96 – Rama hears a gigantic clamour of an army


Rama hears a gigantic clamour of an army nearby and asks Lakshmana to find out what it is. Lakshmana ascends a tree and informs Rama that Bharata’s army is approaching towards their hermitage. Lakshmana expresses his apprehension to Rama, saying that Bharata’s army may be coming there in order to kill both of them. An enraged Lakshmana says that he will kill both Bharata and Kaikeyi together with the army.

Verse 1

तां तथा दर्शयित्वा तु मैथिलीं गिरिनिम्नगाम् |
निषसाद गिरिप्रस्थे सीतां मांसेन चन्दयन् || २-९६-१

Having shown Mandakini River in that manner to Seetha, the daughter of Mithila, Rama set on the hill-side in order to gratify her appetite with a piece of flesh.

1. tathaa = thus; darshayitvaa = having shown; girinimnagaam = the mountaneous river Mandakini; taam siitaam = to that Seetha; maithiliim = the daughter of the king of Mithila; niSasaada = sat; giriprashthe = on the hill side; chhandayan = in order to gratify her appetite; maamsena = with flesh.

Verse 2

इदं मेध्यमिदं स्वादु निष्टप्तमिदमग्निना |
एवमास्ते स धर्मात्मा सीतया सह राघवः || २-९६-२

Rama, whose mind was devoted to righteousness stayed there with Seetha, saying; “This meat is fresh, this is savoury and roasted in the fire.”

2. saH raaghavaH = that Rama; dharmaatmaa = of righteousness; aaste = stayed; siitayaa sha = with Seetha; evam = thus speaking; idam = this meat; madhyam = is fresh; idam = this; niSTaptam = was roasted; agninaa = in the fire.

Verse 3

तथा तत्र आसतः तस्य भरतस्य उपयायिनः |
सैन्य रेणुः च शब्दः च प्रादुर् आस्ताम् नभः स्पृशौ || २-९६-३

While Rama was thus sitting there the dust and clamour of Bharata’s army, which was approaching, ascended into the sky.

3. tasya = (While) that Rama; aasataH = was sitting; tatra = there; tathaa = in that way; reNushcha = the dust; shabdashcha = and clamour; bharatasya sainyam = Bharata’s army; upayaayinaH = which was approaching; praaduraastaam = ascended; nabhaspR^ishau = touching the sky.

Verse 4

एतस्मिन्न् अन्तरे त्रस्ताः शब्देन महता ततः |
अर्दिता यूथपा मत्ताः सयूथा दुद्रुवुर् दिशः || २-९६-४

Meanwhile, frightened by that gigantic clamour, the leaders of elephants and other animal – troops, in rut, were tormented and fled in different directions from there.

4. etasmin antare = meanwhile; trastaaH = frightened; mahataa shabdena = by the great clamour; yuuthapaaH = leaders of animal troops; mattaaH = in rut; arditaa = were tormented; dudruvuH = fled; dishaH = (in different) directions; tataH = from there.

Verse 5

स तम् सैन्य समुद्भूतम् शब्दम् शुश्रव राघवः |
तामः च विप्रद्रुतान् सर्वान् यूथपान् अन्ववैक्षत || २-९६-५

Rama heard that sound generated from the army and also saw all those leaders of the animal-flock, running away from there.

5. saH raaghavaH = Rama; shushruuva = heard; tam shabdam = that sound; sainya samuddhuutam = generated from the army; anvavaikSatea = and saw; sarvaan = all; taan = those; yuuthapaan cha = leaders of the animal flock; vipradrutaan = running away.

Verse 6

तामः च विद्रवतो दृष्ट्वा तम् च श्रुत्वा स निह्स्वनम् |
उवाच रामः सौमित्रिम् लक्ष्मणम् दीप्त तेजसम् || २-९६-६

Seeing those animals running away and hearing that clamour, Rama spoke to Lakshmana (son of Sumitra) of burning courage as follows:

6. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; taan = those animals; vidravataH = running away; shrutvaa = and hearing; tam = that; nisvanam cha = sound; raamaH = Rama; uvaacha = spoke; lakSmaNam = to Lakshman; saumitrim = the son of Sumitra; diipta tejasam = of burning courage.

Verse 7

हन्त लक्ष्मण पश्य इह सुमित्रा सुप्रजाः त्वया |
भीम स्तनित गम्भ्हिरः तुमुलः श्रूयते स्वनः || २-९६-७

“Alas! O, Lakshmana! Sumitra is blessed with a noble son in you. Here is heard a tumultuous sound as terrific as that of a roaring cloud. See what it is.”

