72 – Kaikeyi informs Bharata about the death of Dasaratha


Bharata does not find his father in the royal palace and goes to meet his mother. He asks his mother about the whereabouts his father. Kaikeyi informs Bharata about the death of Dasaratha. When Bharata enquired about Rama, Kaikeyi also discloses Rama’s exile to the forest along with Sita and Lakshmana. She also narrates about the two boons she asked the king Dasaratha as well as how the king accepted her boons and sent Rama to exile. She further advises Bharata to meet the chief of Brahmans like Vasista and others to get himself crowned for the kingdom.

Verse 1

अपश्यंस् तु ततः तत्र पितरम् पितुर् आलये |
जगाम भरतः द्रष्टुम् मातरम् मातुर् आलये || २-७२-१

Not finding his father there in his father’s palace, Bharata went to his mother’s apartment to see his mother.

1. tataH = thereafter; bharataH = Bharata; apashyan = not seeing; pitaram = his father; tatra = there; pituH = in his father’s; aalaye = palace; jagaama = went; maatuH = to his mother’s; aalaye = house; drashhTum = to see; maataram = his mother.

Verse 2

अनुप्राप्तम् तु तम् दृष्ट्वा कैकेयी प्रोषितम् सुतम् |
उत्पपात तदा हृष्टा त्यक्त्वा सौवर्ण मानसम् || २-७२-२

Beholding his son who was absent from home for long and returned, Kaikeyi was delighted and then sprang up, leaving her golden seat to receive him.

2. dR^ishhTvaa = beholding; tam sutam = her son; proshhitam = who was absent from home; anupraaptam = and returned; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; hR^IshhTaaa = was delighted; tadaa = and then; utpapaata = sprang up; tyaktvaa = leaving; souvarnam = her golden; aasanam = seat.

Verse 3

स प्रविश्य एव धर्म आत्मा स्व गृहम् श्री विवर्जितम् |
भरतः प्रेक्ष्य जग्राह जनन्याः चरणौ शुभौ || २-७२-३

Soon after entering his house, which was devoid of any splendor, Bharata the righteous man, grasped the auspicious feet of his mother in obeisance.

3. saH bharataH = that Bharata; dharmaatmaa = the righteous man; pravishyaiva = soon after entering; svagR^iham = his house; shriivivarjitam = which was devoid of splendor; pratijagraaha = grasped; jananyaaH = his mother’s; shubhou = auspicious; charaNou = feet.

Verse 4

सा तम् मूर्ध्नि समुपाघ्राय परिष्वज्य यशस्विनम् |
अङ्के भरतम् आरोप्य प्रष्टुम् समुपचक्रमे || २-७२-४

Kaikeyi smelled (as mark of affection) the head of the illustrious Bharata, embraced him, made him to ascend on her lap and started questions.

4. saa = She; upagraaya = smelled; muurdhaani = on the head; tam bharatam = of that Bharata; yashasvinam = the illustrious man; parishhvajya = embraced him; aaropya = made him to ascend; aNke = on her lap; upachakram = to ask questions.

Verse 5

अद्य ते कतिचित् रात्र्यः च्युतस्य आर्यक वेश्मनः |
अपि न अध्व श्रमः शीघ्रम् रथेन आपततः तव || २-७२-५

“How many days passed since you have left your maternal grand father’s house? Is there no travel fatigue to you, who have come speedily in a chariot?”

5. katichit = how many; raatryaH = nights ( have passed); adya = till today; te = to you; chutasya = since you have left; aaryakaveshmanaH = your maternal grand father’s house? Apina = Is there no; adhvashramaH = travel fatigue; tava = to you; aapatataH = who came; rathena = in a chariot; shiigrhram = speedily?

Verse 6

आर्यकः ते सुकुशलो युधा जिन् मातुलः तव |
प्रवासाच् च सुखम् पुत्र सर्वम् मे वक्तुम् अर्हसि || २-७२-६

“O,son! Is your grand father doing well? Is Yudhajit, your maternal uncle doing well? Were you happy in being absent from home ? Be good enough to tell me all?”

6. putra = O;son! te = your; aaryakah = grand father; sukushalii = doing well? Tava = your; maatulaH = maternal uncle; yudhaajit = Yudhhajit; (doing well)?; sukham = were you happy; pravaasaat = in being absent from home? Arhasii = be good enough; vaktum = to tell; me = me; sarvam = all.

