8 – Manthara’s sinful words


Manthara with her wicked thoughts tries to convince Kaikeyi of the possible misfortune that could occur to Kaikeyi and her family if Sri Rama becomes the King. Although Kaikeyi’s initial reaction is to praise Rama’s qualities; her mind is slowly but surely poisoned by Manathara’s sinful words.

Verse 1

मन्थरा त्वभ्यसूयैनामुत्सृज्याभरणं च तत्|
उवाचेदं ततो वाक्यं कोपदुःखसमन्विता || २-८-१

Manthara, becoming indignant with Kaikeyi, threw down the ornament given to her and with anger and distress spoke the following words:

1. mantharaatu = but Manthara; abhyasuuya = became indignant; enaam = with her; utsR^ijya = cast down; tat = that; aabharanam = ornament; tataH = afterwards; kopaduHkhasamanvitaa = with anger and pain; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these words.

Verse 2

हर्षं किमिदमस्थाने कृतवत्यसि बालिशे |
शोकसागरमध्यस्थमात्मानं नावबुध्यसे || २-८-२

“O, foolish one! Not knowing that you are in the midst of an ocean of trouble, what is it that you are so delighted about, in a matter to be grieved?”

2. baalishe = O; foolish one! naavabudhyase = not knowing; aatmaanam = about you; shokasaagara madhyastam = who are in the midst of an ocean of trouble; kim idam = what is it; kR^itavatii asi = you are doing; harshham = (in making) delight; asthaane = of an ill suited matter.

Verse 3

मनसा प्रहसामि त्वां देवि दुःखार्धिता सती |
यच्छोचितव्ये हृष्टासि प्राप्येदं व्यसनं महत् || २-८-३

“Oh, queen! Though stricken with grief, I mentally laugh at you in that you are rejoicing at the time when a great calamity is befalling you.”

3. devi = O; queen! duH.khaarditaasatii = stricken with grief; prahasaami = I laugh; manasaa = mentally; tvaam = at you; yat = for; hrishhTaa asi = you are rejoicing; praapya = after getting; idam = this; mahat = great; vyasanam = calamity; shochitavye = which is to be grieved.

Verse 4

शोचामि दुर्मतित्वं ते का हि प्राज्ञा प्रहर्षयेत् |
अरेः सपत्नीपुत्रस्य वृद्धिं मृत्युमिवागताम् || २-८-४

“I am lamenting over your foolish mind. Does any intelligent woman feel happy over the prosperity of a stepson who is considered an enemy? Does it not amount to praising a befalling death?”

4. shochaami = I lament over; te = your; durmatitvam = ill-considered mind; kaa praaGyaa = which intelligent woman; praharshhayet = gets delighted; vR^iddhim = over prosperity; sapatniiputrasya = of stepson; areH = who is an enemy; mR^ityumiva = (just as rejoicing) over death; aagataam = which has befallen.

Verse 5

भरतादेव रामस्य राज्यसाधारणाद्भयम् |
तद्विचिन्त्य विषण्णास्मि भय भीताद्धि जायते || २-८-५

“Rama has a fear about Bharata because Bharata has equal rights over the kingdom. In thinking about this matter, I am getting anguished. Do we not get disasters from those who are afraid of us?”

5. raamasya = To Rama; bhayam = (there is) fear; bharataadeva = from Bharata; raajyasaadhaaraNaat = who has equal right to kingdom; vichintya = In thinking over; tat = that (matter); vishhaNNa asmi = I am sorrowful; bhayam = Fear; jaayate hi = begets from; bhiitaat = those who fear (us).

Verse 6

लक्ष्मणो हि महेष्वासो रामं सर्वात्मना गतः |
शत्रुघ्नश्चापि भरतं काकुत्थ्सं लक्ष्मणो यथा || २-८-६

“Lakshmana, wielding a great bow, joined Rama with all his heart. Shatrughna is as faithful to Bharata as Lakshmana to Rama”.

6. lakshmaNaH = Lakshmana; maheshhvaasaH = having mighty bow; gataH = joined; raamam = Rama; sarvaatmanaa = with all his heart; shatrughnaH cha api = Satrughna also; bharatam = (is faithful) to Bharata; kaakutsam yathaa = as to Rama; lakshmaNaH = Lakshmana.

