19 – Rama decides to leave for forest


Rama on hearing the harsh and cruel words of Kaikeyi remains unruffled. He asks Kaikeyi sorrowfuly about the reason the king did not speak to him directly about the matter. He then immediately decides to leave for forest after duly saluting the king and Kaikeyi. On the way to forest He desires to visit his mother and Sita and inform them of his decision.

Verse 1

तत् अप्रियम् अमित्रघ्नः वचनम् मरण उपमम् |
श्रुत्वा न विव्यथे रामः कैकेयीम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-१९-१

Rama the annihilator of enemies heard those harsh and deadly words but was unruffled. He spoke these words to Kaikeyi.

1. raamaH = Rama; amitraghnaH = the annihilator of enemies; amitraghnaH = those words; apriyam = which were harsh; maraNopamam = equivalent to death; navivyathe = was unruffled; abrabiit = spoke; idam = these words; kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyi.

Verse 2

एवम् अस्तु गमिष्यामि वनम् वस्तुम् अहम् तु अतः |
जटा चीर धरः राज्ञः प्रतिज्ञाम् अनुपालयन् || २-१९-२

“Let it be, as you said it. I shall fulfil the king’s promise, go to the forest from here to reside there, wearing braided hair and covered with a hide.”

2. astu = let it be; evam = thus; aham = I; anupaalayam = shall be fulfillinging; pratiJNyaam = the promise; raajJNyaH = of the kings; gamishhyaami = shall go; vanam = to the forest; itaH = from here;vastum = to reside; jataajinadharaH = wearing braided hair and covered with a hide.

Verse 3

इदम् तु ज्ञातुम् इच्चामि किम् अर्थम् माम् मही पतिः |
न अभिनन्दति दुर्धर्षो यथा पुरम् अरिम् दमः || २-१९-३

“But I want to know why the king, the inviolable and the subduer of enemies, is not greeting me today as before.”

3. ichchhaami = I want; N^yaatum = to know; idam tu = this as to; kimartham = why; mahiipatiH = the king; durdharshhaH = the inviolable; arindamaH = the subduer of enemies; naabhinandati = is not greeting; maam = me; yathaapuram = as befere.

Verse 4

मन्युर् न च त्वया कार्यो देवि ब्रूहि तव अग्रतः |
यास्यामि भव सुप्रीता वनम् चीर जटा धरः || २-१९-४

“Oh, queen! you need not be indignant. I am telling before you that I shall go to the forest, wearing rags and braided hair. Become delighted well.”

4. devi = “Oh; queen! nakaaryaH = indignation; tvayaa = by you; bruumi = I am telling; tava agrataH = before you; yaasyaami = I shall go; vanam = to forest; chiirajataadharaH = wearing rags and braided hair; bhava = become; supriitaa = delighted well.

Verse 5

हितेन गुरुणा पित्रा क्ऱ्तज्ञेन न्ऱ्पेण च |
नियुज्यमानो विश्रब्धम् किम् न कुर्यात् अहम् प्रियम् || २-१९-५

“How can I not do faithfully an action dear to my father, as commanded by him as well-wisher, venerable man, as person with right conduct and as king.”

5. nakuryaam kim = how can i not do; visrabdhaH = faithfully; priyam = action dear; pitraa = to father; niyujyamaanaH = as commanded; hitena = as well = wisher; guruNaa = as person with right conduct; nR^ipeNa cha = and as king.

Verse 6

अलीकम् मानसम् तु एकम् ह्ऱ्दयम् दहति इव मे |
स्वयम् यन् न आह माम् राजा भरतस्य अभिषेचनम् || २-१९-६

“My heart is burning indeed with one sorrowful feeling that king himself has not informed me about Bharata’s coronation.”

6. me = My; hR^idayam = heart; dahtiiva = is burning indeed;ekam = one; aliikam = displeasure; maanasam = of mind; raajaa = king; svayam = himself; yatnaaha = has not informed; maam = to me; bharatasya abhishhechanam = about Bharata’s coronation.

Verse 7

अहम् हि सीताम् राज्यम् च प्राणान् इष्टान् धनानि च |
ह्ऱ्ष्टः भ्रात्रे स्वयम् दद्याम् भरताय अप्रचोदितः || २-१९-७

“Without being asked, I myself would have gladly offered even Sita with kingdom, even my life, loved ones and wealth.”