Verse 7

एवम् पृष्ठः तु कैकेय्या प्रियम् पार्थिव नन्दनः |
आचष्ट भरतः सर्वम् मात्रे राजीव लोचनः || २-७२-७

Affectionately enquired thus by Kaikeyi, the lotus eyed bharata, the prince, narrated all to his mother.

7. priyam = affectionately; pR^IshhTaH = asked; evam = thus; kaikeyya = by Kaikeyi; raajivaalochanaH = the lotus eyed; paarthivaa nandanaH = prince; bharataH = Bharata; aachashhTa = told; sarvam = all; maatre = to his mother.

Verse 8

अद्य मे सप्तमी रात्रिः च्युतस्य आर्यक वेश्मनः |
अम्बायाः कुशली तातः युधाजिन् मातुलः च मे || २-७२-८

“It is seventh day to me today since I left the grand father’s house. Yudhajit, your father as well as my maternal uncle are doing well”

8. saptamii = seventh; raatriH = night; me = to me; adya = today; chyutasya = since I left; aryakaveshamanaH = the grand father’s house; ambaayaaH = The mother’s; taataH = father; me = and my; Yudhajit = Yudhajit; kushalii = are well.

Verse 9

यन् मे धनम् च रत्नम् च ददौ राजा परम् तपः |
परिश्रान्तम् पथि अभवत् ततः अहम् पूर्वम् आगतः || २-७२-९

“Carrying the gifts and jewels, given to me by the king who annihilates enemies my followers became tired on the way and I arrived ahead of them”

9. yat = which; dhanamcha = gifts; ratnamcha = and jewels; dadou = were given; me = to me; rajaa = by the king; paramtapaH = who annihilates enemies; abhavat = became; parishraantam = tired; pathi = on the way; puurvam = before; tataH = then; aham = I; aagataH = came.

Verse 10

राज वाल्य हरैः दूतैअः त्वर्यमाणो अहम् आगतः |
यद् अहम् प्रष्टुम् इच्चामि तत् अम्बा वक्तुम् अर्हसि || २-७२-१०

“I came soon because of the horridness communicated by royal messengers. Let my mother be good enough to tell that which I desire to ask her.”

10. aham = I; aagataH = came; tvaryamaaNaH = hurriedly; duutaiH- because of messengers; raajavaakya haraiH = who carried messeges of the king; ambaa = let my mother; arhasi = be good enough; vaktum = to tell; tat = that; yat = which; aham = I; ichchhaami = am wishing; prashhTum = to ask.

Verse 11

शून्यो अयम् शयनीयः ते पर्यन्को हेम भूषितः |
न च अयम् इक्ष्वाकु जनः प्रहृष्टः प्रतिभाति मे || २-७२-११

“This couch of yours, which is fit for rest and decorated with gold, is empty. These men and women of Ikshvaku race do not appear to me to be cheerful.”

11. ayam = this; paryaN^kaH = couch; te = of yours; shayaniiyaH = which is fit for rest; hemabhuushhitaH = and decorated with gold; shuunyaH = is empty; ayam = these; ikshhvaaku janaH = men and women of Ikshvaku race; napratibhaati = do not appear; maa = to me; prahR^ishhTaH = to be cheerful.

Verse 12

राजा भवति भूयिष्ठ्गम् इह अम्बाया निवेशने |
तम् अहम् न अद्य पश्यामि द्रष्टुम् इच्चन्न् इह आगतः || २-७२-१२

“King Dasaratha mostly used to here in your house. Now, I am not seeing him. I came here, desirous of seeing him.”

12. raajaa = king Dasaratha; bhuuyishhTham = mostly; iha = here; ambaayaaH = in the mother’s; niveshane = house; adya = now; aham = I; napashyaami = am not seeing; tam = him; aagatah = I came; iha = here; ichchhan = wishing; drashhTum = to see (him)

Verse 13

पितुर् ग्रहीष्ये चरणौ तम् मम आख्याहि पृच्चतः |
आहोस्विद् अम्ब ज्येष्ठायाः कौसल्याया निवेशने || २-७२-१३

“O, mother! I will grasp in obeisance my father’s feet. Tell about him, as I ask you. Or is he in the house of Kausalya the senior most of my mothers?”

13. amba = o; mother!graahhisye = I will grasp; pitruH = my fathers; charaNou = feet; aakhyaahi = Tell; tam = about him; mama = to me; pR^IchchhataH = questioning; ahosvit = or; niveshane; (is he) in the house; kausalyaaH = of Kausalya; jyeshhThaayaaH = the senior most of my mothers?

