Making out that the whole of Lanka is reduced to ashes and conjecturing that Seetha too thus might have lost her life, Hanuma begins to reproach himself for his unrestrained exhibition of anger. Hanuma regrets that if Seetha dies now in this fire of Lanka, Rama and his brothers on hearing that report will not survive. While reflecting thus, Hanuma sees some good omens and asserts himself that Seetha can survive from the harsh forces of fire by her virtues of penance and devotion to Rama. In the meantime, he hears of her safety from the lips of Charanas (celestial bards) and feels consoled. Hanuma makes up his mind to return only after seeing her again.
Verse 1
संदीप्यमानाम् विध्वस्ताम् त्रस्त रक्षो गणाम् पुरीम् |
अवेक्ष्य हानुमाम्ल् लन्काम् चिन्तयामास वानरः || ५-५५-१
Seeing the city of Lanka blazing, and frightened with its multitude of demons getting alarmed, Hanuma the monkey became thoughtful.
1. aavekSya = seeing; laN^kaam purrim = the city of Lanka; samdiipyamaanaam = blazing; vitrastaam = and frightened; trasta rakSogaNaam = with its troops of demons getting alarmed; hanumaan = Hanuma; vaanaraH = the monkey; chintayaamaasa = became thoughtful.
Verse 2
तस्य अभूत् सुमहान् त्रासः कुत्सा च आत्मनि अजायत |
लन्काम् प्रदहता कर्म किंस्वित् कृतम् इदम् मया || ५-५५-२
A great anxiety entered his mind and there arose in him a feeling of self-contempt. He said to himself “What an admonitory act has bee done by me in burning Lanka.”
2. sumahaan = a great; traasaH = anxiety; abhuut = occurred; tasya = to him; kutasacha = an expression of contempt also; ajaayata = was taken; aatmani = on himself; kimsmit = I wonder why; idam = this; karma = act; pradahataa = of burning; laN^kaam = Lanka; kR^itam = has been done; mayaa = by me.
Verse 3
धन्याः ते पुरुष श्रेष्ठ ये बुद्ध्या कोपम् उत्थितम् |
निरुन्धन्ति महात्मानो दीप्तम् अग्निम् इव अम्भसा || ५-५५-३
“As a burning fire is extinguished with water, blessed indeed are those great-souled men of excellence, who in their wisdom, restrain their elevated fury.”
3. diiptam agnim iva = as a burning fire; ambhasaa = is extinguished with water; te = those; mahaatmanaH = great-souled; puruSa shreSThaaH = excellent men; yet = who; nirundhati = restrain; utthitam kopam = their elevated anger; buddhyaa = by their wisdom; dhanyaaH = are fortunate.
Verse 4
क्रुद्धः पापम् न कुर्यात्कः क्रुद्धो हन्याद्गुरूनपि |
क्रुद्धः परुषया वाचा नरः साधूनधिक्षिपेत् || ५-५५-४
“Which enraged man would not incur a sinful act? An enraged person may even kill his elders. An enraged person may insult virtuous men with harsh words.”
4. kaH = which; kruddhaH = enraged man; na kuryaat = would not incur; paapam = sin?; kruddhaH = an enraged man; hanyaat = kills; guruunapi = even elders; druddhaH = an enraged; naraH = man; adhikSipet = insults; saadhuun = virtuous men; paruSayaa vaachaa = with harsh words.
Verse 5
वाच्यावाच्यम् प्रकुपितो न विजानाति कर्हिचित् |
नाकार्यमस्ति क्रुद्धस्य नावाच्यम् विद्यते क्वचित् || ५-५५-५
“An agitated person ever does not know which appropriate words are and which are forbidden words to be uttered. For enraged persons, there is neither an improper act nor ever an improper word to be spoken.”
5. prakupitaH = an agitated person; karhichit na vijaanaati = does not ever know; vaachyaavaachyam = fit words and forbidden words; kruddhasya = for an enraged person; na asti = there is no; akaaryam = improper at; na vidyate = nor is there; kvachit = ever; avaachyam = an improper word to be uttered.
Verse 6
यः समुत्पतितम् क्रोधम् क्षमयैव निरस्यति |
यथोरगस्त्वचम् जीर्णाम् स वै पुरुष उच्यते || ५-५५-६
“As a serpent casts off its slough, whoever casts aside an intense anger sprung up in him suddenly by virtue of his endurance, he verily is said to be an excellent man.”
