35 – Sumantra Rails at Kaikeyi


Minister Sumantra requests and reproaches Queen Kaikeyi and asks her to take back her impositions. Even the elderly minister and a scholar named Siddhartha tries to pacify Kaikeyi by telling the legend of Sagara, the ancestor of Dasharatha, quoting the exile of his notorious son Asamanja. But she is adamant to all holy advices, but wants Rama to go to forests.

Verse 1,2,3 & 4

ततो निर्धूय सहसा शिरो निःश्वस्व चासकृत् |
पाणौ पाणिम् विनिष्पिष्य दन्तान् कटकटाय्य च || २-३५-१
लोचने कोपसम्रक्ते वर्णम् पूर्वोचितम् जहत् |
कोपाभिभूतः सहसा सम्तापमशुभम् गतः || २-३५-२
मनः समीक्षमाणश्च सूतो दशरथस्य सः |
कम्पयन्निव कैकेय्या हृदयम् वाक्छरैश्शितैः || २-३५-३
वाक्यवज्रैरनुपमैर्निर्भिन्दन्निव चाशुगैः |
कैकेय्या सर्वमर्माणि सुमन्त्रः प्रत्यभाषत || २-३५-४

Then, moving his head all of a sudden sighing again and again, rubbing his hand in hand, grinding his teeth, turning his eyes red with anger shedding his normal colour, overwhelmed with wrath, suddenly getting the evil grief, carefully reading Dasaratha’s mind, sumantra the charioteer spoke(as follows) as though shaking Kaikeyi’s heart with sharp arrows, in the form of thunderbolting words speedily peircing all her vitals.

1;2;3;4. tataH = then; sumantraH = Sumantra; suutaH = the charioteer; nirduuya = moving; shiraH = his head; sahasaa = all of a sudden; niHshvasya = sighing; asakR^it = agan and again; vinishhpishhya = rubbing; paaNim = in hand; katakataayyacha = grinding; dantaan = his teeth; lochane kopasamrakte = turning his eyes red with anger; jahat = shedding; puurvochitam = his former; varNam = colour; kopaabhibuutaH = overwhelmed with; sahasaa = suddenly; gataH = getting; samtaapam = grief; ashubham = the evil; samiikshhamaaNashcha = carefully reading; dasharathasya = Dasaratha’s; manaH = mind; pratyabhaashhata = spoke(as follows) kampayanniva = spoke(as follows); kaikeyyaaH = Kaikeyi’s; hR^idyam = heart; shitaiH vaakchharaiH = with sharp arrows; vaakya vajraiH = in the form of thunderbolting words; ashugaiH = speedily; bhindanniva = piercing; sarva marmaaNi = all her vitals.

Verse 5

यश्यास्तव पतिस्त्यक्तोराजा दशरथः स्वयम् |
भर्ता सर्वस्य जगतः स्थावरस्य चरश्य च || २-३५-५
न ह्यकार्यतमम् किंचित् तव देवीह विद्यते |

“There is nothing on earth, anything which is most disgraceful for you by whom your husband king Dasaratha the supporter of the entire creation the unmoving and the moving, is betrayed, Oh, Kaikeyi!”

5. devi = Oh; Kaikeyi! yasyaaH tava = which your; patiH = husband; raajaa dasharathaH = king Dasaratha; bhartaa = the supporter; sarvasya jagataH = of entire creation; sthaavarasya = the unmoving; tyaktaH = = is betrayed; svayam = on your own; tava = such of you; nahi vidyate = there is indeed nothing; iha = oh earth; kimchit = anything; akaaryatamam = which is most disgraceful.

Verse 6 & 7

पतिघ्नीम् त्वामहम् मन्ये कुलघ्नीमपि चान्ततः || २-३५-६
यन्म हेंद्रमिवाजय्यम् दुष्प्रकम्प्यमिवाचलम् |
महोदधिमिवाक्षोभ्यम् सन्तापयसि कर्मभिः || २-३५-७

“King Dasaratha is unconquerable as great Indra, unshakable as mountain and imperturbable as a great ocean. By tormenting him with your actions, you are considered by me as murderess of your husband and ultimately the exterminator of your race too.”