Verse 7

प्रत्यासन्नक्रमेणापि भरतस्तैव भामिनि |
राज्यक्रमो विप्रकृष्टस्तयोस्तावत्कनीयसोः || २-८-७

“Oh Kaikeyi! In line with even the proximity of birth; the claim to the throne of Bharata alone can be pressed, that of Lakshmana and Satrughna who are younger is out of question.”

7. bhaamini = Kaikeyi!; pratyaasanna krameNaapi = In line with proximity of birth; raajyakramaH = the lineage of kingdom; bharatasyaiva = is to Bharata only; tayoH taavat = to the extent of other two(Lakshmana and Satrughna); kaniiyasoH = who are younger; viprakR^ishhTaH = it is far away.

Verse 8

विदुषः क्षत्रचारित्रे प्राज्ञस्य प्राप्तकारिणः |
भयात्प्रवेपे रामस्य चिन्तयन्ती तवात्मजम् || २-८-८

“Rama is a learned man and a political statesman. His actions are timely and appropriate. When thinking of your son’s calamity to be resulted from Rama, I get shaken with fear”.

8. vidushhaH = (Rama is a )learned man; praaGyasya = efficient; kshhaatrachaaritre = in politics; praapta kaariNaH = he who acts appropriately and in time; bhayaat = fearing (such Rama); pravepe = I am shaken; chintayantii = to be thinking; aatmajam = of your son.

Verse 9

सुभगा खलु कौसल्या यस्याः पुत्रोऽभिषेक्ष्यते |
यौवराज्येन महता श्वः पुष्येण द्विजोत्तमैः || २-८-९

“Kausalya is very fortunate. Brahmans are going to anoint her son for the great princely kingdom tomorrow on the day of Pushyami star”.

9. kausalyaa = Kausalya; subhagaakhalu = is having good fortune; yasyaaH = that Kausalya’s; putraH = son; svaH = tomorrow; pushyeNa = on the day of Pushyami star; abhishhekshhyate = is going to be anointed; mahataa yauvaraajyena = for great princely kingdom; dvijottamai = by the best of Brahmans.

Verse 10

प्राप्तां सुमहतीं प्रीतिं प्रतीतां तां हतद्विषम् |
उपस्थास्यसि कौसल्यां दासीवत्त्वं कृताञ्जलिः || २-८-१०

“With folded arms, as a maid-servant, you have to serve that Kausalya who having reached great prosperity, in the height of joy, will dispose of her adversaries (in the person of Bharata and yourself)”.

10. kR^itaanjaliH = with folded arms; daasiivat = as a maid servant; tvam = you; upasthaasyasi = will serve; taam kausalyaam = that Kausalya; praaptaam = who gets; sumahatiim = very great; priitim = happiness; pratiitaam = famous; hatadvishham = annihilator of enemies.

Verse 11

एवम् चेत्त्वं सहास्माभिस्तस्याः प्रेष्य भविष्यसि |
पुत्रश्च तव रामस्य प्रेष्यभावं गमिष्यति || २-८-११

“Thus, if you become Kausalya’s servant-maid along with us, your son Bharata will be Rama’s attendant.”

11. evam = thus; tvam bhavishhyasi yadi = if you become; preshhyaa = servant maid; tasyaaH = to her; asmaabhiH saha = along with us; tava = your; putrashcha = son also; gamishhyati = will get; preshhyabhaavam = servitude; raamasya = of Rama.

Verse 12

हृष्टाः खलु भविष्यन्ति रामस्य परमाः स्त्रियः |
अप्रहृष्टा भविष्यन्ति स्नुषास्ते भरतक्षये || २-८-१२

“Rama’s wives will get delighted. Your daughters-in-law will be unhappy because of Bharata’s waning position.”

12. raamasya = Rama’s; paramaastriyaH = great wives; bhavantikhalu = will become; hR^ishTaaH = delighted; te = your; snushhaaH = daughters-in-law; bhavishhyanti = will become; aprahR^isTaaH = unhappy; bharata kshhaye = of Bharata’s weak position.

Verse 13

तां दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतां ब्रुवन्तीं मन्थरां ततः |
रामस्यैव गुणान् देवी कैकेयि प्रशशंस ह || २-८-१३

Hearing Manthara speak thus in many distasteful words, Kaikeyi began to extol Rama’s virtues, saying: –

13. tataH = afterwards; dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; taam = that; mantharaaam = manthara; bruvantiim = thus talking; param = much; apriitaam = distasteful word; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; prashashamsaH = praised; raamasya guNena = Rama’s virtues.