6. uragaH yathaa = as a serpent; jiirNaam tvacha = its slough; yaH = whoever; nirasyati = casts aside; samutpatitam krodham = an intense anger sprung up suddenly; kSamayaiva = by endurance alone; saH vai = he verily; uchyate = is said; puruSaH = to be an excellent man
Verse 7
धिगस्तु माम् सुदुर्भद्धिम् निर्लज्जम् पापकृत्तमम् |
अचिन्तयित्वा ताम् सीतामग्निदम् स्वामिघातकम् || ५-५५-७
“Shame be upon me, the greatest sinner with utter foolishness and impudence, who became a fire-brand without giving thought to that Seetha and became hurtful to my master.”
7. maam dhik astu = shame be upon me; paapakR^ittamam = the greatest sinner; sudurbiddhim = with utter foolishness; nrlajjam = and impudence; agnidam = who became of fire-brand; achintayitvaa = without giving thought; taam siitaam = to that Seetha; svaami ghaatukam = and became hurtful to me master.
Verse 8
यदि दग्धा तु इयम् लन्का नूनम् आर्या अपि जानकी |
दग्धा तेन मया भर्तुः हतम् कार्यम् अजानता || ५-५५-८
“If this whole Lanka for its part has been burnt, the worshipful Seetha too has surely been burnt. Thus, I have spolt the purpose of my lord inadvertently.”
8. iyam laN^kaa dagdhaayadi = if this Lanka has been burnt; aaryaa = the venerable; jaanakyapi = Seetha also; nuunam dagdhaa = has surely been burnt; tena = in this manner; ajaanataa = inadvertently; bhartuH = the lord’s; kaaryam = purpose; hatam = has been spoilt; mayaa = by me.
Verse 9
यत् अर्थम् अयम् आरम्भः तत् कार्यम् अवसादितम् |
मया हि दहता लन्काम् न सीता परिरक्षिता || ५-५५-९
“That purpose for which all this effort was taken, has been spoilt. At the time of burning the city, I have not saved Seetha indeed.”
9. yadartham = for which purpose; ayam = is its; aarambhaH = effort; tat kaaryam = the purpose; avasaaditam = has been spoilt; mayaa = by me; dahataa = who has been burning; laN^kaam = Lanka; siitaa = Seetha; na parirakSitaa hi = has not been saved indeed.
Verse 10
ईषत् कार्यम् इदम् कार्यम् कृतम् आसीन् न संशयः |
तस्य क्रोध अभिभूतेन मया मूल क्षयः कृतः || ५-५५-१०
“This task (of burning Lanka) has been fulfilled by me and it has been completed only with a small effort. Overpowered as I was with anger, the very root of that fulfillment has been destroyed by me. There is no doubt.”
10. idam = this; kaaryam = task; aasiit = became; kR^itam = fulfilled; iiSatkaaryam = and was completed with only a small effort; mayaa = by me; krodhaabhibhuutena = due to overpowering of my anger; tasya muulakSayaH = the destruction of its root; kR^itaH = has been done; na samshayaH = there is no doubt.
Verse 11
विनष्टा जानकी व्यक्तम् न हि अदग्धः प्रदृश्यते |
लन्कायाः कश्चित् उद्देशः सर्वा भस्मी कृता पुरी || ५-५५-११
“The entire Lanka has been reduced to ashes. No place is seen unburnt in this City. Therefore, Seetha also must have been surely lost.”
11. laN^kaayaam = In Lanka; na uddeshaH = no place; kashchit = whatsoever; pradR^ishyate = is seen indeed; adagdhaH = not being burnt; sarvaa = the entire; purii = city; bhasmiikR^itaaa = has been reduced to ashes; janakii = Seetha; nuunam = surely; vinaSTaa = has been lost.
Verse 12
यदि तत् विहतम् कार्यम् मया प्रज्ञा विपर्ययात् |
इह एव प्राण सम्न्यासो मम अपि हि अतिरोचते || ५-५५-१२
“If this task has been spoiled due to my perverted intelligence, it is appropriate even for me, here and now itself, to give up my life.”
12. vihatam yadi tat kaaryam = If that act has been spoiled; mama prajJNaaviparyayaat = due to my perverted intelligence; rochate = it is appropriate; mamaapi = even to me; adya = now; ihaiva = and here itself; praaNa samnyaasah = to give up my life.
Verse 13
किम् अग्नौ निपतामि अद्य आहोस्वित् वडवा मुखे |
शरीरम् आहो सत्त्वानाम् दद्मि सागर वासिनाम् || ५-५५-१३
“Shall I jump into fire now or into the mouth of a submarine fire? Or shall I give up my body as a feed to the marine animals?”