7. abrachoditaH = being unasked; aham = I; svayam = myself; hR^ishhTaH = gladly; dadyaam = will offer; siitaam = Sita; raajyam = kingdom; praaNaan = life; ishhTaan = loved ones; dhanaanicha = and wealth; bharataaya = to Bharata; bhraatre = the brother.

Verse 8

किम् पुनर् मनुज इन्द्रेण स्वयम् पित्रा प्रचोदितः |
तव च प्रिय काम अर्थम् प्रतिज्ञाम् अनुपालयन् || २-१९-८

“Being directed by king, who is my father himself, how much more should I tell that I can give everything to Bharata, duly obeying father’s promise to fulfil your beloved desire.”

8. prachoditaH = being directed; manujendreNa = by king; pitraa = the father; svayam = himself; kimpunaH = how much more; ampaalyan = obeying; pratijJNyaam = promise; tava priyakaamaartham = for the sake of your beloved desire.

Verse 9

तत् आश्वासय हि इमम् त्वम् किम् न्व् इदम् यन् मही पतिः |
वसुधा आसक्त नयनो मन्दम् अश्रूणि मुन्चति || २-१९-९

“That is why, you console him. Why indeed the king is thus slowly shedding tears, with eyes gazed upon the floor?”

9. tat = “that is why; tvam = you; aashvaasaya = console; imam = him; kimnu = why indeed; idam = this here; mahiipatiH = the king; muN^chati it yat = is releasing in line thus; ashruuNi = tears; mandam = slowly; vasudhasakta nayanaH = with eyes fixed upon the floor.

Verse 10

गच्चन्तु च एव आनयितुम् दूताः शीघ्र जवैः हयैः |
भरतम् मातुल कुलात् अद्य एव न्ऱ्प शासनात् || २-१९-१०

“Let messengers go now itself on fleet horses to bring Bharata from maternal uncle’s house as per orders of the king.”

10. gachchhantu duutaaH = let messengers go; adyaiva = now itself; hayaiH = on horses; shiighrajavaiH = with rapid speed; aanayitum = to bring; bharatam = Bharata; maatulakulaat = from maternal uncle’s house; nR^ipashaasanaat = as per orders of king.

Verse 11

दण्डक अरण्यम् एषो अहम् इतः गच्चामि सत्वरः |
अविचार्य पितुर् वाक्यम् समावस्तुम् चतुर् दश || २-१९-११

“Immediately, I shall go to live in forest of Dandaka for fourteen years, without reflecting on whether my father’s words are right or wrong.”

11. satvaraH = Immediately; eshhaH aham = I shall hasten; gachchhaami = in going; vastum = to live; daNdakaarNyam = in the forest of Dandaka; chaturdasha = for fourteen; samaaH = years; avichaarsya = without reflecting; vaakyam = on words; pituH = of father.

Verse 12

सा ह्ऱ्ष्टा तस्य तत् वाक्यम् श्रुत्वा रामस्य कैकयी |
प्रस्थानम् श्रद्दधाना हि त्वरयाम् आस राघवम् || २-१९-१२

Hearing Rama’s words, Kaikeyi felt glad that he would certainly go and urged him to make haste at once.

12. shrutvaa = hearing; tatvaakyam = those words; tasya raamasya = of that Rama; saa kaikayii = that Kaikeyi; hR^ishhTaa = felt glad; shraddhadhaanaa = believing; prasthaanam = his departure; tvarayaamaasa = hastened; raaghavam = Rama.

Verse 13

एवम् भवतु यास्यन्ति दूताः शीघ्र जवैः हयैः |
भरतम् मातुल कुलात् उपावर्तयितुम् नराः || २-१९-१३

“Let it be so. Messengers can go on horses having rapid speed, to bring back Bharata from his maternal uncle’s house.”

13. bhavatn = “let it be; evam = so; naraaH = men; duutaaH = as messengers; yaasyanti = can go; hayaiH = on horses; shiighrajavaiH = with rapid speed; upaavartayitum = to bring back; bharatam = Bharata; maatulakulaat = from maternal uncle’s house.

Verse 14

तव तु अहम् क्षमम् मन्ये न उत्सुकस्य विलम्बनम् |
राम तस्मात् इतः शीघ्रम् वनम् त्वम् गन्तुम् अर्हसि || २-१९-१४

“But I think it is not quite appropriate for you who are enthusiastic to go to forest, to delay further.”

