Rama comes to see his father Dasharatha and Dasharatha summons Sumantra to fetch all his wives to hither, and asks Rama to stay with him at least for a night. But Rama resolved in his vow, persuades his father to be peaceful. Dasharatha’s anguish intensifies and he swoons at the departure of Rama.
Verse – 1
ततःकमलपत्राक्षः श्यामो निरुपमो महान् |
उवाच रामस्तम् सूतं पितुराख्याहि मामिति || २-३४-१
Thereafter, the lotus-eyes Rama, who was dark-brown in complexion and great beyond compare, spoke thus to the charioteer, “Tell about me to my father.”
1. tataH = thereafter; raamaH = Rama; kamalapatraakshhaH = having eyes resembling lotus leaves; shyaamaH = the dark-brown; coloured man; mahaan = the mighty man; nirupamaH = beyond compare; uvaacha = spoke; tam suutam = to that charioteer; iti = thus; aakhyaahi = “Tell; maam = about me; pituH = to father.
Verse – 2
स राम प्रेषितः क्षिप्रम् सम्ताप कलुष इन्द्रियः |
प्रविश्य नृपतिम् सूतः निह्श्वसन्तम् ददर्श ह || २-३४-२
Quickly entering inside, when sent by Rama, the charioteer saw the king having sighs, his senses disturbed by grief.
2. saH suutaH = that charioteer; santaaparkalushhendriyaH = with his senses disturbed by grief; raama preshhitaH = having been sent by Rama; kshhipram = quickly; pravishya = entered; dadarsha ha = and saw; nR^ipatim = the king; niHshvasantam = heaving sighs.
Verse – 3
उपरक्तमिवादित्यं भस्मच्छन्नमिवानलम्|
तटाकमिव निस्तोयमपश्यज्जगतीपतिम्|| २-३४-३
He saw the king resembling an eclipsed sun, like fire covered by ash, as a lake without water.
3. apashyat = (he) saw;; jagatiipatim = the king; aadityam iva = resembling a sun; uparaktam = eclipsed; analam iva = like fire; bhasmachchhannam = covered by ash; tataakam iva = as a lake; nistoyam = without water.
Verse – 4
आलोक्य तु महा प्राज्ञः परम आकुल चेतसम् |
रामम् एव अनुशोचन्तम् सूतः प्रान्जलिर् आसदत् || २-३४-४
The charioteer, a great intellectual, saw Dasaratha repenting with his mind greatly agitated and approached him with joined palms.
4. suutaH = the charioteer; mahaapraaJNaH = a great intellectual; aalokyatu = saw; anushochantam = the repenting; varamaakula chetasam = mind greatly agitated; aasadat = approached; praaN^jalaiH = with joined pams.
Verse 5
तम् वर्धयित्वा राजानम् सूतः पूर्वम् जयाशिषा|
भयविक्लबया वाचा मन्दया श्लक्ष्णमब्रवीत् || २-३४-५
The charioteer, first inspiring the king with blessings of triumph, spoke thus in a slow and sweet voice, overcome with fear.
5. suutaH = the charioteer; puurvam = first; vardhayitvaa = inspiring; tam raajaanam = the king; jayaashishhaa = with blessings of triumph; abraviit = spoke; mandayaa = in slow; shlakshhNam = and sweet; vachaa = words; bhaya viklabayaa = overcome with fear.
Verse 6
अयम् स पुरुष व्याघ्र द्वारि तिष्ठति ते सुतः |
ब्राह्मणेभ्यो धनम् दत्त्वा सर्वम् चैव उपजीविनाम् || २-३४-६
“Your son, the tiger among men, having given away all his wealth to brahmanas and dependents, is waiting at the gate.”
6. te sutaH = your son; purushhavyaaghraH = tiger among men; saH ayam = as such; dattvaa = having given away; sarvam = all; dhanam = wealth; braahmaNebhyaH = to brahmanas; upajiivinaamchaiva = and dependents; tishhTati = is standing; dvaari = at the gate.
Verse 7
स त्वा पश्यतु भद्रम् ते रामः सत्य पराक्रमः |
सर्वान् सुहृदाअपृच्च्य त्वाम् इदानीम् दिदृक्षते || २-३४-७
“May auspiciousness betide you! Let that Rama, who is unfailingly brave, see you. After bidding farewell to all friends, he wants to see you now.”
7. bhadram = auspiciousness; te = to you! saH raamaH = (let) that Rama; satya paraakramaH = who is truly brave; pashyatu = see; tvaa = you; aapR^ichchhya = after bidding farewell; sarvam suhR^idaH = to all friends; didR^ikshhate = (he) wants to see; tvaam = you; idaaniim = now.
Verse 8
गमिष्यति महा अरण्यम् तम् पश्य जगती पते |
वृतम् राज गुणैः सर्वैः आदित्यम् इव रश्मिभिः || २-३४-८
“Oh, king! Rama is setting out to a great forest. See him who is resembling a sun with rays of light, displaying royal qualities.”
