45 – Rama requests the citizens to return to Ayodhya


Rama requests the citizens to return to Ayodhya and to show respect to Bharata the prince Regent and Dasaratha the king. The citizens try to persuade Rama to return to Ayodhya, but in vain. Rama along with all of them reach the bank of Tamasa.

Verse 1

अनुरक्ता महात्मानम् रामम् सत्य परक्रमम् |
अनुजग्मुः प्रयान्तम् तम् वन वासाय मानवाः || २-४५-१

The people devoted to the high- soled Rama of unfailing bravery accompanied him on his way to the forest for exile.

1. maanavaaH = The humans; anuraktaaH = who are fond of Rama; anujagnuH = accompanied; tam raamam = that Rama; mahaatmaanam = the high soled; satya paraakramam = and the truly brave; prayaantam = who is going; vanavaasaasya = for dwelling in the forest.

Verse 3

अयोध्या निलयानाम् हि पुरुषाणाम् महा यशाः |
बभूव गुण सम्पन्नः पूर्ण चन्द्रैव प्रियः || २-४५-३

Rama who enjoyed great celebrity and who was richly endowed with every virtue, resembling the full moon, had indeed become the favorite for the people living in Ayodhya.

3. mahaayashaaH = (Rama) who enjoyed great celebrity; guNasampannaH = and richly endowed with every virtue; puurNachandra iva = resembling the full moon; babhuuvahi = had indeed become; priyaH = the favorite; purushhaaNam = for the people; ayodhyaanilayaanam = living in Ayodhya .

Verse 2

निवर्तिते अपि च बलात् सुहृद् वर्गे च राजिनि |
न एव ते सम्न्यवर्तन्त रामस्य अनुगता रथम् || २-४५-२

When the king was forced (in the interests of his son) to turn back, the group of friends who were following Rama’s chariot did not return.

2. raajani cha = when the king; balata = by force; nivartite apicha = was turned back; te = those; suhR^idvarge = group of friends; anugataaH = who were following; raamasya = Rama’s; ratham = chariot; naiva samsyavartanta = did not return.

Verse 3

अयोध्या निलयानाम् हि पुरुषाणाम् महा यशाः |
बभूव गुण सम्पन्नः पूर्ण चन्द्रैव प्रियः || २-४५-३

Rama who enjoyed great celebrity and who was richly endowed with every virtue, resembling the full moon, had indeed become the favorite for the people living in Ayodhya.

3. mahaayashaaH = (Rama) who enjoyed great celebrity; guNasampannaH = and richly endowed with every virtue; puurNachandra iva = resembling the full moon; babhuuvahi = had indeed become; priyaH = the favorite; purushhaaNam = for the people; ayodhyaanilayaanam = living in Ayodhya .

Verse 4

स याच्यमानः काकुत्स्थः स्वाभिः प्रकृतिभिस् तदा |
कुर्वाणः पितरम् सत्यम् वनम् एव अन्वपद्यत || २-४५-४

Despite the entreaties of the people of his own, Rama(the scion of the Kakutstha), in order to honor his father’s vow; proceeded towards the forest.

4. yaachyamaanaH = Despite the entreaties ; tadaa = then; prakR^itibhiH = of the people; svabhiH = of his own; saH = that; kaakutstha = Rama( the scion of Kakustha); kurvaaNaH = proving; pitaram = his father; satyam = to be true; anvapa dyata = proceeded; vanameva = to the forest only.

Verse 5

अवेक्षमाणः सस्नेहम् चक्षुषा प्रपिबन्न् इव |
उवाच रामः स्नेहेन ताः प्रजाः स्वाः प्रजाइव || २-४५-५

Fondly gazing on the people as though drinking with his eyes, Rama lovingly spoke (as follows) as though they were his own children:

5. avekshhamaaNaH = fondly gazing on; taaH = those; prajaaH = people; prapibanniva = as though drinking; chakshhushhaa = with his eyes; raamaH = Rama; sasneham = lovingly; uvaacha = spoke; (as follows) prajaa iva = as though children; svaaH = of his own.

Verse 6

या प्रीतिर् बहुमानः च मय्य् अयोध्या निवासिनाम् |
मत् प्रिय अर्थम् विशेषेण भरते सा निवेश्यताम् || २-४५-६

“The respect and affection that has been bestowed upon me by you (the residents of Ayodhya) may for my satisfaction be bestowed in a special measure on Bharata.