Verse 14

तम् प्रत्युवाच कैकेयी प्रियवद् घोरम् अप्रियम् |
अजानन्तम् प्रजानन्ती राज्य लोभेन मोहिता || २-७२-१४

Deluded by the greed for kingdom, Kaikeyi who knew everything closely, told the terribly unpleasant news to Bharata, who did not know anything, as though the news was delightful.

14. mohitaa = deluded; raajyalobhena = by the greed for kingdom; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; prajaanantii = who knew everything closely; pratyuvaacha = told; tam = that Bharata; ajaanantam = who did not know anything; ghoram = that terribly; apriyam = unpleasant thing; priyavat = as though it was delightful.

Verse 15

या गतिः सर्व भूतानाम् ताम् गतिम् ते पिता गतः |
राजा महात्मा तेजस्वी यायजूकः सताम् गतिः || २-७२-१५

“King Dasaratha, your father who was having a noble nature, who was respect and performing frequent sacrifices as well as a refuge to good men followed that path which all beings follow.”

15. te pitaa = your father; raajaa = king Dasaratha; mahaatmaa = having a noble nature; tejasvii = who was inspiring respect; yaayajuukaH = who was performing frequent sacrifices; gatiH = and who was a refuge; sataam = to good men; gataH = followed; taam gatim = that path; yaa = which; sarvabhuutaanaam = all beings; gatiH = follow.

Verse 16

तत् श्रुत्वा भरतः वाक्यम् धर्म अभिजनवान् शुचिः |
पपात सहसा भूमौ पितृ शोक बल अर्दितः || २-७२-१६

Bharata, a righteous man with a noble descent and an honest man, hearing that news , immediately fell down on the ground, being exceedingly tormented by the grief for his father.

16. bharataH = Bharata; dharmaabhijaanavaan = a righteous man with a noble descent; suchiH = and an honest man; shrutvaa = hearing; tat = those; vaakyam = words; sahasaa = immediately; papaata = fell; bhuumou = on the ground; pitR^ishokabalaarditaH = being exceedingly tormented by the grief for his father.

Verse 17

हा हातोऽस्मीति कृपणाम् दीनाम् वाचमुदीरयन् |
निपपात महाबाहुर्बाहु विक्षिप्य वीर्यवान् || २-७२-१७

The mighty armed and heroic Bharata, raising his grievous and depressed voice, cried, “Alas, I am undone’ and lifting up his arms, fell down.

17. mahaabaahuH = the mighty armed; viiryavaan = and the heroic Bharata; udiirayaan = raising; kR^ipaaNam = his grievous; diinam = and depressed; vaacham = voice; iti = thus saying; haa hataHasmi = “Alas; I am undone’; vikshhipya = and lifting up; baahum = his arms; nipapaata = fell down.

Verse 18

ततः शोकेन सम्वीतः पितुर् मरण दुह्खितः |
विललाप महा तेजा भ्रान्त आकुलित चेतनः || २-७२-१८

Then, Bharata of great majesty, who was enveloped in grief and whose mind was troubled by reeling under the death of his father, lamented profusely.

18. tadaH = then; mahaatejaH = Bharata of great majesty; samviitaH = enveloped; shokena = in grief; bhraantaakulita chetanaH = whose mind was troubled by reeling; maraNa duHkhitaH = as aggrieved by the death; pituH = of his father; vilalaapa = lamented profusely.

Verse 19

एतत् सुरुचिरम् भाति पितुर् मे शयनम् पुरा |
शशिनेवामलम् रात्रौ गगनम् तोयदात्यये || २-७२-१९

“These beautiful couch of my father earlier used to enhance its charm with his splendor, as the moon irradiates the stainless sky in the night at the end of a rainy season.”

19. etat = this; ruchiram = beautiful; shayanam = couch; me pituH = of my father; puraa = formerly; bhaatisma = used to enhancewith his splendor; shashineva = as the moon; irradiates; amalam = the stainless; gaganam = sky; raatrou = in the night; toyadaatyaye = at the end of the rainy season.

Verse 20

तत् इदम् न विभाति अद्य विहीनम् तेन धीमता |
व्योमेव श्शिना हीनमप्भुष्क इव सागरः || २-७२-२०

“Being unoccupied by my virtuous father, the same couch now is bereft of its glory, like the sky without the moon or like the sea with its water dried up.”

20. vihiinam = being unoccupied; dhiimataa tena = by my virtuous father; tat idam = the same couch; adya = now; navibhaati = is bereft of glory; vyomeva = like the moon; saagaraaH iva = or like the sea; apchchhushhkaH = with water dried up.