14. tu = but; aham na manye = i do not think; kshhamam = it is appropriate; tava = of you; utsukasya = who are enthusiastic; vilambanam = to delay; raama = oh; Rama! tasmaat = that is why tvam = you; arhasi = are fit; gantum = to go; vanam = to forest; shiighram = immediately; taH = from here.

Verse 15

व्रीडा अन्वितः स्वयम् यच् च न्ऱ्पः त्वाम् न अभिभाषते |
न एतत् किंचिन् नर श्रेष्ठ मन्युर् एषो अपनीयताम् || २-१९-१५

“It is nothing but shyness that the king is not able to speak to you. Oh Rama, the best of men! Do not worry about it.”

15. etat = this; nakinchit = is nothing; yat = that; naabhibhaashhate nR^ipaH = the king is not talking; vriidaanvitaH = because of shyness; tvaam – to you; eshhaH – this; manyuH = indignation; avaniiyataam = be removed.

Verse 16

यावत् त्वम् न वनम् यातः पुरात् अस्मात् अभित्वरन् |
पिता तावन् न ते राम स्नास्यते भोक्ष्यते अपि वा || २-१९-१६

“Oh, Rama! Your father will neither take his bath nor eat a meal until you leave the city for the forest immediately.

16. raama = Oh; Rama! te pitaa = your father; na snaasyate = will not take bath; bhokshhyatepi vaa = nor eat a meal; yaavat taavat = so long as; tvam = you; yaataH = do not go; abhitvaram = immediatly; vanam = to the forest.

Verse 17

धिक् कष्टम् इति निह्श्वस्य राजा शोक परिप्लुतः |
मूर्चितः न्यपतत् तस्मिन् पर्यन्के हेम भूषिते || २-१९-१७

Hearing these words, the king saying “what a pity! How much misery!” was overwhelmed with sorrow, fainted and fell in that couch adorned with gold.

17. raajaa = the king; iti = thus; niHshvasya = sighed; dhik = what a pity! kashhTam = how much misery!” shokapriplutaH = was overwhlmed with murchhitaH = fainted; nyapatat = fell; tasmin paryaN^ke = in that couch; hemabhuushhite = adorned with gold.

Verse 18

रामः अपि उत्थाप्य राजानम् कैकेय्या अभिप्रचोदितः |
कशया इव आहतः वाजी वनम् गन्तुम् क्ऱ्त त्वरः || २-१९-१८

Rama lifted up the king and soon got hurried up to leave for the forest he was again instigated by Kaikeyi as a horse was hit by a whip.

18. raamo.api = Rama; utthaapya = lifted up; rajaanam = the king; kR^itatvaraH = got hurried up; gantum = to go; vanam = to the forest; abhiprachoditaH = as istigated; kaikeyyaa = by Kaikeyi; vaajiiva = as horse; aahataH = was hit; kashayaa = by whip.

Verse 19

तत् अप्रियम् अनार्याया वचनम् दारुण उदरम् |
श्रुत्वा गत व्यथो रामः कैकेयीम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || २-१९-१९

Rama after hearing that vulgar woman’s words, which were harsh and having consequence, was unruffled and spoke these words to Kaikeyi.

19. raamaH = Rama; shrutvaa = hearing; anaaryaayaaH tat vachanam = that vulgar woman’s words; daaruNodayam = having cruel consequence; apriyam = which were harsh; gatavyathaH = was unruffled; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = the words; kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyi.

Verse 20

न अहम् अर्थ परः देवि लोकम् आवस्तुम् उत्सहे |
विद्धि माम् ऱ्षिभिस् तुल्यम् केवलम् धर्मम् आस्थितम् || २-१९-२०

“Oh queen! I am not concerned with wealth. I want to receive the world hospitable. Know me as equal to a sage, abiding in righteousness alone.”

20. devi ! = Oh; quee;! aham = I; na = am not; arthaparaH = concerned with wealth; utsaahe = I am active; aavastum – to receive hospitably; lokam = the world; viddhi = know maam = me; tulyam = as equal to R^ishhibhiH = sages; aasthitam = abiding; dharmam = in righteousness; kevalam = alone.

