46 – Rama passes the night on the banks of Tamasa river.


Having reached the banks of Tamasa river and thinking of the plight of the people of Ayodhya, Rama passes the night on the banks of Tamasa river. Waking up in the meantime, Rama instructs the charioteer to drive the chariot in such a way as to elude the citizens and lead them to think that the chariot had turned back towards Ayodhya instead of proceeding towards the forest. He then ascends the chariot along with Sita and Lakshmana and went ahead to the forest.

Verse 1

ततः तु तमसा तीरम् रम्यम् आश्रित्य राघवः |
सीताम् उद्वीक्ष्य सौमित्रिम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-४६-१

Then Rama taking his position at the banks of Tamasa river and looking at Sita, spoke to Lakshmana as follows :

1. tataH = Then; raaghavaH = Rama; aashritya = taking his position at; tamasaa tiiram = at the banks of Tamasa river; udviikshhya = looking at; siitaam = Sita; abraviit = spoke; idam vachanam = these words; soumitrim = to Lakshmana :

Verse 2

इयम् अद्य निशा पूर्वा सौमित्रे प्रस्थिता वनम् |
वन वासस्य भद्रम् ते स न उत्कण्ठितुम् अर्हसि || २-४६-२

“Oh, Lakshmana! We have been sent to the forest. Today is the first night of our residence in the forest .You ought not feel anxious. May all be well with you!”

2. soumitre = oh; Lakshmana! prahitaaH = we have been sent; vanam = to the forest. iyam = Today; puurvaa = is the first; nishaa = night; vanavaasasya = of residence in the forest . saH = You as such; na arhasi = are not required; utkaN^Thitum = to regret. Bhadram = blessedness; te = to you.”

Verse 3

पश्य शून्यानि अरण्यानि रुदन्ति इव समन्ततः |
यथा निलयम् आयद्भिर् निलीनानि मृग द्विजैः || २-४६-३

“Look here: As the animals and birds are returning to their respective abodes seeking for shelter, the desolate woods seem to be crying from all sides”

3. pashya = look here: mR^iga dvijaiH = animals and birds; aayadbhiH = returning; yathaanilayam = to their respective abodes; miliinaani = seeking for shelter . shuunyaani = woods; rudrantiiva = are crying; samantataH = from all sides”.

Verse 4

अद्य अयोध्या तु नगरी राज धानी पितुर् मम |
सस्त्री पुंसा गतान् अस्मान् शोचिष्यति न संशयः || २-४६-४

“Now, the city of Ayodhya the capital of my father with its men and women will lament about us that have departed (to the forest). There is no doubt”

4. adya = now; ayodhyaa nagarii = the city of Ayodhya; raajadhaanii = the capital; mama pituH = of my father; sa strii pumsaa = with its women and men; shochishhyati = will lament; asmaan = about us; gataan = that have departed. Na = There is no; samshayaH = doubt.”

Verse 5

अनुरक्ता हि मनुजा राजानम् बहुभिर्गुणैः |
त्वाम् च माम् च नरव्याघ्र शत्रघ्नभरतौ तथा || २-४६-५

“Oh, tiger among men! The citizens (of Ayodhya) are indeed having affection to the king no less than to you and myself, as also to Bharata and Satrughna, for many of our virtues.”

5. naravyaaghra = oh; tiger among men! manujaaH = The citizens (of Ayodhya); anuraktaaH hi = are indeed having affection; raajaanam = towards the king; tvaamcha = towards you; maamcha = towards me; tathaa = and; shatrughna bharatou = towards Satrughna and Bharata; guNaiH = by our virtues; bahubhiH = which are many.”

Verse 7

भरतः खलु धर्म आत्मा पितरम् मातरम् च मे |
धर्म अर्थ काम सहितैः वाक्यैः आश्वासयिष्यति ||२-४६-७

“Bharata, the virtuous man, can indeed console my father and mother by his kind words.”