8. jagatiipate = Oh; king! gamishhyati = (He) is seeting out; mahaaraNyam = to a great forest; pashya = see; tam = that Rama; aadityamiva = who is like sun; rashmibhiH = with rays of light; vR^itam = displaying; raajaguNaiH = royal qualities.
Verse 8
गमिष्यति महा अरण्यम् तम् पश्य जगती पते |
वृतम् राज गुणैः सर्वैः आदित्यम् इव रश्मिभिः || २-३४-८
“Oh, king! Rama is setting out to a great forest. See him who is resembling a sun with rays of light, displaying royal qualities.”
8. jagatiipate = Oh; king! gamishhyati = (He) is seeting out; mahaaraNyam = to a great forest; pashya = see; tam = that Rama; aadityamiva = who is like sun; rashmibhiH = with rays of light; vR^itam = displaying; raajaguNaiH = royal qualities.
Verse 10
सुमन्त्र आनय मे दारान् ये केचित् इह मामकाः |
दारैः परिवृतः सर्वैः द्रष्टुम् इच्चामि राघवम् || २-३४-१०
“Oh, Sumantra! being all my wives, who are here. Surrounded by all of them, I want to see the virtuous Rama.”
10. sumantra = Oh; Sumantra! ye kachit = whoever; maamakaaH = my wives; iha = are here; anaya = bring; me daaraan = such of my wives; parivR^itaH = surrounded by; sarvaiH = all; daaraiH = wives; ichchhaami = I want; drashhTum = to see; dhaarmikam = the virtuous Rama.
Verse 11
सो अन्तः पुरम् अतीत्य एव स्त्रियः ता वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
आर्यो ह्वयति वो राजा गम्यताम् तत्र माचिरम् || २-३४-११
Sumantra, after entering the gynaecium, spoke these words to those women as follows: “Oh, the venerable ladies! The king is calling you. Go there without delay.
11. saH = He; atiityaiva = after entering; antaH puram = the gynaecium; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; taaH striyaH = to those women; aaryaaH = “Oh; the venerable ladies! raajaa = the king; hvayati = is calling; vaH = you; gamyataam = go; tatra = there; maa chiram = without delay.
Verse 12
एवम् उक्ताः स्त्रियः सर्वाः सुमन्त्रेण नृप आज्ञया |
प्रचक्रमुस् तत् भवनम् भर्तुर् आज्ञाय शासनम् || २-३४-१२
All those women, asked thus by Sumantra as per the king’s orders, went to his palace, after knowing the instructions of their husband.
12. sarvaaH = all; stiyaH = women; uktaaH = spoken; evam = thus; sumantreNa = by Sumantra; nR^ipaaJNayaa = as per king’s orders; prachakramaH = moved; tadbhavanam = to his house; aaJNaaya = after knowing; shaasanam = the instruction; bhartuH = of their husband.
Verse 13
अर्ध सप्त शताः ताः तु प्रमदाः ताम्र लोचनाः |
कौसल्याम् परिवार्य अथ शनैः जग्मुर् धृत व्रताः || २-३४-१३
Encircling Kausalya, three hundred fifty women, steadfast in their vow(of devotion to their husband), with their eyes reddened, went there slowly.
13. atha = thereafter; taaH = those; ardha sapta shataaH = three hundred and fifty; pramadaaH = women; dhR^itavrataaH = steadfast in their vow (of devotion to their husband); taamra lochanaaH = having red eyes; parivaarya = encircling; kausalyaam = Kausaly; jagmuH = went; shanaiH = slowly.
Verse 14
आगतेषु च दारेषु समवेक्ष्य मही पतिः |
उवाच राजा तम् सूतम् सुमन्त्र आनय मे सुतम् || २-३४-१४
After arrival of his wives, king Dasaratha spoke to that charioteer as follows, “Oh, Sumantra! Bring my son here.”
14. aagateshhu = after arrival;daareshhu = of wives; raajaa = Dasaratha; mahiipatih = the lord of the earth; samavekshhya = looked; tam suutam = towards that chariorteer; uvaacha = and spoke(thus); sumantra = Oh; Sumantra! aanaya = bring; me sutam = my son.
Verse 15
स सूतः रामम् आदाय लक्ष्मणम् मैथिलीम् तदा |
जगाम अभिमुखः तूर्णम् सकाशम् जगती पतेः || २-३४-१५
Taking Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha, that charioteer then speedily went to the king’s presence.
15. tadaa = then; saH suutah = that charioteer; aadaaya = took; raamam = Rama; lakshhmaNam = Lakshmana; maithiliim = and Seetha; tuurNam = speedily; jagaama = went; abhimukhaH = towards; jagatiipataH = the king’s sakaasham = presence.
Verse 16
स राजा पुत्रम् आयान्तम् दृष्ट्वा दूरात् कृत अन्जलिम् |
उत्पपात आसनात् तूर्णम् आर्तः स्त्री जन सम्वृतः || २-३४-१६
King Dasaratha surrounded by women, seeing from a distance his son coming with folded hands, distressed as he was, rose swiftly from his seat.