6. “yaa = which; priitiH = affection; bahumaanashcha = and respect; ayodhya nivaasinaam = you the people living in Ayodhya; mayi = (have) in me; saa = that ; niveshyataam = be bestowed; visheshheNa = in a special measure; bharate = on Bharata; matpriyaartham = for my satisfaction.

Verse 7

स हि कल्याण चारित्रः कैकेय्या आनन्द वर्धनः |
करिष्यति यथावद् वः प्रियाणि च हितानि च || २-४५-७

“Bharata who enhances the delight of Kaikeyi and who possesses excellent conduct, will indeed do pleasing and beneficial things to you appropriately.”

7. saH = Bharata; kaikeyyaa nandavardhanaH = who enhances the delight of Kaikeyi; kalyaaNacharitraH = and who possessed excellent conduct; karishhyati hi = will indeed do; priyaaNi = pleasing things; hitaanicha = and beneficial things; vaH = to you; yathaavat = properly.”

Verse 8

ज्ञान वृद्धो वयो बालो मृदुर् वीर्य गुण अन्वितः |
अनुरूपः स वो भर्ता भविष्यति भय अपहः || २-४५-८

“Bharata who is matured in knowledge but young in age, who is gentle but endowed with virility and virtue, will become your worthy master who can dispel your fears”

8. saH = That Bharata; N^gyaana vR^iddhaH = who is matured in knowledge; vayobaalaH = and young in age; mR^iduH = who is gentle; viirya guNaanvitaH = and endowed with virility and virtue; bhavishhyati = will become; anuruupaH = worthy; bhartaa = master; bhayaapahaH = who can dispel your fears.”

Verse 9

स हि राज गुणैः युक्तः युव राजः समीक्षितः |
अपि च अपि मया शिष्टैः कार्यम् वो भर्तृ शासनम् || २-४५-९

“Bharata who is endowed with royal virtues is being marked as the prince. Further, king’s command is to be carried out by me and the rest of you.

9. saH = That Bharata; yuktaH = who is endowed; raajaguNaiH = with royal virtues; samiikshhitaH = is being marked; yuvaraajaH = as the prince . apicha = And further; bhartR^ishaasanam = king’s command; kaaryam = is to be carried out; mayaa = by me; shishhTaiH = and by the rest; vaH = of you.

Verse 10

न च तप्येद् यथा च असौ वन वासम् गते मयि |
महा राजः तथा कार्यो मम प्रिय चिकीर्षया || २-४५-१०

“If you desire to please me, see that the king does not suffer agony when I have gone to forest for exile”

10. mayi = (when) I; gate = have gone; vanavaasam = to the forest for exile; yathaa = how; asou = this; mahaarajah = monarch; na santapyet = does not suffer agony; tathaa = in that manner; kaaryaH = to be done; priya chikiirshhayaa = with an intent to please; mama = me.”

Verse 11

यथा यथा दाशरथिर् धर्मम् एव आस्थितः अभवत् |
तथा तथा प्रकृतयो रामम् पतिम् अकामयन् || २-४५-११

The more Rama the son of Dasaratha, showed himself to be faithful to his duty, the more the people wished to have him as their master ”

11. yathaa yathaa = more and more; daasharathiH = Rama; the son of Dasaratha; abhavat = became; aasthitaH = established; dharma eva = in his duty alone; tathaa tathaa = the more and more; prakR^itayaH = the people; akaamayan = wished; raamam = Rama; patim = (as their) master.”

Verse 12

बाष्पेण पिहितम् दीनम् रामः सौमित्रिणा सह |
चकर्ष इव गुणैः बद्ध्वा जनम् पुनर् इव आसनम् || २-४५-१२

Rama accompanied by son of Sumitra, drew the people of the city, who were weeping piteously, after him as if tied and pulled with cords.

12. raamaH = Rama; soumitriNaa saha = accompanied by the son of Sumitra; chakarshha = drew; janam = the people (of the city); pihitam = filled with; baashhpeNa = tears; diinam = piteously; baddhvaa iva = as though tied; guNaiH = with cords.

Verse 13

ते द्विजाः त्रिविधम् वृद्धा ज्ञानेन वयसा ओजसा |
वयः प्रकम्प शिरसो दूरात् ऊचुर् इदम् वचः || २-४५-१३

Those brahmanas, who were triply revered for their learning, their age and their spirituality, their heads shaking with advanced years, cried out :

13. te dvijaaH = the brahmanas; vR^iddhaaH = who were elderly; trividham = in three ways; G^yaanena = by knowledge; vayasaa = by age; ojasaa = and by luster; vayaH prakampa shirasaH = with their heads shaking with advanced years; uuchuH = spoke; idam = these; vachaH = words; duuraat = from distance.”