6;7. aham = I; manye = consider; tvam = you; patighniim = as murderers of your husband; antataH = ultimately; kulaghniimapicha = the exterminator of your race too; yat = for which reason; karmabhiH = by your actions; santaapayasi = you are causing grief(to your husband) ajayyam = who is unconquerable; mahendramiva = as great Indra; dushhkampyam = who cannot be moved; achalamiva = as a mountain; akshhobhyam = who is imperturbable; mahodadhimiva = as a great ocean.

Verse 8

मावमंस्था दशरथम् भर्तारम् वरदम् पतिम् |
भर्तुरिच्छा हि नारीणाम्पुत्रकोट्या विशिष्यते || २-३५-८

“Do not despise Dasaratha the supporter, the bestower of boons and your husband. For women, will of the husband is superior to that of ten million sons.”

8. maavamamsthaaH = do not despise; dasharatham = Dasaratha; bhartaaram = the supporter; varadam = the bestower of boon; patim = and your husband; naariiNaam = for women; bhartaH = husband’s; ichchhaa = will; vishishhyate = is superior; putrakotyaaH = to ten million sons.

Verse 9

यथावयो हि राज्यानि प्राप्नुवन्ति नृपक्षये |
इक्ष्वाकुकुलनाथेऽस्मिंस्तल्लोपयितुमिच्छसि || २-३५-९

“After death of a king, kingdoms are obtained as per the age of the princes. But, you want to deprive this condition in the case of Rama the lord of Ikshvaku dynasty.”

9. nR^ipakshhaye = after the death of a king; raajyaani = kingdoms; prapnuvantihi = are indeed obtained; yathaavayaH = as per the age(of princes) ichchhasi = you want; lopayitum = to deprive; tat = it; asmin ikshhvaakukulanaathe = in this lord Ikshvaku dynasty; Rama.

Verse 10

राजा भवतु ते पुत्रो भरतश्शास्तु मेदिनीम् |
वयम् तत्र गमिष्यामो रामो यत्र गमिष्यति || २-३५-१०

“Let your son Bharata become the king and rule the earth. wherever Rama goes, we (on our part) shall go there”.

10. te putraH = “(Let) your son; bhartaH = Bharata; bhavatu = become; raajaa = the king; shastu = let him rule; madiniim = the earth; yatra = wherever; raamaH = Rama; gamishhyati = goes; vayam = we; gamishhyaamaH = shall go; tatra = there.”

Verse 11

न हि ते विषये कश्चिद्ब्राह्मणो वस्तुमर्हति |
तादृशम् त्वममर्यादमद्य कर्म चिकीर्षसि || २-३५-११

“Now any brahmana cannot indeed dwell in your kigdom as now you want to do such an act, transgressing the due limits.”

11. te vishhaye = In your kingdom; kashchit braahmaNaH = even any brahmana; na arhati hi = cannot indeed; vastum = dwell; tvam = you; chikiirshhasi = want to do; taadR^isham = such; karma = act; adya = now; amaryaadam = transgressing due limits.

Verse 12 & 13

नूनम् सर्वे गमिष्यामो मार्गम् रामनिषेवितम् |
त्यक्ताया बान्धवैः सर्वैर्ब्राह्मणैः साधुभिः सदा || २-३५-१२
का प्रीती राज्यलाभेन तव देवि भविष्यति |
तादृशम् त्वममर्यादम् कर्म कर्तुम् चिकीर्षसि || २-३५-१३

“Certainly, all of us will proceed in the path followed by Rama. Oh, queen Kaikeyi! What pleasure will be derived through attainment of soverignity, when your relatives, all brahmanas and pious souls desert you forever? Now, you want to do such an act of impropriety”

12;13. nuunam = certainly; sarve = all of us; gamishhyaami = will go; maargam = in the way; raamanishhevitam = followed by Rama; devi = Oh queen Kaikeyi! yaa = which you; sadaa = forever; tyaktaa = deserted; baandhanvaiH = by relatives; sarvaiH = by all; brahmaNaiH = brahmanas; saadubhiH = by pious souls; tava = such of you; kaa = what; priitiH = pleasure; bhavishhyati = will be derived; raajya laabhena = through attainment of sovereignity; tvam = you; chikiirshhasi = want; kartum = to do; taadR^isham = such; karma = an act; amaryaadam = of impropriety.