16. saH raajaa = that king; striijana samvR^itaH = surrounded by women; dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; duraat = from a distance; putram = his son; ayaantam = coming; kR^itaaNjalim = with folded hands; aartaH = being distressed; utpapaata = rose; aasanaat = from his seat; tuurNam = swiftly.
Verse 17
सो अभिदुद्राव वेगेन रामम् दृष्ट्वा विशाम् पतिः |
तम् असम्प्राप्य दुह्ख आर्तः पपात भुवि मूर्चितः || २-३४-१७
Seeing Rama, King Dasaratha ran speedily towards him. But without reaching him he fell on the floor senseless, afflicted as he was with sorrow.
17. dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; raamam = Rama; saH = Dasaratha; vishaampatiH = the ruler of people; abhidadraava = ran towards him; vegena = speedily; asampraapya = without reaching; tam = him; papaata = fell; bhuvi = on the floor; muurchhitaH = senseless; duHkhaartaH = afflicted with sorrow.
Verse 18
तम् रामः अभ्यपातत् क्षिप्रम् लक्ष्मणः च महा रथः |
विसम्ज्ञम् इव दुह्खेन सशोकम् नृपतिम् तदा || २-३४-१८
Then, Rama and Lakshmana an eminent car-warrior, quickly approached that king who seemed unconscious with full of grief as he was, through agony.
18. tadaa = tehn; raamaH = Rama; lakshhmaNashche = and Lakshmana; mahaarathaH = an eminent car-warrior; kshhipram = quickly; abhyapatat = approached; tam nR^ipatim = that king; visamJNam iva = who seemed senseless; duHkhena = with grief; sashokam = through agony.
Verse 19
स्त्री सहस्र निनादः च सम्जज्ञे राज वेश्मनि |
हाहा राम इति सहसा भूषण ध्वनि मूर्चितः || २-३४-१९
Sounds of thousands of women crying “Alas! Alas! Oh Rama!” generated all at once from the royal palace, mixed with the sound of tinkling ornaments.
19. samjaJNe = generated; sahasaa = all at once; raajaveshmani = from the royal palace; striisahasraninaadashcha = sound of thousands of women crying; haa haa raama iti = “Alas! Alas! Oh Rama !” bhuushhaNa dhvanimuurchhitaH = mixed with the sound of tinkling of ornaments.
Verse 20
तम् परिष्वज्य बाहुभ्याम् ताव् उभौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |
पर्यन्के सीतया सार्धम् रुदन्तः समवेशयन् || २-३४-२०
Holding Dasaratha in their arms and crying, both Rama and Lakshmana along with Seetha laid him on the couch.
20. tau = those; ubhau = both; raamalakshhmaNau = Rama and Lakshmana; siitayaa saardham = along with Seetha; parishhvajya = held; tam = Dasaratha; baahubhyaam = in their arms; rudanta = and crying; samaveshayan = laid him; paryaNke = in the couch.
Verse 21
अथ रामः मुहूर्तेन लब्ध सम्ज्ञम् मही पतिम् |
उवाच प्रान्जलिर् भूत्वा शोक अर्णव परिप्लुतम् || २-३४-२१
Then, Rama with folded hands spoke thus to king Dasaratha who got consciousness within a short time and who was inundated in a sea of sorrow.
21. atha = thereafter; raamaH = Rama; bhuutvaa = becoming; praNjaliH = one with folded hands; uvaacha = spoke(as follows) mahiipatim = to king Dasaratha; labdha samJNam = who got consciousness; muhuurtena = within a short time; shokaarNava pariplutam = imundated in a sea of sorrow.
Verse 22
आपृच्चे त्वाम् महा राज सर्वेषाम् ईश्वरः असि नः |
प्रस्थितम् दण्डक अरण्यम् पश्य त्वम् कुशलेन माम् || २-३४-२२
“Oh, emperor! I take leave of you, who are the lord of all of us. See auspiciously towards me, who am about to leave for Dandaka forest.”
22. mahaara = Oh Emperor! aapR^ichchhe = I am seaking permission; tvaam = from you; asi = you are; iishvaraH = the lord; sarveshhaam = to all; naH = of us; tvam = you; pashya = see; kushalena = auspiciously; maam = towards me; prasthitaH = setting out; daNdakaaraNyam = to the forest of Dandaka.
Verse 23
लक्ष्मणम् च अनुजानीहि सीता च अन्वेति माम् वनम् |
कारणैः बहुभिस् तथ्यैः वार्यमाणौ न च इच्चतः || २-३४-२३
“Permit Lakshmana also and Seetha too who is accompanying me to the forest. Even if prevented(by me0 on many true reasons, these two are not agreeing to stay behind”
23. anujaaniihi = permit; lakshhmaNamcha = Lakshmana also; siitaacha = Seetha too; anveti = is accompanying; maam = me; vanam = to the forest; vaaryamaaNau = even if prevented; bahubhiH = by many; tathyaiH = true; kaaranaiH = reasons; nachaichchhataH = these two are not agreeing.
Verse 24
अनुजानीहि सर्वान् नः शोकम् उत्सृज्य मानद |
लक्ष्मणम् माम् च सीताम् च प्रजापतिर् इव प्रजाः || २-३४-२४
“Giving up grief, Oh the bestower of honour, grant leave to all of us, Lakshmana myself and Seetha as Brahma(the lord of creation) did to his sons(sanaka and his three brothers who intended to go to forest for practising austerities).”