Verse 21

बाष्पमुत्सृज्य कण्ठे स्वात्मना परिपीडितः |
आच्चाद्य वदनम् श्रीमद्वस्त्रेण जयताम् वरः || २-७२-२१

Covering his lovely face with a raiment, Bharata the first of those who are victorious, with a proffond distress in his mind shed tears in lamentation.

21. aachchhaadya = covering; shriimat = his lovely; vadanam = face; vastreNa = with a raiment; NaraH = the first(Bharata); jayataam = of those who are victorious; utsR^ijya = shed; bashhpam = tears; kaNThena = by lamentation; pari piiDitaH = with profound distress; svaatmaanaa = in his mind.

Verse 22 & 23

तम् आर्तम् देव सम्काशम् समीक्ष्य पतितम् भुवि |
निकृत्तमिव सालस्य स्कन्धम् परशुना वने || २-७२-२२
मत्तमातङ्गसम्काशम् चन्द्रार्कसदृशम् भुवः |
उत्थापयित्वा शोक आर्तम् वचनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-७२-२३

Kaikeyi lifted up from the floor, her son Bharata, who was pained with sorrow, looking like a god, who fell on the ground like a sala tree, cut off by an axe, appearing like an elephant in rut, looking like the moon and sun,afflicted with grief as he was and spoke the following words:

22;23. bhuuvah = from the floor(Kaikeyi); utthaapayitva = lifted up ; tam Bharata; aartam = who was pained; devasamkaasham = looking like a god; patitam = who fell; bhuvi = on the ground; saalasya skandamiva = like a sala tree; nikR^ittam = cut off; parashuunaa = by an axe; mattamaataN^ga samkaasham = appearing like an elephant in rut;chandraarkasadR^sham = looking like the moon and sun; shokaartam = and afflicted with grief; abravit = spoke; idam = these; vachanamcha = words.

Verse 24

उत्तिष्ठ उत्तिष्ठ किम् शेषे राज पुत्र महा यशः |
त्वद् विधा न हि शोचन्ति सन्तः सदसि सम्मताः || २-७२-२४

“O, the highly illustrious prince! Arise,arise! Why are you lying down? Gentlemen, like you, respected in the assembly of men, do not grieve indeed.”

24. mahaayashaH = o; the highly illustrious; raajaputra = prince! UttishhTha uttishhTha = arise; arise; kim = why; sheshhe = are you lying down? SantaH = gentlemen; tvadvidhaaH = like you; sammataa = honoured; sadasi = in the assembly of men; na shochantihi = do not indeed lament.

Verse 25

दानयज्ञाधिकारा हि शीलश्रुतिवचोनुगा |
बुद्धिस्ते बुद्धिसम्पन्न प्रभेवार्कस्य मन्दिरे || २-७२-२५

“O, Bharata endowed with understanding! Your intellect, which follows good character as well as sacred scriptures, has an authority to donate and sacrifice, ever shining as such like a splendor in the abode of the sun.

25. buddhisam pannaH = O; Bharata endowed with understanding ! te = Your; buddhiH = intellect; shiilashruti vachonugaa = which follows good character and sacred scriptures; daanayaj^Naadhikaaraa = has an authority to donate and to sacrifice; (ever shining); prabheva = like a splendor; mandire = in the abode ; arkasya = of the sun.

Verse 26

स रुदत्या चिरम् कालम् भूमौ विपरिवृत्य च |
जननीम् प्रत्युवाच इदम् शोकैः बहुभिर् आवृतः || २-७२-२६

Encircled by numerous afflictions, Bharata weeping for a long time , rolled over the floor and replied to his mother as follows:

26. aavR^itaH = encircled; bahibhiH = by numerous; shokaiH = afflictions; saH = Bharata; ruditvaa = weeping; chiramkaalam = for a long time; viparivR^ityecha = rolled; bhuumou = over the floor; pratyuvaacha = and replied; idam = these words; jananiim = to his mother.

Verse 27

अभिषेक्ष्यति रामम् तु राजा यज्ञम् नु यक्ष्यति |
इति अहम् कृत सम्कल्पो हृष्टः यात्राम् अयासिषम् || २-७२-२७

“Making up my mind that the king was either going to anoint Rama as a prince regent or to perform a sacrifice, I cheerfully got into the journey.”

27. kR^ita samkalpaH = forming a resolution; raajaa = that the king; abhishhekshhyati nu = was either anointing raamam = Rama; yakshhyatenu = or performing; yajN^am = a sacrifice; aayaasishham = I got into ; yaatraam = the journey; hR^ishhTaH = cheerfully.