Verse 14

वहन्तः जवना रामम् भो भो जात्याः तुरम् गमाः |
निवर्तध्वम् न गन्तव्यम् हिता भवत भर्तरि || २-४५-१४

“Oh Noble Steeds, of speedy breed! You who are carrying Rama, do come back! Do not proceed! Be friendly to your master (since by taking Rama against our wishes, you will be doing a disservice to him)”

14. “bho bho turaNgamaaH = Oh Noble Steeds! jaatyaaH = belonging to a breed; javanaaH = of speed; vahantaH = who are carrying;raamam = Rama! nivartadhvam = You come off. na gantaryam = Do not proceed. bhavata = Become; hitaaH = friendly; bhartari = to your master.

Verse 15

कर्णवन्ति हि भूतानि विशेषण तुरम्गमाः |
यूयम् तस्मान्निवर्तध्वम् याचनाम् प्रतिवेदिताः || २-४५-१५

“Indeed all things, which are endowed with ears, more so horses, stand appraised of our entreaty. Therefore, you return.”

15. bhutaanihi = Indeed all beings; karNavanti = which are endowed with ears; visheshhe Na = more so; turaN^gamaaH = horses; prativeditaaH = stand appraised of; yaachanam = (our) entreaty. tasmaat = Therefore; yuuyam = you; nivartadhvam = return.

Verse 16

धर्मतः स विशुद्धात्मा वीरः शुभदृढप्रतह् |
उपवाह्यः तु वो भर्ता न अपवाह्यः पुरात् वनम् || २-४५-१६

“That hero of the pure soul, of virtuous and auspicious firm resolve, that master, deserves to be brought back to the city and not to be taken to the forest.”

16. viiraH = The hero; vishuddhaatmaa = of the pure soul; dharmataH = of virtuous; subha dR^iDha vrataH = and auspicious firm resolve; saH = that; bhartaa = master; upa vaahyaH = and not to be conveyed away; puraat = from the city; vanam = to the forest.”

Verse 17

एवम् आर्त प्रलापांस् तान् वृद्धान् प्रलपतः द्विजान् |
अवेक्ष्य सहसा रामः रथात् अवततार ह || २-४५-१७

Seeing those aged brahmanas uttering those painful words, Rama quickly got down from the chariot.

17. avekshhya = Seeing; taan dvijaan = those brahmanas; vR^iddhaan = who are aged; pralapataH = uttering; evam = those; aartapralaapan = painful words; raamaH = Rama; sahasaa = quickly; avatataaraha = got down; rathaat = from the chariot.

Verse 18

पद्भ्याम् एव जगाम अथ ससीतः सह लक्ष्मणः |
सम्निकृष्ट पद न्यासो रामः वन परायणः || २-४५-१८

Rama with Sita and Lakshmana, taking close strides, proceeded on foot towards the forest.

18. atha = thereafter; raamaH = Rama; sa siitaH = with Sita; sa lakshhmaNaaH = and with Lakshmana; sannikR^ishhTa padanyaasaH = taking close strides ; jagaama iva = on foot only; vana paraayaNaH = towards the forest.

Verse 19

द्विजातींस् तु पदातींस् तान् रामः चारित्र वत्सलः |
न शशाक घृणा चक्षुः परिमोक्तुम् रथेन सः || २-४५-१९

That Rama who was affectionate in his disposition and had compassion in his eyes, could not abandon those brahmanas walking on foot, far behind the chariot.

19. saH raamaH = That Rama; chaaritra vatsalaH = who was affectionate in his disposition; ghR^iNaachakshhuH = and had compassion in his eyes; na shashaaka = could not; parimoktum = abandon; taan dvijaatiin = those brahmanas; padaatiin = walking on foot; rathena = behind the chariot.