13. nipataami = shall I jump; agnau = into fire; adya = now?; aahosvit = or else; baDabaamukhe = into the mouth of a submarine fire?; aaho = or; dadmi = shall I give up; shariiram = my body; sattvaanaam = to the animals; saagaravaasinaam = dwelling in the sea?
Verse 14
कथम् हि जीवता शक्यो मया द्रष्टुम् हरि ईश्वरः |
तौ वा पुरुष शार्दूलौ कार्य सर्व स्व घातिना || ५-५५-१४
“By me who has ruined the entire task, how can I, even while remaining alive, see Sugreeva the Lord of monkeys or Rama and Lakshmana the best of men?”
14. mayaa = by me; kaarya sarva svaghaatinaa = who has spoiled the entire task; katham vaa = how; shakyaH = can I; jiivataa = surviving; draSTum = see; hariishvaraH = Sugreeva; tau vaa = or even those two brothers; Rama and Lakshmana; puruSa shaarduulau = the best among men?
Verse 15
मया खलु तत् एव इदम् रोष दोषात् प्रदर्शितम् |
प्रथितम् त्रिषु लोकेषु कपितम् अनवस्थितम् || ५-५५-१५
“Due to culpability of my anger, I have indeed shown this apishness that is famous for instability in the three worlds.”
15. roSadoSaat = due to culpability of my anger; idam = this; kaptvam = apishness; tat = that; prathitam = is famous; anavasthitam = for instability; pradarshitam khalu = was indeed shown; mayaa = by me.
Verse 16
धिग् अस्तु राजसम् भावम् अनीशम् अनवस्थितम् |
ईश्वरेण अपि यत् रागान् मया सीता न रक्षिता || ५-५५-१६
“Let there be shame upon the passionate way of my thinking, which breeds helplessness and instability. fir, eventhough capable as I am, Seetha could not be saved by me due to my exciting passion of anger.”
16. dhik astu = Let there be shame upon; raajasam bhaavam = the passionate way of thinking; aniisham = which is helplessness; anavasthtam = and instability; yat = for; iishvareNaapi = eventhough capable; siitaa = Seetha; na rakSitaa = could not be saved; mayaa = by me; raagaat = due to my exciting passion of anger.
Verse 17
विनष्टायाम् तु सीतायाम् ताव् उभौ विनशिष्यतः |
तयोः विनाशे सुग्रीवः सबन्धुः विनशिष्यति || ५-५५-१७
“If Seetha dies, those two princes, Rama and Lakshmana will die. If their death occurs, Sugreeva along with his associates will also die.”
17. siitaayaam vinaSTaayaam = If Seetha dies; tau ubhau = those two princes; Rama and Lakshmana; vinashiSyataH = will die; tayoH vinaashe = If their death happens; sugrrivaH = Sugreeva; sabandhuH = along with his associates; vinashiSyati = will die.
Verse 18
एतत् एव वचः श्रुत्वा भरतो भ्रातृ वत्सलः |
धर्म आत्मा सह शत्रुघ्नः कथम् शक्ष्यति जीवितुम् || ५-५५-१८
“How can the virtuous Bharata together with Shatrughna, who are affectionate to his brother, survive after hearing this news?”
18. katham = how; dharmaatmaa = the virtuous; bharataH = Bharata; sahashatrughnaH = together with Shatrughna; bhaatR^ivatsalaH = who are affectionate to his brother; shakSyat = will be able; jiivitum = to survive shrutvaa = after hearing; etadeva = this; vachaH = news?
Verse 19
इक्ष्वाकु वंशे धर्मिष्ठे गते नाशम् असंशयम् |
भविष्यन्ति प्रजाः सर्वाः शोक सम्ताप पीडिताः || ५-५५-१९
“When the virtuous Ikshvaku dynasty perishes, all the people will undoubtedly be tormented with anguish and affliction.”
19. dharmiSThe = ikSvaaku vamshe = (when) the virtuous Ikshvaku dynasty; naasham = perishes; sarvaaH = all; prajaaH = the people; asamshayam = undoubtedly; bhaviSyanti = will become; shokasamtaapa piiDitaaH = tormented by anguish and affliction.
Verse 20
तत् अहम् भाग्य रहितो लुप्त धर्म अर्थ सम्ग्रहः |
रोग दोष परीत आत्मा व्यक्तम् लोक विनाशनः || ५-५५-२०
“Therefore, I, the unfortunate being, deprived of the values of duty and interest, with my mind filled with culpability of anger, clearly became the destroyer of the world.”