Verse 14

धर्मज्ञो गुरुभिर्दान्तः कृतज्ञ सत्यवाक्चुचि |
रामो राज्ञः सुतो ज्येष्ठो यौवराज्यमतोऽर्हति || २-८-१४

“Rama knows all righteousness. Elders trained him. He has a proper gratitude. He speaks truth. He has a clean conduct. He is the eldest son of king Dasaratha and hence eligible for the kingdom.”

14. raamaH = Rama; dharmaGyaH = knows righteousness; daantaH = trained by; gurubhiH = elders; kR^itajJNyaH = one who has gratitude; satyavaak = speaker of truth; suchiH = clean in conduct; jyeshhTaH = elder; sutaH = son; raajJNaH = of king Dasaratha; ataH = hence; arhati = eligible; youvaraajyam = for princely kingdom.

Verse 15

भ्रात्ऱ्^ऊन्भृत्यांश्च दीर्घायुः पितृवत्पालयिष्यति |
संतप्यसे कथं कुब्जे श्रुत्वा रामाभिषेचनम् || २-८-१५

“The long living Rama will protect his brothers and servants like a father. O, the hunch backed one! Why are you so pained on hearing about Rama’s coronation?”

15. diirghaayuH = the long living Rama; paalayishhyati = will protect; bhraatroom = brothers; bhR^ityaamshcha = and servants; pitR^ivat = like father; kubje = O; the hunch-backed one! katham = how; santapyase = are you pained; shrutvaa = after hearing; raamaabhishhechanam = Rama’s anointment.

Verse 16

भरतश्चापि रामस्य ध्रुवं वर्षशतात्परम् |
पितृपैतामहं राज्यमवाप्ता पुरुषर्षभः || २-८-१६

“After Rama’s rule for one hundred years, Bharata the best among men will certainly replace Rama on his father’s throne, which is that of his ancestors.”

16. param = after; varshhashataat = one hundred years; purushharshhabhaH = the best among men; bharatashchaapi = Bharata also; avaaptaa = will get; raamasya = Rama’s; raajyam = kingdom; pitR^ipaitaamaham = which belongs to (his) father and forefathers.

Verse 17

सा त्वमभ्युदये प्राप्ते वर्तमाने च मन्थरे |
भविष्यति च कल्याणे किमर्थं परितप्यसे || २-८-१७

“Oh, Manthara! When we got an occasion for rejoicing as at present and when a festive occasion is to come off in future (too in the form of Bharata’s installation, no matter even if it comes after a hundred years), why do you feel agonized like this as though burning (with jealousy)?”

17. manthare = O; Manthara! praapte = (When we) got; abhyudaye = an occasion for rejoicing; vartamaanecha = as at present ; kalyaaNe = and when a festive occasion; bhavishhyati = is to come off in future (too in the form of Bharata’s installation; no matter even if it comes after a hundred years); kimartham = why; saa tvam = that you; paritapyase = feel agonized like this as though burning (with jealousy)?

Verse 18

यथा ने भरतो मान्यस्तथा भूयोऽपि राघावः |
कौसल्यातोऽरिक्तं च सो हि शुश्रूषते हि माम् || २-८-१८

“For me, Rama is as lovable as Bharata and even more. Is he not more service to me than to Kausalya?”

18. me = to me; bharataH = Bharata; yathaa = how; maanyaH = fit to be loved; tathaa = like that; raaghavaH = Rama also; bhuuyaH api = and even more; saH = he; anushushruushhate hi = doing service; atiriktam = more; maam = to me; kausalyaataH = than Kausalya.

Verse 19

राज्यं यदि हि रामस्य भरतस्यापि तत्तदा |
मन्यते हि यथात्मानं तथा भ्रात्ऱ्^ऊंश्च राघवः || २-८-१९

“If Rama has kingdom then Bharata has it as well. Rama esteems his brothers just as his own self.”

19. raajyam = kingdom; yadi raamasya = if it is of Rama; tadaa = then; tat = that; bharatasyaapi hi = is of Bharata also; raaghavaH = Rama; manyate = thinks about; bhraatR^iiMshcha = his brothers; yathaa tathaa = on par with; aatmaanam = his own self.

