64 – Monkeys arrive at seashore


Monkeys on arriving at seashore are awestruck to have a glimpse of unnavigable ocean, which is tumultuous with many sea-creatures. Angada noticing the baffle of monkeys pacifies them and elicits information about each monkey’s capability to jump over the ocean.

Verse 1

आख्याता गृध्र राजेन समुत्प्लुत्य प्लवंगमाः |
संगताः प्रीति संयुक्ता विनेदुः सिंह विक्रमाः || ४-६४-१

Those lion-hearted fly-jumpers who are informed thus by the kingly eagle Sampaati have gladly jumped and loped and screamed in league [4-64-1]

1. gR^idhra raajena aakhyaataa = by eagle, king, those who are informed – monkeys; simha vikramaaH- lion [like,] courageous [lion-hearted]; plavan gamaaH = fly-jumpers; sangataaH = in league; priiti samyuktaa = gladness, associated with – gladly; samutplutya [sam ut plutya] = jumped [and loped]; vineduH = screamed.

Verse 2

संपातेः वचनम् श्रुत्वा हरयो रावण क्षयम् |
हृष्टाः सागरम् आजग्मुः सीता दर्शन कान्क्षिणः || ४-६४-२

On hearing the words of Sampaati, the monkeys have delightedly come to the ocean to go to the residence of Ravana, longing for a glimpse of Seetha. [4-64-2]

2. harayaH = monkeys; sampaateH vacanam shrutvaa = Sampaati’s, words, on hearing; hR^iSTaaH = becoming delighted; siitaa darshana kaankSiNaH = Seetha, a glimpse of, longing for; raavaNa kSayam = [to go to] Ravana’s, residence; saagaram = to ocean; aa jagmuH = come, and went – they have arrived.

Verse 3

अभिक्रम्य तु तम् देशम् ददृशुर् भीम विक्रमाः |
कृत्स्नम् लोकस्य महतः प्रतिबिंबम् इव स्थितम् || ४-६४-३

Passing across that province those superbly venturesome monkeys have seen the ocean available there, appearing like a great mirror image of the world in it entirety. [4-64-3]

3. bhiima vikramaaH = superbly, venturesome ones; tam desham abhikramya = that, province, passing across; mahataH lokasya = of great, world; kR^itsnam = entire; prati bimbam iva sthitam [samudram] = great, mirror-image, like [appearing to be,] available [ocean]; dadR^ishuH = they saw.

Verse 4

दक्षिणस्य समुद्रस्य समासाद्य उत्तराम् दिशम् |
संनिवेशम् ततः चक्रुः सहिता वानर उत्तमाः || ४-६४-४

On reaching the northern side of southern ocean those best monkeys have collectively made a camp there. [4-64-4]

4. vaanara uttamaaH = among monkeys, the best ones; dakSiNasya samudrasya = southern, ocean’s; uttaraam disham = northern, side; samaasaadya = on reaching; tataH = then; sahitaaH samnivesham cakruH = collectively, camp, they made.

Verse 5 & 6

प्रसुप्तम् इव च अन्यत्र क्रीडन्तम् इव च अन्यतः |
क्वचित् पर्वत मात्रैः च जल राशिभिः आवृतम् || ४-६४-५
संकुलम् दानव इन्द्रैः च पाताल तल वासिभिः |
रोम हर्ष करम् दृष्ट्वा विषेदुः कपिकुंजराः || ४-६४-६

Somewhere that ocean is as though sleeping well, and somewhere else it is as though sporting, elsewhere it is overspread with tidewaters as high as mountains, somewhere else it is tumultuous with the best demonic beings who are the residents on the plane of netherworld, and the elephantine monkeys despaired on seeing such a hair-raising ocean.. [4-64-5, 6]

5, 6. anyatra = somewhere; the ocean is; pra suptam iva = well, slept, as though; anyataH = somewhere else; kriiDantam iva = sporting, as though; kvacit = elsewhere; parvata maatraiH = mountain, as high as; jala raashibhiH aavR^itam = by water, heaps [tidewater,] overspread; paataala tala vaasibhiH = of netherworld, on surface, residents; daanava indraiH = with demonic, best being – demons living in paatala; samkulam = tumultuous with; roma harSa karam = hair, grin [raising,] causer of; [samudram = ocean]; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; kapi kunjaraaH = monkey, elephants; viSeduH = despaired.

