बिल्वाः कपित्थाः च पनसा बीज पूरकाः |
आमलक्यो बभूवुः च चूताः च फल भूषणाः || २-९१-३०

At that place, Bilva, Kapittha, Panasa, Citron Amalaki and Mango Trees laden with fruit appeared.

30. tasmin = At that place; bilvaaH = Bilva; kapitthashcha = Kapitha; panasaaH = Panasa; biija puurakaH = Citron; amalakyaH = amalaki; chuutaashcha = and mango trees; phala bhuuSaNaaH = laden with fruit; babhuuvUH = were there.

Verse 32

चतुः शालानि शुभ्राणि शालाः च गज वाजिनाम् |
हर्म्य प्रासाद सम्घाताः तोरणानि शुभानि च || २-९१-३२

Splendid square mansions with stables for elephants and horses as well as resplendent gates with watch-towers flanked by turrets were seen.

32. shubhraaNi = Splendid; chatushshaalaani = square mansions; shaalaashcha = with stables; gaja vaajinaam = for elephants and horses; (as well as); shubhaani = resplendent; harmya praasaada samyukta toraNaani = gates with watch-towers flanked by turrets (could be seen).

Verse 31

उत्तरेभ्यः कुरुभ्यः च वनम् दिव्य उपभोगवत् |
आजगाम नदी दिव्या तीरजैर् बहुभिर् वृता || २-९१-३१

A forest of divine enjoyments from the territory of northern Kuru’s along with a river shaped with various trees on its bank appeared there.

31. vanam = A forest; divyopabhogaat = of divine enjoyments; uttarebhyaH kurubhyaH = from the tearitory of northern Kuru’s; divyaa = and a divine; nadii = river; kR^itaa = shaped; bahubhiH = with various; tiirajaiH = trees on its bank; aajagaama = appeared (there)

Verse 32

चतुः शालानि शुभ्राणि शालाः च गज वाजिनाम् |
हर्म्य प्रासाद सम्घाताः तोरणानि शुभानि च || २-९१-३२

Splendid square mansions with stables for elephants and horses as well as resplendent gates with watch-towers flanked by turrets were seen.

32. shubhraaNi = Splendid; chatushshaalaani = square mansions; shaalaashcha = with stables; gaja vaajinaam = for elephants and horses; (as well as); shubhaani = resplendent; harmya praasaada samyukta toraNaani = gates with watch-towers flanked by turrets (could be seen).

Verse 33, 34 & 35

सित मेघ निभम् च अपि राज वेश्म सुतोरणम् |
शुक्ल माल्य कृत आकारम् दिव्य गन्ध समुक्षितम् || २-९१-३३
चतुर् अस्रम् असम्बाधम् शयन आसन यानवत् |
दिव्यैः सर्व रसैर् युक्तम् दिव्य भोजन वस्त्रवत् || २-९१-३४
उपकल्पित सर्व अन्नम् धौत निर्मल भाजनम् |
क्लृप्त सर्व आसनम् श्रीमत् स्वास्तीर्ण शयन उत्तमम् || २-९१-३५

A royal palace emerged, dazzling as a cloud, pierced by splendid arches, hung with white garlands, filled with fragrance of celestial perfumes, forming a perfect quadrangle, spacious, furnished with couches seats and palanquins, supplied with ambrosial drinks of every kind as well as magnificent attire and food of every variety, well-prepared eatables of every description in cleaned vessels free from dirt and all kinds of seats arranged in order looked charming with superb couches duly covered with rich carpets.

33; 34; 35. raaja veshma chaapi = even a royal palace; (emerged); sita megha nibham = dazzling as a cloud; sutoraNam = pierced by splendid arches; shukla maalya kR^itaakaaram = hung with white garlands; divya gandha samukSitam = filled with fragrance of celestial perfumes; chaturashram = forming a perfect quadrangle; asambaadham = spacious; shayanaasana yaanavat = and furnished with couches; seats and palanquins; divyaiH = (supplied with) ambrosial; sarva rasaiH = drinks of every kind; divya bhojana vastravat = magnificent attire and food of every variety; upakalpita sarvaannam = well-prepared eatables of every description; dhauta nirmala bhaajanam = in cleaned vessels free from dirt; klupta sarvaasanam = all kinds of seats arranged in order; svaastiirNa shayanottamam = with superb couches duly covered with rich carpets; shriimat = looked charming.

Verse 36

प्रविवेश महा बाहुर् अनुज्नातो महर्षिणा |
वेश्म तद् रत्न सम्पूर्णम् भरतः कैकयी सुतः || २-९१-३६

The mighty armed Bharata the son of Kaikeyi on invitation by the great sage, entered that palace filled with precious gems.