Verse 20

कैकेयीवचनं श्रुत्वा मन्थरा भृशदुःखिता |
दीर्घमुष्णं निःश्वस्य कैकेयीमिदमब्रवीत् || २-८-२०

Manthara, after hearing Kaikeyi’s words, felt very sad and after a long and hot sigh, spoke to her the following words:

20. mantharaa = Manthara; shrutvaa = after hearing; kaikeyii vachanam = Kaikeyi’s words; bhrisha duH.khitaa = felt very sad; niHshvasya = and sighing; diirgham = long; ushhNam cha = and hot; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; Kaikeyiim = to Kaikeyi.

Verse 21

अनर्थदर्शिनी मौर्ख्यान्नात्मानमवबुध्यसे |
शोकव्यसनविस्तीर्णे मज्जन्ती दुःखसागरे || २-८-२१

“On one side, you are getting immersed in an ocean of sorrow filled with misery and danger. But due to stupidity, you are not able to perceive the truth and you fail to assess your real position.”

21. majjantii = (You are getting) immersed; duHkhasaagare = in an ocean of sorrow; shoka vyasana vistiirNe = filled with misery and danger; mourkhyaat = Due to stupidity; anarthadarshinii = (you are) not seeing the truth; na avabudhyase = not knowing; aatmaanam = yourself.

Verse 22

भविता राघवो राजा राघवस्यानु यः सुतः |
राजवंशात्तु कैकेयि भरतः परिहास्यते || २-८-२२

“O,Kaikeyi! If Rama becomes the king, his son will become the king after him in succession. Thus, Bharata’s name itself will be removed from the royal clan.”

22. kaikeyi = O; Kaikeyi! raaghavaH = Rama; bhavitaa = will become; raajaa = king; raaghavasya anu = after Rama; yaH = whoever; sutaH = the son is (he becomes the king);bharataH tu = but Bharata; parihaasyate = will be removed; raajavaMshaat = from the royal clan.

Verse 23

न हि राज्ञः सुताः सर्वे राज्ये तिष्ठन्ति भामिनि |
स्थाप्यमानेषु सर्वेषु सुमहाननयो भवेत् || २-८-२३

“O, Kaikeyi! All the sons of a king will not be crowned for a kingdom. If all are installed, there will be a great lawlessness.”

23. bhaamini = O; Kaikeyi! sarve = all; sutaaH = sons; raajJNyaH = of a king; natishhTantiH = will not be installed; raajye = for kingdom; sarveshhu sthaapyamaaneshhu = If all are installed; bhavet = there will be; sumahaan = a great; anayaH = lawlessness.

Verse 24

तस्माज्ज्येष्ठे हि कैकेयि राज्यतन्त्राणि पार्थिवाः |
स्थापयन्त्यनवद्याङ्गि गुणवत्स्वतरेष्वपि || २-८-२४

“Therefore, kings, O, Kaikeyi of faultless limbs, install their eldest son, eventhough others may be full of virtues, as their successor to the throne.”

24. kaikeyi = O; Kaikeyi! anavadyaaN^gi = who has deformless body-parts; tasmaat = that is why; paarthivaaH = kings; sthaapayanti = install; jyeshhTe = eldest son; itareshhvapi = eventhough others; guNavatsu = may be full of virtues; raajyatantraaNi = to kingly affairs.

Verse 25

असावत्यन्तनिर्भग्न स्तवपुत्रो भविष्यति |
अनाथवत्सुखेभ्यश्च राजवंशाच्च वत्सले || २-८-२५

“Oh, Kaikeyi the affectionate one! Your son will be completely distant from comforts and even from the royal clan; like an orphan.”

25. vatsale = O; affectionate one! tava = your; asou = this; putraH = son; bhavishhayati = will become; atyanta nirbhagnaH = a complete loser; sukhebhyaH cha = from comforts; raajavamshaachcha = and even from royal clan; anaathavat = like an orphan.

Verse 26

साहं त्वदर्थे संप्राप्ता त्वं तु मां नावबुध्यसे |
सपत्निवृद्दौ या मे त्वं प्रदेयं दातुमिच्चिसि || २-८-२६

“I came here in your interests. But you have not understood me. You think it fit to give me a present when your step-wife is getting prospered.”

26. saa aham = That I; sampraapta = came; tvadarthe = for your sake; tvam tu = but you; naavabudhyase = are not understanding; maam = me; yaa = that; tvam = you; ichchhasi = wish; daatum = to give; me = me; pradeyam = a present; sapatni vriddhou = when there is prosperity for step-wife.