7. bharataH = Bharata; dharmaatmaa = the virtuous man; aashvaasayishhyati khalu = can indeed console; me = my; pitaram = father; maataraacha = and mother; vaakyaiH = by words; dharmaartha kaama sahitaiH = (containing)religious merit ; material welfare and sense- gratification.”

Verse 8

भरतस्य आनृशंसत्वम् संचिन्त्य अहम् पुनः पुनः |
न अनुशोचामि पितरम् मातरम् च अपि लक्ष्मण || २-४६-८

“Oh,Lakshmana! Thinking of Bharata’s kindness again and again, I do not grieve for our father and mother”

8. “lakshhmaNa = Oh; Lakshmana! vichintya = Thinking of; bharatasya = bharata’s; anR^ishamsatvam = kindness; punaH punaH = again and again; aham = I;naanushochaami = do not grieve; pitaram = for(our) father; maataramcha api = or even (our) mother.”

Verse 9

त्वया कार्यम् नर व्याघ्र माम् अनुव्रजता कृतम् |
अन्वेष्टव्या हि वैदेह्या रक्षण अर्थे सहायता || २-४६-९

“Oh, Lakshmana, tiger among men! You have done well by accompanying me, as otherwise, a help would have to be sought for by me for protecting Seetha”

9. “naravyaaghra: Lakshmana; the tiger among men! anuvrajataa = By following; maam = me; kaaryam = a purpose; kR^itam = has been served; tvayaa = by you. sahaayataa = a help; anveshhTavyaali = would have to be sought; rakshhaNaarthe = for the protection;vaidehyaaH = of Seetha”

Verse 10

अद्भिर् एव तु सौमित्रे वत्स्याम्य् अद्य निशाम् इमाम् |
एतद्द् हि रोचते मह्यम् वन्ये अपि विविधे सति || २-४६-१०

” Oh, Lakshmana! I shall live on water alone tonight. Though there are various kinds of wild fruits and roots, this is indeed a liking for me”

10. ” soumitre = Oh; Lakshmana! adya = Today; vatsyaami = I shall stay; imaam nishaam = in the night; adbhireva = with water alone. vanye = Wild fruits and roots; vividhe = of various kinds; satyapi = though being present; etat = this is; rochete hi = indeed a preference; mahyam = to me.”

Verse 11

एवम् उक्त्वा तु सौमित्रम् सुमन्त्रम् अपि राघवः |
अप्रमत्तः त्वम् अश्वेषु भव सौम्य इति उवाच ह || २-४६-११

Thus telling Lakshmana, Rama spoke also to Sumantra as follows: “Oh, gentle man! Attend to the horses carefully.”

11. “evam = Thus; uktvaa = telling; soumitrim = Lakshmana; raaghavaH = Rama; uvaacha ha = spoke; sumantramapi = to Sumitra also; iti = thus: soumya = “Oh;gentleman! Tvam = you; apramattaH = be careful; ashveshhu = about the horses.”

Verse 12

सो अश्वान् सुमन्त्रः सम्यम्य सूर्ये अस्तम् समुपागते |
प्रभूत यवसान् कृत्वा बभूव प्रत्यनन्तरः || २-४६-१२

The sun having completely set, Sumantra tied up the horses, supplied them with abundant grass and immediately stood nearest (to Rama).

12. saH sumantraH = That Sumantra; suurye = (on)sun; samupaagate = getting; astam = set; samyamya = tied up; ashvaan = the horses; kR^itvaa = causing; prabhuutayavasaan = them to have more grass(to eat);babhuuva = (and)became; pratyanantaraH = the immediate neighbor(of Rama).

Verse 13

उपास्यतु शिवाम् संध्याम् दृष्ट्वा रात्रिम् उपस्थिताम् |
रामस्य शयनम् चक्रे सूतः सौमित्रिणा सह || २-४६-१३

Having worshipped the beautiful evening twilight and having seen the night come nearer, Sumantra along with Lakshmana made the bed for Rama.