36. mahaabaahuH = the mighty armed; bharataH = Bharata; kaikeyiisutaH = the son of Kaikeyi; anN^aataH = on the invitation; maharSiNaa = of the great sage; pravivesha = entered; tat veshma = that palace; ratna sampuurNam = filled with precious gems.

Verse 37

अनुजग्मुः च तम् सर्वे मन्त्रिणः सपुरोहिताः |
बभूवुः च मुदा युक्ता तम् दृष्ट्वा वेश्म सम्विधिम् || २-९१-३७

All the ministers together with priests accompanied Bharata and on entering that excellent get-up of the house, were filled with delight

37. sarve = all; mantriNaH = the ministers; sapurohitaaH = together with priests; anujagmushcha = accompanied; tam = Bharata; dR^iSTvaa = and on seeing; tam = that; veshma samvidhim = excellent get-up of the palace; babhuuvushcha = they became; yuktaaH = filled; mudaa = with delight.

Verse 38

तत्र राज आसनम् दिव्यम् व्यजनम् चत्रम् एव च |
भरतो मन्त्रिभिः सार्धम् अभ्यवर्तत राजवत् || २-९१-३८

Bharata along with his ministers went clock-wise round the excellent royal throne, whisk and the royal umbrella kept there, as if they were utilized by a king.

38. bharataH = Bharata; mantribhiH saartham = along with his ministers; abhyavartata = went clockwise round; divyam = the excellent; raajaasanam = royal throne; vyajanam = whisk; chhatram eva cha = and the royal umbrella; (kept there); raajavat = as if they were utilized by a king.

Verse 39

आसनम् पूजयाम् आस रामाय अभिप्रणम्य च |
वाल व्यजनम् आदाय न्यषीदत् सचिव आसने || २-९१-३९

They paid reverence to the royal seat, bowing before it, as if Rama sat thereon and thereafter Bharata, taking hold of the whisk, sat down on the seat meant for the chief minister.

39. puujamaayaasa = (they) paid reverence; aasanam = to the royal seat; abhipraNamya cha = bowing before it; raamaaya = as if Rama sat thereon; (and thereafter Bharata); aadaaya = taking hold of; vaala vyaajanam = the whisk; nyaSidat = sat down; schivaasane = on the seat meant for the chief minister.

Verse 40

आनुपूर्व्यान् निषेदुः च सर्वे मन्त्र पुरोहिताः |
ततः सेना पतिः पश्चात् प्रशास्ता च निषेदतुः || २-९१-४०

All the ministers and priests sat down in order of precedence. Thereafter, the chief of the army and at last the officer-in-charge of the encampment occupied their seats.

40. sarve = all; mantri purohitaaH = the ministers and priests; niSeduH = sat down; aanupuurvyaan = in order of precedence; tataH = thereafter; senaapatiH = the chief of the army; pashchaat = and at last; prashaastaacha = the officer-in-charge of the encampment.

Verse 41

ततः तत्र मुहूर्तेन नद्यः पायस कर्दमाः |
उपातिष्ठन्त भरतम् भरद्वाजस्य शासनत् || २-९१-४१

Then, on an instant, by the orders of Bharadwaja, streams having milk thickened with rice in the place of mud, flowed towards Bharata.

41. tataH = thereafter; muhurtena = on an instant; shaasanaat = by the orders; bharadvaajasya = of Bharadwaja; nadyaH = streams; paayasa kardamaaH = having milk thickened with rice in the plce of mud; upatiSThanta = flowed; bharatam = towards Bharata; tatra = there.

Verse 42

तासाम् उभयतः कूलम् पाण्डु मृत्तिक लेपनाः |
रम्याः च आवसथा दिव्या ब्रह्मणः तु प्रसादजाः || २-९१-४२

On both the banks of those streams, enchanting and celestial houses plastered with white clay born out of the grace of Brahma the Lord of creation, appeared.

42. ubhayataH kuulam = On both the banks; taasaam = of those streams; ramyaaH = enchanting; divyaaH = and celestial; aavasadhaashcha = houses; paaNDu mR^ittika lepanaaH = plastered with white clay; prasaadajaaH = born of the grace; brahmaNaH = of Brahma the Lord of creation; (appeared there).

Verse 43

तेन एव च मुहूर्तेन दिव्य आभरण भूषिताः |
आगुर् विंशति साहस्राः ब्राह्मणा प्रहिताः स्त्रियः || २-९१-४३

At that moment itself, twenty thousand women adorned with beautiful ornaments, sent by Brahma, arrived.

