Ravana calls Indrajit and asks him to go for a battle against Hanuma. Indrajit wielding a colourful bow quickly in a chariot to face Hanuma in combat. The arrows discharged by Indrajit are made ineffective by Hanuma, through his peculiar skill of maneuvering them like a wind-god. Realizing that Hanuma cannot be slain, Indrajit merely takes him captive by discharging the unfailing missile presided over by Brahma, the creator. Hanuma falls on the ground motionless. The demons tie him with ropes and drag him to the presence of Ravana. Hanuma yields to their operation of capture, even though capable of aborting it, eager as he was to meet Ravana.
Verse 1
ततस्तु रक्षोधितिर्महात्म |
हनूमताक्षे निहते कुमारे |
मनः समाधाय स देवकल्पम् |
समादिदेशेन्द्रजितम् सरोषः || ५-४८-१
Filled with anger on his son Aksha having been killed by Hanuma, yet reconciling his mind, the high-minded Ravana the king of demons for his part then instructed Indrajit (his eldest son) possessing the qualities of god (as follows):
1. tataH = thereafter; saH = that; mahaatmaa = the high-minded; rakSodhipatiH = Ravana the king of the demons; kumaare = (when) his son; akSe = Aksha; nihate = having been killed; hanuumataa = by Hanuma; saroSaH = full of anger; samaadhaaya = yet reconciling; maraaH = his mind; samaadidesha = instructed; indrajit = Indrajit; devakalpam = possessing the qualities of a god.
Verse 2
त्वमस्त्रविच्छस्त्रविदाम् वरिष्ठः |
सुरासुराणामपि शोकदाता |
सुरेषु सेन्द्रेषु च दृष्टकर्मा |
पितामहाराधनसंचितास्त्रः || ५-४८-२
“You are well acquainted with mystic missiles. You are the foremost among those who are conversant with weapons. You cause anguish even to celestials and demons. Indra and other celestials perceived your performance with your missiles acquired by propitiating Brahma the creator.”
2. tvam = you; astravit = are acquainted with mystic missiles; variSThaH = you are the foremost; shastravidaam = among those who are conversant with weapons; shokadaataa = you are giver of grief; suraasuraaNaamapi = even to celestials and demons; dR^iSTakarmaa = whose actions are seen; sureSu = by celestials; sendreSu = along with Indra; pitaa mahaaraadhanasamchitaastraH = having missiles acquired by propitiating Brahma the creator.
Verse 3
तवास्त्रबलमासाद्य ससुराः समरुद्गणाः |
न शेकुः समरे स्थातुम् सुरेश्वरसमाश्रिताः || ५-४८-३
“Celestials together with troops of storm-gods joining Indra the lord of celestials were not able to endure the strength of your missiles in battle.”
3. sasuraaH = accompanied by celestials; samarudgaNaaH = together with troops of storm-gods; sureshvara samaashritaaH = joining Indra the Lord of celestials; nashekuH = were not able; sthaatum = to endure; samare = in battle; aasaadya = encountering; tava = your; astrabalam = strength of missiles.
Verse 4
न कश्चित्त्रिषु लोकेषु सम्युगे न गतश्रमः |
भुजवीर्याभिगुप्तश्च तपसा चाभिरक्षितः || ५-४८-४
देशकालविभागज्ञस्त्वमेव मतिसत्तमः |
“In a battle against you, every one in the three worlds gets exhausted. You are protected yourself by your great intellect and strong arms. You are guarded by your penance. You are aware of apportioning place and time properly.”
4. na kashchit = no one; triSu lokeSu = in the three worlds; na gatashramaH = was not without a fatigue; samyuge = in the battle (against you); tvameva = you by yourself; matisattamaH = with a great intellect; bhujaviirya = and with strong arms; abhiguptashcha = are protected; abhirakSitaH = you are even protected; tapasaa = by penance; deshkaalavibhaagaJNaH = you are aware of apportioning place and time.
Verse 5
न तेऽस्त्यशक्यम् समरेषु कर्मणा |
न तेऽस्त्यकार्यम् मतिपूर्वमन्त्रणे |
न सोऽस्ति कश्चित्त्रिषु सम्ग्रहेषु वै |
न वेद यस्तेऽस्त्रबलम् बलम् च ते || ५-४८-५
“There is nothing impossible for you in your acts of war. With your purposeful thinking, everything is possible for you. There is none in the three worlds, who does not know the force of missiles as also your (physical) strength.”
5. naasti = there is nothing; ashakyam = impossible; te = for you; karmaNaa = in acts; samareSu = of war; naasti = there is nothing; akaaryam = impossible to be done; te = by you; mati puurva mantraNe = with your no one whosoever; yaH = who; na veda = does not know; te = your; astrabalam = force of the missiles; te balamcha = and your (physical) strength; triSu samgraheSu = in the three worlds.
Verse 6
ममानुरूपम् तपसो बलम् च ते |
पराक्रमश्चास्त्रबलम् च सम्युगे |
न त्वाम् समासाद्य रणावमर्दे |
मनः श्रमं गच्छति निश्चितार्थम् || ५-४८-६
“The strength of your penance as also your prowess and strength in battle resemble mine. Admitting you in the squeeze of battle, my mind does not get fatigues because of the re-assurance.”
6. balam = the strength; te tapasaH = of your penance; anuruupam = is like that of; mama = me; paraakramashcha balam cha = as also your prowess and strength; samyuge = in battle; samaasaadya = admitting; tvaam = you; raNaavamarde = in the squeeze of battle; manaH = my mind; na gachchhati = does not get; shramam = weariness; nishchita artham = because of reassurance.
Verse 7
निहताः किम्कराः सर्वे जम्बुमाली च राक्षसः |
अमात्यपुत्रा वीराश्च पञ्च सेनाग्रयायिनः || ५-४८-७
बलानि सुसमृद्धानि साश्वनागरथानि च |
“All the Kimkaras, a demon called Jambumali, the heroic sons of ministers and the five chiefs of army have been killed, as also the army together with highly abundant number of horses, elephants and chariots.”