24. utsR^ijya = giving up; shokam = grief; maanada = Oh; the bestower of honour! anujaaniihi = grant leave; sarvaan = to all; naH = of us; lakshhmaNam = Lakshmana; maameha = myself; sitaamcha = and Seetha; prajaaH iva = as to his sons; prajaapatiH = Brahma.
Verse 25
प्रतीक्षमाणम् अव्यग्रम् अनुज्ञाम् जगती पतेः |
उवाच रर्जा सम्प्रेक्ष्य वन वासाय राघवम् || २-३४-२५
25. samprekshhya = gazing; raaghavam = at Rama; avyagram = who is unruffled; pratiikshhamaaNam = awaiting; anuJNyaam = permission; jagatiipateH = of the king; vanavaasaaya = stay in the forest; raajaa = the king Dasaratha; uvaacha = spoke(thus).
Gazing at Rama who is unruffled, awaiting permission of the king for stay in the forest, the king Dasaratha spoke thus:
Verse 26
अहम् राघव कैकेय्या वर दानेन मोहितः |
अयोध्यायाः त्वम् एव अद्य भव राजा निगृह्य माम् || २-३४-२६
“Oh, Rama! I was stupefied by Kaikeyi through a boon. Now, by confining me, be you the king of Ayodhya.”
26. raaghava = Oh; Rama! aham = I; mohitaH = was stupefied; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; varadaanena = through a boon; adya = now; nigR^ihya = by confirning; maam = me; tvameva = you alone; bhava = be; raajaa = the king; ayodhyaayaaH = of Ayodhya.
Verse 27
एवम् उक्तः नृपतिना रामः धर्मभृताम् वरः |
प्रत्युवाच अन्जलिम् कृत्वा पितरम् वाक्य कोविदः || २-३४-२७
When told thus by the king, Rama the best man in supporting righteousness and who is proficient in expression, replied( as follows) to his father, after making salutation with joined palms.
27. raamaH = Rama; varaH = the best man; dharma bhR^itaam = in supporting righteousness; vaakyakovidaH = who is proficient in speech; uktaH = after being spoken; evam = thus; nR^ipatinaa = by the king; pratyuvaacha = replied; pitaram = to his father; aNjalim kR^itvaa = after making salutation with joined palms.
Verse 28
भवान् वर्ष सहस्राय पृथिव्या नृपते पतिः |
अहम् तु अरण्ये वत्स्यामि न मे कार्यम् त्वया अनृतम् || २-३४-२८
“Oh, king! You be the ruler of the earth for thousand years. But, I for my part, will stay in the forest. For my sake, do not generate untruth about you.”
28. nR^ipate = Oh; King! bhavaan = you be; patiH = the lord; pR^ithivyaaH = of the earth; varshhasahasraaya = for thousand years; aham tu = but I; vatsyaami = shall stay arNye = in the forest; me = for me; na kaaryam = do not make; anR^itam = untruth; tvayaa = of you.
Verse 29
नव पञ्च च वर्षाणि वनवासे विहृत्य ते |
पुनः पादौ ग्रहीष्यामि प्रतिज्ञान्ते नराधिपः || २-३४-२९
“Oh, ruler of men! Having strolled in the forest for fourteen years, I shall clasp your feet once more after fulfilling my promise.”
29. naraadhipa = Oh; ruler of men! vihR^itya = having strolled; vanavaase = in the forest; nava paNchaacha = for fourteen; vashhaani = years; pratiJNaante = after fulfillingthe promise; grahishhyaami = I shall clasp; te = your; paadau = feet; punaH = once more.
Verse 30
रुदन्नाह प्रियम् पुत्रं सत्यपाशेन संयतः |
कैकेय्या चोद्यमान्स्तु मिथो राजा तमब्रवीत् || २-३४-३०
Prompted secretly by kaikeyi, the distressed king, tied up by fetters of truth, said weeping to that beloved son.
30. chodyamaanastu = prompted; mithaH = secretly; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; aartaH = the distressed; raajaa = king; samyataH = tied up; sata paashena = by fetters of truth; abraviit = said; rudan = weeping; tam = to that; priyam putram = beloved son.
Verse 31
श्रेयसे वृद्धये तात पुनर् आगमनाय च |
गच्चस्व अरिष्टम् अव्यग्रः पन्थानम् अकुतः भयम् || २-३४-३१
“Oh, darling! Proceed for welfare, for advancement and for coming again. Let your path of travel be auspicious, undistracted and fearless from any quarter.”
31. taata = Oh; darling! gachchhasva = proceed; shreyase = for welfare; vR^iddhaye = for advancement; punaHaagamanaayacha = and for coming again; panthaanam = let your path; arishhTam = be auspicious; avyagram = undistracted; akutobhayam = and fearless from any quarter.