13. upaasya = having worshipped; shivaam = the beautiful; sandhyaam = evening twilight; dR^ishhTvaa = and having seen; raatrim = the night; upasthitaam = come nearer; suutaH = the charioteer; soumitriNaasaha = along with Lakshmana; chakre = made; shayanam = the bed; raamasya = for Rama.

Verse 14

ताम् शय्याम् तमसा तीरे वीक्ष्य वृक्ष दलैः कृताम् |
रामः सौमित्रिणाम् सार्धम् सभार्यः सम्विवेश ह || २-४६-१४

Seeing that bed made of leaves of a tree on the bank of Tamasa river with the help of Lakshmana, Rama along with his wife laid down on it.

14. viikshhya = Seeing; taam shayyaam = that bed; kR^itaam = made; vR^ikshha dalaiH = of leaves of a tree; soumitriNaasaardham = with the help of Lakshmana; tamasaatiire = on the bank of Tamasa river; raamaH = Rama; sa bhaaryaH = along with his wife; samvivesha ha = laid down.

Verse 15

सभार्यम् सम्प्रसुप्तम् तम् भ्रातरम् वीक्ष्य लक्ष्मणः |
कथयाम् आस सूताय रामस्य विविधान् गुणान् || २-४६-१५

Seeing that brother sleeping along with his wife, Lakshmana narrated Rama’s various virtues to Sumantra.

15. viikshhya = seeing; tam braataram = that brother; samprasuptam = sleeping; sambhaaryam = along with his wife; lakshhmaNaH = Lakshmana; kathayaamaasa = narrated; raamasya = Rama’s; vividhaam = various; guNaan = virtues; suutaaya = to Sumantra.

Verse 16

जाग्रतः हि एव ताम् रात्रिम् सौमित्रेर् उदितः रविः |
सूतस्य तमसा तीरे रामस्य ब्रुवतः गुणान् || २-४६-१६

WhileLakshmana was thus recounting Rama’s excellences to Sumantra, keeping awake that whole night at the bank of Tamasa river, the sun rose.

16. raviH = The sun; uditaH = rose; soumitre = (while) Lakshmana; bruvataH = was recounting; raamasya = Rama’s; guNaaH = excellences; suutasya = to Sumantra; tamasaa tiire = at the bank of Tamasa river;jaagratohyeva = keeping awake; taam raatrim = that (whole) night.

Verse 17

गो कुल आकुल तीरायाः तमसायाः विदूरतः |
अवसत् तत्र ताम् रात्रिम् रामः प्रकृतिभिः सह || २-४६-१७

At a good distance from Tamasa river, whose banks were crowded with herds of cows, Rama passed that night there with the citizens.

17. viduurataH = At a good distance ; taamasaayaaH = from Tamasa river; gokulaakula tiiraayaH = whose banks were crowded with herds of cows; raamaH = Rama; avasat = inhabited; tatra = there; taam raatrim = that night; prakR^itibhiH saha = with the citizens.

Verse 18

उत्थाय तु महा तेजाः प्रकृतीस् ता निशाम्य च |
अब्रवीद् भ्रातरम् रामः लक्ष्मणम् पुण्य लक्षणम् || २-४६-१८

Getting up from the bed and seeing those citizens, Rama with an extraordinary splendor, spoke to his brother, Lakshmana who was endowed with auspicious bodily marks:

18. saH raamaH = That Rama; mahaateJaaH = with a great splendor; utthaaya cha = got up; nishaamyacha = saw; taaH = those; prakR^itiiH = citizens; abraviit = and spoke; (as follows); bhraataram = to his brother; lakshhmaNam = Lakshmana; puNyalakshhaNam = who was endowed with auspicious bodily marks:


Verse 19

अस्मद् व्यपेक्षान् सौमित्रे निरपेक्षान् गृहेष्व् अपि |
वृक्ष मूलेषु संसुप्तान् पश्य लक्ष्मण साम्प्रतम् || २-४६-१९

“Observe, Oh Lakshmana, the citizens full of longing for us, unmindful even of their homes, sleeping together at the roots of trees, Oh, the son of Sumitra!”