43. tena = at that; muhuurtena = moment itself; vimshati saahaasraaH = twenty thousand; striyaH = women; divyaabharaNa bhuuSitaaH = adorned with beautiful ornaments; prahitaaH = sent; brahmaNaa = by Brahma; aaguH = arrived.

Verse 44

सुवर्ण मणि मुक्तेन प्रवालेन च शोभिताः |
आगुर् विंशति साहस्राः कुबेर प्रहिताः स्त्रियः || २-९१-४४

Twenty thousand more women, who were radiant and adorned with gold, gems, pearls and corals came from the region of Kubera.

44. vimshatisaahasraaH = twenty thousand more; striyaH = women; shobhitaaH = who were radiant; suvarNa maNi muktena = and adorned with gold; gems; perals; pravaaLena = and corals; aaguH = came; kubera prahitaaH = from the region of Kubera.

Verse 44

सुवर्ण मणि मुक्तेन प्रवालेन च शोभिताः |
आगुर् विंशति साहस्राः कुबेर प्रहिताः स्त्रियः || २-९१-४४

Twenty thousand more women, who were radiant and adorned with gold, gems, pearls and corals came from the region of Kubera.

44. vimshatisaahasraaH = twenty thousand more; striyaH = women; shobhitaaH = who were radiant; suvarNa maNi muktena = and adorned with gold; gems; perals; pravaaLena = and corals; aaguH = came; kubera prahitaaH = from the region of Kubera.

Verse 45

याभिर् गृहीतः पुरुषः स उन्माद इव लक्ष्यते |
आगुर् विंशति साहस्रा नन्दनाद् अप्सरो गणाः || २-९१-४५

A particular company of Apsaras, embraced by whom, a man looked as though seized with insanity, came from Nandana grove.

45. apsaro gaNaaH = a particular company of Apsaras; grahiitaH = embraced; yaabhiH = by whom; puruSaH = a man; lakSyate = looked; sonmaada iva = as though seized with insanity; aaguH = came; nandanaat = from Nandana grove.

Verse 46

नारदः तुम्बुरुर् गोपः पर्वतः सूर्य वर्चसः |
एते गन्धर्व राजानो भरतस्य अग्रतो जगुः || २-९१-४६

Those most excellent kings among celestial musicians – Narada, Tumbura and Gopa whose radiance is like that of the sun, began to sing in front of Bharata.

46. ete = these; pravaraaH = most excellent; gandharva raajaanaH = kings among celestial musicians; naaradaH = Narada; tumburuH = Tumburu; gopaH = and Gopa; sumryavarchasaH = whose radiance is like that of the sun; jaguH = began to sing; agrataH = in front; bharatasya = of Bharata.

Verse 47

अलम्बुसा मिश्र केशी पुण्डरीका अथ वामना |
उपानृत्यमः तु भरतम् भरद्वाजस्य शासनात् || २-९१-४७

Then, on the command of Bharadwaja, Alambusa, MishraKesi and Vamana started dancing in the presence of Bharata.

47. atha = then; shaasanaat = on the command; bharadvaajasya = of Bharadwaja; alambusaa = Alambusa; mishra keshi = Misra Kesi; puNDariikaa = Pundarika; vaamanaa = and Vamana; upaanR^ityantu = started dancing in the presence; bharatam = of Bharata.

Verse 48

यानि माल्यानि देवेषु यानि चैत्ररथे वने |
प्रयागे तान्य् अदृश्यन्त भरद्वाजस्य शासनात् || २-९१-४८

By the command of Bharadwaja, wreaths of flowers which were beloved of the gods or those which grow in the woods of chaitra ratha were seen at Prayaga.

48. shaasanaat = by the command; bharadwajasya = of Bharadwaja; maalyaani = wreaths of flowers; yaani = which were; deveSu = (beloved) of the gods; taani = or those; yaani = which; vane = grow in the woods; chaitrarathe = of Chaitraratha; aadR^ishyanta = were seen; prayaage = at Prayaga.

Verse 49

बिल्वा मार्दन्गिका आसन् शम्या ग्राहा बिभीतकाः |
अश्वत्था नर्तकाः च आसन् भरद्वाजस्य तेजसा || २-९१-४९

By the command of Bharadwaja, Bel trees assumed the form of drummers, Vibhitaka trees assumed the form of cymbalists and Peepul trees assumed the form of dancers.

49. shaasanaat = By the command; bharadwaajasya = of Bharadwaja; bilvaaH = Bel trees; aasan = assumed; maardaN^gikaaH = (the form) of drummers; vibhiitakaaH = Vibhitaka trees; shamyaagraahaaH = of cymbalists; ashvathaaH = Peepul trees; aasan = assumed; nartakaashcha = the form of dancers.