7. sarve = all; kimkaraaH = Kimkaras; raakSasashcha = a demon; jambumaalii = called Jambumali; viiraaH = the heroic; amaatya putraaH = sons of ministers; paN^cha = the fire; senaagra yaayinaH = chiefs of army; nihataaH = have been killed; balaanicha = as also the army; susamR^iddhaani saashvanaaga rathaam cha = along with highly abundant number of horses; elephants and chariots.
Verse 8
सहोदरस्ते दयितः कुमारोऽक्षश्च सूदितः || ५-४८-८
न हि तेष्वेव मे सारो यस्त्व य्यरिनिषूदन |
“Your beloved brother Aksha the prince also has been killed. O annihilator of enemies! The strength which is in me or in you, is indeed not there in them at all.”
8. te = your; dayitaH = beloved; sahodaraH = brother; kumaarah akSashcha = Aksha the prince also; suuditaH = has been killled; arniSUdana = O annihilator of enemies!; saaraH = the strength; yaH = which; me = is in me; tvayi = and you; nahi = is indeed not there; teSveva = in them at all.
Verse 9
इदम् हि दृष्ट्वा मतिमन् महाद्बलम् |
कपेः प्रभावम् च पराक्रमम् च |
त्वमात्मनश्चापि समीक्ष्य सारं |
कुरुष्व वेगम् स्वबलानुरूपम् || ५-४८-९
“O intelligent one! Seeing the great strength, power and prowess of this monkey and keeping in view your own strength, exhibit your valour accordingly.”
9. matiman = O intelligent one!; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; idam = this; mahat = great; balam = strength; prabhaavamcha = power; paraakramamcha = and power; kapeH = of the monkey; samiikSya = and keeping in view; aatmanaH = your; saaramchaapi = strength even; kuruSva = exhibit; vegam = your valour; svabalaanuruupam = according to your strength.
Verse 10
बलावमर्दस्वयि सम्निकृष्टे |
यथा गते शाम्यति शान्तशत्रौ |
तथा समीक्ष्यात्मबलम् परम् च |
समारभस्वास्त्रविदाम् वरिष्ठ || ५-४८-१०
“Keeping in view your own strength and of the army, O the foremost among those employing missiles, exert yourself in such a way, that further destruction of our army may stop, the moment you, whose enemies have died, have arrived near Hanuma.”
10. samiikSya = keeping in view; aatmabalam = your own strength; paramcha = and of the enemy; variSTha = O the foremost; astravidaam = among those employing missiles; samaarabhasva = exert yourself; yathaa tathaa = in such a way; balaavamardaH shaamyati = that (further) destruction of our army may stop; tvayi = (the moment) you; gate = (whose enemies) have died; tvayi = you; samnikR^iSTe = have arrived near Hanuma.
Verse 11
न वीरसेना गणशोच्य (प्य) वन्ति |
न वज्रमादाय विशालसारम् |
न मारुतस्यास्य गतेः प्रमाणम् |
न चाग्निकल्पः करणेन हन्तुम् || ५-४८-११
“O hero! The armies cannot protect you, even if they are in multitudes. There is no use taking a weapon like a strong thunder bolt against the monkey. There is no limit to the strength of Hanuma the son of wind-god. It is not possible to kill him, who resembles fire, by means of any weapon.”
11. viira = O hero!; senaaH = the armies; na avanti = cannot protect you (before); gaNashochi = the shining monkey who is tormenting they demons; na = there is no use; aadaaya = taking; vajram = a weapon like the thunderbolt; visaala saaram = of an extensive power; na pramaaNam = there is no limit; gateH = to the strength; asya maarutasya = of Hanuma the son of wind-god; na = it is not possible; hantum = to kill; agnikalpaH; the one resembling fire; karaNena = by means of any weapon.
Verse 12
तमेवमर्थम् प्रसमीक्ष्य सम्यक् |
स्वकर्मसाम्याद्धि समाहितात्म |
स्मरंश्च दिव्यम् धनुषोऽस्त्रवीर्यम् |
व्रजाक्षतम् कर्म समारभस्व || ५-४८-१२
“Perceiving well the fact in this way and with your mind composed by the thought that success can be achieved by your own effort, and remembering the strength of arrows of your wonderful bow, go and duly proceed with your work, without any hindrance.”
12. prasamiikSya = perceiving; samyak = well; tam eva artham = that fact thus; samaahitaatmaa = and with your mind composed by the thought; svakarma saamyaat = that success can be achieved by your own effort; smaramshcha = and remembering; astraviiryam = the strength of arrows; divyam dhanuSaH = of your wonderful bow; craja = go; samaarabhasva = and duly proceed; karma = with your work; akSatam = without any hindrance.
Verse 13
न खल्वियम् मतिः श्रेष्ठा यत्त्वाम् सम्प्रेषयाम्यहम् |
इयम् च राजधर्माणाम् क्षत्रियस्य मतिर्मता || ५-४८-१३
“This thought of my sending you is not indeed the best option. But, this decision is said to be according to the duties of a king and is the commendation of a warrior-class.”
13. iyam matiH = this thought; aham = (that) I; tvaam sampreSayaami itiyat = am sending you; nakhalu = is not indeed; shreSThaa = the best; iyam = this; mataa = is said to be; raajadharmaaNaam = the duties of a king; matiH = and is the commendation; kSatriyasya = of a warrior-class.
Verse 14
नानाशस्त्रेषु सम्ग्रामे वैशारद्यमरिंदम् |
अवश्यमेव बोद्धव्यम् काम्यश्च विजयो रणे || ५-४८-१४
“O destroyer of enemies! You have to learn surely the skill to employ various weapons in battle. You have to aspire for a victory too in battle.”
14. arimdama = O destroyer of enemies!; vaishaaradyam = the skill; boddhavyam = is to be learnt; avashyameva = surely; naanaashastreSu = in various kinds of weapons; samgraame = in battle; vijayashcha = victory too; kaamya = is to be aspired; raNe = in battle.