Verse 28

तत् इदम् हि अन्यथा भूतम् व्यवदीर्णम् मनो मम |
पितरम् यो न पश्यामि नित्यम् प्रिय हिते रतम् || २-७२-२८

“All this turned to be otherwise. By not beholding my father, who was forever interested in my wishes and welfare, my heart is broken to pieces”

28. tat idam = all this; bhuutam = turned to be; anyathaa = otherwise; na pashyaami = by me not seeing; pitaram = my father; nityam = forever; ratam = interested; priyahite = in my wishes and welfare; mama = my; manaH = heart; vyavadiirNam = is broken to pieces.

Verse 29

अम्ब केन अत्यगात् राजा व्याधिना मय्य् अनागते |
धन्या राम आदयः सर्वे यैः पिता संस्कृतः स्वयम् || २-७२-२९

“O, mother! On what ailment did the king die, when I was not here? Rama and others who performed purificatory rites by themselves for our father indeed fortunate.”

29. amba = o; mother! Mayi anaagate = while I did not come; kena vyaadhinaa = On what ailment ; raajaa = the king; atyagaat = died? RaamaadayaH = Rama and others; yaiH = who; svayam = by themselves; samskR^itaH = performed purificatory rites; pitaa = to our father; dhanyaaH = are fortunate.

Verse 30

न नूनम् माम् महा राजः प्राप्तम् जानाति कीर्तिमान् |
उपजिघ्रेद्द् हि माम् मूर्ध्नि तातः सम्नम्य सत्वरम् || २-७२-३०

“It is sure that the illustrious monarch does not know the fact of my arrival. Otherwise, my father quickly would have indeed smelled my head, by bending me in affection.”

30. nuunam = It is sure; kiirtimaan = that the illustrious; mataaraajaH = monarch; najanaati = does not know; maam = me;praaptam = having arrived; taataH = my father; satvaram = quickly; upajighrethi = would have indeed smelled; samnamya = by bending; muurdhni = my head (in affection).

Verse 31

क्व स पाणिः सुख स्पर्शः तातस्य अक्लिष्ट कर्मणः |
येन माम् रजसा ध्वस्तम् अभीक्ष्णम् परिमार्जति || २-७२-३१

“Where is the caressing hand of my dear father of unwearied action wipe away the dust with which I am covered?”

31. kva = where; taatasya = is father’s;suksparshaH = pleasantly caressing; saHpaaNiH = that hand; yena = which; parimaarjati = to wipe; maam = me; dhvastam = covered; rajasaa = with dust; abhiikshhNam = again and again; aklishhTa karmaNah = and which was unwearied in action?

Verse 32

यो मे भ्राता पिता बन्धुर् यस्य दासो अस्मि धीमतः |
तस्य माम् शीघ्रम् आख्याहि रामस्य अक्लिष्ट कर्मणः || २-७२-३२

“Announce soon about my arrival to Rama of immortal exploits, he who is a wise brother to me, my father, my friend and to whom Iam a servant.”

32. aakhyaahi = announce; shiighram = soon; maam = about me; raamasya = to Rama; aklishhTakarmaNaH = of immortal exploits; yaH = he who; bhraatraa = is the brother; me = to me; pitaa = my father; bandhuH = my friend; yasya = and to whom; dhiimataH = the wise; daasaH asmi = I am a servant.

Verse 33

पिता हि भवति ज्येष्ठो धर्मम् आर्यस्य जानतः |
तस्य पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि स हि इदानीम् गतिर् मम || २-७२-३३

“An elder brother indeed becomes a father for a faithful man who knows righteousness. I will grasp his feet in obeisance. He is indeed the refuge for me now.”

33. jyeshhThaH = an elder brother; bhavatihi = indeed becomes; pitaa = a father; aaryasya = for a faithful man; jaanataH = who is aware; dharmam = of righteousness; grahishhyaami = I will grasp; tasya = his; paadou = feet; saH = he; gatiH hi = is indeed the refuge; mama = to me; idaaniim = now.

Verse 34

धर्मविद्धर्मनित्यश्च सत्यसन्धो दृढव्रतः |
आर्ये किम् अब्रवीद् राजा पिता मे सत्य विक्रमः || २-७२-३४

“What did my father the king, who know virtue , who was forever pious, who was true to his promise, who was strictly truthful, who was truly valiant and who was honorable, say?”