Verse 50

ततः सरल तालाः च तिलका नक्त मालकाः |
प्रहृष्टाः तत्र सम्पेतुः कुब्जा भूता अथ वामनाः || २-९१-५०

Then, dcodars palmyras and Tilaka trees along with Tamala trees transformed into hunch backs and dwarfs and joyfully arrived there.

50. tataH = then; saraLataaLaashcha = deoders; palmyras; tilakaaH = and Tilaka trees; bhuutvaa = transformed into; kubjaaH = hunchbacks; atha = and; vaamanaaH = dwarfs; prahR^iSTaaH = joyfully; sampetuH = arrived; tatra = there.

Verse 51

शिंशपा आमलकी जम्बूर् याः च अन्याः कानने लताः |
मालती मल्लिका जातिर्याश्चान्याः कानने लताः || २-९१-५१
प्रमदा विग्रहम् कृत्वा भरद्वाज आश्रमे अवसन् |

Shimshapas (Ashoka trees), Amalakis (Emblic myrobalan), Jambus (rose-apple trees), Malati, Mallika Jati and other creepers in the forest had been changed into dancing girls in the hermitage of Bharadwaja and they spoke as follows:

51. shimshupamamalakiijambvaH = Shimsapas (Ashoka trees); Amalakis(Emblic myrobalan); Jambus(rose apple trees); maalati = Malati; mallikaa = Mallika; jaatiH = and Jati; anyaaH = and other; yaH lataaH = creepers; kaanane = in the forest; kR^itvaa = had been changed; pramadaavigraham = into the form of dancing girls; bharadwaajaasrame = in the hermitage of Bharadwaja; (and they) avadan = spoke (as follows).

Verse 52 & 54

सुराम् सुरापाः पिबत पायसम् च बुभुक्षिताः || २-९१-५२
मांसनि च सुमेध्यानि भक्ष्यन्ताम् यावद् इग्च्छथ || २-९१-५३

“O, wine-bibbers! Drink the wine, however much you desire! O troops stricken with hunger! Let milk thickened iwth rice and the meats which are very much fresh, be eaten (as you will)”

52; 53. suraapaaH = O; wine-bibbers!; pibata = drink; yaavat = however much; suraaH = wine; ichchhatha = you desire! bubhukSitaaH = O troops stricken with hunger! (Let); paayasam cha = milk thickened with rice; maamsaanicha = and meats; sumedhyaani = which are very much fresh; bhakSyantaam = be eaten.

Verse 54

उत्साद्य स्नापयन्ति स्म नदी तीरेषु वल्गुषु |
अप्य् एकम् एकम् पुरुषम् प्रमदाः सत्प च अष्ट च || २-९१-५४

Seven or eight young women bathed every single man on the beautiful river-banks, after massaging their body with oil.

54. sapta cha seven or; aSTa cha = eight; pramadaaH = young women; snaanayantisma api = bathed; ekam ekam = every single; puruSam = man; abhi valguSu = on the beautiful; nadiitiireSu = on the beautiful; nadiitiireSu = river-banks; uchchhaadya = after massaging their body with oil.

Verse 55

सम्वहन्त्यः समापेतुर् नार्यो रुचिर लोचनाः |
परिमृज्य तथा न्यायम् पाययन्ति वर अन्गनाः || २-९१-५५

Women with charming eyes came running and shampooed their limbs. Lovely women likewise wiped off the moisture on their body with towels and gave them beverages to drink, mutually sharing them among each other.

55. naaryaH = women; ruchira lochanaaH = with charming eyes; samaapetuH = came running; samvaahantya = and shampooed their limbs; varaaNganaaH = lovely women; tathaa = like wise; parimR^ijya = wiped off the moisture (on their body); paayayanti = and gave them beverages to drink; anyauyam = mutually sharing them among each other.

Verse 56

हयान् गजान् खरान् उष्ट्रामः तथैव सुरभेः सुतान् |
अभोजयन् वाहनपास्तेषां भोज्यं यथाविधि || २-९१-५६

The keepers of animals fed horses, elephants, donkeys, camels and bullocks (the offspring of Surabhi the divine cow) with their suitable feed.

56. vaahanapaaH = the keepers of animals; abhojayan = fed; hayaan = the horses; gajaan elephantsl kharaan = donkeys; uSTraan = camels; tathaiva = and likewise; sutaan = the offspring; surabheH = of Surabhi the divine cow; teSaam = with their; bhojyam = feed; yathaavidhi = suitably.

Verse 57

इक्षूमः च मधु जालामः च भोजयन्ति स्म वाहनान् |
इक्ष्वाकु वर योधानाम् चोदयन्तो महा बलाः || २-९१-५७

The animals, belonging to the exceedingly strong and illustrious warriors, the descendents of Ikshvaku, were fed with pieces of sugarcane and roasted grain soaked in honey, duly cajoling them to eat.