7. hanta = Alas!; lakSmaNa = O; Lakshmana; sumitraa = sumitra; suprajaaH = is blessed with a noble son; tvayaa = in you; iha = here; shruuyate = is heard; tumulaH = a tumultuous; svanaH = sound; bhiimastanitagambhiiraH = as terrific as that of a roaring cloud; pashya = see (what it is).

Verse 8

गजयूथानि वारण्ये महिषा वा महावने |
वित्रासिता मृगाह् सिंहैः सहसा प्रद्रुता दिशः २-९६-८

“The lordly elephants in the forest, the buffaloes in the great woods and the wild beasts frightened by lions are suddenly running away in various directions.”

8. gajayuuthaani = The lordly elephants; araNye = in the forest; mahiSaaHvaa = the buffaloes; mahaavane = in the great woods; mR^igaaH = and the wild beasts; vitraasitaaH = frightened; simhaiH = by lions; sahasaa = are suddenly; pradrutaaH = running away; dishaH = in various directions.

Verse 9

राजा वा राज मात्रो वा मृगयाम् अटते वने |
अन्यद् वा श्वा पदम् किंचित् सौमित्रे ज्नातुम् अर्हसि || २-९६-९

“O, Lakshmana! You ought to find out whether it is a king or a prince roaming for a hunt or some other savage beast.”

9. saumitre = O; Lakshmana!; arhasi = you ought to; j^Naatum = know; (whether); raajaa vaa = a king; raaja putrovaa = or a prince; mR^igayaam aTate = in roaming for a hunt; vaa = or; anyat = any other; kiNchit = somewhat; shvaapadam = savage beast.

Verse 10

सुदुश्चरो गिरिश्चायं पक्षिणामपि लक्ष्मण |
सर्वम् एतद् यथा तत्त्वम् अचिराज् ज्नातुम् अर्हसि || २-९६-१०

“O, Lakshmana! This mountain is difficult of access even to birds. You ought to find out soon, all this in an accurate manner.”

10. lakSmaNa = O; Lakshmana!; giriH = mountain; ayam = this; sudushcharaH = is difficult of access; pakSiNaamapi = even to birds; arhasi = you ought; J^Naatum = to find out; achiraat = soon; etat sarvam = all this; yathaa tattvam = accurately.

Verse 11

स लक्ष्मणः सम्त्वरितः सालम् आरुह्य पुष्पितम् |
प्रेक्षमाणो दिशः सर्वाः पूर्वाम् दिशम् अवैक्षत || २-९६-११

Lakshmana quickly ascended a Sala tree in flowering and looking towards all directions, saw towards eastern side.

11. saH lakSmaNaH = that Lakshmana; samtvaritaH = quickly; aaruhya = ascended; saalam = a Sala tree; puSpitam = in flowering; prekSamaaNaH = and looking; sarvaaH = in all; dishaH = directions; udaikSata = saw; puurvaam disham = towards eastern side.

Verse 12

उदन् मुखः प्रेक्षमाणो ददर्श महतीम् चमूम् |
रथ अश्व गज सम्बाधाम् यत्तैर् युक्ताम् पदातिभिः || २-९६-१२

Looking in northern direction, Lakshmana saw a huge army, full of chariots, steeds and elephants accompanied by smart foot-soldiers.

12. prekSamaaNaH = looking; udaN^gumukhaH = towards norhern direction; dadarsha = (Lakshmana) saw; mahatiim = a huge; chamuum = army; rathaashva gaja sambaadhaam = full of chariots; steeds and elephants; yuktaam = accompanied by; yataiH = smart; padaatibhiH = foot-soldiers.

Verse 13

ताम् अश्व गज सम्पूर्णाम् रथ ध्वज विभूषिताम् |
शशंस सेनाम् रामाय वचनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-९६-१३

Lakshmana informed Rama about that army which was full of horses, elephants and chariots decorated with flags and spoke the following words also.

13. shashamsa = (Lakshmana) informed; raamaaya = Rama; taam senaam = about that army; ashvagaja sampuurNaam = full of horses; elephants; ratha dhvaja vibhuuSitaam = and chariots decorated with flags; abraviit = and spoke; idam = these; vachanamcha = words also.

Verse 14

अग्निम् संशमयतु आर्यः सीता च भजताम् गुहाम् |
सज्यम् कुरुष्व चापम् च शरामः च कवचम् तथा || २-९६-१४

“O, honourable brother! Extinguish the fire. Let Seetha occupy a hiding place. Make your bow ready with a bow-string and arrows. Wear an armour.”

14. aaryaH = O; honourable brother!; samshamayatu = extinguish; agnim = the fire; siitaacha = let Seetha also; bhajataam = occupy; guhaam = a hiding place; kuruSva = Make; chaapam = your bow; sajyam = ready with a bow-string; tathaa = and; sharaamshcha = arrows; kavacham = (wear) an armour.