Verse 32
न हि सत्यात्मनस्तात धर्माभिमनसस्तव |
विनिवर्त यितुं बुद्धि शक्यते रघुनन्दन || २-३४-३२
“Oh, darling, the seion of Raghu! Truthful as you are by nature and your mind being given to righteousness, your decision cannot be reversed.”
32. taata = Oh; darling! raghunandana = Oh; Rama; the seion of Raghu! satyaatmanaH = your mind being given to righteousness; tava = your; buddhiH = decision; na shakya hi = cannot be; vinivartayitum = reversed.
Verse 33
अद्य तु इदानीम् रजनीम् पुत्र मा गच्च सर्वथा |
मातरम् माम् च सम्पश्यन् वस इमाम् अद्य शर्वरीम् || २-३४-३३
“Oh, son! Do not leave in any case today, now at night time. Even by seeing you for one day, I may live happily.”
33. putra = Oh; son! adya = today; idaaniim = now; rajaniim = night; maa gachchha = do not go; sarvathaa = by all means; ekaaha darshaenaapi = even by seeing for one day; aham = I; charaamitaavat = may live; saadhu = happily.
Verse 34
मातरं माम् च सम्पश्यन् वसेमामद्य शर्वरीम् |
तर्पितः सर्वकामैस्त्वम् स्वः काले साधयिष्यसि || २-३४-३४
34. sampashyan = looking at maataram = your mother; maamcha = and myself; vasa = stay; imaam = this; sharvariim = might; adya = today; tarpitaH = satiated; sarva kaamaiH = by all desired objecs; tvam = you; saadhayishhyasi = may leave; shvaH = tommorrow; kaale = at dawn.
“Looking at your mother and myself, stay at least for this night today. Satiated by all the desired objects, you may leave tomorrow at dawn.”
Verse 35
दुष्करम् क्रियते पुत्र सर्वथा राघव तया |
मत्प्रियार्थम् प्रियांस्त्यक्त्वा यद्यासि विजनम् वनम् || २-३४-३५
“Oh Rama, my son! An incorrigible thing is being done by you since for my pleasure you are going to the forest a solitary place, leaving beloved ones.”
35. putra = Oh; son; raaghava = Rama! dushhkaram = an incorrigible thing; sarvathaa = in every respect; kriyate = is being done; tvayaa = by you; yat = since; mat priyaartham = for my pleasure; yaasi = you are going; vanam = to the forest; vijanam = a solitary place; tyaktvaa = leaving; priyaan = beloved ones.
Verse 36
न चैतन्मे प्रियम् पुत्र शपे सत्येन राघव |
छन्नया छलितस्त्वस्नु स्त्रुया छन्नाग्निकल्पया || २-३४-३६
“Oh Rama my son! Your exile is not agreeable to me. I was cheated by Kaikeyi who had concealed intentions and resembled fire with ashes.”
36. putra = Oh; son; raaghava = Rama! etat = this; nacha = is not; priyam = agreeable; me = to me; shape = I swear; satyena = by my faith; asmi = I was; chhalitaH = cheated; striyaa = by the woman; chhannayaa = who had concealed intentions; chhannaagni kalpayaa = resembled fire covered with ashes.
Verse 37
पञ्चना या तु लब्धा मे तां त्वम् निस्तर्तुमिच्छसि |
अनया वृत्तसादिन्या कैकेय्याऽभिप्रचोदितः || २-३४-३७
Incited by Kaikeyi who has destroyed established customs, you wish to redeem my deceit, derived by me from her.
37. athiprachoditaH = incited by; anayaa = this; kaikeyyaa = Kaikeyi; vR^ittasaadinyaa = who has destroyed established customs; tvam = you; ichchhasi = wish; mistartum = to redeem; me = my; yaavaNchanaa = which deceit; taam = that; labdhaa = was derived.
Verse 38
न चैतदाश्चर्यतमम् यत्तज्ज्येष्ठस्सुतो मम |
अपानृतकथम् पुत्र पितरम् कर्तुमिच्छ्सि || २-३४-३८
“It is not a great surprise, my son, that you my eldest son should seek to make your father as one who does not have false promises.”
38. putra = Oh; son! jyeshhTaH sutaH = as eldest son; mama = of min; ichhasi iti yat = that which you wish; kartum = to make; pitaram = your father; apaanR^itakatham = as on ewho does not have false promises; tat etat = this; na = is not aashcharyatamam = a great surprise.
Verse 39
अथ रामः तथा श्रुत्वा पितुर् आर्तस्य भाषितम् |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा दीनो वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-३४-३९
After hearing these words of their father who was depressed, Rama and Lakshmana were upset. Then Rama spoke these words.
39. atha = thereafter; raamaH = Rama; bhraataa lakshhmaNena saha = along with his brother lakshman; shrutvaa = hearing; bhaashhitam = the words; pituH = of his father; tathaa = thus; aartasya = depressed; diinaH = was upset; abraviit = spoke; vachanam = these words.
Verse 40
प्राप्स्यामि यान् अद्य गुणान् को मे श्वस्तान् प्रदास्यति |
अपक्रमणम् एव अतः सर्व कामैः अहम् वृणे || २-३४-४०
Even if these worldly pleasures are obtained today, who will offer those things to me tomorrow? Therefore I desire only to get away in lieu of all these enjoyments.