Verse 7

आकाशम् इव दुष्पारम् सागरम् प्रेक्ष्य वानराः |
विषेदुः सहिता सर्वे कथम् कार्यम् इति ब्रुवन् || ४-६४-७

On seeing the shoreless ocean that is like an endless sky, hence unnavigable, the vanara-s are despaired and said each to each, “how to vault this ocean?” [4-64-7]

7. sahitaa sarve vaanaraaH = collectively [each to each,] all, vanara-s; aakaasham iva duS paaram = sky [endless,] like, impossible, to navigate [shoreless, hence unnavigable]; saagaram prekSya = ocean, on seeing; viSeduH = despaired; katham kaaryam = how, to do [vault]; iti bruvan = thus, saying.

Verse 8

विषण्णाम् वाहिनीम् दृष्ट्वा सागरस्य निरीक्षणात् |
आश्वासयामास हरीन् भय आर्तान् हरि सत्तमः || ४-६४-८

Then the best one among monkeys, Angada, started to inspirit the army of monkeys who are anguished by fear on their gazing at the ocean. [4-64-8]

8. hari sattamaH = monkey, the best [Angada]; saagarasya nir iikSaNaat = at ocean, gazing; viSaNNaam vaahiniim dR^iSTvaa = despaired, army [of monkeys,] on seeing; bhaya aartaan hariin = by fear, anguished, monkeys; aashvaasayaamaasa = started to inspirit.

Verse 9

न विषादे मनः कार्यम् विषादो दोषवत्तरः |
विषादो हन्ति पुरुषम् बालम् क्रुद्ध इव उरगः || ४-६४-९

“Loosing heart to dismay is an unworkability, because dismaying itself is detrimental, and dismay alone ruins a person, as a vicious viper unworkably ruins an innocent child… [4-64-9]

9. viSaade manaH = to dismay, heart [loosing]; na kaaryam = not, workable; viSaadaH doSavattaraH = dismaying, is detrimental; kruddha uragaH baalam iva [hanti] = vicious, viper, [innocent] child, like, [ruins – a vicious viper unnecessarily ruins an innocent child]; puruSam viSaadaH hanti = person, dismay, ruins.

Verse 10

यो विषादो प्रसहते विक्रमे समुपस्थिते |
तेजसा तस्य हीनस्य पुरुष अर्थो न सिद्ध्यति || ४-६४-१०

“Individual achievement will be unachievable to him who readily braces himself with despair when the time for venturesomeness verges on, because of the lacking of his own vitality…” So said Angada and then the nightfall has occurred. [4-64-10]

10. vikrame sam upasthite = [time for] venturesomeness, when verges on; yaH viSaadaH prasahate = who, despair, readily tolerates [readily braces himself]; tejasaa hiinasya tasya = by vitality, one who is lacking, to him; puruSa arthaH = personal, purpose [individual achievement]; na siddhyati = not, achievable.

Verse 11

तस्याम् रात्र्याम् व्यतीतायाम् अंगदो वानरैः सह |
हरि वृद्धैः समागम्य पुनर् मंत्रम् अमंत्रयत् || ४-६४-११

While that night is elapsing into the wee hours of next day, Angada met all the golden-ager monkeys, and again deliberated with them. [4-64-11]

11. tasyaam raatryaam vyatiitaayaam = that, night, while elapsing; angadaH = Angada; hari vR^iddhaiH vaanaraiH saha = old, monkeys [golden-agers,] along with; samaagamya = meeting with; punaH mantram amantrayat = again, deliberations, deliberated.