20. tat = therefore; aham = I; bhaagyarahitaH = the unfortunate; luptadharmaartha samgrahaH = deprived of the values of duty and interest; roSadoSa pariitaatmaa = having my mind filled with culpability of anger; vyaktam = clearly; lokavinaashanaH = became the destroyer of the world.
Verse 21
इति चिन्तयतः तस्य निमित्तानि उपपेदिरे |
पूरम् अपि उपलब्धानि साक्षात् पुनः अचिन्तयत् || ५-५५-२१
While thinking thus, Hanuma clearly saw some omens, whose welcome-results had already been directly experienced by him and again thought (as follows);
21. tasya = that Hanuma; iti = thus; chintayataH = thinking; nimittaani = the omens; upalabdhaani = as obtained; puurvamapi = even before; upapedire = came; saakSaat = clearly; punah = and again; achintayat = thought (as follows)
Verse 22
अथवा चारु सर्व अन्गी रक्षिता स्वेन तेजसा |
न नशिष्यति कल्याणी न अग्निः अग्नौ प्रवर्तते || ५-५५-२२
“Or else, Seetha the auspicious lady, who is completely charming of her limbs and protected by her own effulgence, does not get destroyed. Fire does not indeed destroy fire!”
22. athavaa = or else; kalyaaNii = Seetha the auspicious lady; chaarusarvaaNgii = having completely charming limbs; rakSitaa = protected svena tejasaa = by her own effulgence; na nashiSyati = does not get destroyed; agniH = fire; na pravartate = doe no do injury agnau = into fire.
Verse 22
न हि धर्मात् मनः तस्य भार्याम् अमित तेजसः |
स्व चारित्र अभिगुप्ताम् ताम् स्प्रष्टुम् अर्हति पावकः || ५-५५-२३
23. paavakaH = fire; naarhati hi spraSTum = to touch; taam = her; bhaaryaam = the wife; tasya = of that Rama; dharmaatmanaH = the virtuous man; amita tejasaH = having unlimited splendour; svachaaritraabhiguptaam = and protected by her own good conduct.
Verse 24
नूनम् राम प्रभावेन वैदेह्याः सुकृतेन च |
यन् माम् दहन कर्मा अयम् न अदहद्त् हव्य वाहनः || ५-५५-२४
“If this fire with its burning nature is not igniting me, it is surely due to the power of Rama and the benevolence of Seetha.”
24. yat = that; iyam = this; havyavaahanaH = fire; dahanakarmaa = having burning as its act; naadahati = is not igniting; maam = me; nuunam = surely (it is due to); raama prabhaavaNa = the power of Rama; sukrutena = benevolence; vaidehyaaH = of Seetha.
Verse 25
त्रयाणाम् भरत आदीनाम् भ्रातृऋणाम् देवता च या |
रामस्य च मनः कान्ता सा कथम् विनशिष्यति || ५-५५-२५
“How should that Seetha, who is a godhead for the three brothers (of Rama) starting with Bharata and who is dear to the heart of Rama perish?”
25. katham = how; saa = that Seetha; yaa = who; devataacha = is a godhead; trayaaNaam = for the three; bharataadiinaam = beginning with Bharata; manaH kaantaa = and dear to the heart; raamasya = of Rama; vinashiSyati = can perish?
Verse 26
यत् वा दहन कर्मा अयम् सर्वत्र प्रभुः अव्ययः |
न मे दहति लान्गूलम् कथम् आर्याम् प्रधक्ष्यति || ५-५५-२६
“This fire, which spreads everywhere without any hindrance, is not burning my tail. How can it burn the venerable Seetha?”
26. yadvaa = or; iyam dahana karmaa = this fire; sarvatra prabhuH = which is a spread everywhere; avyayaH = and imperishable; nadahati = is not burning; me laaNguulam = my tail; katham = how; pradhakSyati = can it burn; aaryaam = the venerable Seetha?
Verse 27
पुनश्चाचिन्तयत्तत्र हनुमान्विस्मितस्तदा |
हिरण्यनाभस्य गिरेर्जलमध्ये प्रदर्शनम् || ५-५५-२७
27. hanumaan = Hanuma; tadaa = then; achintayat = recalled; punaH = again; vismitaH = with wonder; pradarshanam = the sight; hiraNyanaabhasya gireH = of Mount Mainaka (having gold in its cavities); jala madhye = in the midst of sea-water; tatra = there.
Hanuma then recalled with wonder the sight of Mount Mainaka (having gold in its cavities) in the midst of sea-water there.