40. yaan = which; guNaam = wordly pleasures praapsyaami = I can get; adya = today; taan = those; kaH = who; pradaasyati = will offer; me = to me; shvaH = tomorrow? ataH = therfore; aham = I; vR^iNe = desire; apakramaNameva = only to get away; sarvaka = in lien of all enjoyments.
Verse 41
इयम् सराष्ट्रा सजना धन धान्य समाकुला |
मया विसृष्टा वसुधा भरताय प्रदीयताम् || २-३४-४१
“This earth being relinquished by me; which included various provinces, filled with people, imbued with riches and food grains, may be given to Bharata.”
41. iyam = vasudhaa = this earth; visR^ishhTaa = being relinquished; mayaa = by me; sa raashhTraa = which includes various provinces; sajanaa = filled with people; dhana dhaanya samaakulaa = inbued with riches and foodgrains; pradiiyataam = may be given; bharataaya = to Bharata.
Verse 42
वनवासकृता बुद्धिर्न च मेऽद्य चलिष्यति |
यस्तुष्टेन वरो दत्तः कैकेय्यै वरद त्वया || २-३४-४२
दीयताम् निखिलेनैव सत्यस्त्वम् भव पार्थिव |
“I cannot budge now from my decision made about my stay in the forest. Oh king the bestower of boons! You were pleased to give a boon to Kaikeyi and let it be fulfilled completely. Be you a truthful man.”
42. adya = now; nachalishhayati = I cannot budge; me buddhiH = from my decision; vanavaasa kR^itaa = made about my stay in the forest; paarthiva = Oh; king; varada = the bestower of boons! tvayaa = by you; tushhTena = who were pleased; dattaH = to give; yaH varaH = which boon; kaikeyyai = to Kaikeyi; diiyataam = let it be given; nikhilenaina = completely.
Verse 43
अहम् निदेशम् भवतो यथोक्तमनुपालयन् || २-३४-४३
चतुर्दश समा वत्स्ये वने वनचरैः सह |
“I , as promised, fulfilling your command, shall live in the forest along with forest-dwellers for fourteen years.”
43. aham = I; yathoktam = as promised; anupaalayan = fulfilling; bhavata = your; nidesham = command; vatsye = shall live; vane = in the forest; vanacharaiH saha = along with forest-dewellrs; chaturdasha = for fourteen; samaaH = years.
Verse 44 & 45
मा विमर्शो वसुमती भरताय प्रदीयताम् || २-३४-४४
न हि मे काम्क्षितम् राज्यम् सुखमात्मनि वा प्रियम् |
यथा निदेशम् कर्तुम् वै तवैव रघुनन्धन || २-३४-४५
“Oh, king! Do not have any hesitation in offering the kingdom to Bharata. Neither kingdom nor happiness indeed is desired by my nature. It is dear to me only to do your command as directed.”
44;45. maa = Oh; do not have; vimarshaH = hesitation; vasumatii pradiiyataam = let the kingdom be given; bharataaya = to Bharata; raghunandana = Oh; king! me = to me; raajyam = either kingdom; sukhamvaa = or happiness; nahi = indeed is not; kaaNkshhitam = desired; aatmano = by nature; kartum eva = only doing; tava = your; yathaanidesham = command as instructed; priyam vai = is dear to me.
Verse 46
अपगच्चतु ते दुह्खम् मा भूर् बाष्प परिप्लुतः |
न हि क्षुभ्यति दुर्धर्षः समुद्रः सरिताम् पतिः || २-३४-४६
“Let your sorrow disappear! Do not be overwhelmed with tears. The ocean, the lord of rivers which is difficult to assail, indeed does not get agitated.”
46. te duHkham apagachchhatu = let your sorrow disappear! maa bhuuH = do not be; bhaashhpa pariplutaH = overwheled with tears; samudraH = the ocean; patiH = the lord; saritaam = of rivers; durdharshhaH = which is difficult to assail; na kshhubhyatihi = is not indeed agitated.
Verse 47
न एव अहम् राज्यम् इच्चामि न सुखम् न च मैथिलीम् |
त्वाम् अहम् सत्यम् इच्चामि न अनृतम् पुरुष ऋषभ || २-३४-४७
“I do not crave for kingdom or happiness nor again for Seetha nor even all these enjoyments nor for heaven nor even for life.”
47. aham = I; naiva ichchhaami = do not even desire; raajyam = kingdom; na = nor; sukham = happiness; na = nor; maithiliimcha = Seetha too; naiva = nor even; sarvaan = all; imaan = these; kaamaan = enjoyments; naiva = nor; jiivitam = life.
Verse 48
त्वामहम् सत्यमिच्छामि नानृतम् पुरुषर्षभ |
प्रत्यक्षम् तव सत्येन सुकृतेन च ते शपे || २-३४-४८
“Oh, Jewel among men! I wish you to be a truthful mean, not a fallacious man. I swear to you in your presence by truth and by virtue.”