Verse 14

आश्चर्यमिव पश्यामि यस्यास्ते वृत्तमीदृशम् |
आचरन्त्या न विदृता सद्यो भवति मेदिनी || २-३५-१४

“I am looking only with surprise, why the earth is not immediately rent asunder, while you conduct yourself with such an act”

14. yasyaaH = while you; te = as such; aacharantyaaH = conduct yourself; iidR^isham = such of this; vR^ittam = act; pashyaami = I am looking; aashcharyamiva = with only surprise; medinii = (why) earth; na bhavati = is not; sadya = immediately; vidR^itaa = rent asunder.

Verse 15

महाब्रह्मर्षिसृष्टा वा ज्वलन्तो भीमदर्शना |
धिग्वाग्दण्डणा न हिंसन्ति रामप्रव्राजने स्थिताम् || २-३५-१५

“It is also surprising me why rods of reproaching words fiery and fearful to look at uttered by great brahmana sages are not killing you, who are bent on sending Rama to exile.”

15. dhikvaagdanNdaaH vaa = rods of reproaching words; jvalantaH = which are burning with fire; bhiima darshanaaH = and fearful to look at; mahaabrahmarshhi sR^ishhTaaH = uttered by great brahmana sages; na himsanti = are not killing; sthitaam = you; who have decided; raamapravraajane = to send Rama to exile.

Verse 16

आम्रम् चित्वा कुठारेन निम्बम् परिचरेत्तु यः |
यश्चेनम् पयसा सिञ्चेन्नैवास्य मधुरो भवेत् || २-३५-१६

“Who will nurture a neem tree, cutting down a mango tree with an axe? And a neem tree will not turn sweet for him who nourishes it with milk.”

16. yaH = who; chhitraa = while cutting down; aamram = a mango tree; kuThaareNa = with axe; paricharettu = nurtures; nimbam = a neem tree; yashcha = who; siNchet = will wet; enam = this neem tree; payasaa = sweet; asya = to him.

Verse 17

अभिजात्यम् हि ते मन्ये यथा मातुस्तथैव च |
न हि निम्बात्स्रवेत्क्षौद्रम् लोके निगदितम् वचः || २-३५-१७

“I think, by birth your nature is as exactly as that of your mother. a proverb is quoted in the world saying that honey does not ooze from a neem tree.”

17. manye = I think; abhijaatyam = your nature; by birth; yathaa tathaivacha = is as exactly as; maatuH = a proverb; nigaditam = is quoted; loke = in the world; kshhaudram = “honey; na sraveti hi = does not ooze surely; nimbaat = from a neem tree.”

Verse 18 & 19

तव मातुरसद्ग्राहम् विद्मः पूर्वम् यथाश्रुतम् |
पितुस्ते वरदः कश्चिद्ददौ वरमनुत्तमम् || २-३५-१८
सर्वभूतरुतम् तस्मात्सम्जज्ञे वसुधाधिपः |
तेन तिर्यग्गतानाम् च भूतानाम् विदितम् वचः || २-३५-१९

“We know, as heard of in the past, your mother’s conduct of evil satisfaction. Someone capable of giving boons, granted a great boon to your father. By that boon he could identify the language of all created beings. The talk of those beings belonging to sub human species could be known by him.”