Verse 12

सा वानराणाम् ध्वजिनी परिवार्य अंगदम् बभौ |
वासवम् परिवार्य इव मरुताम् वाहिनी स्थिता || ४-६४-१२

When those troops of monkey army stood encircling Angada, it beamed forth like the army of gods encircling Indra. [4-64-12]

12. vaanaraaNaam = monkey’s; saa = she [that]; dhvajinii = the hoister of army-flag [army troops]; angadam = around Angada; parivaarya = encircling; sthitaa = staying – stood around; vaasavam parivaarya = Indra, encircling; marutaam vaahinii iva = gods’, army, like; babhau = beamed forth.

Verse 13

को अन्यः ताम् वानरीम् सेनाम् शक्तः स्तंभयितुम् भवेत् |
अन्यत्र वालि तनयात् अन्यत्र च हनूमतः || ४-६४-१३

Who can capably consolidate that army of monkeys, other than Vali’s son Angada, or, other than Hanuma? None. Because that army itself is an army of fickly, tickly monkeys. [4-64-13]

13. vaali tanayaat anyatra = than Vali’s, son, differently – other than; hanuumataH anyatra = than Hanuma, other than; anyaH = the other; kaH = who; taam vaanariim senaam = that, monkey’s, army; stambhayitum shaktaH bhavet = to consolidate, capable, he will be.

Verse 14

ततः तान् हरि वृद्धान् च तत् च सैन्यम् अरिन्दमः |
अनुमान्य अंगदः श्रीमान् वाक्यम् अर्थवत् अब्रवीत् || ४-६४-१४

Then that enemy-subjugator and illustrious Angada, on revering the old-ager monkeys and paying due respects to the army of monkeys, spoke this meaningful sentence. [4-64-14]

14. tataH = then; arindamaH = enemy-subjugator; shriimaan angadaH = illustrious, Angada; taan hari vR^iddhaan ca = them, monkey, old-agers, also; tat sainyam ca = that, army, even; anumaanya = on revering = – paying respects; arthavat vaakyam abraviit = meaningful, sentence, spoke.

Verse 15

क इदानीम् महातेजा लंघयिष्यति सागरम् |
कः करिष्यति सुग्रीवम् सत्य सन्धम् अरिन्दमम् || ४-६४-१५

“Now, who is that great-resplendent one who can vault over the ocean and who is he who can facilitate the enemy-repressor Sugreeva to become truthful to his word… [4-64-15]

15. idaaniim = now; mahaatejaa = great-resplendent one; kaH = who; saagaram langhayiSyati = ocean, vaults over; kaH = who; arindamam sugriivam = enemy-repressor, Sugreeva; satya sandham = truth [truthful word,] bounden; kariSyati, makes [facilitates.]

Verse 16

को वीरो योजन शतम् लंघयेत प्लवंगमाः |
इमान् च यूथपान् सर्वान् मोचयेत् को महाभयात् || ४-६४-१६

“Who is that brave hurdler who can hurdle over a hundred yojana distance, oh, fly-jumpers, who is he who can even emancipate all these monkey commanders from the great fear of Sugreeva… [4-64-16]

16. plavangamaaH = oh, fly-jumpers; viiraH = a brave one [hurdler]; kaH = who; yojana shatam langhayeta = yojana-s [distance,] hundred, hurdles over; imaan yuuthapaan sarvaan = these, [monkeys] commanders, all of them; mahaa bhayaat = from great fear [of Sugreeva]; kaH mocayet = who will, emancipate.

Verse 17

कस्य प्रसादात् दारान् च पुत्रान् चैव गृहाणि च |
इतो निवृत्ताः पश्येम सिद्ध अर्थाः सुखिनो वयम् || ४-६४-१७

“By whose benignancy we can rejoicingly see our wives, sons, houses and homes on going back from here after achieving the purpose of our task… [4-64-17]

17. vayam = we; kasya prasaadaat = by whose, benignancy; siddha arthaaH = on achieving, purpose; sukhinaH = as rejoicers; itaH = from here; nivR^ittaaH = on going back; daaraan ca putraan caiva = wives, also, sons, also thus; gR^ihaaNi ca = houses [and homes,] even; pashyema = we can see.

