85 – Bharata thanks Guha for his hospitality


Bharata thanks Guha for having come forward to offer hospitality to him and his army. He enquires about the proper route to proceed to the hermitage of Bharadvaja. Guha assures Bharata that he along with some of his ferrymen will follow him as guides. When Guha enquires Bharata whether he has an evil intention towards Rama, Bharata clarifies him that he is proceeding to Rama?s place to bring him back to Ayodhya. When night falls Bharata along with Shatrughna and his army take rest. However Guha consoles Bharata, who has been constantly bewailing, till the nightfall.

Verse 1

एवमुक्तस्तु भरतो निषादाधिपतिं गुहम् ।
प्रत्युवाच महाप्राज्ञो वाक्यं हेत्वर्थसंहितम् ॥ २-८५-१

Hearing those words, the highly intelligent Bharata replied toGuha, the lord of Nishadas, in words that were full of reason and meaning.

1. bharataH = bharata; mahaapraj^NaH = the highly intelligent; evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; pratyuvaacha = replied; vaakyam = in words; hetvartha samhitam = composed of reason and meaning;guham = to Guha; nishhadaadhipatim = the lord of Nishadas.

Verse 2

ऊर्जितः खलु ते कामः कृतःमम गुरोह् सखे।
यो मे त्वम् ईदृशीम् सेनाम् एको अभ्यर्चितुम् इच्चसि॥ २-८५-२

?O, friend of my elder brother! Indeed, your desire to offerhospitality to my army of such a magnitude, is great.?

2. sakhe = O friend; mama = my; guroH = elder brother; yaH tvam = you – that very person who; ekaH = alone; ichchhasi = wants; abhyarchitum = to offer hospitality; iidR^isham = to such (a huge); senaam = army; te kaamaH = such a wish of yours; kR^itaH = formed; uurjitaHkhalu = is indeed mighty.

Verse 3

इति उक्त्वा तु महा तेजा गुहम्वचनम् उत्तमम्।
अब्रवीद् भरतः श्रीमान् निषाद अधिपतिम् पुनः॥ २-८५-३

Having spoken these excellent words to Guha; the greatlyillustrious Bharata, possessed of great splendor, said again to Guha the kingof Nishadas (as follows):

3. uktvaatu = having spoken;uttamam = these excellent; vachanam = words; guham = to Guha; shriimaan = thegreatly illustrious; bharataH = bharata; mahaatejaH = possessed of greatsplendor; abraviit = said; punah = again; nishhaadaadhipatim = to Guha; king ofNishadas as follows:

Verse 4

कतरेण गमिष्यामि भरद्वाजाश्रमम् गुह।
गहनो अयम् भृशम् देशो गङ्गा अनूपो दुरत्ययः॥ २-८५-४

?O, Guha! By which of these two routes can I go to the hermitageof Bharadvaja? This region engulfed in waters of Ganga River is not very much easy to negotiate and is difficult to cross.?

4. guha = O Guha!; katareNa = by which of the two routes; gamishhyaami = can I go; bharadvaajaashramam = to the hermitage of Bharadvaja? Ayam = this; deshaH = region; ga~NgaanuupaH = engulfed inwaters of Ganga river; bhR^isham gahanaH = isnot very much easy to cross.

Verse 5

तस्य तत् वचनम् श्रुत्वा राजपुत्रस्य धीमतः।
अब्रवीत् प्रान्जलिर् वाक्यम् गुहो गहन गोचरः॥ २-८५-५

Hearing the words of the wise prince; Guha, who roams about inwoods, with joined palms answered as follows:

5. shrutvaa = hearing; tatvachanam = those words; tasya = of that; dhiimatah = wise; raajaputrasya = prince;guhaH = Guha; gahanagocharaH = who roams about in woods; praaN^jaliH = with joinedpalms; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these)words:

Verse 6

दाशाः तु अनुगमिष्यन्तिधन्विनः सुसमाहिताः।
अहम् च अनुगमिष्यामि राज पुत्र महा यशः॥ २-८५-६

?O highly illustrious prince! My ferrymen wielding their bows,and very attentive, will certainly accompany you. I too will follow you (inperson).?

6. mahaayashaH = O highly illustrious; raajaputra = prince!; daashaaH = My ferrymen; dhanvinaH = wielding their bows; anugamishhyanti = will accompany; tvam = you; susamaahitaaH = with great attention; aham = I too; anugamishhyanti = will follow; tvaa = you(in person).

Verse 7

कच्चिन् न दुष्टः व्रजसि रामस्याक्लिष्ट कर्मणः।
इयम् ते महती सेना शन्काम् जनयति इव मे॥ २-८५-७

?I hope you are not going to attack Rama, who is unwearied inaction. This great army of yours is begetting an apprehension in my mind.?

7. na vrajati kachchit = I hopeyou are not going; dushhTaH = in offensive; raamasya = of Rama; aklishhTakarmaNaH = who is unwearied in action; iyam = this; mahati = great; te senaa = of yours; janayaatiiva = is begetting; shaN^kaam = a doubt; me = in me.