Verse 15
ततः पितुस्तद्वचनम् निशम्य |
प्रदक्षिणम् कक्षसुतप्रभावः |
चकार भर्तारमदीनसत्त्वो |
रणाय वीरः प्रतिपन्नबुद्धिः || ५-४८-१५
Hearing the words of his father, Indrajit the strong demon, possessing a power similar to that of gods, with an undepressed mind and with his intellect resolved to fight, performed a circumambulation in honour of Ravana the lord.
15. tataH = then; nishamya = hearing; tatvachanam = that word; pituH = of his father; viiraH = the strong demon; Indrajit; dakSasuta prabhaavaH = having power similar to that of gods; adiina sattvaH = with an undepressed mind; pratipannabuddhiH = and with his intellect resolved; raNaaya = for the battle; pradakSiNam chakaara = performed a circumambulation; bhartaaram = around Ravana the lord.
Verse 16
ततसैः स्वगणैरिष्टैरिन्द्रजित् प्रतिपूजितः |
यद्धोद्धतः कृतोत्साहः सम्ग्रामम् प्रत्यपद्यत || ५-४८-१६
Acclaimed by the beloved people of his own class, Indrajit who was violent in battle then entered the battle-field with an accomplished enthusiasm.
16. pratipuujitaH = Acclaimed; taiH iSTaiH svagaNaiH = by the beloved people of his own class; indrajit = Indrajit; yuddhoddhataH = who was violent in battle; tataH = then; pratyapadyata = entered; samgraamam = the battle; kR^itotsaahaH = with an accomplished enthusiasm.
Verse 17
श्रीमान् पद्मपलाशाक्षो राक्षसाधिपतेः सुतः |
निर्जगाम महातेजाः समुद्र इव पर्वसु || ५-४८-१७
Indrajit, the illustrious son of Ravana, having eyes like lotus-petals and endowed with extra ordinary energy, rushed forth like an ocean on full-moon days.
17. raakSasaadhipateH sutaH = Indrajit the son of Ravana; shriimaan = the illustrious; padmapalaashaakSaH = having eyes similar to lotus-petals; mahaatejaaH = endowed with extra-ordinary energy; nirjagaama = rushed forth; samudraH iva = like an ocean; parvasu = on full moon days.
Verse 18
स पक्षिराजोपमतुल्यवेगै |
र्व्याळैश्चतुर्भिः सिततीक्ष्णदम्ष्ट्रैः |
रथम् समायुक्तमसम्गवेगम् |
समारुरोहेन्द्रजिदिन्द्रकल्पः || ५-४८-१८
That Indrajit, alike Indra the lord of celestials, ascended a chariot with unchecked speed and yoked with four sharp-toothed tigers, having their swiftness similar to Garuda the king of eagles.
18. saH indrajit = that Indrajit; indrakalpaH = equal to Indra the lord of celestials; samaaruroha = ascended; ratham = a chariot; asamga vegam = with unchecked swiftness; samaayuktam = and yoked; chaturbhiH = with four; vyaaLaiH = tigers; sita tiikSNa damSTraiH = having sharp teeth; pakSiraaja tulya vegaiH = having their swiftness equal to Garuda the king of eagles.
Verse 19
स रथी धन्विनाम् श्रेष्ठः शस्त्रज्ञोऽस्त्रविदाम् वरः |
रथेनाभिययौ क्षिप्रम् हनुमान्यत्र सोऽभवत् || ५-४८-१९
That Indrajit, the chariot-warrior, best among the wielders of bow, skilled in the use of weapons and excellent among those proficient in the use of missiles, went swiftly in his chariot to where Hanuma was.
19. saH = that Indrajit; rathii = the chariot- warrior; shreSThahaH = the best; dhanvinaam = among the wielders of bow; shastrajJNaH = skilled in the use of weapons; varaH = and excellent; shatravidaam = among those proficient in the use of missiles; abhiyayau = went; shiighram = swiftly; rathen = in his chariot; yatra = to where; saH hanuman = that Hanuma; abhavat = was.
Verse 20
स तस्य रथनिर्घोषम् ज्यास्वनम् कार्मुकस्य च |
निशम्य हरिवीरोऽसौ सम्प्रह्ऱ्^ष्टतरोऽभवत् || ५-४८-२०
Hearing the rattling sound of Indrajit’s chariot and a twang of his bow, the heroic Hanuma became more thrilled with delight.
20. nishamya = hearing; tasya rathanirghoSam = the rattling sound of his chariot; jyaasvanamcha = and a twang of bow-string; kaarmukasya = of his bow; asau hariviiraH = Hanuma; such a heroic monkey; abhavat = became; samprahR^iSTataraH = more thrilled with delight.
Verse 21
सुमहाच्चापमादाय शितशल्यांश्च सायकान् |
हनुमन्तमभिप्रेत्य जगाम रणपण्डितः || ५-४८-२१
Indrajit, skilled in warfare, taking a very big bow with pointed arrows, went aiming towards Hanuma.
21. raNapaN^DitaH = Indrajit; skilled in warfare; aadaaya = taking; sumahat = a very big; chaapam = bow; shita shalyaan saayakaan = with pointed arrows; jagaama = proceeded; abhipretya = aiming towards; hanumantam = Hanuma.
Verse 22
तस्मिंस्ततः सम्यति जातहर्षे |
रणाय निर्गच्छति चापपाणौ |
दिशश्च सर्वाः कलुषा बभूवु |
र्मृगाश्च रौद्रा बहुधा विनेदुः || ५-४८-२२
While that Indrajit who was energetic in battle, was going ahead to the combat, with a bow in his hand, all the quarters became gloomy and ferocious animals howled in many ways.
22. tataH = then; tasmin = that Indrajit; jaataharSe = rejoiced; samyati = in battle; nirgachchhati sati = was going ahead; raNaaya = to the combat; chaapapaaNau = with a bow in his hand; sarvaaH = all; dishaH = the quarters; babhuuvuH = became; kaluSaaH = gloomy; raudraaH = ferocious; mR^igaashcha = animals; vineduH = howled; bahudhaa = in many ways.