19. pashya = Look at; lakshhmaNa = Oh; Lakshmana; asmadvyapekshhaan = (the citizens) full of longing for us; nirapekshhaan = unmindful; gR^iheshhvapi = even of their homes; sampratam = now; samsuptaan = sleeping together; vR^ikshha muuleshhu = at the roots of trees; soumitre = Oh; son of Sumitra!”

Verse 20

यथा एते नियमम् पौराः कुर्वन्ति अस्मन् निवर्तने |
अपि प्राणान् असिष्यन्ति न तु त्यक्ष्यन्ति निश्चयम् || २-४६-२०

“From the way in which these citizens are making coercion to take us back (to Ayodhya), it seems they will even lay down their lives, but in no case would give up their resolve”

20. “yathaa = how; ete pouraaH = these citizens; kurvanti = are making; niyamam = coercion; asminnivartane = to take us back; nyasishhyanti = (they) will lay down; praaNaanapi = even their lives; na tyakshhyanti = but would not give up; nishchayantu = their resolve.”

Verse 21

यावद् एव तु संसुप्ताः तावद् एव वयम् लघु |
रथम् आरुह्य गच्चामः पन्थानम् अकुतः भयम् || २-४६-२१

“Till which time the citizens are asleep, within that time, let us quickly mount the chariot and take a route which has no fear from any quarter”

21. yaavadeva = till which time; samsuptaa = they are asleep; taavadeva = in that time; vayam = we; laghu = quickly; aaruhya = mount; ratham = chariot; gachchaama = and obtain; panthaanam = a route; akutobhayam = which has no fear from any quarter.”

Verse 22

अतः भूयो अपि न इदानीम् इक्ष्वाकु पुर वासिनः |
स्वपेयुर् अनुरक्ता माम् वृष्क मूलानि संश्रिताः || २-४६-२२

“From this the citizens of Ayodhya (the ancient capital of Ikshvaku), who are longing for me, may not sleep as of now, at the roots of trees again and again”

22. ataH = from this; ikshhvaakupura vaasinaH = the citizens of Ayodhya;( the capital of Ikshvaku); anuraktaaH = who are longing; maam = for me; nasvapeyuH = may not sleep; idaaniim = as of now; vR^ikshha muulaani = at the roots of trees; bhuuyo api = again; bhuuyo api = and again.”

Verse 23

पौरा हि आत्म कृतात् दुह्खात् विप्रमोच्या नृप आत्मजैः |
न तु खल्व् आत्मना योज्या दुह्खेन पुर वासिनः || २-४६-२३

“The residents of city should indeed be made free of their suffering brought about by (citizens) themselves, by the sons of their rulers. The citizens should on no account be burdened with hardship caused by (princes) them selves as is our case.”

23. pouraaH = the residents of city; vipramokshhyaaH hi = should indeed made free; duHkhaat = of their suffering; aatma kR^itaat = brought about by themselves; nR^ipaatmajaiH hi = by the sons of their rulers. puravaasinaH = The citizens; na yojyaaH hi = should not be burdened; duHkhena = with hardship; tu khalu = but indeed; aatmanaa = caused by (princes) themselves.

Verse 24

अब्रवील् लक्ष्मणो रामम् साक्षात् धर्मम् इव स्थितम् |
रोचते मे महा प्राज्ञ क्षिप्रम् आरुह्यताम् इति || २-४६-२४

Lakshmana replied as follows to Rama, who is standing firm like righteousness personified: “Oh, wise brother! What you say is agreeable to me. (Pray) ascend the chariot quickly”

24. lakshhmaNaH = Lakshmana; abravit = spoke; iti = thus; raamam = to Rama; sthitam = who is standing firm; dharmamiva = like righteousness; saakshhaat = personified : praaG^ya = Oh; wise brother! rochate = It is agreeable; me = to me; tathaa = thus. aaruhyataam = Let (the chariot) be mounted; kshhipram = quickly.”