Verse 21

यद् अत्रभवतः किंचित् शक्यम् कर्तुम् प्रियम् मया |
प्राणान् अपि परित्यज्य सर्वथा क्ऱ्तम् एव तत् || २-१९-२१

“If I have to do whatever action is dearer to my revered father, that action is just done in all respects even by renouncing life.”

21. kinchit = whatever; kartum shakyam = is to be able to do; yat priyam = that is dearer; atrabhavataH = to my revered father; mayaa = by me; tat = that ; kR^itameva = is just done; sarvathaa = in all respects; parityajyaapi = even by renouncing; praNaan = life.

Verse 22

न हि अतः धर्म चरणम् किंचित् अस्ति महत्तरम् |
यथा पितरि शुश्रूषा तस्य वा वचन क्रिया || २-१९-२२

“There is not indeed anything of greater performance of duty than doing service to father or than doing what he commands.”

22. naasti hi = there is not indeed; kimchit = anything; mahattaram = of greater; dharmacharaNam = performance of duty; ataH = than this; yathaa = as; shushruushhaa = doing service; pitari = to father; tasya vachana kriyaavaa = or doing what he commands.

Verse 23

अनुक्तः अपि अत्रभवता भवत्या वचनात् अहम् |
वने वत्स्यामि विजने वर्षाणि इह चतुर् दश || २-१९-२३

“Even if our reverent father does not tell me, I shall reside in the forest, devoid of people, now for fourteen years as per your word.”

23. anukto.api = even if not told; atrabhavataa = by our reverent father; aham = I vatsyaami = shall reside; vane = in the forest; vijane = devoid of people; iha = now; chaturdasa varshhaaNi = for fourteen years; bhavatyaaH vachanaat = as per your word.

Verse 24

न नूनम् मयि कैकेयि किंचित् आशंससे गुणम् |
यद् राजानम् अवोचः त्वम् मम ईश्वरतरा सती || २-१९-२४

” In the matter of coronation of Bharata, you told Dasaratha and not to me, even though you had every authority to tell, me directly. By this, it is known that you have not seen any merit in me. It is certain!”

24. kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi! tvam = you; iishvarataraa satii = even though with; mama = concerning me; yatavochaH = talked for which reason; rajaanam = to the king; aashamsane = not seeing; kimchit = any; guNam = merit; mayi = in me; nuunam = certain!

Verse 25

यावन् मातरम् आप्ऱ्च्चे सीताम् च अनुनयाम्य् अहम् |
ततः अद्य एव गमिष्यामि दण्डकानाम् महद् वनम् || २-१९-२५

” Today itself, I shall go to the forest of Dandaka after bidding, farewell to my mother and also after consoling Sita.”

25. aham = I; yaavat aapR^ichchhe = shall bid farewell; maataram = to mother; anunayaami = shall console; siitaamcha = Sita also; tataH = afterwards; adyaiva = today iisef; gamishhyaami = I shall go; mahat dandakaanaam vanam = to the great forest of Dandaka.

Verse 26

भरतः पालयेद् राज्यम् शुश्रूषेच् च पितुर् यथा |
तहा भवत्या कर्तव्यम् स हि धर्मः सनातनः || २-१९-२६

“While ruling the kingdom, see that Bharata serves our father well. It is indeed an age-old practice.”

26. kartavam = obligation; bhavatyaa = by you; yathaa = how; bharataH = Bharata; paalayet = rules; raajyam = kingdom; tathaa = so also; shushruushhecha = does service; pituH = to father; saH = It; sanaatanaH dharamaH = is indeed an agae old practice.

Verse 27

स रामस्य वचः श्रुत्वा भ्ऱ्शम् दुह्ख हतः पिता |
शोकात् अशक्नुवन् बाष्पम् प्ररुरोद महा स्वनम् || २-१९-२७

Dasaratha after hearing Rama’s words was hurt very much with grief was unable to talk and wept loudly.

27. saH = that Dasaratha; pitaa = the father; shrutvaa = fater hearing; raamasya = Rama’s vachaH = word; duHkhahataH = was hurt with grief; bhR^isham = very much; ashaknuvan = was unable; vaktum = to talk; shokaat = due to sorrow; praruroda = cried; mahaasvanam = with loud noise.