34. kim = what; me pitaa = my father; raajaa = the king; dharmavit = who knew virtue; dharma nityashcha = who was forever pious; satyasandhaH = who was true to his promise; dR^IdhavrataH = who was strictly truthful; satyavikramaH; who was truly valiant; aaryaH = and who was honorable; abraviit = did say?

Verse 35

पश्चिमम् साधु संदेशम् इच्चामि श्रोतुम् आत्मनः |
इति पृष्टा यथा तत्त्वम् कैकेयी वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || २-७२-३५

“I want to hear exactly the last message of my father to me.” Thus requested by Bharata, Kaikeyi spoke the following words in accordance with truth.

35. ichchaami = I want; shrotum = to hear; saadhu = well; pashchimama = the last; sandesham = message; (of my father; aatmaanaH = to me; iti = Thus; pR^ishhTaa = asked; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = these words; yathaatattvam = in accordance with truth:

Verse 36

राम इति राजा विलपन् हा सीते लक्ष्मण इति च |
स महात्मा परम् लोकम् गतः गतिमताम् वरः || २-७२-३६

That high soled king, who was excellent in understanding the Universal spirit, departed to the world, crying �O, Rama, O, Sita, O, Lakshmana!’

36. saH = that; mahaatmaa = highsoled; raajaa = king; varaH = who was excellent ; gatimataam = in understanding universal spirit; gataH = departed; param lokam = for the other world; vilapam = crying; raameti = �O; Rama; haa siite = O; sita; lakshhmaNeti = O; Lakshmana!

Verse 37

इमाम् तु पश्चिमाम् वाचम् व्याजहार पिता तव |
काल धर्म परिक्षिप्तः पाशैः इव महा गजः || २-७२-३७

“Your father spoke the following last words also, when he was abandoned by the operation of time , like a huge elephant surrendered into a trap.”

37. tava = your;pitaa = father; vyajahaara = spoke; imaam = these; pashchimaam = last; vaachanam = words; kaaladharmaparikshhiptaH = when abandoned by the operation; of time; paashairiva = like into a trap; mahaagajaH = a huge elephant.

Verse 38

सिद्ध अर्थाः तु नरा रामम् आगतम् सीतया सह |
लक्ष्मणम् च महा बाहुम् द्रक्ष्यन्ति पुनर् आगतम् || २-७२-३८

“Those men who are able to see Rama returning Sita and the mighty armed Lakshmana are those who are fortunate enough”

38. te naraaH = those men; drakshhyanti = who are able to see; raamam = Rama; punaH aagatam = returning; siitaaya saha = with Sita; lakshhmaNamcha = and Lakshmana; mahaabaahum = the mighty armed; siddhaarthaaH = are those who have fulfilled the object(of their coming).

Verse 39

तत् श्रुत्वा विषसाद एव द्वितीया प्रिय शंसनात् |
विषण्ण वदनो भूत्वा भूयः पप्रच्च मातरम् || २-७२-३९

Hearing the aforesaid pronouncement, which disclosed second unpleasant news, Bharata was dejected. Becoming gloomy faced, he once again asked his mother as follows:

39. shrutvaa = hearing; tat = that; dvitiiyaapriyashamsanaat = which disclosed a second unpleasant news; vishhaasaadaiva = was dejected; bhuutvaa = becoming; vishhaNNavadanaH = gloomy faced; paprachchha = asked; bhuuyaH = again; maataram = to his mother; as follows)

Verse 40

क्व च इदानीम् स धर्म आत्मा कौसल्य आनन्द वर्धनः |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा सीतया च समम् गतः || २-७२-४०

“Where did the virtuous Rama, who augments Kausalya’ s delight go now along with my brother Lakshmana and with Sita?”

40. kva = where; saH = that; kausalya nandavardhanaH = Rama; who augments the joy of Kausalya; dharmaatmaa = and the virtuous man went;lakshhmaNena saha = along with Lakshmana; bhraatraa = the brother; siitayaacha samam = and with Sita; idaaniim = now?

Verse 41

तथा पृष्टा यथा तत्त्वम् आख्यातुम् उपचक्रमे |
माता अस्य युगपद् वाक्यम् विप्रियम् प्रिय शन्कया || २-७२-४१

Asked by Bharata in this manner, his mother started telling so greatly unpleasant words, exactly as it had happened, as though they were very pleasant words.

41. tathaa = thus; pR^ishhTaa = asked as (aforesaid) asya maataa = Bharata’s mother; upachakrame = started; aakyaatum = telling; sumahat = very great; vipriyam = unpleasant; vaakyam = words; yathaa tattvam = exactly; priyashaNkayaa = with an apprehension that they are pleasant.