Verse 15

तम् रामः पुरुष व्याघ्रो लक्ष्मणम् प्रत्युवाच ह |
अन्ग अवेक्षस्व सौमित्रे कस्य एताम् मन्यसे चमूम् || २-९६-१५

Rama the tiger among men replied to Lakshmana, saying: “O, Lakshmana! See, whose army do you think is this?”

15. raamaH = Rama; puruSavyaaghraH = the tiger among men; pratyuvaacha La = replied; tam lakSmaNam = to that Lakshmana; anga saumitre = O; Lakshmana!; avekSasya = see; kasya = whose; chamuum = army; manyase = your think; imaam = is this?.

Verse 16

एवम् उक्क्तः तु रामेण लक्ष्माणो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
दिधक्षन्न् इव ताम् सेनाम् रुषितः पावको यथा || २-९६-१६

Hearing Rama’s words, Lakshmana was irritated like a fire and spoke the following words, as though he was wishing to scorch the army.

16. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; raameNa = by Rama; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; ruSitaH = was irritated paavako yathaa = like a fire; abraviit = and spoke; vaakyam = the following words; didhakSanniva = as though wishing to scorch; taam senaam = that army.

Verse 17

सम्पन्नम् राज्यम् इग्च्छमः तु व्यक्तम् प्राप्य अभिषेचनम् |
आवाम् हन्तुम् समभ्येति कैकेय्या भरतः सुतः || २-९६-१७

“Bharata, Kaikeyi’s son, having obtained coronation and desirous of making the kingdom free of enemies, is coming here to kill both of us. It is clear.”

17. bharataH = Bharata; kaikeyyaaH = Kaikeyi’s; sutaH = son; praapya = having obtained; abhiSechanam = coronation; ichhan = and desirous; raajyam = (of making) the kingdom; sampannam = a perfect one; samabhyati = is coming; hantum = to kill; aavaam = both of us; vyaktam = It is clear.

Verse 18

एष वै सुमहान् श्रीमान् विटपी सम्प्रकाशते |
विराजत्य् उद्गत स्कन्धः कोविदार ध्वजो रथे || २-९६-१८

“The gigantic and glorious tree with superb branches is shining over there prominently. The ensign bearing the device of a kovidara (pomegranate) tree is shining on that chariot.”

18. eSaH = this; sumahaani = very big; shriimaan = and glorious; ujvala skandhaH = with superb branches; samprakaashate = is shining; kovidaara dhvajaH = the ensign bearing the device of a Kovidara (pomegranate) tree; viraajati = is shining; rathe = on that chariot.

Verse 19

भजन्त्य् एते यथा कामम् अश्वान् आरुह्य शीघ्रगान् |
एते भ्राजन्ति सम्हृष्टा जगान् आरुह्य सादिनः || २-९६-१९

Among the cavalry, some are cavorting merrily on their swift horses, while others are beaming with delight, mounted on their elephants.

19. ete = they; bhajanti = are cavorting; aaruhya = mounted; yathaakaamam = comfortably; shiighragaan = on their swift; ashvaan = horses; ete = these; saadinaH = seated on elephants; bhraajanti = are bearing; samhR^iSTaaH = delightedly; aaruhya = mounted; gajaan = on their elephants.

Verse 21

अपि नौ वशम् आगग्च्छेत् कोविदार ध्वजो रणे |
अपि द्रक्ष्यामि भरतम् यत् कृते व्यसनम् महत् || २-९६-२१
त्वया राघव सम्प्राप्तम् सीतया च मया तथा |

“O, Rama! Will that flag with the insignia of a Kovidara tree come into our subjugation? Can we see Bharata, because of whom a great misfortune has occurred to you, to Seetha and to me?”

21. raaghavaH = O; Rama!; kovidaaradhvajaH = will this flag with the insignia of a Kovidara tree; apyaagachchhet = come into our; vasham = subjugation?; apidrakSyaami = Can we see; bharatam = Bharata; yatkR^ite = because of whom; mahat vyasanam = a great misfortune; sampraaptam = is obtained; tvayaa = by you; siitayaa = by Seetha; tathaa = and; mayaa cha = by me.

Verse 22

यन् निमित्तम् भवान् राज्याच् च्युतो राघव शाश्वतीम् |
सम्प्राप्तो अयम् अरिर् वीर भरतो वध्य एव मे || २-९६-२२

“O, Rama the warrior! By the reason of whom you were deprived of an eternal kingdom, such Bharata as a foe who is coming here, deserves to be slain by me.”