Verse 28
तपसा सत्य वाक्येन अनन्यत्वाच् च भर्तरि |
अपि सा निर्दहेत् अग्निम् न ताम् अग्निः प्रधक्ष्यति || ५-५५-२८
“That Seetha can even burn away the fire by her penance, true utterances and undivided devotion towards her husband. Fire does not ignite her.”
28. saa = that Seetha; nirdahet api = can even burn away; agnim = the fire; tapasaa = by her penance; satyavaakyena = by her true speech; ananyatvaachacha = and by her undivided attention; bhartari = towards her husband; agniH = fire; na pradhakSyati = does not ignite; taam = her.
Verse 29
स तथा चिन्तयन् तत्र देव्या धर्म परिग्रहम् |
शुश्राव हनुमान् वाक्यम् चारणानाम् महात्मनाम् || ५-५५-२९
Hanuma, who was thus thinking there about the overpowering virtue of Seetha, happened to hear the words of the high-souled charanas (heavenly bards).
29. saH hanumaan = that Hanuma; chintayan = who was thinking; tatra = there; tathaa = in that way; dharma parigraham = about the overpowering virtue; devyaaH = of Seetha; shushraava = heard; vaakyam = the words; mahaatmanaam = of the high-souled; chaaraNaanaam = charanas (heavenly bards).
Verse 30
अहो खलु कृतम् कर्म दुर्विषह्यम् हनूमता |
अग्निम् विसृजता अभीक्ष्णम् भीमम् राक्षस सद्मनि || ५-५५-३०
“Alas! Hanuma, who hurled a very terrific fire into Ravana’s house, has indeed done a difficult act.”
30. aho = Alas!; hanumataa = by Hanuma; visR^ijataa = who hurled; abhiikSNam = very; bhiimam = terrific; agnim = fire; raakSasaveshmani = into Ravana’s house; kR^itam khalu = has been done indeed; duSkaram karma = a difficult act.
Verse 31
प्रपलायितरक्षः स्त्रीबाल वृद्धसमाकुला |
जनकोलाहलाध्माता क्रन्दन्तीवाद्रिकन्दरैः ||३१
“The city of Lanka, full of demons their wives, children and elders running hither and thither, as also filled with an uproar of people, appears as if it weeping through its mountain-caves.”
31. prapalaayita rakSah striibaala vR^iddha samaakulaa = (the city of Lanka) full of demons; their wives; children and elders running (hither and thither); janakolaahalaadhamaataa = and filled with an uproar of people; krandanniva = appears like weeping adrikandaraiH = through its mountain-caves.
Verse 32
दग्धा इयम् नगरी लन्का साट्ट प्राकार तोरणा |
जानकी न च दग्धा इति विस्मयो अद्भुत एव नः || ५-५५-३२
“It is just so surprising a marvel to us that the entire City with its market-places, ramparts and arched door-ways, was burnt, but Seetha alone was not burnt.”
32. vismayaH eva = it is just so surprising; adbhutaH = a marvel; naH = to us; iti = that; iyam = this; sarvaa = entire; nagarii = city; saaTTa praakaaratoraNaa = with its market-places; ramparts and arched door-ways; dagdhaa = was burnt; jaanakiicha = but Seetha alone; na dagdhaa = was not burnt.
Verse 34
ततः कपिः प्राप्त मनो रथ अर्थः |
ताम् अक्षताम् राज सुताम् विदित्वा |
प्रत्यक्षतः ताम् पुनः एव दृष्ट्वा |
प्रतिप्रयाणाय मतिम् चकार || ५-५५-३४
Then, Hanuma, having fulfilled his object of desire by learning that Seetha the princess remains uninjured, made up his mind to return only after seeing her personally yet again.
34. tataH = then; kapiH = Hanuma; praapta manorathaarthaH = having fulfilled his object of desire; viditvaa = by learning taam raajasutaam = that Seetha the princess; akSataam = remains uninjured; matim chakaara = made up his mind; pratiprayaaNaaya = to return; dR^iSTvaa = after seeing; taam = her; pratyakSataH = personally; punareva = yet again.
Verse 33
स निमित्तैः च दृष्ट अर्थैः कारणैः च महागुणैः |
ऋषि वाक्यैः च हनुमान् अभवत् प्रीत मानसः || ५-५५-३३
That Hanuma became delighted in his mind, by seeing the omens, with their apparent advantages in them and very high qualities of their origin as also the words of those sages.
33. saH hanumaan = that Hanuma; abhavat = became; priita maanasa = delighted in his mind; nimittaiH = by the omens; dR^iSThaarthaiH = with their apparent advantages; mahaagnNaiH = with very high qualities; kaaraNaishcha = of their origins; R^iSivaakyaishcha = and by the words of the sages.