Verse 23
समागतास्तत्र तु नागयक्षा |
महर्षयश्चक्रचराश्च सिद्धाः |
नभः समावृत्य च पक्षिसम्घा |
विनेदुरुच्चैः परमप्रहृष्टाः || ५-४८-२३
Nagas and Yakshas, great sages moving in astronomical circles, Siddhas and a multitude of birds going around the sky, gathered there and clamoured loudly with a great rejoice.
23. naagayakSas = Nagas and Yakshas; chakracharaaH maharSaaH = great sages moving in astronomical circles; siddhaashcha = Siddhas; pakSisamghaaH = and a multitude of birds; nabhaH samaavR^itya = going round the sky; samaagataaH = gathered; tatra = there; vineduH = and clamoured; uchchhaiH = loudly; paramaprahR^iSTaaH = with a great rejoice.
Verse 24
आयान्तम् सरथम् द्ऱ्^ष्ट्वा तूर्णमन्द्रिजितम् कपिः |
विननाद महानादम् व्यवर्धत च वेगवान् || ५-४८-२४
Seeing Indrajit coming swiftly with the chariot, Hanuma made a noise with great resonance and grew up his body speedily.
24. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; indrajitam = Indrajit; aayaantam = coming; tuurNam = swiftly; saratham = with the chariot; kapiH = Hanuma; vinanaada = made a noise; mahaanaadam = with great resonance; vyavardhata cha = and grew up his body; vegavaan = speedily.
Verse 25
इन्द्रजित्तु रथम् दिव्यमास्थितश्चित्रकार्मुकः |
धनुर्विष्फारयामास तटिदूर्जितनिस्स्वनम् || ५-४८-२५
Ascending on his wonderful chariot and wielding a colourful bow, Indrajit on his part, stretched his bow, which made a glaring sound like that accompanying a stroke lightning.
25. aasthitaH = ascending; divyam rathan = on his wonderful chariot; chitrakaarmukaH = and wielding a colourful bow; indrajit tu = Indrajit; on his part; visphaarayaamaasa = stretched; dhanuH = his bow; taTiduurjitaniHsvanam = which made a glaring sound like that accompanying a stroke of lightning.
Verse 26
ततः समेतावतितीक्ष्णवेगौ |
महाबलौ तौ रणनिर्विशङ्कौ |
कपिश्च रक्षोधिपतेस्तनूजः |
सुरासुरेन्द्रनिव बद्धवैरौ || ५-४८-२६
Those two warriors, Hanuma and Indrajit, possessing great velocity and a great strength as also fearless in combat, confronted in the battle like Indra the Lord of celestials and Ravana the Lord of demons who tightened hostility with each other.
26. tataH = thereupon; tau = those (two warriors); kapishcha = Hanuma; tanuujaH = and the son; rakSodhipate = of Ravana; atitiikSNa vegau = possessing great velocity; mahaabalau = and a great strength; raNa nirvishaN^kau = fearless in combat; sametau = confronted in battle; suraasurendraaviva = like Indra the Lord of celestials and the lord of demons; baddhavairau = who tightened hostility with each other.
Verse 27
स तस्य वीरस्य महारथस्य |
धनुष्मतः सम्यति सम्मतस्य |
शरप्रवेगम् व्यहनत्प्रवृद्ध |
श्चचार मार्गे पितुरप्रमेयः || ५-४८-२७
Hanuma, of immeasurable strength, having expanded his body, aborted the swiftness of arrows of that Indrajit, the great chariot-warrior, the wielder of a bow and well-renowned in battle. Hanuma wheeled about in the path of wind-god, his father.
27. saH = that Hanuma; aprameyaH = of immeasurable strength; pravR^iddhaH = having grown up his body; vyahavat = aborted; sharapravegam = the swiftness of arrows; tasya viirasya = of that Indrajit; mahaarathaH = the great chariot-warrior; dhanuSmataH = wielder of a bow; chachaara = (Hanuma) wheeled about; maarge = in the path; pituH = of his father; the wind-god.
Verse 28
ततः श्रानायततीक्ष्णशल्यान् |
सुपत्रिणः काञ्चनचित्रपुङ्खान् |
मुमोच वीरः परवीरहन्ता |
सुनन्नतान् वज्रनिपातवेगान् || ५-४८-२८
Then, the heroic Indrajit, the destroyer of strong enemies, discharged long and sharp-pointed arrows, having beautiful feathers, provided with picturesque golden shafts, with good inclination and as swift as lightning.
28. tataH = then; viiraH = the heroic Indrajit; paraviirahantaa = the destroyer of strong enemies; mumocha. Discharged; sharaan = arrows; aayata tikSNa shalyaan = with long and sharp points; supatriNaH = having beautiful feathers; kaaN^chana chitrapuNJNaan = provided with picturesque golden shafts; susannataan = with good inclination; vajranipaata vegan = and swift as lightning.
Verse 29
ततः स तत्स्यन्दननिःस्वनम् च |
मृदङ्गभेरीपटहस्वनम् च |
विकृष्यमाणस्य च कार्मुकस्य |
निशम्य घोषम् पुनरुत्पपात || ५-४८-२९
Hearing the rattling sound of the chariot and the sound of wooden tomtoms, kettledrums and war-drums as also the sound of the bow-string being plucked, Hanuma sprang up again.
29. tataH = then; nishamya = hearing; tatsyandananiHsvanamcha = the rattling sound of the chariot; mR^idaN^gabheriipaTaha svanamcha = and the sound of wooden tomtoms; kettledrums and war-drums; ghoSam = and the sound; kaarmukasya = of the bow-string; vikR^iSyamaaNasya = being plucked; saH = that Hanuma; utpapaata = sprang up; punaH = again.