Verse 25

अथ रामोऽब्रवीच्छ्रीमान् सुमन्त्रम् युज्यताम् रथः |
गमिष्यामि ततोऽरण्यम् गच्छ श्रीघ्रमितः प्रभो || २-४६-२५

Then, the glorious Rama spoke to the charioteer as follows: “Oh, capable man! Keep the chariot ready. I shall proceed to the forest. Let us go quickly from here.”

25. atha = Then; shriimaan = the glorious; raamaH = Rama; abraviit = spoke; sumantram = to Sumantra; (as follows);prabho = Oh; capable man! yujyataam = Arrange; rathaH = the chariot; gamishhyaami = I shall proceed; araNyam = to the forest. gachchha = Go; shiighram = quickly; itaH = from here.”

Verse 26

सूतः ततः सम्त्वरितः स्यन्दनम् तैः हय उत्तमैः |
योजयित्वा अथ रामाय प्रान्जलिः प्रत्यवेदयत् || २-४६-२६

Then, Sumantra quickly fastened the chariot to its excellent horses and thereafter submitted with joined palms to Rama (as follows):

26. tataH = then; saH suutaH = that chariot; tvaritaH = quickly; yojayitvaa = fastened; syandanam = the chariot; taiH hayottamaiH = with those excellent horses; atha = and thereafter; pratyavedayaT = informed; raamaaya = Rama; praaN^jaliH = with joined palms.

Verse 27

अयम् युक्तो महाबाहो रथस्ते रथिनाम् वर |
त्वमारोहस्व भद्रम् ते ससीतः सहलक्ष्मणः || २-४६-२७

“Oh, mighty armed prince! Your chariot is kept ready. You ascend it along with Sita and with Lakshmana, Oh jewel among car-warriors! May prosperity attend you”

27. mahaabaaho = Oh; mighty armed prince! te = Your; ayam rathaH = (this) chariot; yuktaH = is yoked. Rathinaam vara = Oh; jewel among car-warriors! tvam = You; aarohasva = ascend(it); sasiitaH = along with Sita; saha lakshhmaNaH = and with Lakshmana . bhadram = May prosperity be; te = to you.”

Verse 28

तम् स्यन्दनमधिष्ठाय राघवः सपरिच्छदः |
शीघ्रगामाकुलावर्ताम् तमसामतरन्नदीम् || २-४६-२८

Rama mounted the chariot with all necessaries (like bow, armor, quiver, spade, basket, and so on) and crossed the swift flowing Tamasa river, thickly set with whirl- pools.

28. raaghavaaH = Rama; adhishhThaaya = mounted; tam syandanam = the chariot; sa parichchhadaH = with all necessaries for traveling (viz; his bow; armor; quiver; spade; basket and so on); aatarat = (and) crossed; shiighragaam; the swift flowing; tamasaam nadiim = Tamasa river; aakulaavartaam = thickly set with whirl-pools .

Verse 29

स सम्तीर्य महाबाहुः श्रीमान् शिवमकण्टकम् |
प्रापद्यत महामार्गमभयम् भयदर्शिनाम् || २-४६-२९

Having duly crossed the stream, the glorious Rama the mighty armed reached a great road free from obstacles and safe even for those who are apprehensive of danger.

29. samtiirya = Having crossed the stream; shriimaan = the glorious; saH = Rama; mahaabaahuH = the mighty armed; praapadyata = reached; mahaa maargam = a great road; akaN^Takam = free from obstacles; abhayam = and safe; bhayadarshinaam = even for those who are apprehensive of danger.

