113 – Keeping Rama’s sandals on his head, Bharata ascends his chariot


Keeping Rama’s sandals on his head, Bharata ascends his chariot along with Shatrughna. Bharata advances along with his troops along side the mountain of chitrakuta. On the way, he beholds Bharadvaja’s hermitage and meets the sage. Bharata informs the sage about the insistance of Rama to stay back in the forest for fourteen years so as to honour the promise of his father scruprulously and also Vaishta’s advice to Rama to offer his sandals to Bharata, to ensure peace and harmony in Ayodhya.

Verse 1

ततः शिरसि कृत्वा तु पादुके भरतः तदा |
आरुरोह रथम् हृष्टः शत्रुघ्नेन समन्वितः || २-११३-१

Thereafter, keeping the sandals on his head, Bharata delightfully ascended his chariot along with Shatrughna.

1. tataH = thereafter; bharataH = Bharata; shatrughnena samnvitaH = along with Shatrughna; tadaa = then; kR^ivaa = keeping; paaduke = the sandals; shirasi = on his head; hR^iSTaH = and having been pleased; aaruroha = ascended; ratham = his chariot.

Verse 2

वसिष्ठो वामदेवः च जाबालिः च दृढ व्रतः |
अग्रतः प्रययुः सर्वे मन्त्रिणो मन्त्र पूजिताः || २-११३-२

Before him, Vasishta, Vasudeva of firm vows, Jabali and all the ministers distinguished for their counsels, went ahead.

2. agrataH = before him; vasiSThaH = Vasishta; vaasudevashcha = Vasudeva; dR^iDhavrataH = sarve = and all; mantriNaH = the ministers; mantra puujitaaH = distinguished for their advices; prayayuH = went ahead.

Verse 3

मन्दाकिनीम् नदीम् रम्याम् प्रान् मुखाः ते ययुः तदा |
प्रदक्षिणम् च कुर्वाणाः चित्र कूटम् महा गिरिम् || २-११३-३

Them, they advanced eastwards, by the charming Mandakini River, after making a round of Chitrakuta Mountain.

3. tadaa = then; te = they; yayuH = advanced; kurvaaNaaH = making; pradakSiNam = a round of; chitrakuuTam mahaagirim = Chitrakuta mountain; praaNmukhaaH = facing east towards; ramyaam = by the charming; nadiim = River; mandaakiniim = Mandakini.

Verse 4

पश्यन् धातु सहस्राणि रम्याणि विविधानि च |
प्रययौ तस्य पार्श्वेन ससैन्यो भरतः तदा || २-११३-४

Observing various types of thousands of enchanting rocks, Bharata advanced along with his troops along the side of the mountain.

4. pashyam = observing; vividhaani = various kinds; dhaatu sahasraaNi = of thousands of rocks; ramyaaNi = which were enchanting; bharataH = Bharata; tadaa = then; prayayou = travelled; paarshve = along the side; tasya = of that mountain; sasainyaH = along with his troops.

Verse 5

अदूराच् चित्र कूटस्य ददर्श भरतः तदा |
आश्रमम् यत्र स मुनिर् भरद्वाजः कृत आलयः || २-११३-५

In the vicinity of Chitrakuta Mountain, Bharata saw a hermitage where the sage Bharadwaja resided.

5. tadaa = then; bharataH = Bharata; dadarsha = saw; aashramam = a hermitage; yatra = where; muniH = the sage; saH bharadvaajaH = that Bharadwaja; kR^itaalayaH = made it as a residence; aduuraat = in the vicinity; chitrakuuTasya = of Chitrakuta Mountain.

Verse 6

स तम् आश्रमम् आगम्य भरद्वाजस्य बुद्धिमान् |
अवतीर्य रथात् पादौ ववन्दे कुल नन्दनः || २-११३-६

Then, that Bharata endowed with understanding reached that hermitage of Bharadwaja, descended from his chariot and bowed down to the feet of Bharadwaja in saluation.

6. tadaa = then; saH bharataH = that Bharata; buddhimaan = endowed with understanding; aagamya = reached; tam aashramam = that hermitage; bharadvaajasya = of Bharatadvaja; avatiirya = descended; rathaat = from his chariot; vavande = and bowed down in salutation; paadau = to the feet of Bharatadwaja.