Verse 30
शराणामन्तरेष्वाशु व्यवर्तत महाकपिः |
हरिस्तस्याभिलक्ष्यस्य मोघयन् लक्ष्यसम्ग्रहम् || ५-४८-३०
Making the total target of Indrajit who was skilled in hitting his target useless, Hanuma the great monkey swiftly wheeled about between the arrows.
30. moghayan = making useless; lakSya samgraham = the totality of target; tasya = of Indrajit; abhilakSyasya = who was skilled in hitting his target; hariH = Hanuma; mahaakapiH = the great monkey; aashu = swiftly; vyavartata = wheeled about; antareSu = between; sharaaNaam = the arrows.
Verse 31
शराणामग्रतस्तस्य पुनः समभिवर्तत |
प्रसार्य हस्तौ हनुमानुत्पपातानिलात्मजः || ५-४८-३१
Hanuma, the son of wind-god, again stayed in front of his arrows and stretching out his hands, sprang up.
31. hanuman = Hanuma; anilaatmajaH = the son of wind-god; samabhivartata = stayed; agrataH = in front; tasya sharaaNaam = of his arrows; punaH = again; prasaarya = and stretching out; hastau = his hands; utpapaata = (he) sprang up.
Verse 32
तावुभौ वेगसम्पन्नौ रणकर्मविशारदौ |
सर्वभूतमनोग्राहि चक्रतुर्युद्धमुत्तमम् || ५-४८-३२
Those two warriors, full of swiftness and skilled in their war-fare, staged an excellent battle, which captivated the minds of all beings.
32. tau = ubhau = those two warriors; vegasampannau = full of swiftness; raNakarma vishaaradau = and skilled in warfare; chakratuH = staged; uttamam yuddham = an excellent battle; sarvabhuuta mano graahi = which captivated the minds of all beings.
Verse 33
हनुमतो वेद न राक्षसोऽन्त्रम् |
न मारुतिस्तस्य महात्मनोऽन्तरम् |
परस्परम् निर्विषहौ बभूवतुः |
समेत तौ देवसमानविक्रमौ || ५-४८-३३
Indrajit could not know the weakness of Hanuma, nor did Hanuma know the weakness of high-minded Indrajit. Those two warriors, who were equal in prowess to gods, coming into collision with each other, became unbearable to each other.
33. raakSasaH = Indrajit; na veda = could not know; antaram = the weakness; tasya mahaatmanaH = the weakness of the high-minded Indrajit; tau = those two warriors; devasamaana vikramau = who were equal in prowess to gods; sametya = coming into collision; parasparam = with each other into; babhuuvatuH = became; nirviSahau = unbearable.
Verse 34
ततस्तु लक्ष्ये स विहन्यमाने |
शरेष्वमोघेषु च संपतत्सु |
जगाम चिन्ताम् महतीम् महात्मा |
समाधिसम्योगसमाहितात्मा || ५-४८-३४
The aim of his arrows getting aborted and even his unfailing arrows falling down, the high-minded Indrajit, who was well-known for hitting his target, got hold of a great thought.
34. lakSye = the aim (of his arrows); vihanyamaane = getting aborted; amogheSushareSu = and (even) unfailing arrows; sampatatsu = falling down; sah = that Indrajit; mahaatmaa = the high-minded demon; samaadhisamyoga samaahitaatmaa = who was well known for hitting his target; jagaama = got; mahatiim = a great; chintaam = thought.
Verse 35
ततो मतिम् राक्षसराजसूनु |
श्चकार तस्मिन् हरिवीरमुख्ये |
अवध्यताम् तस्य कपेः समीक्ष्य |
कथम् निगच्छेदिति निग्रहार्थम् || ५-४८-३५
Keeping in view of that monkey being incapable of being slain, Indrajit, Ravana’s son then formed an idea as to how to resort to capture of that Hanuma the chief of monkey-warriors.
35. samiikSya = keeping in view; tasya kapeH = of that monkey; avadhyataam = being incapable of being slain; raakSasa raja suunuH = Indrajit; Ravana’s son; tataH = then; chakaara = formed; matim = an idea; katham it = as to how; nigachchhet = to resort; nigrahaartham = to capture of; tasmin = that; hariviira mukhye = Hanuma; the chief of monkey-warriors.
Verse 36
ततः पैतामहम् वीरः सोऽस्त्रमस्त्रविदाम् वरः |
संदधे सुमहातेजास्तम् हरिप्रारम् प्रति || ५-४८-३६
That warrior, Indrajit, excellent among the knowers of missiles and possessing a great splendor, then fitted to his bow, a missile presided over by Brahma the creator.
36. saH = that Indrajit; viiraH = the warrior; varaH = excellent; astravidaam = among the knowers of missiles; sumahaatejaaH = and possessing a great splendor; tataH = then; samdadhe = fitted to his bow; astram = a missile; paitaamaham = presided over by Brahma; the creator.
Verse 37
अवध्योऽयमिति ज्ञात्वा तमस्त्रेणास्त्रतत्त्ववित् |
निजग्राह महाबाहुर्मारुतात्मजमिन्द्रजित् || ५-४८-३७
Indrajit, who knows the true nature of missiles, feeling certain that he was incapable of being killed, bound that Hanuma, the son of wind-god, by that presided over by Brahma the creator.
37. indrajit = Indrajit; astratattvavit = who knows the true nature of missiles; mahaabaahuH = and the long-armed; jJNaatvaa = feeling certain; iti = that; ayam = he; avadhyaH = was incapable of being killed; nijagraaha = bound; tam = that; maarutaatmajam = Hanuma the son of wind-god; astreNa = by that missile presided over by Brahama the creator.
Verse 38
तेन बद्धस्ततोऽस्त्रेण राक्षसेन स वानरः |
अभवन्निर्विचेष्टश्च पपात स महीतले || ५-४८-३८
Fastened with the weapon discharged by the demon, Hanuma became motionless and fell down on the ground.