Verse 20

गच्चन्तम् एव तम् दृष्ट्वा रामम् सम्भ्रान्त मानसाः |
ऊचुः परम सम्तप्ता रामम् वाक्यम् इदम् द्विजाः || २-४५-२०

Perceiving Rama still going towards the forest, those brahmanas perplexed in mind and greatly distressed, spoke the following words :

20. dR^IshhTvaa = perceiving; tam raamam = that Rama; gachchhantameva = still going; (towards the forest) ; dvijaaH = those brahmanas; sambhraaanta chetasaH = perplexed in mind; parama samtaptaaH = and very much distressed; uuchuH = spoke; idam vaakyam = these words :

Verse 21

ब्राह्मण्यम् कृत्स्नम् एतत् त्वाम् ब्रह्मण्यम् अनुगच्चति |
द्विज स्कन्ध अधिरूढाः त्वाम् अग्नयो अपि अनुयान्ति अमी || २-४५-२१

“The whole of this brahmana community is following you, devoted (as you are) to the brahmanas. See, they are bearing the sacred fires on their shoulders”

21. sarvam = the whole of; etat = this; braahmaNyam = brahmana community anugachchhati = is following; tvaam = you; brahmaNyam = devoted to the brahmanas. Dvija skandaadhiruudhaaH = Bearing on the shoulders of brahmanas; amii = these; agnayo api = sacred fires also; anuyaanti = are following; tvaam = you.

Verse 22

वाजपेय समुत्थानि चत्राणि एतानि पश्य नः |
पृष्ठतः अनुप्रयातानि हंसान् इव जल अत्यये || २-४५-२२

“Look at these canopies (obtained by us while observing Vajpeya sacrifice*) accompanying our backs like clouds at the end of the rainy season”

22. pashya = look at; etaani = these; chhatraaNi = canopies; vaajapeya samutthaani = (obtained by us when observing Vajpeya sacrifice); anuprayaataani = accompanying; naH = our; pR^ishhTataH = backs; meghaaniva = like clouds; jalaatyaye = at end of the rainy season.”

Verse 23

अनवाप्त आतपत्रस्य रश्मि सम्तापितस्य ते |
एभिः चायाम् करिष्यामः स्वैः चत्रैः वाजपेयिकैः || २-४५-२३

“With these canopies of ours, we shall give shade to you, who have got no canopy and are being scored with rays (of the sun.)”

23. te = to you; anavaaptaatapatrasya = who have not got a canopy; rashmisamtaapitasya = and are being scorched with the rays (of the sun); karishhyaamaH = we shall give; chhayaam = shade; chhatraiH = by canopies; svaiH = of ours.”

Verse 24

या हि नः सततम् बुद्धिर् वेद मन्त्र अनुसारिणी |
त्वत् कृते सा कृता वत्स वन वास अनुसारिणी || २-४५-२४

“Oh, Dear child! The intellect of ours, which was forever engaged in perusing the study of Vedic texts has been now made to follow the course of exile to the forest”

24. vatsa = oh; dear child! Yaa buddhiH = Which intellect; naH = of ours; satatam = forever; vedamantraanusaariNii = engaged in perusing the study of Vedic Text; saa = that intellect; kR^itaa = has been made; vanavaasaanusaariNii = to follow the course of exile to the forest.”


Verse 25

हृदयेष्व् अवतिष्ठन्ते वेदा ये नः परम् धनम् |
वत्स्यन्ति अपि गृहेष्व् एव दाराः चारित्र रक्षिताः || २-४५-२५

“We will carry the Vedas in our hearts as our excellent treasure and our wives too will remain at home, protected by their character”

25. ye = which; vedaaH = Vedas; param dharma = are the excellent riches; naH = of ours; trishhTanti = (they are) established; hR^idayeshhvena = in our hearts alone. chaaritrarakshhitaaH = Protected by their character; daraaH api = our wives too; vatsyanti = remain; gR^iheshhveva = at home.

Verse 26

न पुनर् निश्चयः कार्यः त्वद् गतौ सुकृता मतिः |
त्वयि धर्म व्यपेक्षे तु किम् स्यात् धर्मम् अवेक्षितुम् || २-४५-२६

‘”We shall not revoke our decision. Our mind is fully determined to go along with you (to the forest). If you do not pay attention to piety, what being will remain devoted to the path of virtue?”

26. nishchayaH = ” A decision; punaH = again( another one);na kaaryaH = is not to be done. tvadgatou = in the matter our going along with you (to the forest); matiH = determination; sukR^itaa- = has been well done. tvayi dharmavyapakshhe = If you do not pay attention to piety; kim = which; sthitamsyaat = will remain; dharma pathe = in the path of virtue?”

Verse 27

याचितः नो निवर्तस्व हंस शुक्ल शिरः रुहैः |
शिरोभिर् निभृत आचार मही पतन पांशुलैः || २-४५-२७

” Oh, prince of resolute conduct! We entreat you by our heads having gray hair like the white color of the swans, that are soiled with dust as a result of their falling on the ground (in the course of our prostration to you) (pray) turn back.”

