81 – Bharata with Shatrughna enters the assembly


When Bharata hear the sound of couches and drums early in the morning, he gets more depressed. He orders for stopping of those sounds and starts lamenting. Then, Vasishta the family-priest enters the assembly-hall and sends messengers, asking them to call Bharata urging him to be present in the court, and in response to his call, Bharata with Shatrughna, the ministers and others enter the assembly.

Verse 1

ततः नान्दी मुखीम् रात्रिम् भरतम् सूत मागधाः |
तुष्टुवुर् वाग् विशेषज्ञाः स्तवैः मन्गल सम्हितैः || २-८१-१

Then, bards and pangegyrists, who knew the importance of tidings, eulogized Bharata with auspicious hymns of praise on the night preceding Naandimukha.

1. tataH = then; suuta maagadhaH = bards and panegyrists; vaagvisheSajJNaaH = who know the importance of words; tuSTuvuH = eulogized; bharatam = Bharata; maN^gala sahitaiH = with auspicious; stavaiH = hymns of praise; raatrim = on the night; naandiimukham = preceding Naandimukha.

Verse 2

सुवर्ण कोण अभिहतः प्राणदद् याम दुन्दुभिः |
दध्मुः शन्खामः च शतशो वाद्यामः च उच्च अवच स्वरान् || २-८१-२

A drum from the sound of which nigh-hours are identified, struck with a golden stick, gave its sound. Couches and loud-sounding instruments in hundreds producing various types of noises were blown.

2. yaama dundubhiH = a drum from which night-hours are identified; suvarNakoNaabhihataH = struck with a gold stick; praaNadat = gave its sound; shamkhaashcha = couches; naadaamshcha = and loud-sounding instruments; uchchavacha svaraan = in various types of noises; shatashaH = in hundreds; dadhmuH = were blown.

Verse 3

स तूर्य घोषः सुमहान् दिवम् आपूरयन्न् इव |
भरतम् शोक सम्तप्तम् भूयः शोकैः अरन्ध्रयत् || २-८१-३

That mammoth sound of the musical instruments, as if filling up the whole sky, created further distress and grief to Bharata who was already tormented with grief.

3. saH = that; sumahaan = mammoth; tuuryaghoSaH = sound of the musical instruments; aapuurayaanniva = as though filling up; divam = the sky; arandayat bhuuyaH = created further distress; shokaiH = and grief; bharatam = to Bharata; shoka samtaptam = who was already tormented with grief.

Verse 4

ततः प्रबुद्धो भरतः तम् घोषम् सम्निवर्त्य च |
न अहम् राजा इति च अपि उक्त्वा शत्रुघ्नम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-८१-४

Then, the awakened Bharata proclaiming that “I am not the king”, caused to stop that sound and spoke the following words to shatrughna:

4. tataH = then; prabuddhaH = the awaken; bharataH = Bharata; uktvaa = having spoken; iti = that; aham = I; na = am not; raajaa = the king; samnivartyacha = caused to stop; tam = that; ghoSam = sound; abraviit = and spoke; idam = the following words; shatrughnam = to Shatrughna.

Verse 5

पश्य शत्रुघ्न कैकेय्या लोकस्य अपकृतम् महत् |
विसृज्य मयि दुह्खानि राजा दशरथो गतः || २-८१-५

“Behold, O, Shatrughna! How much harm was done to the world by Kaikeyi! The king Dasartha left us, leaving all sorrows to me.”

5. pashya = behold; shatrughna = O; Shatrughna!; mahat = a great; apakR^itam = harm was done; lokasya = to the world; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; raajaa = the king; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; gataH = went away; visR^ijya = leaving; duHkhaani = the sorrows; mayi = in me.

Verse 6

तस्य एषा धर्म राजस्य धर्म मूला महात्मनः |
परिभ्रमति राज श्रीर् नौर् इव अकर्णिका जले || २-८१-६

“This prosperous kingdom of Ayodhya, a foundation of law and religion of that high-souled Dasaratha the righteous king is now like boat without a rudder moving hitter and thither in water.

6. eSaH = this; raajashriiH = prosperous kingdom; dharmamuulaa = a foundation of law and religion; tasya = of that; mahaatmanaH = high-souled; dhamaraajasya = Dasaratha the righteous king; paribhranati = is moving hitter and thither; nau iva = like a boat; jale = in water; akarNikaa = without a rudder.

Verse 7

यो हि नः सुमहान्नाथः सोऽपि प्रव्राजितो वनम् |
अनया धर्ममुत्सृज्य मात्रा मे राघवः स्वयम् || २-८१-७

“Even that Rama, who was a great protector has been sent to the forest by this very mother of mine, abandoning her righteousness.”

7. anayaa = by this; me maatraa = my mother; utsR^ijya = who has abandoned; dharmam = righeousness; svayam = herself; pravraajitaH = has sent away; saH raaghavaH api = even that Rama; yaH = who; sumahaan = was a great; naathaH = protector; naH = to us; vanam = to the forest.

Verse 8

इति एवम् भरतम् प्रेक्ष्य विलपन्तम् विचेतनम् |
कृपणम् रुरुदुः सर्वाः सस्वरम् योषितः तदा || २-८१-८

Seeing Bharata who lost his consciousness by lamenting in that way, all the women then miserably cried in one voice.

8. prekshya = seeing; bharatam = Bharata; vichetanam = who lost his consciousness; vilapantam = by lamenting; ityevam = in that manner; sarvaaH = all; yoSitaH = the women; tada = then; kR^ipaNam = miserably; rurudhuH = wept; sa svaram = with one voice.