38. tataH = then; baddhaH = fastened; astreNa = with the weapon; raakSasena = by the demon; saH vaanaraH = that Hanuma; abhavat = became; nirvicheSTaH = motionless; saH = He = papaata = fell; mahiitale = on the ground.
Verse 39
ततोऽथ बुद्ध्वा स तदस्त्रबन्धम् |
प्रभोः प्रभावाद्विगतात्मवेगः |
पितामहानुग्रहमात्मनश्च |
विचिन्तयामास हरिप्रवीतः || ५-४८-३९
Realizing that he had been bound by a missile presided over by Brahma the Lord of creation that Hanuma failing to keep his swiftness, considered it to be a favour of Brahma the creator done to him.
39. atha = then; tataH = therefore; buddhvaa = realizing; tadastrabandham = that he had been bound by a missile; prabhoH prabhaavaat = presided over by Brahma the Lord (of creation); saH haripraviiraH = that Hanuma; vigataatma vegaH = failing to keep his swiftness; vichintayaamaasa = remembered; pitaamahaanugraham = about the favour of Brahma the Creator; aatmanaH = to him.
Verse 40
ततह् स्वायम्भुवैर्मन्रैर्ब्रह्मस्त्रमभिमन्त्रितम् |
हनुमांश्चिन्तयामास वरदानम् पितामहात् || ५-४८-४०
Knowing it to be a missile presided over by Brahma the creator and consecrated by spells sacred to Brahma, the creator, Hanuma then recollected a boon got by Lord Brahma, the grand father of the entire creation.
40. brahmaastram = (knowing it) to be missile presided over by Brahma the creator; abhimantram = and consecrated; mantraiH = by spells; svaayambhuvaiH = sacred to Brahma the creator; hanuman = Hanuma; tataH = then; chintayaamaasa = recollected; varadaanam = a boon got; pitaamahaat = by Lord Brahama; the grand-father of the entire creation.
Verse 41
न मेऽस्त्रबन्धस्य च शक्तिरस्ति |
मिमोक्षणे लोकगुरोः प्रभावात् |
इत्येव मत्वा विहितोऽस्त्रबन्धो |
मयात्मयोनेरनुवर्तितव्यः || ५-४८-४१
“I have no capacity to liberate from the bondage of the missile due to the power of Brahma the father of the world. Thus knowing the bondage, through the missile presided over by Brahma the self-born creator imposed by the enemy, it must be obeyed by me.”
41. me = to me; naasti = there is no; shaktiH = capacity; vimokSaNe = to liberate; astrabandhasya = of this bondage of the missile; prabhaavaat = due to the power; lokaguroH = of Brahma the father of the world; itvena = thus; matvaa = knowing; astrabandhaH = the bondage through the missile; aatma yoneH = presided over by Brahma; the self born creator; vihataH = imposed by the enemy; anuvartitavyaH = (it) must be obeyed; mayaa = by me.
Verse 42
स वीर्यमस्त्रस्य कपिर्विचार्य |
पितामहानुग्रहमात्मनश्च |
विमोक्षशक्तिम् परिचिन्तयित्वा |
पितामाहाज़्ज़्नामनुवर्तते स्म || ५-४८-४२
Thinking of the potency of the missile and the grace of Brahma, the grandfather of the entire creation enjoyed by him, and thinking about his capacity to liberate from it (which was going to alight on him after a while) that Hanuma obeyed the command of Brahma the grand father of the entire creation.
42. vichaarya = thinking; viiryam = of the potency; astrasya = of the missile; pitaamaha anugrahamcha = and the grace of Brahma the grandfather of the entire creation enjoyed; aatmanaH = by him; parichintayitvaa = and thinking; vimokSashaktim = about his capacity to liberate from it (which was going to alight on him after a while); saH kapiH = that Hanuma; anuvartatesma = obeyed; pitaamahaaJNaam = the command of Brahma; the grandfather of the entire creation.
Verse 43
अस्त्रेणापि हि बद्धस्य भयम् मम न जायते |
पितामहम् हेन्द्राभ्याम् रक्षितस्यानिलेन च || ५-४८-४३
“Since I am being protected by Brahma, Indra and the wind-god, I do not have fear, eventhough I am fastened by the missile.”
43. me = to me; rakSitasya = being protected; pitaamaha mahendraabhyaam = by Brahma; Indra; anilenacha = and the wind-god; bhayam = a fear; najaayate = does not arise; baddhasyaapi = eventhough fastened; astreNa = by the missile.
Verse 44
ग्रहणे चापि रक्षोभिर्महन्मे गुणदर्शनम् |
राक्षसेन्द्रेण सम्वादस्तस्माद्गृह्णन्तु माम् परे || ५-४८-४४
“Even if I were captured by the demons, a great advantage is foreseen. There will be a dialogue with Ravana. Therefore, let the enemies capture me.”
44. me = to me; grahaNechaapi = even if captured; rakSobhiH = by the demons; mahat guNadarshanan = there will be a great advantage being foreseen; samvaadaH = there will be a dialogue; raakSasendreNa = with Ravana; tasmaat = therefore; pare = (let) the enemies; gR^ihNantu = capture; maam = me.
Verse 45
स निश्चितार्थः परवीरहन्ता |
समीक्ष्यकारी विनिवृत्तचेष्टः |
परैः प्रसह्याभिगतैर्निगृह्य |
ननाद तैस्तैः परिभर्त्स्यमानः || ५-४८-४५
That Hanuma, the destroyer of enemies and who acted after fully considering the pros and cons, ascertained his objective and stayed motionless. Approached and captured forcibly by the enemies as also frightened by them, he made a loud scream.
45. saH = that Hanuma; paraviirahantaa = the destroyer of his enemies; samiiSya kaarii = and who acted after fully considering the pros and cons; nishchitaarthaH = ascertained his objective; vinivR^ittacheSTaH = and stayed motionless; abhigataiH = approached; nigR^ihya = and captured; prasahya = forcibly; paraiH taiHtaiH = by different enemies; paribhartasyamaanaH = and frightened by them; nanaada = he made a loud scream.