Verse 28

वन्दित्वा चरणौ रामः विसम्ज्ञस्य पितुस् तदा |
कैकेय्याः च अपि अनार्याया निष्पपात महा द्युतिः || २-१९-२८

That Rama, with great brilliance, came out, after duly offering obeisance to the feet of his father who was fainted and also to the feet of that vulgar Kaikeyi.

28. raamaH = Rama; mahaadyutiH = with great brilliance; nishhpapaata = came out; vanditvaa = offering obeisance; charaNau = to the feet; pituH = of father; visanjJNyasya = who was fainted; tathaa = and; kaikeyyaashchaapi = also to the feet of Kaikeyi; anaryaayaaH = who was not honourable.

Verse 29

स रामः पितरम् क्ऱ्त्वा कैकेयीम् च प्रदक्षिणम् |
निष्क्रम्य अन्तः पुरात् तस्मात् स्वम् ददर्श सुह्ऱ्ज् जनम् || २-१९-२९

Rama made circumambulatory salutation to his father as well as Kaikeyi, left that palace and saw his friends.

29. raamaH = Rama; pradakshhiNam kR^itvaa = made circumabulatory salutation; pitaram = to his father; kaikeyiimcha = and Kaikeyi; nishhkramya = left; tasmaat = that; antaH puraat = palace; dadarsha = saw; svam = his; suhR^ijjanam = friends.

Verse 30

तम् बाष्प परिपूर्ण अक्षः प्ऱ्ष्ठतः अनुजगाम ह |
लक्ष्मणः परम क्रुद्धः सुमित्र आनन्द वर्धनः || २-१९-३०

Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra, felt very angry with his eyes filled with tears and accompanied behind Rama.

30. lakshhmaNa = Lakshmana; sumitraananda vardhanaH = who exhilarates sumitra’s delight; paramakR^iddhaH = was very angry; bhaashhpa paripuurNaakshhaH = with tearful eyes; anujagaamaH = accompanied; pR^ishhThataH = behind; tam = Rama;

Verse 31

आभिषेचनिकम् भाण्डम् क्ऱ्त्वा रामः प्रदक्षिणम् |
शनैः जगाम सापेक्षो द्ऱ्ष्टिम् तत्र अविचालयन् || २-१९-३१

Rama did a circumbulatory salutation around the auspicious materials collected for the propound coronation and having fixed his attention respectfully on them, moved away slowly.

31. raamaH = Rama; pradakshhiNam kR^itvaa = did circumbulatory salutation; bhaaNdam = around commodities; abhishhechanam = collected coronation; dR^ishhTim = the glance; saapakshhaH = kept respectfully; avichaalayan = without deviation; tatra = on them; jagaama = moved away; shanaiH = slowly.

Verse 32

न च अस्य महतीम् लक्ष्मीम् राज्य नाशो अपकर्षति |
लोक कान्तस्य कान्तत्वम् शीत रश्मेर् इव क्षपा || २-१९-३२

As Rama was a pleasing personality, he was loved by all the people. The loss of kingdom could not diminish such a great splendour of Rama as a night cannot diminish the splendour of the moon.

32. kaantatvaat = as pleasing personality; lokakaantasya = he was loved by people; raajyanaashaH = loss of kingdom; na apakarshhati = could not diminish;asya = his; mahatiim = great; lakshhmiim = splendour; khhapaa eva = as a night; siina rashme = of moon’s splendour.

Verse 33

न वनम् गन्तु कामस्य त्यजतः च वसुंधराम् |
सर्व लोक अतिगस्य इव लक्ष्यते चित्त विक्रिया || २-१९-३३

In that Rama, who was leaving the kingdom after having decided to go to the forest, there was no perturbation of mind in him like in an ascetic who is beyond worldly pain and pleasure.

33. tyajatasya = in Rama; who was leaving; vasundharaam = the earth; gantukaamasya = who decided to go; vanam = to forest; chittavikriya = perturbation of mind; na lakshhyate = was not seen; sarvalokaatigasyeva = like in an ascetic who is beyond all worlds.