Verse 9

तथा तस्मिन् विलपति वसिष्ठो राज धर्मवित् |
सभाम् इक्ष्वाकु नाथस्य प्रविवेश महा यशाः || २-८१-९

While Bharata was lamenting thus, the great illustrious Vasishta who knew the rules relating to kings, entered the assembly-hall of Dasaratha the Lord of Ikshvaku dynasty.

9. tasmin = (While) Bharata; vilapati = was lamenting; tathaa = thus; vasiSThaH = Vaishta; raajadharmavit = who knew the rules relating to kings; mahaayashaaH = and was very famous; pravivesha = entered; sabhaam = the assembly-hall; ikshvaakunaathasya = of Dasaratha the Lord of Ikshvaku dynasty.

Verse 10

शात कुम्भमयीम् रम्याम् मणि रत्न समाकुलाम् |
सुधर्माम् इव धर्म आत्मा सगणः प्रत्यपद्यत || २-८१-१०

The pious minded Vasishta along with his attendants entered that lovely assembly-hall, made of gold and studded with gems and jewels, resembling Sudharma the celestial assembly-hall.

10. dharmaatma = the pious minded Vasishta; sagaNaH = along with his attendants; pratyapadyata = entered; (that assembly-hall); shaatakumbhamayiim = made of gold; ramyaam = lovely; maNiratna samaakulaam = extensively studded with gems and jewels; sudharmamiva = looking like Sudharma the celestial assembly-hall.

Verse 11

स कान्चनमयम् पीठम् पर अर्ध्य आस्तरण आवृतम् |
अध्यास्त सर्व वेदज्ञो दूतान् अनुशशास च || २-८१-११

Vasista, who knew all the scriptures, then sat in a presidential chair made of gold and wrapped with a comfortable cushion. He ordered the messengers as follows:

11. saH = Vasistha; sarvavedajJNaH = who knew all the scriptures; adhyaastha = was seated; piiTham = in a presidential chair; kaaNchanamayam = made of gold; sukhaastaraNa samvR^itam = and wrapped up with a comfortable cushion; anushashaasa cha = he ordered; duutaan = the messengers (as follows)

Verse 12

ब्राह्मणान् क्षत्रियान् योधान् अमात्यान् गण बल्लभान् |
क्षिप्रम् आनयत अव्यग्राः कृत्यम् आत्ययिकम् हि नः || २-८१-१२

“Quickly bring Brahmanas (a class of people having divine knowledge), Kshatriyas (people belonging to warrior-class), Vaisyas (agriculturists and traders), ministers and troop commanders coolly. There is an urgent duty indeed for us to be done.

12. aanayata = bring; kshipram = quickly; braahmaNaan = Brahmanas; ksatriyaan = Kshatriyas; vaishyaan = Vaisyas; amaatyaan = ministers; gaNavallabhaan = troop-commanders; avyagraaH = coolly; naH = for us; atyayikam = there is an urgent; kR^ityamhi = duty indeed to be done.

Verse 13

सराजभृत्यम् शत्रुघ्नम् भरतम् च यश्स्विनम् |
युधाजितम् सुमन्त्रम् च ये च तत्र हिता जनाः || २-८१-१३

“Bring Shatrughna with his royal attendants, the illustrious Bharata, Yudhaajit (Bharata’s maternal uncle) Sumantra the charioteer and those people who are royal well-wishers there.”

13. (Bring); shatrughnam = Shatrughna; saraajabhR^ityam = with his royal attendants; bharatam = Bharata; yashasvinam = the illustrious man; yudhajitam = Yudhajit (maternal uncle of Bharata); sumantram cha = Sumantra the charioteer; ye janaaH = and those people who; hitaaH = are royal well-wishers; tatra = there.

Verse 14

ततः हलहला शब्दो महान् समुदपद्यत |
रथैः अश्वैः गजैः च अपि जनानाम् उपगच्चताम् || २-८१-१४

There was a huge hallooing sound generated while the people invited were coming on chariots, horses and elephants.

14. tataH = then; sumahaan = there was a huge; halaahala shabdaH = hallooing sound; samapadyata = generated from the people; upagachchhataam = coming; rathaiH = on chariots; ashvaiH = horses; gajaishchaapi = and elephants.

Verse 15

ततः भरतम् आयान्तम् शत क्रतुम् इव अमराः |
प्रत्यनन्दन् प्रकृतयो यथा दशरथम् तथा || २-८१-१५

People of high position like ministers and other welcomed the approaching Bharata in every way as they had welcomed Dasaratha and as Indra was welcomed by celestials.

15. tataH = thereafter; prakR^itayaH = people of high position like ministers and others; pratyanandan = welcomed; aayaantam = the approaching; bharatam = Bharata; yathaa tathaa = in every way as (welcoming); dasharatham = Dasaratha; shatakratumiva = and as Indra; amaraaH = by celestials.

Verse 16

ह्रदैव तिमि नाग सम्वृतः |
स्तिमित जलो मणि शन्ख शर्करः |
दशरथ सुत शोभिता सभा |
सदशरथा इव बभौ यथा पुरा || २-८१-१६

That royal assembly, made splendid by Bharata the son of Dasartha, radiated as before as with the presence of Dasaratha, like a lake of tranquil waters sown with pearls shells and sand and filled with great fish and serpents.

16. sabhaa = (That) assembly; dasharatha suta shobhitaa = made splendid by the son of Dasaratha; abhau = radiated; yathaapuraa = as before; sadasharathaa iva = as with Dasaratha; hrada iva = like a lake; stimitajalaH = of tranquil waters; maNi shaN^ka sharkaraH = sown with pearls shells and sand; timinaaga samvR^itaH = and filled with great fish and serpents.

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