Verse 46
ततस्तम् राक्षसा दृष्ट्वा निर्विचेष्टमरिंदमम् |
बबन्धुः शणवल्कैश्च द्रुमचीरैश्च सम्हतैः || ५-४८-४६
Seeing that Hanuma, the destroyer of enemies falling motionless, the demons then tied him with plaited chords of hemp and bark of trees.
46. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; taam = that Hanuma; arimdamam = the destroyer of enemies; nirvicheSTam = falling motionless; rakSasaaH = the demons; tatah = then; babandhuH = tied (him); samhataiH shaNavalkaishcha = with plaited chords of hemp; drumachiiraishcha = and bark of trees.
Verse 47
स रोचयामास परैश्च बन्धनम् |
प्रश्य वीरैरभिनिग्रहम् च |
कौरूहलान्माम् यदि राक्षसेन्द्रो |
द्रष्टो व्यवस्येदिति निश्चितार्थः || ५-४८-४७
Hanuma approved of being forcibly bound and reviled by the enemies, with an assured feeling that Ravana was curious as he was, to see him.
47. saH = Hanuma; rochayaamaasa = approved prasahya = of being forcibly; bandhanam = bound; paraiH = by the enemies; abhinigrahancga = and reviled by them; iti nishchitaarthaH = with an assured feeling that; raakSasendraH = Ravana; vyavasyedyadi = might make an effort; draSTum = to see; maam = me; kantuuhalaat = by curiosity.
Verse 48
स बद्धस्तेन वल्केन विमुक्तोऽस्त्रेण वीर्यवान् |
अस्त्रबन्धः स चान्यम् हि न बन्धमनुवर्तते || ५-४८-४८
That powerful Hanuma, tied with those chords of hemp and bark, was relieved of the missile, since the bondage of that missile does not indeed coexist with another bondage.
48. saH viiryavaan = that powerful Hanuma; baddhaH = tied; tena valkena = with those chords of hemp and bark; vimuktaH = was relieved; astreNa = of the missile; saH astrabandhaH = (since) the bondage of that missile; naanuvartate hi = does not indeed coexist; anyam bandham = with another bondage.
Verse 49
अथेन्द्रजित्तु द्रुमचीरबद्धम् |
विचार्य वीरः कपिसत्तमम् तम् |
विमुक्तमस्त्रेण जगाम चिन्ताम् |
नान्येन बद्धो ह्यनुवर्ततेऽस्त्रम् || ५-४८-४९
Conceiving that Hanuma the foremost among the monkeys, bound with the bark of trees, as having been relieved of the missile, the heroic Indrajit, on his part, then became thoughtful as follows: “A person tied with other means cannot indeed be bound again by the missile.”
49. vichaarya = conceiving; tam = that; kapisattmam = Hanuma the foremost among the monkeys; drumachiirabaddham = bound with the bark of trees; vimuktam = as having been relieved; astreNa = of the missile; viiraH = the heroic; indrajittu = Indrajit on his part; atha = then; jagaama = got hold of chintaam = a thought (as follows); baddhaH = a person tied; anyena = with other means; naanuvartate hi = cannot indeed be obliged; astram = by the missile.
Verse 50
अहो महत्कर्म कृतम् निरर्थकम् |
न राक्षसैर्मन्त्रगतिर्विमृष्टा |
पुनश मन्त्रे विहतेऽस्त्रमन्य |
त्प्रवर्तते संशयिताः स्म सर्वे || ५-४८-५०
“Alas! My great exploit has been rendered futile. The scope of the mystic formula has not been considered by the demons. Once the spell has been made ineffective, another missile cannot be operative. All of us became jeopardized.”
50. aho = alas!; mahat = a great; karma = exploit; kR^itam = as been made; nirarthakam = futile; mantragatiH = the scope of the mystic formula; na vimR^iSTaa = has not been considered; raakSasaiH = by the demons; mantre = once the spell; vihate = has been made ineffective; anyat = another; astram = missile; na pravartate = cannot be operative; sarve = all of us; sma = became; samshayitaah = jeopardised.
Verse 51
अस्त्रेण हनुमान् मुक्तो नात्मानमवबुध्यत |
कृष्यमाणस्तु रक्षोभिस्तैश्च बन्धैर्निपीडितः || ५-४८-५१
Hanuma, liberated from the missile being dragged away by the demons and afflicted by the ties of ropes, could not realize that he was liberated from the missile.
51. hanumaan = Hanuma; muktaH = liberated; astreNa = by the missile; kR^iSya maaNastu = being dragged away; rakSobhiH = by the demons; nipiiDitaH = and afflicted; bandhaiH = by the ties of ropes; na avabudhyata = could not perceive; aatmaanam = his own liberated from the missile.
Verse 52
हन्यमानस्ततः क्रूरै राक्षसैः काष्ठमुष्टिभिः |
समीपे राक्षसेन्द्रस्य प्राकृष्यत स वानरः || ५-४८-५२
That Hanuma, then being beaten with sticks and fists by the cruel demons, was dragged to the vicinity of Ravana.
52. tataH = then; saH vaanaraH = that Hanuma; hanyamaanaH = being beaten; kaaSTha muSTibhiH = with sticks and fists; kruuraiH raakSasaiH = by the cruel demon; praakR^iSyata = was dragged; samiipam = to the vicinity; raakSasendrasya = of Ravana.
Verse 53
अथेन्द्रजित्तम् प्रसमीक्ष्य मुक्त |
मस्त्रेण बद्धम् द्रुमचीरसूत्रैः |
व्यदर्शयत्तत्र महाबलम् तम् |
हरिप्रवीरम् सगणाय राज्ञे || ५-४८-५३
Then, recognizing that Hanuma, tied with barks of trees and ropes, but liberated by the missile, Indrajit slowed that mighty Hanuma the jewel among the monkeys, to Ravana there sitting along with a body of his attendants.