18;19. vidmaH = we know; yathaashR^itam = as heard of; puurvam = in the past; tava maataH = your mother’s; asadgraaham = evil satisfaction; kashchit = someone; varadaH = capable of giving boons; dadau = bestowed; anuttamam varam = a great boon; te pituH = your father; tasmaat = by it; vasudhaadhipaH = that king; samjaJNe = could identify; sarva bhuutarutam = the language of all created beings; tena = by him; vachaH = the talk bhuutaanaam = of those beings; tiryaggataanaam = belonging to sub-human species; viditam = could be known.

Verse 20

ततो जृम्भस्य शयने विरुताद्भूरिवर्चसा |
पितुस्ते विदितो भावः स तत्र बहुधाऽहसत् || २-३५-२०

“From the sound of an ant called Jrimbha near his bed, the meaning of that sound was deciphered by your exceedingly brilliant father and he laughed over it repeatedly.”

20. tataH = then; virutaat = from the sound; jR^imbhasya = of an ant called Jrimbha; shayane = near the bed; bhaavaH = its meaning; viditaH = was deciphered; te pituH = by your father; ahasat = langhed; bahudhaa = repeatedly; tatra = over it.

Verse 21

तत्र ते जननी क्रुद्धा मृत्युपाशमभीप्सती |
हासम् ते नृपते सौम्य जिज्ञासामीति भाब्रवीत् || २-३५-२१

Your mother, becoming angry over his laugh, wishing even to hand him to death(in case he refuses to disclose the reason for his laughter), spoke thus: “Oh king, the gentle sir! I want to know the meaning of your laughter.”

21. te jananii = your mother; kR^iddhaa = becoming angry; tatra = over his laugh; abhiipsatii = wishing to; mR^ityupaasham = hang him to death; abraviit = spoke; iti = thus; nR^ipate = “Oh; king; saumya = the gentle sir! jiJNaasaami = I want to know; te haasam = about your laugh.

Verse 22

नृपश्चोवाच ताम् देवीम् देवि शंसामि ते यदि |
ततो मे मरणम् सद्यो भविष्यति न संशयः || २-३५-२२

“The king replied to that queen as follows: “Oh, royal lady! If I tell you the reason of my laughter, my death will immediately follow thereafter. There is no doubt about it.”

22. nR^ipaschcha = that king; uvaacha = replied; taam deviim = to that queen(as follows): devi = Oh; queen! shamsaamiyadii = If I tell; te = you; maraNam = death; bhavishhyati = will come; me = to me; sadyaH = immediately; tataH = thereafter; na = there is no; samshayaH = doubt.

Verse 23

माता ते पितरम् देवि ततह् केकयमब्रवीत् |
शंस मे जीव वा मा वा न मामपहसिष्यसि || २-३५-२३

“Your mother then said to your father, the king of Kekayas, Live or die as you will. tell me the laughter. Do not ridicule me.”

23. devi = Oh Kaikeyi! tataH = then; te maataa = your mother; abraviit = spoke; kekayam = Kekaya king; pituram = your father(thus); jiiva vaa = either live; maavaa = or die; shamsa = tell; me = me; na apahisishhasi = do not ridicule; maam = me.

Verse 24

प्रियया च तथोक्तः सन् केकयः पृथीवीपतिः |
तस्मै तम् वरदायार्थम् कथयामास तत्त्वतः || २-३५-२४

Having been spoken thus by his beloved consort, the said king of the Kekayas on his part correctly reported the matter to the sage who had bestowed the boon on him.

24. uktaH san = having been spoken; tathaa = thus; priyayaa = by his beloved consort; kekayaH prithvii patiH = the ruler of Kekaya kingdom; kathayaamaasa = reported; tasmai = to that; varadaaya = bestower of boon; tattvataH = correctly; tam artham = that matter.

Verse 25

ततः स वरदह् साधु राजानम् प्रत्यभाषत |
म्रियताम् ध्वंसताम् वेयम् मा कृथास्त्वम् महीपते || २-३५-२५

Then the sage who had bestowed the boon replied to the king as follows: “Oh, lord of the earth! Let her die or ruin. Do not reveal the reason to her.”