Verse 8

तम् एवम् अभिभाषन्तमाकाशैव निर्मलः।
भरतः श्लक्ष्णया वाचा गुहम् वचनम् अब्रवीत्॥ २-८५-८

Bharata, whose heart resembled a taintless sky, spoke thefollowing words in smooth voice, to that Guha, who confessed his doubt asaforesaid.

8. bharataH = bharata; nirmalahiva = whose heart resembled a taintless; aakashaH = sky; abraviit = spoke;vachanam = these words; shlakshhayaa = in smooth; vaachaa = voice; tam guham = to that Guha; evam = who thus; abhibhaashhantam = talked(confessing his doubt).

Verse 9

मा भूत् स कालो यत् कष्टम् नमाम् शन्कितुम् अर्हसि।
राघवः स हि मे भ्राता ज्येष्ठः पितृ समः मम॥ २-८५-९

?Let not such an occasion of wretchedness come! You should neverhave suspected me. That Rama my elder brother is indeed regarded as my father.?

9. maa shuutam = let there not be;saH kaalam = such a time; kashhTam = of wretchedness; yat = what so ever;naarhasi = you ought not; shaN^kitum = to suspect; maam = me; saH raagh avaH = thatRama; me = my; jyeshhThaH = elder; bhraataa = brother; mataH hi = is indeedregarded; pitrusamaH = as my father.

Verse 10

तम् निवर्तयितुम् यामि काकुत्स्थम्वन वासिनम्।
बुद्धिर् अन्या न ते कार्या गुह सत्यम् ब्रवीमि ते॥ २-८५-१०

?I am going to get back Rama who is now living in the forest. O,Guha! No other apprehension should be made by you. I am telling you the truth.?

10. yaami = I am proceeding;nivartaitum = to get back; tam = that; kaakutthsam = Rama; vanavaasinam = who isliving in the forest; guha = O; Guha! na anyaa = No other; buddhiH = apprehension;kaaryaa = should be made; te = by you; braviim = I am telling; satyam = the truth;te = to you.

Verse 11

स तु सम्हृष्ट वदनः श्रुत्वाभरत भाषितम्।
पुनर् एव अब्रवीद् वाक्यम् भरतम् प्रति हर्षितः॥ २-८५-११

Hearing the words of Bharata, Guha on his part, with his faceradiated with joy spoke again to Bharata as follows:

11. shrutvaa = hearing;bharatabhaashhitam = the words of Bharata; saH tu = that Guha on his part;samhR^ishTa vadanah = with his face radiated; harshhitaH = with joy; abraviit = spoke; punareva = again; bharatam prati = to Bharata(as follows):

Verse 12

धन्यः त्वम् न त्वया तुल्यंपश्यामि जगती तले।
अयत्नात् आगतम् राज्यम् यः त्वम् त्यक्तुम् इह इच्चसि॥ २-८५-१२

?You be blessed! I do not see your equal on this earth – you, whowish to renounce the empire you acquired now, even without effort.?

12. tvam = you; dhanyah = be blessed;na pashyaami = I do not see; tvayaa = your; tulyam = equal; jagatiitale = on theearth; tvam = you; yaH = who; ichchasi = wish; tyaktum = to renounce; raajyam = theempire; aagatam = you acquired; iha = now; ayatnaat = without effort.

Verse 13

शाश्वती खलु ते कीर्तिर्लोकान् अनुचरिष्यति।
यः त्वम् कृच्च्र गतम् रामम् प्रत्यानयितुम् इच्चसि॥ २-८५-१३

Assuredly your fame will traverse permanently in all provinces,as you are the very person who wishes to bring back Rama from his terribleplight.

13. te = you; kiiritiH = fame;khalu = assuredly; anucharishhyati = will traverse; shaashvatii = permanently;lokam = in all provinces. YaH tvam = as you the very person who; ichchhasi = wishes; pratyaanayitum = to bring back; raamam = Rama; kR^ichchhagatam = from hisfearful plight.

Verse 14

एवम् सम्भाषमाणस्य गुहस्यभरतम् तदा।
बभौ नष्ट प्रभः सूर्यो रजनी च अभ्यवर्तत॥ २-८५-१४

While Guha was talking thus to Bharata, the sun diffused lesslight and the night fell.

14. guhasya = Guha(while); evam = was thus; sambhaashhaNasya = talking; bharatam = to Bharata; suuryaaH = the sun;tadaa = then; babhou = glittered; nashhTaprabhaH = with less light; rajaniicha = and the night; abhyavartata = returned.

Verse 15

सम्निवेश्य स ताम् सेनाम् गुहेनपरितोषितः।
शत्रुघ्नेन सह श्रीमान् शयनम् पुनर् आगमत्॥ २-८५-१५

The illustrious Bharata, lodging that army in camps, feltdelighted by Guha?s hospitality, returned to his camp and took rest along withShatrughna.

15. shriimaan = the illustrious;saH = Bharata; sanniveshya taam senaam = lodging that army in camps;paritoshhitaH = and felt delighted; guhena = by Guha?s service; samupaagamat = returned to his camp; shayanam = and took rest; shatrughnena saha = withShatrughna.