Verse 34 & 35

प्रतिषिद्ध्य शुभम् छत्रं व्यजने च स्वलंकृते |
विसर्जयित्वा स्वजनं रथम् पौरास्तथा जन्नान् || २-१९-३४
धारयन् मनसा दुह्खम् इन्द्रियाणि निग्ऱ्ह्य च |
प्रविवेश आत्मवान् वेश्म मातुर प्रिय शंसिवान् || २-१९-३५

Rama, the man of great courage, refused fans and umbrella, sent away his friends, chariot and citizens kept back sorrow in his mind, subdued his senses and entered his mother’s house to inform the unpleasant news.

34;35. aatmavaan = Rama the man of great; pratishhidhya = refused; shubham = beautiful; chhatram = umbrella; svalaN^kR^ite = well decorated; vyajanecha = fans; visarjayitvaa = sent away; svajanam = his friends; ratham = chariot; tathaa = and; janaan = people; pouraan = relating to the city; dhaarayan = kept back; duHkham = sorrow; manasaa = in mind; nigR^ihasyacha = subdued; indriyaaNi = senses; pravivesha = entered; maatuH = mother’s veshma = house; apriya shamsivaan = to inform the unpleasent.

Verse 36

सर्वो ह्यभिजनः श्रीमान् श्रीमतः सत्यवादिनः |
नालक्षयत् रामस्य किंचिदाकारमानने || २-१९-३६

The people adjacent to Rama could not visualise any change in the face of Rama who was dignified and truthful in his words.

36. sarvaH = all; abhijanaH = adjacent people; shriimaan = who were intelligent; naalakshhayata = could not see; kinchit = any small; aakaaram = hint; aanane = in the face; raamasya = of Rama; shriimataH = who was splendid; satyavaadinaH = who spoke truth.

Verse 37

उचितम् च महाबाहुर्न जहौ हर्षमात्मनः |
शारदः समुदीर्णांशुश्चन्द्रस्तेज इवात्मजम् || २-१९-३७

Rama did not lose his natural joy, as an autumnal moon with lofty rays does not lose its natural splendour.

37. mahaabaahuH = Rama with great arms; najahau = did not lose; aatmanaH = his; uchitam = usual; harshham = joy; tejaiva = as the splendour; aatmajam = that is natural; shaaradaH = of autumnal; chandraH = moon; diirghaamshuH = with lofty rays.

Verse 38

वाचा मधुरया रामः स्र्वं सम्मानयन् जनम् |
मातुस्समीपं धीरात्मा प्रविवेश महायशाः || २-१७-३८

Rama with his courageous spirit and of great fame, paying his respects to the people with his sweet words, went nearer to his mother.

38. raamaH = Rama; dhiiraatmaa = with courageous spirit; mahaayashaaH = who is having great fame; sammaanayam = paying his respects; janam = to people; madhurayaa vaachaa = with sweet words; pravivesha = went; samiipam = near to; maatuH = mother.

Verse 39

तं गुणैस्समतां प्राप्तो भ्राता विपुलविक्रमः |
सौमित्रिरनुवव्राज धारयन् दुःखमात्मजम् || २-१९-३९

Lakshmana, who got virtues equal to Rama, who was having great heroic valour and who was the brother, kept the grief within himself and went along with Rama.

39. saumitriH = Lakshmana; praaptaH = who got; guNaiH = virtues; samataam = equal to (Rama); vipulavikramaH = who had great heroic valour; bhraataa = who was the brother; dhaarayan = kept; duHkham = grief; aatmajam = born in his mind; anuvavraaja = went along with; tam = that Rama.

Verse 40

प्रविश्य वेश्म अतिभ्ऱ्शम् मुदा अन्वितम् |
समीक्ष्य ताम् च अर्थ विपत्तिम् आगताम् |
न चैव रामः अत्र जगाम विक्रियाम् |
सुह्ऱ्ज् जनस्य आत्म विपत्ति शन्कया || २-१९-४०

When Rama entered, Kausalya’s palace was filled with great joy. At that time, Rama did not show any displeasure for the mihlap occurred in truth. He behaved like that because he had doubted about the possible shock to his friends even of fear of their life, if he showed any perturabation.

40. raamaH = Rama; pravishya = entered; veshma = the house; anvitam = overpowered by; atbhR^isham = very exceeding; mudaa = delight; nachaiva jagaama = did not get; vikriyaam = perturbation; aatmavipathi shankayaa = doubting about possible shock to his; suhR^ijjanasya = friends; atra = here; samiikshhya = understanding; taam = that; aagataam = incoming; arthavipathim = disaster in truth.

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