57. vaahanaan = the animals; ikSvaaku varayodhaanaam = belonging to the illustrious warriors the descendents of Ikshvakus; mahaa balaaH = the exceedingly strong men; bhojantisma = were fed; ikSuumshcha = with sugarcane; madhulajaamshcha = and roasted grain mixed in honey; chodayantaH = duly cajoling them to eat.

Verse 58

न अश्व बन्धो अश्वम् आजानान् न गजम् कुन्जर ग्रहः |
मत्त प्रमत्त मुदिता चमूः सा तत्र सम्बभौ || २-९१-५८

The groom did not recognise his horse. The elephant-keeper did not recognise his elephant. That army there appeared intoxicated, maddened and enraptured on that spot.

58. ashvabandhaH = the groom; na ajaanaat = did not recognize; ashram = his horse; kuN^jara grahaH = the elephant-keeper; na = did not recognise; gajam = his elephant; saa = that; chamuuH = army; tatra = there; sambabhau = appeared; mattapramatta muditaa = intoxicated; maddened and enraptured on that spot.

Verse 59

तर्पिता सर्व कामैः ते रक्त चन्दन रूषिताः |
अप्सरो गण सम्युक्ताः सैन्या वाचम् उदैरयन् || २-९१-५९

With all their desires gratified, their bodies anointed with red-sandal paste, and surrounded by a company of Apsaras, those soldiers uttered the following words.

59. sarva kaamaiH = with all their desires; tarpitaH = gratified; rakta chandana ruuSitaaH = and their bodies anointed with red-sandal paste; apsarogaNa samyuktaaH = surrounded by a company of Apsaras; te sainyaaH = those soldiers; adairayan = uttered; vaacham = these words.

Verse 60

न एव अयोध्याम् गमिष्यामो न गमिष्याम दण्डकान् |
कुशलम् भरतस्य अस्तु रामस्य अस्तु तथा सुखम् || २-९१-६०

“We shall not go either to Ayodhya or to Dandaka forest. Let Bharata be well! Likewise, let Rama too be at east!”

60. naiva gamiSyaamaH = we shall not go; ayodhyaam = either to Ayodhya; daN^Dakaan = or to Dandaka forest; bharatasya = Let Bharata; astu = be; kushalam = well!; tathaa = likewise; raamasya = let Rama; astu = be; sukham = at ease!

Verse 61

इति पादात योधाः च हस्त्य् अश्व आरोह बन्धकाः |
अनाथाः तम् विधिम् लब्ध्वा वाचम् एताम् उदैरयन् || २-९१-६१

Having obtained that hospitality, the infantry, the cavalry as well as those mounted on elephants and their keepers too, no longer acknowledging their leaders, spoke the following words:

61. labdhvaa = having obtained; tam = that; vidhim = hospitality; paadaatayodhaashcha = infantry; hastyashvaaroha bandhakaaH = and cavalry as well as those mounted on elephants and their keepers too; anaathaaH = no longer acknowledging their leaders; udairayan = spoke; etaam = these; vaadam = words; iti = thus.

Verse 62

सम्प्रहृष्टा विनेदुः ते नराः तत्र सहस्रशः |
भरतस्य अनुयातारः स्वर्गे अयम् इति च अब्रुवन् || २-९१-६२

In the height of joy, those men in thousands there, the retinue of Bharata cried out, “This is verily of heaven!”

62. samprahR^iSTaaH = in the height of joy; te naraaH = those men; sahasrashaH = in thosands; tatra = there; anuyaataaraH = the retinue; bharatasya = of Bharata; vineduH = cried out; abruvan = and spoke too; iti = thus; ayam = “Verily; this is; svagaH = heaven!”

Verse 63

नृत्यन्ति स्म हसन्तिस्म गायन्ति स्म च सैनिकाः |
समन्तात् परिधावन्ति माल्यो पेताः सहस्रशः || २-९१-६३

The soldiers in thousands, wreathed in flowers danced, laughed, sang and ran hither and thither.

63. sainikaaH = the soldiers; sahasrashaH = in thousands; maalyapetaaH = wreathed in flowers; nR^ityantisma = danced; hasantisma = laughed; gaayantisma = and sang; paridhaavanti = and ran; samantaat = hither and thither.

Verse 64

ततो भुक्तवताम् तेषाम् तद् अन्नम् अमृत उपमम् |
दिव्यान् उद्वीक्ष्य भक्ष्यामः तान् अभवद् भक्षणे मतिः || २-९१-६४

To those soldiers who had partaken that food which was as sweet as ambrosia, when they saw again those fresh dishes, there arose in them a desire to eat them again.