25. tataH = then; saH saadhuH = that sage; varadaH = who had bestowed the boon; pratyabhaashhataH = replied; rajaanam = to the king(as follows): mahiipate = “Oh; king! iyam = let her; mriyataam = die; dhamsataam vaa = or ruin; tvam = you; maakR^ithaaH = do not persue that course.

Verse 26

स तच्छ्रुत्वा वचस्तस्य प्रसन्नमनसो नृपः |
मातरम् ते निरस्याशु विजहार कुबेरवत् || २-३५-२६

“Having heard the words of that sage who was pure-minded, the king repudiated your mother and lived happily like Kubera the Lord of riches.”

26. shrutvaa = having heard; tat vachaH = the word; tasya = of him; prasanna manasaH = who was pure-minded; saH nR^ipaH = that king; nirasya = repudiated; maataram = your mother; vijahaara = lived happily; kuberavat = like Kubera; the lord of riches.

Verse 27

तथा त्वमपि राजानम् दुर्जनाचरिते पथि |
असद्ग्राहमिमम् मोहात्कुरुषे पापदर्शिनि || २-३५-२७

“Oh, Kaikeyi, seeing evil everywhere! You, too, thus following the path trodden by wicked men, are making this bad resolution by ignorance.”

27. paapadarshini = Oh; Kaikeyi; seeing evil(everywhere) tvamapi = you too; tathaa = thus; pathi = in the path; durjanaacharite = trodden by wicked men; kurushhe = are making; imam = this; asadgraaham = bad resolution; mohaat = by igonorance.

Verse 28

सत्यश्चाद्य प्रवादोऽयम् लौकिकः प्रतिभाति मा |
पित्ऱ्^ऊन् समनुजायन्ते नरा मातरमङ्गनाः || २-३५-२८

“The popular saying that males are born confirming to their fathers and females to their mothers, occurs to me as true.”

28. pratibhaat = It is occuring; maa = about me; adya = now; ayam = this; pravaadaH = saying; laukikaH = which is popular; satyaH = has become true; naraaH = males; samamjaayante = are born; conforming; pitR^iin = to their fathers; aNganaaH = females; maataram = to their mothers.

Verse 29

नैवम् भव ग़ृहाणेदम् यदाह वसुधाधिपः |
भर्तुरिच्चामुपास्वेह जनस्यास्य गतिर्भव || २-३५-२९

Do not conform to the traits of your mother. Understand that which is said by the king. following the desire of your husband, be a protectress to these people here.”

29. na bhava = do not become; evam = like this; gR^ihaaNa = understand; idam = that; aha = which is said; vasudhaadhipaH = by the king; upaasva = following; ichchaam = the desire; bhartuH = of your husband; bhava = be; gatiH = a protectress; asya janasya = to these people; iha = here.

Verse 30

मा त्वम् प्रोत्साहिता पापैर्देवराजसमप्रभम् |
भर्तारम् लोकभर्तारमसद्धर्ममुपादधाः || २-३५-३०

“Incitedby the evil minded, do not put before the public an improper course of conduct of your husband who spendour is equal to that of king Devendra and who is a protector of this world.

30. protsaahitaa = Incited; paapaiH = by the evil minded; tvam = you; maa upaadadhaaH = do not put before the public; asaddhaarmam = an improper course of conduct; bhartaaram = of your husband; devaraaja samprabham = whose splendour is equal to the king Devendra; lokabhartaaram = and who is a protector of this world.

Verse 31

न हि मिथ्या प्रतिज्ञातम् करिष्यति तवानघः |
श्रीमान्दशरथो राजा देवि राजीवलोचनः || २-३५-३१

“Oh, Kaikeyi! Dasaratha the faultless man, the majesty, the lotus-eyed man and the king cannot indeed belie the promise given to you(Hence, you alone has to change your opinion)”

31. devii = Oh; queen! dasharathaH = Dasaratha; anagaH = the faultless man; shriimaan = the Majesty; raajiivalochanaH = the lotus-eyed man; raajaa = the king; nakarishhyati hi = cannot indeed make; mithyaa = untrue; pratiJNaatam = the promise given; tava = to you.