27. “nibhR^itaachaara = oh; prince of resolute conduct! yaachitaH = We entreat you; shirobhiH = by the heads; naH = of ours; hamsa shukla shiroruhaiH = having gray hair like white plumes of swans; mahiipatana paansulaiH = that are solid with dust as a result of their falling on the ground(in the cause of our prostration to you). nivartasva = Turn back.”

Verse 28

बहूनाम् वितता यज्ञा द्विजानाम् यैह आगताः |
तेषाम् समाप्तिर् आयत्ता तव वत्स निवर्तने || २-४५-२८

“Sacrifices have been commenced by many of those Brahmanas that have come here. Their completion, oh dear child, depends on your return”

28. “ye = whoever; aagataaH = came; iha = here; (such); bahuunaam = many; dvijaanaam = brahmanas; vitataaH = started; ajaN^yaas = sacrificial rites. vatsa = Oh;dear child! teshhaam = their; samaaptiH = completion; aayattaa = depends; tava = on your; nivartane = return.”

Verse 29

भक्तिमन्ति हि भूतानि जम्गम अजम्गमानि च |
याचमानेषु तेषु त्वम् भक्तिम् भक्तेषु दर्शय || २-४५-२९

“Beings both animate and inanimate, Oh, Rama, are indeed devoted to you. Show affection to those devotees, who entreat you to return.”

29. “raama = Oh;Rama! Bhuutaani = Beings; jaN^gamaaja^Ngamaani = both animate and inanimate; bhaktimantihi = are indeed devoted to you. darshaya = Show; bhaktim = affection; bhakteshhu = to those devotees; yaachamaaneshhu = who entreat you to return.”

Verse 30

अनुगम्तुम् अशक्ताः त्वाम् मूलैः उद्धिऋत वेगिभिः |
उन्नता वायु वेगेन विक्रोशन्ति इव पादपाः || २-४५-३०

“The trees held by their roots, unable to accompany you, seen to be weeping, hump-backed by the force of wind”

30. “paadapaaH = trees; uddhitaha veginaH = which are raised swiftly; muulaiH:by their roots; ashaktaaH = being unable; anugantum = to accompany; tvaam = you; vikroshantiiva = appear to be weeping; unnataaH = hump-backed; vaayuvegena = by the force of mind.”

Verse 31

निश्चेष्ट आहार संचारा वृक्ष एक स्थान विष्ठिताः |
पक्षिणो अपि प्रयाचन्ते सर्व भूत अनुकम्पिनम् || २-४५-३१

“Birds too, which sit motionless and are unable to go out in search of food and which remain fixed at one spot on trees, are supplicating you to return, compassionate as you are to all created beings”

31. pakshhiNo api = birds too; nishcheshhTaahaara samchaaraaH = which sit motionless and are unable to go out in search of food; vR^ikshhaika sthaana vishhThitaaH = which remain fixed at one spot on trees; prayaachante = are supplicating you (to return); sarva bhuutaanukampinam = compassionate as you are to all created beings.”

Verse 33

ततः सुमन्त्रोऽपि रथाद्विमुच्य |
श्रान्तान्हयान्सम्परिवर्त्य श्रीघ्राम् |
पीतोदकांस्तोयपरिप्लुताङ्गा |
नचारयद्वै तमसाविदूरे || २-४५-३३

Thereafter Sumantra the charioteer too released the horses, tired as they were, from the chariot and quickly making them roll, allowed them to graze not very far from the (bank of) Tamasa once they had drunk water and had their body washed in the river.”

33. tataH = thereafter; sumantro api = Sumantra the charioteer also; vimuchya = releasing; shraantaan = the tired; hayaan = horses; rathaat = from the chariot; shiighram = quickly;samparivartya = making them roll; piitodakaan = having drunk water; toya pariplutaaN^gaan = with their bodies drenched in water; achaarayat = allowed them to graze; tamasaa viduure = not very far from the Tamasa.


Verse 32

एवम् विक्रोशताम् तेषाम् द्विजातीनाम् निवर्तने |
ददृशे तमसा तत्र वारयन्ति इव राघवम् || २-४५-३२

While those brahmanas were crying thus with a view to persuading Rama to return, the river Tamasa appeared there, as though retarding the progress of Rama ”

32. teshhaam dvijaatiinaam = while those brahmanas; vikroshataam = were crying; evam = thus; nivartane = for the return; (of Rama); tamasaa = the river Tamasa; tatra = there; dadR^ishe = appeared; varayantiiva = as though preventing; raaghavam = Rama.”

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