Verse 30 & 31

मोहन अर्थम् तु पौराणाम् सूतम् रामः अब्रवीद् वचः |
उदन् मुखः प्रयाहि त्वम् रथम् आस्थाय सारथे || २-४६-३०
मुहूर्तम् त्वरितम् गत्वा निर्गतय रथम् पुनः |
यथा न विद्युः पौरा माम् तथा कुरु समाहितः || २-४६-३१

In order to elude the citizens, Rama spoke to Sumantra as follows: “Oh, charioteer! You mount the chariot and go northward. Proceed for a while quickly and bring back the chariot again. Remaining careful, do it in such a way that the citizens may not be able to locate me”

30;31. raamaH = Rama; mohanaartham = in order to elude; pouraaNaam = the citizens; abraviit = spoke; vachaH = words; suutam = to Sumantra : “saarathe = Oh; charioteer! tvam = You; aasthaaya = mount; ratham = the chariot; prayaahi = (and) proceed; udaN^mukhaH = northwards. gatvaa = Go; muhuurtam = for a while ; tvaritam = quickly; nivartaya = and bring back; ratham = the chariot; punaH = again; samaahitaH = Remaining careful; kuru = do(it); yathaa = in such a way; tathaa = that; pouraaH = the citizens; na vidyaH = may not locate me.”

Verse 32

रामस्य वचनम् श्रुत्वा तथा चक्रे स सारथिः |
प्रत्यागम्य च रामस्य स्यन्दनम् प्रत्यवेदयत् || २-४६-३२

Hearing Rama’s advice, the charioteer made a round of the chariot as he was suggested and on returning, reported to Rama about the arrival of the chariot.

32. shrutvaa = Hearing; raamasya = Rama’s; vachanam = advice; saH saarathiH = that charioteer; chakre = made a round; tathaa = as he was told; pratyaagamya = and on returning; pratyavedayat = reported; raamasya = to Rama; syandanam = about the arrival of the chariot.

Verse 34

ततः समास्थाय रथम् महारथः
ससारथिर्धाशरथिर्वनम् ययौ |
उदङ्मुखम् तम् तु रथम् चकार स |
प्रयाणमाङ्गश्यनिवितदर्शनात् || २-४६-३४

However, Sumantra placed that chariot by facing it to the north, for he saw omens auspicious for journey (in that quarter). Rama (son of Dasaratha) the mighty car-warrior, along with the charioteer mounted the chariot and proceeded to the forest.

34. tataH = Thereafter; saH = That Sumantra; chakaara = placed; tam ratham = that chariot; udaN^mukham = facing the north; prayaaNa maaN^galya nimitta darshanaat = for he saw omens auspicious for journey (in that quarter). DasharathiH = Rama (son of Dasaratha); mahaarathaH = the mighty car-warrior; sa saarathiH; along with the charioteer; aasthaaya = mounted; ratham = the chariot; yayou = and proceeded; vanam = to the forest.

Verse 33

तौ सम्प्रयुक्तम् तु रथम् समासित्थौ |
तदा ससीतौ रघवंशवर्धनौ |
प्रचोदयामास ततस्तुरम्गमान् |
स सारथिर्येन पथा तपोवनम् || २-४६-३३

Then, Rama and Lakshmana(the promoters of the race of Raghu) along with Sita ascended the chariot yoked together. The charioteer urged the horses along the route by which they can reach a grove suited to the practice of austerities.

33. tadaa = then; raghuvamsha vardhanou = Rama and Lakshmana; the promoters of the race of Raghu; sa siitou = along with Sita; samaasthitou = ascended; ratham = the chariot; samprayuktam = yoked together. TataH = thereafter; saa saarathiH = that charioteer; prachodayaamaasa = drove forward; turangamaan = the horses; pathaa = along the route; yena = by which; tapovanam = they can reach a grove suited to the practice of austerities.

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