Verse 32

ज्येष्ठो वदान्यः कर्मण्यः स्वधर्मपरिरक्षिता |
रक्षिता जीवलोकस्य बली रामोऽभिषिच्यताम् || २-३५-३२

“Let Rama the eldest(of the sons) who is generous strong skilled, capable of protecting his own duty as Kshatriya but also of protecting the world of living beings, be installed on the throne of Ayodhya”

32. raamaH = Rama; jyeshhTaH = the eldest; vadaanyaH = the generous; karmaNyaH = the skilled; svadharma parirakshhitaa = the saviour of one’s own righteousness; jiivalokasya = of the world of living being; balii = the strong; abhishhichyataam = be installed on the throne(of Ayodhya).

Verse 33

परिवादो हि ते देवि महान्लोके चरिष्यति |
यदि रामो वनम् याति विहाय पितरम् नृपम् || २-३५-३३

“Oh, Kaikeyi! A great accusation will surely roam about you in the world, if Rama leaving his royal father goes to the forest.

33. devi = Oh; Kaikeyi! raamaH = Rama; vihaaya = leaving; pitaram = his father; nR^ipam = the king; yaati yadi = and in case goes; vanam = to the forest; mahaan = a great; parivaadaH = accusation; charishhyati = will surely roam; te = about you; charishhyati = in the world.

Verse 34

स राज्यम् राघवः पातु भवत्वम् विगतज्वरा |
न हि ते राघवादन्यः क्षमः पुरवरे वसेत् || २-३५-३४

“Let Rama of that character protect this kingdom! Be you free from distress. There is none other than Rama living in your excellent city who is competent to rule this Ayodhya”

34. saH raama = Rama of that king; paatu = should protect; raajyam = the kingdom; bhava = be; tvam = you; vigata jvaraa = free from distres; na vaset = there is no one existing; puravare = in this excellent city; te = of yours; anyaH = other; raamavaat = then Rama; samardhaH = who is competent.

Verse 35

रामे हि यौवराज्यस्थे राजा दशरथो वनम् |
प्रवेक्ष्यति महेष्वासः पूर्ववृत्तमनुस्मरन् || २-३५-३५

“In the event of Rama being installe din the office of the prince Regent, King Dasaratha wielder of the great bow will surely have recourse to the forest, cherishly recollecting the conduct of his forebears”

35. raame = Rama; yauvaraajyasthe = being installed in the office of Price Regent; dasarathaH = Dasaratha; raajaa = the king; maheshhvaasaH = the wielder of the great bow; pravekshhyati hi = will surely have recourse; vanam = to the forest; anusmaran = cherishly recollecting; puurva vR^ittam = the conduct of his forebears.

Verse 36

इति सान्वैश्च तीक्ष्णै कैकेयीम् राजसंसदि |
सुवन्त्रः क्षोभयामास भूय एव कृताञ्जलिः || २-३५-३६

Thus, Sumantra repeatedly with joint palms, caused a shaking to Kaikeyi in the royal assmebly, by his kind words as well as bitter words.

36. iti = Thus; sumantraH = Sumantra; kshhobhaayamaasa = caused a shaking; kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyi; raajasamsadi = in the royal assemble; saantvaishcha = by his kind words; tikshhNaishcha = as well as his bitter words; bhuuya eva = repeatedly; kR^itaaNjaliH = with joined palms.

Verse 37

नैवसाक्षुभ्यते देवी न च स्म परिदूयते |
न चास्या मुखवर्णस्य विक्रिया लक्ष्यते तदा || २-३५-३७

That queen Kaikeyi, however, was neither excited nor repented in her heart nor was any change observed in the colour of her face.

37. saa devii = that queen Kaikeyi; naiva kshhubhyate = did not get excted; na pariduuyatesma = was not reapented in her heart; na lakshhyate = nor was seen; vikrayaacha = even change in; asyaaH = her; mukhavarNasya = colour of the face; tada = then.

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