53. atha = then; prasamiikSya = considering; tam = that Hanuma; baddham = tied; drumachiira suutraiH = with barks of trees and ropes; muktam = (but_ liberated; astreNa = by the missile; indrajit = Indrajit; atha = thereupon; vyadarshayat = showed; tam mahaabalam = that mighty; haripraviiram = jewel among the monkeys; raajJNe = to the king; tatra = there; sagaNaaya = along with a body of his attendants.
Verse 54
तम् मत्तमिव मातङ्गम् बद्धम् कपिवरोत्तमम् |
राक्षसा राक्षसेन्द्राय रावणाय न्यवेदयन् || ५-४८-५४
The demons showed to Ravana, the king of demons that captured Hanuma, the jewel among the foremost of monkeys who looked like an elephant in rut.
54. raakSasaaH = the demon; nyavedayan = showed; raakSasendraaya raavaNaaya = to Ravana the king of demons; tam baddham = that captured Hanuma; kapivarottamam = the jewel among the foremost of monkeys; mattam maataN^gamiva = who was like an elephant in rut.
Verse 55
कोऽयम् कस्य कुतो वात्र किम् कार्यम् को व्यपाश्रयः |
इति राक्षसवीराणाम् तत्र सम्ज्ज्ञिरे कथेः || ५-४८-५५
So went round the following conversations from the heroic demons there: “Who is this being? Whose savant is he? Where has he come from? What is his pursuit? Who is his alley?”
55. raakSasaviiraaNaam = from the heroic demons; sajajJNire = were generated; tatra = there; iti = (as follows); kaH = who; ayam = is this being; kasya = whose servant is he?; kim = what; kaaryam = is his pursuit?; kaH = who; vyapaashrayaH = is his ally?.
Verse 56
हन्यताम् दह्यताम् वापि भक्ष्यतामिति चापरे |
राक्षसास्तत्र सम्क्रुद्धाः परस्परमथाब्रुवन् || ५-४८-५६
Thereafter, some demons, highly enraged, said to one another as follows: “Let this monkey be killed, even roasted alive and devoured.”
56. atha = thereafter; apare = some; raakSasaaH = demons; samkruddhaaH = highly enraged; abruvat = said; parasparam = to one another; iti = as follows; hanyataam = let this monkey be killed; dahyataamchaapi = even roasted (alive); bhakSyataam = and devoured.
Verse 57
अत्तित्य मार्गम् सहसा महात्मा |
स तत्र रक्षोधिपपादमूले |
ददर्श राज्ञः परिचारवृद्धान् |
गृहम् महारत्नविभूषितम् च || ५-४८-५७
After crossing over the path swiftly, the high-souled Hanuma saw there the palace of Ravana, decorated with highly precious stones and his elderly attendants sitting at the feet of Ravana.
57. atiitya = after crossing over; maargam = the path; sahasaa = swiftly; saH mahaatmaa = that high-souled Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; tatra = there; gR^iham = the palace; raajJNaH = of Ravana; mahaaratna vibhuuSitam = decorated with highly precious stones; parichaara vR^iddaan = and his elderly attendants; rakSodhipa paadamuule = at the feet of Ravana.
Verse 58
स ददर्श महातेजा रावणः कपिसत्तमम् |
रक्षोभिर्विकृताकारैः कृष्यमाणमितस्ततः || ५-४८-५८
That Ravana, who was endowed with an extraordinary energy, saw Hanuma the foremost of monkeys, being dragged hither and thither by demons of ugly countenance.
58. saH raavaNaH = that Ravana; mahaatejaaH = with a highly excited energy; dadarsha = saw; kapisattamam = Hanuma the foremost of monkeys; kR^iSya maaNam = being dragged; itastataH = hitter and thither; rakSobhiH = by demonsl; vikR^itaakaaraiH = of ugly countenance.
Verse 59
राक्षसाधिपतिम् चापि ददर्श कपिसत्तमः |
तेजोबलसमायुक्तम् तपन्त मिव भास्करम् || ५-४८-५९
Hanuma the jewel among the monkeys also saw Ravana the king of demons, charged with luster and strength and blazing like the sun.
59. kapisattamaH cha = Hanuma; the jewel among monkeys; too; dadarsha = saw; raakSasaadhipatum = Ravana the king of demons; tejobala samaayuktam = charged with luster and strength; tapantam = blazing; bhaaskaram iva = like the sun.
Verse 61
यथाक्रमम् तैः स कपिर्विपृष्टः |
कार्यार्थमर्थस्य च मूलमादौ |
निवेदयामास हरीश्वरस्य |
दूतः सकाशादहमागतोऽस्मि || ५-४८-६१
Questioned, as per order, by those ministers as to the purpose of his operation and the motive of his act, that Hanuma at the outset informed, “I came from Sugreeva as an envoy.”
61. vipR^iSTaH = questioned; yathaakramam = as per order; taiH = by those ministers; kaaryaartham = about the purpose of his operation; muulam = and the source; arthasya = of his act; saH kapiH = that Hanuma; nivedayaamaasa = informed; adau = at the outset; aagataH asmi = “I came; duutaH = harishvarasya sakaashaat = from the presence of Sugreeva.
Verse 60
स रोषसम्वर्तितताम्रदृष्टि |
र्दशाननस्तम् कपिमन्ववेक्ष्य |
अथोपविष्टान् कुलशीलवृद्धन् |
समादिशत्तम् प्रति मन्त्रिमुख्यान् || ५-४८-६०
That Ravana, rolling his red-hot eyes with rage by seeing that Hanuma and thereafter seeing his important ministers who were elder to his by clan and character sitting there, ordered them to interrogate Hanuma.
60. saH dashaananaH = that Ravana; roSasamvartita taamradR^iSTiH = rolling his red-hot eyes with rage; anvakSya = by seeing; tam kapim = that Hanuma; atha = and thereafter; mantri mukhyaana = important ministers; kulashiila vR^iddhaan = who were elder by clan and character; upaviSTaan = sitting there; samaadishat = ordered; (to know); tam prati = about that Hanuma.