Verse 42

स हि राज सुतः पुत्र चीर वासा महा वनम् |
दण्डकान् सह वैदेह्या लक्ष्मण अनुचरः गतः || २-७२-४२

“O, son! He, that prince Rama, wearing long narrow pieces of bark, went indeed to the great forest of Dandaka, followed by Lakshmana and also sita.”

42. putra = O; son! saH = he that; raajasutaH = prince Rama; chiiravaasaaH = wearing long narrow pieces of bark; gataH hi = indeed went; mahaavanam = to the great forest; daNDakaan = of Dandaka; lakshhmaNaanucharaH = followed by Lakshmana; vaidehyaasaha = and also Sita.

Verse 43

तत् श्रुत्वा भरतः त्रस्तः भ्रातुः चारित्र शन्कया |
स्वस्य वंशस्य माहात्म्यात् प्रष्टुम् समुपचक्रमे || २-७२-४३

Hearing these words, Bharata being aware of the glory of his race, doubted and fearedwhether Rama was sent to exile because of his unrighteous conduct, if any and again asked his mother as follows:

43. shrutvaa = hearing; tat = those words; bharataH = Bharata; trastaH = was frightened; charitrashaNkyayaa = with a doubt about the behaviour; bhraatuH = of his brother; maahaatmyaat = and because of the glory; syasya vamshasya = of his race; sampachakrame = started; prashhTum = to ask (his mother as follows):

Verse 44

कच्चिन् न ब्राह्मण वधम् हृतम् रामेण कस्यचित् |
कच्चिन् न आढ्यो दरिद्रः वा तेन अपापो विहिंसितः || २-७२-४४

“Has not Rama indeed stolen the wealth of some Brahmana? Has not he done any harm either to a rich or to a poor virtuous man?”

44. kashyachit = some; braahmaNa dhanam = brahmana’s wealth; nahR^itam kachchit = indeed not stolen; raamaNa = by Rama; aaDhyaH = a rich; daridrovaa = or a poor; apaapaH = virtuous man; na vihimsitaH kachchit = indeed not harmed; tena = by him?

Verse 45

कच्चिन् न पर दारान् वा राज पुत्रः अभिमन्यते |
कस्मात् स दण्डक अरण्ये भ्रूणहा इव विवासितः || २-७२-४५

“Has the prince indeed not longed for the wife of another? Why was my brother Rama expelled to the forest of Dandaka?”

45. raajaputraH = has the prince; naabhimaanyate vaa kachchit = indeed not desired any; paradaaraan = wife of another; kasmaat = why; saH = was he; bhraataaraamo = my brother Rama; vivaasitaH = expelled; daNDakaaraN^ye = to the forest of Dandaka?

Verse 46

अथ अस्य चपला माता तत् स्व कर्म यथा तथम् |
तेन एव स्त्री स्वभावेन व्याहर्तुम् उपचक्रमे || २-७२-४६

Thereafter his mother, an unsteady woman, on account of her feminine nature began to narrate her act which was the exact state of the case.

46. atha = thereafter; asya maataa = his mother; chapalaa = an unsteady woman; tena = on account of; striisvabhaavenaiva = her feminine nature only; upachakrame = began;; vyaahartum = to tell; svakarma = her act; tat = that; yathaatatham = which was the exact state of the case.

Verse 47

एवमुक्ता तु कैकेयी भरतेन महात्मना |
उवाच वचनम् हृष्टा मूढा पण्डितमानिनी || २-७२-४७

Kaikeyi, a fool thing herself to be learned, after hearing the queries of the virtuous Bharata, delightfully spoke the following words:

47. kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; muuDhaa = a fool; paNDita maanini = thinking herself to be learned; uktaa = after being spoken; evam = thus; bharatena = by Bharata; mahaatmanaa = the virtuous man; hR^IshhTaa = delightfully; uvaacha = spoke; vachanam = words:

Verse 48

न ब्राह्मण धनम् किंचिद्द् हृतम् रामेण कस्यचित् |
कश्चिन् न आढ्यो दरिद्रः वा तेन अपापो विहिंसितः || २-७२-४८
न रामः पर दारामः च चक्षुर्भ्याम् अपि पश्यति |

“Not even a little of belonging to a Brahman was stolen by Rama,No harm was done by him either to a rich or to a poor virtuous man. Rama does not even look with his eyes, the wives of others.”