48. purushharshhabha = Oh; jewel among men! ahma = I; ichchhami = wish; tvaam = you; satyam = to be a truthful man; na = not; anR^itam = a fallaceous man; tava = In you; pratyakshham = presence; satyena = by truth; sukR^itena = and by virtue; shape = I swear; te = to you.
Verse 49
न च शख्यम् मया तात स्थातुम् क्षणमपि प्रभो |
स शोकम् ध्रारयस्वेमम् न हि मेऽस्ति विपर्ययः || २-३४-४९
“It is not possible for me, Oh father, to stay on even for a moment. Therefore, contain this grief, Oh Lord, for there is no going back upon my word.”
49. taata = Oh; father! prabho = Oh; lord! mayaa = by me; nashakyam = it is not possible; sthaatum = to stay; khhaNamapi = even for a moment; saH = you as such; dhaarayasva = should contian; evam = this; shokam = grief; naastihi = there is indeed no; viparyayaH = going back; me = for me.
Verse 50
अर्थितो ह्यस्मि कैकेय्या वनम् गच्छेति राघव |
मया चोक्तं प्रजामीति तत्सत्यमनुपालये || २-३४-५०
“Oh Dasaratha the seion of Raghu! I was indeed asked by Kaikeyi to go to the forest. It was also replied by me that I would go. I shall redeem that pledge.”
50. raaghava = Oh; Dasaratha the seion of Raghu! asmihi = I was indeed; arthitaH = asked; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; iti = as follows: gachchha = go; vanam = to the forest.” uktamcha = It was also replied; mayaa = by me; prajaami iti = that I would go; anupaalaye = I shall redeem; tat = that; satyam = pledge.
Verse 51
मा चोत्कण्थां कृथा देव वने रंस्यामहे वयम् |
प्रशान्तहरिणाकीर्णे नानाशकुनिनादिते || २-३४-५१
“Oh, king! Do not feel anxious. We shall sport in the forest, flocked with peaceful deer and rendered noisy by birds of various types.”
51. deva = Oh; king! maakR^ithaaH = do not feel; utkaNThaam = anxious; vayam = we; ramsyaamahe = shall sport; vane = in the forest; prashaanta hariNaakiirNe = flocked with peaceful deers; naanaashakuninaadite = rendered noisy by birds of various types.
Verse 52
पिता हि दैवतम् तात देवतानामपि स्मृतम् |
तस्माद्दैवतमित्येव करिष्यामि पितुर्वचः || २-३४-५२
“Oh, father! It was indeed said that even for celestials, father is the god. Therefore, I shall carry out the father’s word, considering it as divine.”
52. tat = Oh; father! smR^itamhi = it was said indeed; pitaa = father; daivatam = is the god; devataanaamapi = even for celestials; tasmaat = therefore; karishhyaami = I shall do; pituH = father’s; vachaH = word; daivatam ityeva = considering it s divine.
Verse 53
चतुर्धशसु वर्षेषु गतेषु नरसत्तम |
पुनर्द्रक्ष्यसि माम् प्राप्तम् सन्तापोऽयम् विमुच्यताम् || २-३४-५३
“Oh father, the best among men! You will see me, when I come back after elapsing fourteen years. Let this grief be given up.”
53. narasattama = Oh; best among men! praaptam = coming; gateshhu = after passing away; chaturdasha = fourteen; varshheshhu = years; drakshhyasi = you will see; maam = me; ayam samtaapaH vimuchyataam = let this grief be given up.
Verse 54
येन संस्तम्भनीयोऽयम् सर्वो बाष्पगळो जनः |
स त्वम् पुरुषशार्दूल किमर्थम् विक्रियाम् गतः || २-३४-५४
“Oh, tiger among men! Why have you got perturbed-you by whom all these people bathed in tears, ought to be consoled?”
54. purushha shaarduula = Oh; tiger among men! saraH = all; ayam janaH = these people; bhaashhpagaLaH = whoare bathed with tears; samstambhaniiyaH = are to be consoled by you; saH tva = such of you; kimartham = why; gataH = got; vikriyaam = perturbation?
Verse 55
पुरम् च राष्ट्रम् च मही च केवला |
मया निसृष्टा भरताय दीयताम् |
अहम् निदेशम् भवतः अनुपालयन् |
वनम् गमिष्यामि चिराय सेवितुम् || २-३४-५५
“Let this city, province and whole of this earth left by me, be given to Bharata. I for one following your instructions, shall proceed to the forest to dwell in it for long.”
55. puramcha = let this city; raashhTramcha = province; kevalaa mahiicha = and whole of this earth; nishR^ishhTaa = left; mayaa = by me; diiyataam = be given; bharataaya = to Bharata; aham = I; anupaalayan = following; bhavataH = your; nidesham = instruction; gamishhyaami = shall proceed; vanam = to the forest; sevitum = to dwell in it; chiraaya = for long.
Verse 56
मया निसृष्टाम् भरतः महीम् इमाम् |
सशैल खण्डाम् सपुराम् सकाननाम् |
शिवाम् सुसीमाम् अनुशास्तु केवलम् |
त्वया यद् उक्तम् नृपते यथा अस्तु तत् || २-३४-५६
“Oh, king! Let this earth with multitude of mountains, comprising of cities with their gardens relinquished by me, be ruled over barely by Bharata, within the bounds of righteousness. Let the word of honour given by you(to Kaikeyi) come true.”