Verse 16

राम चिन्तामयः शोको भरतस्यमहात्मनः।
उपस्थितः हि अनर्हस्य धर्म प्रेक्षस्य तादृशः॥ २-८५-१६

The high soled Bharata, whose only aim is to fulfill his duty andwho is undeserving of sorrow, indeed felt grief, born of anguish for Rama.

16. bharatasya = to Bharata;mahaatmanaH = the high soled; dharmaprekshhasya = whose only aim is to fulfillhis duty; anarhasya = and who is undeserving of sorrow; taadR^ishaH hi = indeedfelt; shokaH = grief; raama chintaamayah = born of anguish for Rama.

Verse 17

अन्तर् दाहेन दहनः सम्तापयतिराघवम्।
वन दाह अभिसम्तप्तम् गूढो अग्निर् इव पादपम्॥ २-८५-१७

As a fire is hidden in a hollow tree while a forest is on fire, sodid Bharata?s fire of anguish burn with in his heart.

17. agniriva = as a fire; guuDhah = hidden; paadapam = in a hollow tree; vana daahaabhi samtaptaH = while a forest onfire is burnt up; (so did)raaghavam = Bharata?s; dahanaH = fire; santaapayati = ofanguish; antardaahena = burn within his heart.

Verse 18

प्रस्रुतः सर्व गात्रेभ्यः स्वेदःशोक अग्नि सम्भवः।
यथा सूर्य अंशु सम्तप्तः हिमवान् प्रस्रुतः हिमम्॥ २-८५-१८

Perspiration born of fieriness of grief poured off from all hislimbs, as the snow heated by solar rays melts and flows from Himavat mountain.

18. svedam = perspiration;shokaagnisambhavam = born of fieriness of grief; prasR^itaH = poured off;sarvagaatrebhyaH = from all his limbs; yathaa = as; himam = the snow; prasR^itaH = melts and flows; suuryaamshu samtaptaH = heated by solar rays; himavaan = fromHimavat mountain.

Verse 19 & 20

ध्यान निर्दर शैलेनविनिह्श्वसित धातुना।
दैन्य पादप सम्घेन शोक आयास अधिशृंगिणा॥ २-८५-१९
प्रमोह अनन्त सत्त्वेन सम्ताप ओषधि वेणुना।
आक्रान्तः दुह्ख शैलेन महता कैकयी सुतः॥ २-८५-२०

Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi was pressed by the weight of thatcolossal mountain of agony consisting of rocky caverns in the shape of settledcontemplations on Rama, minerals in the shape of groans and sighs, a cluster oftrees in the shape of depressive thoughts, summits in the form of sufferingsand fatigue, countless wild beasts in the shape of swoons, herbs and bamboos inthe form of his exertions.

19-20. kaikeyiisutaH = Bharata the son of Kaikeyi; aakraantaH = was pressed; mahata duHkha sailena = by the weight of that colossal mountain of agony; dhyaana nirdhara shailena = consisting of rocky caverns in the shape of settled contemplations on Rama; viniHshvasitadhaatunaa = minerals in the shape of groans and sighs; dainyapaadapa samghena = acluster of trees in the shape of depressive thoughts ; shokaayaasaadhishR^iN^giNaa = summits in the form of sufferings and fatigue; pramohaananta sattvena = countless wild beasts in the shape of swoons; samtaapoushhadhi veNunaa = herbsand bamboos in the form of his exertions.

Verse 21

प्रमूढसम्ज्ञः परमापदम् गतः।
शमम् न लेभे हृदयज्वरार्दितो।
नरर्षभो यूथहतो यथर्षभः॥ २-८५-२१

Thereafter, Bharata the excellent among men sighing much inmelancholy, his mind utterly confused in consequence, having obtained anextreme distress, afflicted as he was with burning fever in his breast and likea bull strayed from its herd, found no peace.

21. tataH = thereafter;nararshhabhah = Bharata the excellent among men; vinishhvasan = sighing; bhR^ishaduramanaa = very much in melancholy; pramuuDha samjN^aH = his mind utterlyconfused in consequence.; gataH = having obtained; parama aapadam = an exrtremedistress; hR^idaya jvaraarditaH = afflicted with burning fever in his breast;R^ishhabhaH yathaa = like a bull; yuutha hataH = strayed from its herd; lekhe = found; na shamam = no peace.

Verse 22

गुहेन सार्धम् भरतःसमागतः।
महा अनुभावः सजनः समाहितः।
सुदुर्मनाः तम् भरतम् तदा पुनर्।
गुहः समाश्वासयद् अग्रजम् प्रति॥ २-८५-२२

The noble soled Bharata, with his escort, met Guha too in acomposed mind. Then Guha slowly reassured Bharata again as regards his elderbrother.

22. bharataH = bharata;mahaanubhaavaH = the noble minded; sajanaH = with his escort; samaagataH = met;guhesaartham = Guha too; samaahitaH = in a composed mind; tadaa = then; guhah = Guha; sudurmanaaH = in very low spirits; aashvaasayaT = reassured; tam bharatam = that Bharata; punaH = again; agrajam prati = regarding his elder brother.

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