64. tataH = thereafter; teSaam = to those soldiers; bhuktavataam = who had partaken; tat annam = that food; amR^itopamam = which was as sweet as ambrosia; udviikSya = when they saw; taan = those; divyaan = fresh; bhakSyaan = dishes; abhavat = there arose; matiH = a desire; bhakSaNe = to eat (them again).

Verse 65

प्रेष्याः चेट्यः च वध्वः च बलस्थाः च अपि सर्वशः |
बभूवुः ते भृशम् तृप्ताः सर्वे च आहत वाससः || २-९१-६५

Thousands of servants, slaves, youthful women and those in the army on every side, clad in new raiment, became very much contented.

65. sahasrashaH = thousands of; preSyaaH = servants; cheTyashcha = slaves; vadhvashcha = youthful women; te = and those; balasthaaH = in the army; sarvacha = on every side; aahata raasasaH = clad in new raiment; babhuuvaH = became; bhR^isham = very much; dR^iptaaH = contented.

Verse 66

कुन्जराः च खर उष्ट्रः च गो अश्वाः च मृग पक्षिणः |
बभूवुः सुभृताः तत्र न अन्यो ह्य् अन्यम् अकल्पयत् || २-९१-६६

Elephants, donkeys, camels, bullocks, horses, animals and birds there were suitably well-fed. Hence, one did not afflict the other.

66. kuNjaraasahcha = Elephants; kharoSTraashcha = donkeys; camels; go.ashvaashcha = bullocks; horses; mR^iga pakSiNaH = animals and birds; tatra = there; babhuuvaH = were suitably; subhR^itaaH = fed well; anyaH = one; naakalpayat hi = did not afflict; anyam = the other.

Verse 67

न अशुक्ल वासाः तत्र आसीत् क्षुधितो मलिनो अपि वा |
रजसा ध्वस्त केशो वा नरः कश्चिद् अदृश्यत || २-९१-६७

There was no one seen in soiled attire or hungry or unkept or with hair powdered with dust.

67. tatra = there; na aasiit = was no one; naa dR^ishyata = nor any one seen; ashuklavaasaa = in soiled attire; kSudhitaH = or hungry; malino.api = or unkept; kashchit naraH = or any man; dhvasta keshovaa = with his hair spoiled; rajasaa = by powdered dust.

Verse 68 & 69

आजैः च अपि च वाराहैर् निष्टान वर संचयैः |
फल निर्यूह संसिद्धैः सूपैर् गन्ध रस अन्वितैः || २-९१-६८
पुष्प ध्वजवतीः पूर्णाः शुक्लस्य अन्नस्य च अभितः |
ददृशुर् विस्मिताः तत्र नरा लौहीः सहस्रशः || २-९१-६९

Dishes of goat and boar with delicious sauces were there and condiments that were spicy, fragrant and succulent, cooked in fruit juices; vessels of rare metals filled with rice, decorated with flowers, were offered in thousands to those soldiers there. The soldiers saw them with wonder on all sides.

68; 69. aajaishchaapi = dishes of goat; vaarahaishcha = and boar; niSThaana vara samchayaiH = with delicious sauces; tatra = were there; suupaiH = flavoury soups; gandha rasaanvitaiH = that were spicy; fragrant and succulent; phala niryuuha samsiddhaiH = cooked in fruit juices; puurNaaH = filled; lohiiH = in vessels of rare metals; sahasrashaH = in thousands; puSpa dhvajavatiiH = decorated with flowers shuklaamshcha annasya = of white rice; naraaH = those soldiers; dadR^ishuH = saw (them); tatra = there; vos;otaaJ = with wonder; abhitaH = on all sides .

Verse 70

बभूवुर् वन पार्श्वेषु कूपाः पायस कर्दमाः |
ताः च कामदुघा गावो द्रुमाः च आसन् मधुश्च्युतः || २-९१-७०

The wells in various sides of the forest (surrounding Bharadwaja’s hermitage) have their mud transformed into milk in which rice was cooked. The cows in the region were transformed into cows of plenty and the trees dripped honey.

70. kuupaaH = the wells; vana paarshveSu = in various sides of the kardamaaH = have their mud transformed into milk in which rice has been cooked with sugar; taaH = those; gaavaH = cows; aasan = were transformed; kaamadughaaH = into cows of plenty; drumaashcha = and the trees; madhushchyutaH = dripped honey.

Verse 71

वाप्यो मैरेय पूर्णाः च मृष्ट मांस चयैर् वृताः |
प्रतप्त पिठरैः च अपि मार्ग मायूर कौक्कुटैः || २-९१-७१

Some ponds there were endowed with full of wine and some were filled with assortment of various dressed meats pertaining to deer, peacocks and wild cocks; cooked in hot pans.