56. nR^ipate = Oh; king! imaama mahiim = let this earth; sashaila shhaNdaam = with multitude mountains; sapuraam = comprising of cities; sakaananaam = with their gardens; nisR^ishhTaam = relinquished; mayaa = by me; anushaastu = be ruled over; bharataH kevalam = barely by Bharata; susiimaam = within bounds; shiraam = of well being; yat = that which; uktam = is told; tvayaa = by you; tat = let it; astu = be so; tathaa = thus.
Verse 57
न मे तथा पार्थिव धीयते मनो |
महत्सु कामेषु न च आत्मनः प्रिये |
यथा निदेशे तव शिष्ट सम्मते |
व्यपैतु दुह्खम् तव मत् कृते अनघ || २-३४-५७
“Oh, the faultless king! My mind is not directed on haughty physical enjoyments or sensuous pleasures which is approved by the wise. Let your agony disappear, for my sake.”
57. paarthiva = Oh; king; anagha = the faultlessman! yathaa = how; memanaH = my mind; dhiiyate = is shanding firmly; tava nirdeshe = to your command; shishhta sammate = approved by the wise; tathaa = in that manner; na = it is not; mahatsu = on haughty; kaameshhu = enjoyments; na = it is not; aatanaH = on my own; priyeH = pleasures; matkR^ite = for my sake; vyapaitu duHkham = let your agony disappear.
Verse 58
तत् अद्य न एव अनघ राज्यम् अव्ययम् |
न सर्व कामान् न सुखम् न मैथिलीम् |
न जीवितम् त्वाम् अनृतेन योजयन् |
वृणीय सत्यम् व्रतम् अस्तु ते तथा || २-३४-५८
Oh, the sinless king! Therefore, now associating you with untruth, I just do not desire for kingdom, nor all the sensual enjoyments, nor happiness nor existence nor even Seetha. Let your pledge(given to Kaikeyi) prove true.”
58. anagha = Oh the sinless king! tat = therefore; adya = now; yojayan = connecting; tvaam = you; anR^itena = with untruth; naiva vR^itena = I just cannot yearn; raajyam = for kingdom; na = nor desirous; sarva kaamaan = of various enjoyment; na = nor; sukham = for happiness; na = now; maithiliim = Seetha; na = nor; jiivitam = life; te = (let) your; vratam = voe; tathaa = thus; astu = become; satyam = true.
Verse 59
फलानि मूलानि च भक्षयन् वने |
गिरीमः च पश्यन् सरितः सरांसि च |
वनम् प्रविश्य एव विचित्र पादपम् |
सुखी भविष्यामि तव अस्तु निर्वृतिः || २-३४-५९
“I shall be happy, entering the forest filled with wonderful trees, eating fruits and tubers as well as seeing mountains rivers and lakes in the forest. Let there be satisfaction for you.
59. bhavishhyaami = I shall be; sukhii = happy; pravishyaiva = entering; vanam = the forest; vichitra paadapam = filled with; bhakshhayan = eating; phalaani = fruits; muulanicha = and tubers; pushyan = and lakes; vane = in the forest; astu = let there be; nirvR^itiH = satisfaction; tava = to you.
Verse 60
एवम् स राजा व्यसनाभिपन्नः |
शोकेन दुःखेन च ताम्यमानः |
आलिङ्ग्य पुत्रम् सुविनष्टसम्ज्ञो |
मोहम् गतो नैव चिचेश्ट किंचित् || २-३४-६०
Embracing his son, that king Dasaratha, who had thus fallen on evil days, was tormented with grief and distress, got fainted, fully losing his consciousness and not moving even a little.
60. aaliNgya = embracing; putra = his son; saH raajaa = that king Dasaratha; evam = who had thus; vyasanaabhipannaH = fallen on evil days; taamyamaanaH = was tormented; shokena = with grief; duHkhena = and distress; mahomgataH = got fainted; suvinashhTa samJNaH = fully losing consciousness; naiva chicheshhTa = not moving; kimchit = even a little.
Verse 61
देव्यस्ततः सम्रुरुदुः समेता |
स्ताम् वर्जयित्वा नरदेवपत्नीम् |
रुदन् सुमन्त्रोऽपि जगाम मूर्छाम् |
हा हा कृतम् तत्र बभूव सर्वम् || २-३४-६१
Then, all the queens assembled there except Kaikeyi began to cry. Sumantra also fell into a swoon, while weeping. Everything there became loud lamenting.
61. tataH = then; varjayitvaa = leaving out; naradevapatniim = Kaikeyi the wife of king Dasaratha; devyaH = the queens; sametaaH = assembled there; samruduH = began to cry; sumantro.api = Sumantra also; jagaama = got; muurchhaam = the faint; rudan = while weeping; sarvam = everything; tatra = there; babhuuva = became; haahaakR^itam = loud lamenting.