22. he viiraH = O; Warrior!; raaghava = O; Rama!; yannimittam = by the reason of whom; bhavaan = you; chyutaH = were deprived; shaashvataat = of an eternal; raajyaat = kingdom; ayam = such; ariH = an enemy; bharataH = Bharata; sampraapataH = who came here; vadhya eva = is to be slain; me = by me.

Verse 23

भरतस्य वधे दोषम् न अहम् पश्यामि राघव |
पूर्व अपकारिणम् हत्वा न ह्यधर्मेण युज्यते || २-९६-२३

“O, Rama! I see no sin in slaying Bharata. None is charged with unlawfulness, if one strikes down an aggressor.”

23. raaghava = O; Rama!; aham = I; napashyaami = do not see; doSam = a mistake; vadhe = in the slaying; bharatasya = of Bharata; hatvaa = by killing; puurvaapikaariNam = the one who has hurt another before; na yujyate = non is charged adharmaNa = with unlawfulness.

Verse 24

पूर्वापकारी भरतस्य्तक्तधर्मश्च राघव |
एतस्मिन्न् निहते कृत्स्नाम् अनुशाधि वसुंधराम् || २-९६-२४

“Bharata is the assailant and his death is legitimate. He being dead, you will rule the entire earth.”

24. raaghava = O; Rama!; bharataH = Bharate; puurvaapakaarii = has hurt you before; tyaktadharmashcha = and his death is legitimate; etasmin = (while) he; nihate = is slain; anushaadhi = rule; kR^itsnaam = the entire; vasundharaam = earth.

Verse 26

कैकेयीम् च वधिष्यामि सानुबन्धाम् सबान्धवाम् |
कलुषेण अद्य महता मेदिनी परिमुच्यताम् || २-९६-२६

“I shall kill Kaikeyi too along with her friend the hunch-back and other accomplices. Let the earth today be relieved of a great sinner.”

26. vadjoSyaami = I shall kill; kaikeyiim cha = Kaikeyi too; sabaandhavaan = along with her friend the hunch-back; saanubandhaam = and other accomplices madinii = Le the earth; adya = today; parimuchyataam = be relieved; mahataa = of a great; kaluSeNa = sinner.

Verse 27

अद्य इमम् सम्यतम् क्रोधम् असत्कारम् च मानद |
मोक्ष्यामि शत्रु सैन्येषु कक्षेषु इव हुत अशनम् || २-९६-२७

“O, warrior bestowing an honour! Today in the concentrated fury that injustice has kindled I shall scatter the enemy – battalions as a fire consumes the dry wood.”

27. maanada = O; warrior bestowing an honour!; adya = today; samyatam = in the concentrated; krodham = fury; imam = this; asatkaaram cha = injustice; (has kindled); mokSyaami = I shall scatter; shatru sainyeSu = the enemy- battalions; hutaashanam iva = as a fire (consumes); kakSeSu = the dry wood.

Verse 28

अद्य एतच् चित्र कूटस्य काननम् निशितैः शरैः |
चिन्दन् शत्रु शरीराणि करिष्ये शोणित उक्षितम् || २-९६-२८

“Today, with my sharpened arrows, I shall slay the bodies of my foes and make this forest of Chitrakuta overflow with blood.”

28. adya = today; nishitaiH = with my sharpeed; sharaiH = arrows; chhindam = I shall slay; shatru shariiraaNi = the bodies of my foes; kariSye = and make; etat kaananam = this forest; chitra kuuTasya = of Chitrakuta; shoNitokSitam = overflow with blood.

Verse 29

शरैर् निर्भिन्न हृदयान् कुन्जरामः तुरगामः तथा |
श्वापदाः परिकर्षन्तु नराः च निहतान् मया || २-९६-२९

“The elephants and horses whose breasts were laid open with my darts and the men too struck down by me, be dragged about by savage beasts.”

29. kuNjaraan = the elephants; tathaa = and turagaan = the horses; nirbhinna hR^idayaan = whose breasts were laid open; sharaiH = with my darts; naraamshcha = and the men; nihataan = struck down; mayaa = by me; parikarSantu = be dragged about; shvaapadaaH = by savage beasts.

Verse 30

शराणाम् धनुषः च अहम् अनृणो अस्मि महा वने |
ससैन्यम् भरतम् हत्वा भविष्यामि न संशयः || २-९६-३०

“By killing Bharata together with his army in this great forest, I shall discharge my debt to my bow and arrows.”

30. hatvaa = by killing; bharatam = Bharata; sa sainyam = together with his army; asmin = in this; mahaavane = great forest; bhaviSyaami = I shall; anR^iNaH = discharge my debt; sharaaNaam = to my arows; dhanuSashcha = and my bow.

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