Verse 18

कस्य प्रसादात् रामम् च लक्ष्मणम् च महाबलम् |
अभिगच्छेम संहृष्टाः सुग्रीवम् च महाबलम् || ४-६४-१८

“By whose benevolence we can unworriedly approach Rama, or even that irascible Lakshmana, or ruthless Sugreeva, as well… [4-64-18]

18. kasya prasaadaat = by whose, benevolence; samhR^iSTaaH = gladly [trouble-free, unworriedly]; raamam ca = to Rama, also; mahaa balam lakSmaNam ca = great-mighty one [irascible,] to Lakshmana, also; mahaabalam sugriivam ca = great-mighty one [here, ruthless one,] to Sugreeva, as well; abhigacChema = we can approach.

Verse 19

यदि कश्चित् समर्थो वः सागर प्लवने हरिः |
स ददातु इह नः शीघ्रम् पुण्याम् अभय दक्षिणाम् || ४-६४-१९

“If someone among you is competent enough to jump over the ocean, that monkey may now quickly give us all, a munificence, called a solemn impunity from Sugreeva…” Angada addressed monkeys in this way. [4-64-19]

19. vaH = among you; kashcit hariH = someone, a monkey; saagara plavane = ocean, to jump over; samarthaH yadi = competent enough, if; saH = he; iha = now; naH = to us; shiighram = quickly; puNyaam = solemn; a bhaya = not, fear [impunity]; dakSiNaam = munificence; dadaatu = let him give.

Verse 20

अंगदस्य वचः श्रुत्वा न कश्चित् किंचित् अब्रवीत् |
स्तिमिता इव अभवत् सर्वा सा तत्र हरि वाहिनी || ४-६४-२०

On hearing Angada’s words there is none someone to say something in that matter, as the entire monkey troop is as though dumbfounded. [4-64-20]

20. angadasya vacaH shrutvaa = Angada’s, words, on hearing; kashcit kimcit = someone, something; na abraviit = not, said; tatra = there [in the matter]; sarvaa saa hari vaahinii = all, that, monkey, troop; stimitaa iva abhavat = standstill [dumbfounded,] as though, became.

Verse 21

पुनर् एव अंगदः प्राह तान् हरीन् हरि सत्तमः |
सर्वे बलवताम् श्रेष्ठा भवन्तो दृढ विक्रमाः |
व्यपदेश्य कुले जाताः पूजिताः च अपि अभीक्ष्णशः || ४-६४-२१

Again that best one among monkeys Angada clearly said to those monkeys thus, “all of you are the best ones among powerful monkeys, you all are determinedly venturesome, born in flawless families and even adored again and again for your adventures… [4-64-21]

21. hari sattamaH = monkey, the best; angadaH = Angada; taan hariin = to those, monkeys; punaH eva praaha = again, thus, clearly said; bhavantaH sarve balavataam shreSThaa = you, all of you, among the powerful, the best; dR^iDha vikramaaH = determinedly, venturesome; vyapadesha [vi apa desha] kule jaataaH = flawless, family, born in; abhiikSNashaH puujitaaH ca api = again and again, adored ones [for your adventures,] also, even.

Verse 22

न हि वो गमने संगः कदाचित् अपि कस्यचित् भवेत् |
ब्रुवध्वम् यस्य या शक्तिः प्लवने प्लवगर्षभाः || ४-६४-२२

“There will be no barrier to whomsoever, whensoever he wanted essay wheresoever, isn’t it! Hence, oh, best fly-jumpers, each one you may give an account as to which one has got which capability in jump-leaping the ocean. [4-64-22]

22. vaH = among you; kasyacit = to whomsoever; kadaacit = whensoever; gamane sangaH na bhavet hi = in going [jumping,] barrier, not, will be there, isn’t it; plavagarSabhaaH = oh, best fly-jumpers; plavane = in jumping – jump-leaping ocean; yasya yaa shaktiH = whose, what, capability – is there, that; bruvadhvam = let it be said.

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