Verse 27

ध्रुवं तु भरतं रामः प्राप्य राज्यमकण्टकम् |
देशान्तरं वासयिता लोकान्तरमथापि व || २-८-२७

“Rama, ascending the throne without hindrance, will either send away Bharata to some other country or have him put to death. This is certain.”

27. raamaH = Rama; praapya = after getting; raajyam = kingdom; akaNTakam = without hindrance; nayitaa = will send; bharatam = Bharata; deshaantaram vaasayitaa vaa = either to some other country; athaapivaa = or otherwise; lokaantaram = to some other world; dhruvam = this is certain.

Verse 28

बाल एव हि मातुल्यं भरतो नायितस्त्वया |
सन्निकर्षाच्च सौहार्दं जायते स्थावरेष्वपि || २-८-२८

“You sent Bharata to his maternal uncle’s house even in his childhood. By being nearer, love is born even on inanimate objects. By sending Bharata to a distant place, you made Dasaratha to have no affection towards him.”

28. bharataH = Bharata; naayitaH hi = was sent; baalaH eva = in his childhood itself; maatulyam = to his maternal uncle’s house; tvayaa = by you; sannikarshhaat = by being nearer; souhaardam = friedship; jaayate = is created; sthaavareshhvapi = even on inanimate things.

Verse 29

भरतस्यानुवशगः शत्रुघ्नोऽपि समं गतः |
लक्ष्मणो हि यथा रामं तथासौ भरतं गतः || २-८-२९

“Shatrughna was drawn towards Bharata and went along with him. Just as Lakshmana joined Rama, Shatrughna joined Bharata.”

29. shatrughno.api = Shatrughna also; anuvashagaH = was drawn; bharatsya = towards Bharata; gataH = and went; samam = along with him; yathaa = how; lakshmaNaH = Lakshmana; gataH = joined with; raamam = Rama; tathaa = like that; asou = this (Shatrughna); bharatam = with Bharata.

Verse 30

श्रूयते हि द्रुमः कश्चिच्चेत्तव्यो वनजीविभिः |
सन्निकर्षादिषीकाभिर्मो चितः परमाद्भयात् || २-८-३०

“We hear that a tree marked down for felling by foresters, when covered by thorny Ishhiika grass, is saved from this great danger of cutting. So also, Dasaratha might have supported Bharata if he was staying near to him in Ayodhya.”

30. shruuyate hi = it is heard that; kashchit = certain; drumaH = tree; chhettavyaH = which is to be cut; vanajiivibhiH = by people living in forest; mochitaH = was relieved; paramaat bhayaat = of (this) great danger; ishhiikaabhiH sannikarshhaat = by proximity to Ishhiika grass.

Verse 31

गोप्ता हि रामं सौमित्रिर्लक्ष्मणं चापि राघवः |
अश्विनोरिव सौभ्रात्रं तयोर्लोकेषु विश्रुतम् || २-८-३१

“Lakshmana protects Rama. Rama protects Lakshmana. Their brotherly love is as famous as that of Aswini celestials.”

31. soumitriH = Lakshmana; goptaahi = will protect; raamam = Rama; raaghavaH = Rama; lakshmaNaM chaapi = (will protect) Lakshmana also; tayoH = their; soubhraatram eva = brotherly love; vishrutam = is famous; lokeshhu = in the world; asvinoH = as that of Aswinis.

Verse 32

तस्मान्न लक्ष्मणे रामः पापं किञ्चित्करिष्यति |
रामस्तु भरते पापं कुर्यादिति न संशयः || २-८-३२

“Hence, Rama will not do a sinful act of killing Lakshmana. However there is no doubt that he will do so in the case of Bharata.”

32. tasmaat = Hence; raamaH = Rama; nakarishyati = will not do; kiJNchit = any little; paapam = sin; lakshmaNe = to Lakshmana; bharate tu = but to Bharata; raamaH = Rama; kuryaat = will do; paapam = a sinful act; iti = in this; nasamshayaH = there is no doubt.

Verse 33

तस्माद्राजगृहादेव वनं गच्छतु ते सुतः |
एतद्धि रोचते मह्यं भृश्ं चापि हितं तव || २-८-३३

“Hence, I feel that it is better for your son to go to forest directly from his uncle’s house. This is good for you too.”

33. tasmaat = Hence; etat = this; rochate hi = is wished; mahyam = by me; te sutaH = (that) your son; gachhatu = goes; vanam = to forest; raajagR^ihaadeva = from royal palace (of his uncle) itself; bhR^isham = (This is) very much; hitam = beneficial; tavaapicha = to you also.