71. vaapyaH = (some) ponds; vR^itaaH = were endowed with; maireya puurNaashcha = full of wine; (and some ponds with); mR^iSTaiH = pertaining to deer; peacocks and wild cocks; vratapta piTaraiH = cooked in hot pans.

Verse 72

पात्रीणाम् च सहस्राणि शात कुम्भमयानि च |
स्थाल्यः कुम्भ्यः करम्भ्यः च दधि पूर्णाः सुसंस्कृताः || २-९१-७२
यौवनस्थस्य गौरस्य कपित्थस्य सुगन्धिनः |

There were thousands of portable furnaces, lacs of culinary utensils ten crores of golden vessels, well-cleaned bowls filled with curds, small water-jars and wide-mouthed dishes.

72. (There were); sahasraaNi = thousands; paatriiNaam = of portable furnances; niyutaani = lacs; sthaliinaam = of culinary utensils; nyarbudaanicha = ten crores; shaata kumbha mayaani = of golden; paatraaNi = vessels; susamskR^itaaH = well-cleaned; sthaalyaH = bowls; dadhipuurNaaH = filled with curd; kumbhyaH = small water-jars; karambhyashcha = and wide-mouthed dishes.

Verse 73 & 74

ह्रदाः पूर्णा रसालस्य दध्नः श्वेतस्य च अपरे |
बभूवुः पायसस्य अन्ते शर्करायाः च संचयाः || २-९१-७३
कल्कामः चूर्ण कषायामः च स्नानानि विविधानि च |
ददृशुर् भाजनस्थानि तीर्थेषु सरिताम् नराः || २-९१-७४

Lakes full of fresh curds, shining fragrant and in the colour of a wood-apple, curds mixed with sugar and spices, some other lakes filled with shite curds, some others filled with milk soaked in rice as well as sugar and some other lakes with a mixture of barley and sugar were formed.

73; 74. hradaaH = lakes; puurNaaH = full; yauvanasthasya = of fresh (curds) gaurasya = shining sugandhinaH = fragrant; kapitthasya = and also in the colour of a wood-apple; rasaalasya = curds mixed with sugar and spices; apare cha = some other lakes; shvetasya = of white; dadhnaH = curds; anye = and some other lakes; paayasasya = of milk soaked in rice and sugar; sharkaraayaavasamchayaaH = and of heaps of mixture of barley-flour and sugar; babhuuvaH = were formed.

Verse 75

कल्कान् चूर्णकषायांश्च स्नानानि विविधानि च |
ददृशुर्भाजनस्थानि तीर्थेषु सरितां नराः || २-९१-७५

Those soldiers saw jellies, powders and syrups made of fruits and various kinds of accessories used in bathing, kept stored in vessels, on the banks of rivers.

75. naraaH = those soldiers; dadR^ishuH = saw; kalkaan = jellies; chuurNa kaSaayaamshcha = powders and syrups (made of fruits); vividhaani = and various kinds; snaanaanicha = of accessories used in bathing; bhaajana sthaani = kept stored in vessels; tiirtheSu = on the banks; saritaam = of rivers.

Verse 76, 77, 78, 79 & 80

शुक्लान् अंशुमतः च अपि दन्त धावन संचयान् |
शुक्लामः चन्दन कल्कामः च समुद्गेषु अवतिष्ठतः || २-९१-७६
दर्पणान् परिमृष्टामः च वाससाम् च अपि संचयान् |
पादुक उपानहाम् चैव युग्मान् यत्र सहस्रशः ||२-९१-७७
आन्जनीः कन्कतान् कूर्चामः चत्राणि च धनूम्षि च |
मर्म त्राणानि चित्राणि शयनान्य् आसनानि च || २-९१-७८
प्रतिपान ह्रदान् पूर्णान् खर उष्ट्र गज वाजिनाम् |
अवगाह्य सुतीर्थामः च ह्रदान् स उत्पल पुष्करान् || २-९१-७९
नील वैदूर्य वर्णामः च मृदून् यवस संचयान् |
निर्वाप अर्थम् पशूनाम् ते ददृशुः तत्र सर्वशः || २-९१-८०

Those soldiers saw there heaps of twings used for cleaning the teeth with white brushes at their tips, white sandal pastes stored in caskets, polished mirrors, piles of clothes, thousands of pairs of shoes and sandals, caskets containing collyrium for the eyes; combs, brushed, raiments bows, protectors of vitals, strange couches and seats, drinking ponds for donkeys camels elephants and horses, lakes with good stairs for descent having water-lilies and lotuses with sky-blue colour, with clear water offering a comfortable bath and soft grasses having a colour of Nipa tree and of cat’s eye gems useful for feeding animals.