48. na kimchit = not even a little; brahmaNa dhanam = of wealth belonging to a Brahmana; kashyachit = whosoever; hR^itam = was stolen; raameNa = by Rama; navihimsitaH = no harm was done; tena = by him; aaDhyaH = either to arich; daridrovaa = or to a poor; apaapah = virtuous man; raamaH = Rama; na pashyhyatyapi = does not even look; chakshhuryaam = with his eyes ; paradaaraan = the wives of others.

Verse 49

मया तु पुत्र श्रुत्वा एव रामस्य एव अभिषेचनम् || २-७२-४९
याचितः ते पिता राज्यम् रामस्य च विवासनम् |

“O, son! Immediately on hearing decidedly about the coronation ceremony of Rama by me then, I asked your father to bestow kingdom to you and for banishment of Rama to the forest”

49. putra = O;son! shrutyaiva = immediately on hearing; abhishhechanam = about the coronation ceremony; raamasyaiva = of Rama decidedly; mayaa tu = by me then;pitaa = your father; yaanchitaH = was asked; raajyam = for kingdom ; te = to you; vivaasanamcha = and banishment ; raamasya = of Rama.

Verse 50

स स्व वृत्तिम् समास्थाय पिता ते तत् तथा अकरोत् || २-७२-५०
रामः च सह सौमित्रिः प्रेषितः सह सीतया |

“Submitting to his own decree, King Dasaratha, your father has done all that was requested by me. Rama along with Lakshmana and Sita too were sent into exile.”

50. samaasthaaya = submitting to ; svavR^ittim = his own decree; saH = that king Dasaratha; te pitaa = your father; akarot = has done; tat = that; tathaa = as requested by me; raamashcha = Rama; sahasoumitriH = along with Sita too; preshhitaH = were sent into exile.

Verse 51

तम् अपश्यन् प्रियम् पुत्रम् मही पालो महा यशाः || २-७२-५१
पुत्र शोक परिद्यूनः पन्चत्वम् उपपेदिवान् |

“That beloved son having not been seen, the very celebrated monarch was made miserable by the grief for his son and obtained death”

51. tam = that; priyamputram = belonged son; apashyan = having not been seen; mahaayashaaH = the very celebrated; mahiipaalaH = monarch; upapedivaan = obtained; paNchatvam = death; putrashoka paridynunaH = being made miserable by grief for his son.

Verse 52

त्वया तु इदानीम् धर्मज्ञ राजत्वम् अवलम्ब्यताम् || २-७२-५२
त्वत् कृते हि मया सर्वम् इदम् एवम् विधम् कृतम् |

“O, Bharata knowing righteousness! The king- ship may be taken charge by you now. All this was indeed done for your sake in this manner by me.”

52. dharmajN^a = O; Bharata knowing righteousness; raajatvam = the kingship; avalambyataam = may be taken charge; tvayaa = by you; idaaniim = now; idam sarvam = all this; kR^itam hi = was indeed done; tvatkR^ite = for you; mayaa = by me; evam vidham = in this manner.

Verse 53

मा शोकम् मा च सम्तापम् धैर्यमाश्रय पुत्रक || २-७२-५३
त्वदधीना हि नगरी राज्यम् चैतदनामयम् |

“O, son! Do not dwell in grief and anguish. Dwell in courage. This city along with the salubrious kingdom indeed is subservient to you.”

53. putraka = o; son; maa aashraya = do not dwell; shokam = in grief; maa = do not dwell; samtaapamcha = in anguish too; aashraya = dwell; dhairyam = in courage; nagarii = this city; tvadadhiinaahi = is indeed subservient to you; tat = this raajyam cha = kingdom also; anaamayam = which is salubrious.

Verse 54

तत् पुत्र शीघ्रम् विधिना विधिज्ञैः |
वसिष्ठ मुख्यैः सहितः द्विज इन्द्रैः |
सम्काल्य राजानम् अदीन सत्त्वम् |
आत्मानम् उर्व्याम् अभिषेचयस्व || २-७२-५४

“Hence, meet the chiefs of Brahmanas like Vasishta and others who know the rituals, perform soon the sacred rites to the king and become crowned as a king yourself to the earth, being not depressed in spirit.

54. tat = hence; sahitaH = meeting; dvijendraiH; the chiefs of brahmanas; vasishhTa mukhyaiH = like Vasista and others; vidhijN^aiH = who know rituals; samkalya = performing purification rites; shiigraam = soon; raajaanam = to the city; abhishhechayasvam = become; anointed as a king; urvyaam = to the earth; adiinasattvam = yourself.

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