Verse 34

एवं ते ज्ञातिपक्षस्य श्रेयश्चैव भविष्यति |
यदि चेद्भरतो धर्मात्पित्र्यं राज्यमवाप्स्यति || २-८-३४

“If Bharata gets his father’s kingdom as per law, it will be beneficial to you and your side of relatives.”

34. bharataH avaapsyati yadi = If Bharata gets; raajyam = kingdom; pitryam = of his father; dharmaat = as per law; bhavishhyati = it will become; shreyaH = beneficial; te = to you; jNyaatipakshhasya chaiva = and to your side of relatives; evam chet = if it happens thus.

Verse 35

स ते सुखोचितो बालो रामस्य सहजो रिपुः |
समृद्धार्थस्य नष्टार्थो जीविष्यति कथं वशे || २-८-३५

“Your youthful son, habituated to comforts, is a natural enemy to Rama. How can Bharata who failed to achieve his purpose live under control of Rama; whose flourishing object has been realised?”

35. te = your; saH = that; baalaH = child; sukhochitaH = who is habituated to comforts; raamasya sahajaH ripuH = is Rama’s natural enemy ; katham = how; nasTaarthaH = Bharatha; who failed to achieve purpose; jiivishhyati = will live; vashe = under control; samR^iddhaarthasya = of Rama whose flourishing object has been realized?

Verse 36

अभिद्रुतमिवारण्ये सिंहेन गजयूथपम् |
प्रच्छाद्यमानं रामेण भरतं त्रातुमर्हसि || २-८-३६

“Rama is chasing and bringing down Bharata as a lion chases an elephant-king in forest. You ought to protect Bharata.”

36. traatum arhasi = you ought to protect; bharatam = Bharata; prachchhaadyamaanam = who is being wrapped up; raameNa = by Rama; gajayuudhapam iva = as a leading elephant; abhidrutam = being chased; siMhena = by a lion; araNye = in forest.

Verse 37

दर्पान्निराकृता पूर्वं त्वया सौभाग्यवत्तया |
राममाता सपत्नी ते कथं वैरं न शातयेत् || २-८-३७

“Previously, you treated Kausalya with disrespect due to arrogance that you were fortunate. Will not such Kausalya, your rival wife, revenge for that animosity?”

37. puurvam = previously; niraakR^itaa = being disrepected; darpaat = with arrogance; tvayaa = by you; soubhaagyavathayaa = as you were fortunate; katham = how; raamamaataa = Rama’s mother (Kausalya); te = your; sapatnii = rival wife; na shaatayet = will not revenge; vairam = for that animosity?

Verse 38

यदा हि रामः पृथिवीमवाप्स्यति |
प्रभूतरत्नाकरशैलपत्तनाम् |
तदा गमिष्यस्यशुभं पराभवं |
सहैव दीना भरतेन भामिनि || २-८-३८

“O, Kaikeyi! The day Rama becomes lord of this earth with its great oceans, mountains and towns; that day you and your Bharata will get a bad and pitiable position of ignominy.”

38. bhaamini = O; Kaikeyi! yadaa = when; raamaH = Rama; avaapsyati = gets; pR^ithiviim = this earth; prabhuuta ratnaakara shaila paattanaam = holding great ocean; mountains and towns; tadaa = then; bharatena sahaiva = along with Bharata; gamishhyasi = you will get; ashubham = bad; diinaa = pitiable; paraabhavam = ignominy.

Verse 39

यदा हि रामः पृथिवीमवाप्स्यति |
ध्रुवं प्रणष्टो भरतो भविष्यति |
अतो हि संचिन्तय राज्यमात्मजे |
पर्स्य चैवाद्य विवासकारणम् || २-८-३९

“When Rama gets power of the kingdom Bharata will certainly get ruined. Hence, think of a solution to get your son Bharata the kingdom and to send Rama, your enemy, to exile.”

39. yadaahi = when; raamaH = Rama; avaapsyasi = gets; pr^ithiviim = the earth; bharataH = Bharata; bhavishhyati = will become; dhruvam = certainly; praNashhTaH = ruined; ataH = hence; saMchintaya = think of; raajyam = kingdom; aatmaje = to your son; vivaasakaaraNam = and causing exile; parasya = to your enemy; Rama.

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