76; 77; 78; 79; 80. ta = those soldiers; dadR^ishaH = saw; tatra = there; sarvashaH = all around; dana dhaavana samchayaan = heaps of twigs used for cleaning the teeth; shuklaam = with white; mshumatashchaapi = brushes; shuklaan = white; chandana kalkaamshcha = sandal pastes; avatiSThataH = stored; samudgeSu = in caskets; parimR^iSThaam = polished; darpaNaancha = mirrors; samchayaan chaapi = piles; vaasasaam = of clothes; sahasrashaH = thousands; yugmaanicha = of pairs; paadukopaanahaam = of shoes and sandals; aaNjaniiH = caskets containing collyrium for the eyes; kamkataan = combs; kuurchaan = brushes; vastraaNi cha = raiments; dhanuumSicha = bows; marmatraanaani = protectors of vitals; chitraaNi = strange; shayanaani = couches; aasanaani = and seats; pratipaaa hradaan = drinking ponds; kharoSTragaja vaajinaam = for donkeys; camels; elephants and horses; hradaan = lakes; avagaahya sutiirthaan = with good stairs for descent; sotapalapuSkaran = with water lilies and lotuses; aakaashavarNapratimaan = with sky-blue colour; svachchhatoyaan = with clear water; sukhaplavaan- offering a comfortable bath; mR^iduun = and soft; yavasa samohayaan = grasses; nirvaapaarthaan = useful for feeding; pashuunaam = the animal; niipa vaiDhurya varNaamshcha = having colour of Nipa trees and of cat’s eye gems.

Verse 81

व्यस्मयन्त मनुष्यस्ते स्वप्नकल्फं तदद्भुतं |
दृष्ट्वाऽतिथ्यं कृतं तादृग्भरतस्य महार्षिणा २-९१-८१

Seeing such a wonderful and dreamlike hospitality offered by the great sage Bharadwaja, all those men were surprised.

81. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; tat = that; adbhutam = wonderful; taadR^ik = and such; svapnakalpam = a dream-like; aatithyam = hospitality; kR^itam = offered; maharSiNaa = by the great sage Bharadwaja; te manuSyaaH = those men; vyasmayanta = were surprised.

Verse 82

इत्य् एवम् रममाणानाम् देवानाम् इव नन्दने |
भरद्वाज आश्रमे रम्ये सा रात्रिर् व्यत्यवर्तत || २-९१-८२

While they were enjoying thus in that charming hermitage of Bharadwaja, in the same manner as celestials enjoy the garden of Nandna, that night had elapsed.

82. rama maaNaanaam = while they were enjoying; ityevam = thus; ramye = in that charming; bharadwaajaashrame = hermitage of Bharadwaja; devaanaamiva = like celestials; (enjoying); nanadane = in the garden of nandana; saa raatriH = that night; vytyavartata = had elapsed.

Verse 83

प्रतिजग्मुः च ता नद्यो गन्धर्वाः च यथा आगतम् |
भरद्वाजम् अनुज्नाप्य ताः च सर्वा वर अन्गनाः || २-९१-८३

Having been permitted by Bharadwaja, those rivers, the celestial musicians and all those beautiful women went back by the same way they came.

83. anujJNaapya = having been permitted; bharadvaajam = by Bharadwaja; taaH nadyaH = those rivers; gandharvaashcha = the celestial musicians; sarvaaH = (and) all; taaH = those; varaaNganaashcha = beautiful women; pratijagmushcha = went back; yathaagatam = by the same way they came.

Verse 84

तथैव मत्ता मदिर उत्कटा नराः |
तथैव दिव्य अगुरु चन्दन उक्षिताः |
तथैव दिव्या विविधाः स्रग् उत्तमाः |
पृथक् प्रकीर्णा मनुजैः प्रमर्दिताः || २-९१-८४

The soldiers, intoxicated with spirituous liquor, were likewise excited with joy. Likewise, the men were drenched in charming aloes and sandal paste. Various kinds of excellent and charming garlands were there, crushed and garlands were there, crushed and scattered at distances, likewise.

84. naraaH = the soldiers; madirotkaTaaH = intoxicated with spirituous liquor; tathaiva mattaaH = were likewise excited with joy; tathaiva = Like wise; divyaagaru chandanokSitaaH = they were drenched in charming aloes and sandal paste; pramarditaaH = crushed; prakiirNaaH = and scattered; pR^ithak = at a distance; vividhaaH = various kinds; divyaah = of beautiful; sraguttamaaH = and excellent garlands; tathaiva = were there likewise.

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