Verse 7

ततो हृष्टो भरद्वाजो भरतम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
अपि कृत्यम् कृतम् तात रामेण च समागतम् || २-११३-७

The, Bharadvaja full of joy, enquired of Bharata saying, “O, dear prince! Has your purpose been accomplished? Have you met Rama?”

7. tataH = then; uktaH = spoken; evam = thus; bharadvaajena = by Bharadvaja; dhiimataa = the learned sage; bharataH = Bharata; bhraatR^ivatsalaH = affectionate towards his brothers; pratyuvaacha = replied; bharadvaajam = to Bharadvaja (as follows)

Verse 8

एवम् उक्तः तु भरतो भरद्वाजेन धीमता |
प्रत्युवाच भरद्वाजम् भरतो धर्म वत्सलः || २-११३-८

Hearing the words of the learned sage, Bharadvaja, Bharata who was affectionate towards his brothers, replied to Bharadvaja (as follows)

8. tataH then; uktaH = spoken; evam = thus; bharadvaajena = by Bharadvaja; dhiimataa = the learned sage; bharataH = Bharat; bhraatR^ivatsalaH = affectionate towards his brothers; prayuvaacha = replied; bharadvaajam = to Bharadvaja (as follows):

Verse 9

स याच्यमानो गुरुणा मया च दृढ विक्रमः |
राघवः परम प्रीतो वसिष्ठम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || २-११३-९

Despite the entreaties of his preceptor and of mine, Rama is unshakeable in his resolve and most cheerfully spoke the following words to Vasishta.

9. yaachyamaanaH = despite the entreaties; guruNaa = of his preceptor; mayaa = and of mine; raaghavaH = Rama; dR^iDhavikramaH = is unshakeable in his resolve; parama priitaH = and most cheerfully; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = ( the following) words; vasiSTham = to Vasishta.

Verse 10

पितुः प्रतिज्नाम् ताम् एव पालयिष्यामि तत्त्वतः |
चतुर्दश हि वर्षाणि य प्रतिज्ना पितुर् मम || २-११३-१०

“I shall honour the promise of my father scrupulously and reside in the forest for fourteen years as I promised him.”

10. paalayiSyaami = I shall honour; taam pratijJNaam eva = that promise alone; pituH = of my father; tattvataH = scruprulously; yaa = which; pratiJJNaaH = I promised; mama pituH = to my father; chaturdasha varSaaNi = for fourteen years.

Verse 11

एवम् उक्तो महा प्राज्नो वसिष्ठः प्रत्युवाच ह |
वाक्यज्नो वाक्य कुशलम् राघवम् वचनम् महत् || २-११३-११

Hearing the words of Rama, the highly wise Vasishta, the knower of proper mode of expression, replied to Rama who is the most skilful of orators, in the following great words:

11. uktaH = spoken; evam = in this manner (by Rama); vasiSThaH = Vasishta; mahaapraajJNaH = the highly wise; vaakyajJNaH = and the knower of the mode of expression; pratyuvaachaha = replied; mahat = in great; vachanam = words; raaghavam = to Rama; vaakyakushalam = who is the most skilful of orators.

Verse 12

एते प्रयग्च्छ सम्हृष्टः पादुके हेम भूषिते |
अयोध्यायाम् महा प्राज्न योग क्षेम करे तव || २-११३-१२

“O, the extremely segacious prince! Bestow joyfully thse gold-encrusted sandals of yours on us and ensure peace and harmony in Ayodhya.”

12. mahaa praajJNa = O; the extremely segacious prince!; samhR^iSTaH = joyfully; prayachchha = bestow; ete = those; hemabhuuSite = gold-encrusted; tava paaduke = sandals of yours; (on us); yogakSama kare = which ensure peace and harmony; ayodhyaayaam = in Ayodhya.

Verse 13

एवम् उक्तो वसिष्ठेन राघवः प्रान् मुखः स्थितः |
पादुके हेम विकृते मम राज्याय ते ददौ || २-११३-१३

“Hearing the words of Vasishta, Rama stood up and turning to the East, placed his feet in those sandals and gave them to me as a sign of regency.”

13. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; vasiSTena = by Vasishta; raaghavaH = Rama; sthitaH = stood up; praaNmukhaH = facing the EAst; adhiruhya = placed his feet; ete = in those; paaduke = sandals; dadau = and gave; mama = to me; raajyaaya = as a sign of regency.

Verse 14

निवृत्तो अहम् अनुज्नातो रामेण सुमहात्मना |
अयोध्याम् एव गग्च्छामि गृहीत्वा पादुके शुभे || २-११३-१४

“Having taken leave of the very high-souled Rama, I turned back after receiving the auspicious sandals. Now, I am proceeding to Ayodhya.”

14. anujnaataH = having taken leave; raameNa = of Rama; sumahaatmanaa = the vry high-souled gR^ihiitvaa = after receiving; shubhe = the auspicious; paaduke = sandals; gachchhaami = and proceeding; ayodhyaameva = to Ayodhya.

Verse 15

एतत् श्रुत्वा शुभम् वाक्यम् भरतस्य महात्मनः |
भरद्वाजः शुभतरम् मुनिर् वाक्यम् उदाहरत् || २-११३-१५

Hearing those auspicious words of the high-souled Bharata, the sage Bharadvaja spoke to him the following words.

15. shrutvaa = hearing; etat vaakyam = those words; shubham = which were auspicious; bharatasya = Bharata; mahaatmanaH = the high-souled; bharadvaajaH muniH = the sage Bharadvaja; uvaacha = spoke; tam = to him; shubhataram = the more auspicious; vaakyam = words.

Verse 16

न एतच् चित्रम् नर व्याघ्र शील वृत्तवताम् वर |
यद् आर्यम् त्वयि तिष्ठेत् तु निम्ने वृष्टिम् इव उदकम् || २-११३-१६

“O Bharata the Tiger among men and excellent among those having virtue and good conduct! There is no surprise that a noble trait prevails in you, as naturally as the water allowed to go, always settles downwards.”

16. naravyaaghra = O; Tiger among men!; vara = and excellent; shiilavR^ittavataam = among those having virtue and good conduct; na = there is no; chitram = surprise; etat = that; aaryam = a noble trait; yat tiSThet = prevails; tvayi = in you; udakam iva = as water; sR^iSTam = allowed to go; nimne = prevails downwards.

Verse 17

अमृतः स महा बाहुः पिता दशरथः तव |
यस्य त्वम् ईदृशः पुत्रो धर्म आत्मा धर्म वत्सलः || २-११३-१७

“Your valiant father, Dasaratha, is immortal in having such a son as you are, the knower of righteousness and loving peity.”

17. tava pitaa = your father; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; saH = that; mahaabaahuH = mighty armed; yasya = to whom; tvam = you; putraH = are the son; iidR^ishaH = wndowed with such qualities; dharmajJNaH = as knower of righteousness; dharma vastalaH = and loving piety; amR^itaH = is immortal.

Verse 18

तम् ऋषिम् तु महात्मानम् उक्त वाक्यम् कृत अन्जलिः |
आमन्त्रयितुम् आरेभे चरणाउ उपगृह्य च || २-११३-१८

Hearing the words of that sage, Bharata with his joined palms, touched his feet in salutation and began taking leave from him.

18. ukta vaakyam = thus spoken; tam R^iSim = by the sage; (Bharata); kR^itaaNjaliH = with his joined palms; upagR^ihya = touched; aarebhe = and began; aamantryitum = taking leave.

Verse 19

ततः प्रदक्षिणम् कृत्वा भरद्वाजम् पुनः पुनः |
भरतः तु ययौ श्रीमान् अयोध्याम् सह मन्त्रिभिः || २-११३-१९

Then, the glorious Bharata made circumambulation again and again to Bharadwaja and proceeded to Ayodhya along with hims ministers.

19. tataH = then; shriimaan = the glorious; bharataH = Bharata; kR^itvaa = made; pradkSiNam = circumambulation; punaH punaH = again and again; bharadvaajam = to Bharadwaja; yayau = and proceeded; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; mantribhiH saha = along with his ministers.

Verse 20

यानैः च शकटैः चैव हयैः नागैः च सा चमूः |
पुनर् निवृत्ता विस्तीर्णा भरतस्य अनुयायिनी || २-११३-२०

Thata extensive army of Bharata, following him with vehicles, carts and elephants, turned back again towards Ayodhya.

20. saa = that; vistiirNaa = extensive; chamuuH = army; bharatasya = of Bharata; anuyaayinii = following him; yaanaishcha = with vehicles; shakTaishcha = carts; hayaiH = horses; naagaishoha = and elephants; nivR^ittaa = turned back; punaH = again (towards Ayodhya).

Verse 22

ताम् रम्य जल सम्पूर्णाम् सम्तीर्य सह बान्धवः |
शृन्ग वेर पुरम् रम्यम् प्रविवेश ससैनिकः || २-११३-२२
शृन्ग वेर पुराद् भूय अयोध्याम् संददर्श ह |

Bharata accompanied by his relative and his army crossed that River Ganga, full of charming waters and entered the beautiful town of Shringibhera. From Shringibhera, he saw Ayodhya again.

22. saha baandhavaH = (Bharata) together with his relatives; sa sainikaH = and his army; samtiirya = crossed; taam = that River Ganga; ramya jalasmapuurNaam- full of charming waters; pravivesha = and entered; ramyam = the beautiful; shR^iNgibherapuram = town of Shringibhera; shR^iNgibherapuraat = from that Shringibhera; samdadarha = he saw; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; bhuuyaH = again.

Verse 21

ततः ते यमुनाम् दिव्याम् नदीम् तीर्त्वा ऊर्मि मालिनीम् |
ददृशुः ताम् पुनः सर्वे गन्गाम् शिव जलाम् नदीम् || २-११३-२१

Thereafter, all of them crossed the charming River Yamuna wreathed with waves and moreover saw the River Ganga with its pure water.

21. tataH = thereafter; te sarve = all of them; tiirtvaa = crossed; divyaam = the charming; yamunaa nadiim = river Yamuna; uurmi maaliniim = wreathed wtih waves; punaH = and moreover; dadR^ishuH = saw; taam gaN^gaam nadiim = that River GAnga; shubhajalaam = with its pure water.

Verse 22

ताम् रम्य जल सम्पूर्णाम् सम्तीर्य सह बान्धवः |
शृन्ग वेर पुरम् रम्यम् प्रविवेश ससैनिकः || २-११३-२२
शृन्ग वेर पुराद् भूय अयोध्याम् संददर्श ह |

Bharata accompanied by his relative and his army crossed that River Ganga, full of charming waters and entered the beautiful town of Shringibhera. From Shringibhera, he saw Ayodhya again.

22. saha baandhavaH = (Bharata) together with his relatives; sa sainikaH = and his army; samtiirya = crossed; taam = that River Ganga; ramya jalasmapuurNaam- full of charming waters; pravivesha = and entered; ramyam = the beautiful; shR^iNgibherapuram = town of Shringibhera; shR^iNgibherapuraat = from that Shringibhera; samdadarha = he saw; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; bhuuyaH = again.

Verse 23

अयोध्याम् च ततो दृष्ट्वा पित्रा भ्रात्रा विवर्जिताम् |
भरतो दुह्ख सम्तप्तः सारथिम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-११३-२३

Beholding the City of Ayodhya, which was bereft of his father and brother, Bharata tormented with grief, spoke the following words to the charioteer:

23. tataH = then; dR^iSTvaa = beholding; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; vivarjitaam = bereft of; pitraa = his father; bhraatraa = and brother; bharataH = Bharata; duHkhasantaptaH = tormented with grief; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; sarathiim = to the charioteer.

Verse  24

सारथे पश्य विध्वस्ता अयोध्या न प्रकाशते |
निराकारा निरानन्दा दीना प्रतिहत स्वना || २-११३-२४

“O, Charioteer! See that Ayodhya city, ruined, with a vacant look, joyless, miserable, and with an impeded voice.”

24. saarathe = O; charioteer!; pashya = see; saa ayodhyaa = that Ayodhya; vidhvastaa = ruined; niraakaaraa = with a vacant look; niraanandaa = joyless; diinaa = miserable; pratihatasvaraa = and with choked voice.

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