48 – Rama’s departure for the forest


Informed by the citizens of Rama’s departure for the forest, when they returned to Ayodhya after being unable to find out the tracks of his chariot, the wives of the citizens reproach Kaikeyi and break into lamentation.

Verse 1 & 2

तेषामेवम् विष्ण्णानाम्पीडितानामतीव च |
बाष्पविप्लुतनेत्राणाम् सशोकानाम् मुमूर्षया || २-४८-१
अनुगम्य निवृत्तानाम् रामम् नगर वासिनाम् |
उद्गतानि इव सत्त्वानि बभूवुर् अमनस्विनाम् || २-४८-२

The lives of those citizens, who had returned dejected and cheerless in this way after accompanying Rama were greatly hurt, having their eyes filled with tears afflicted with grief, longing to give up their lives and appeared as though they were dead.

1;2. sattvaani = the lives of; teshhaam = those; nagaram vaasinaam = citizens; evam = thus; vishha NNanaam = dejected; atiiva = greatly; piiditaanaam = hurt; baashhpa vipluta netraaNaam = having eyes filled with tears; sa shokaamaam = affected by grief; mumuurshhayaa = impatient of life; anugamya = accompanied; raamam = Rama; nivR^ittaanaam = and returned; amanasvinaam = cheerless; udgataaniiva = as though their lives are gone.

Verse 3

स्वम् स्वम् निलयम् आगम्य पुत्र दारैः समावृताः |
अश्रूणि मुमुचुः सर्वे बाष्पेण पिहित आननाः || २-४८-३

Reaching each his own house, all of them surrounded by their sons and wife, shed tears, their faces being covered by them.

3. aagamya = reaching; svam svam = each his own; nilayam = house; sarve = all of them; samaavR^itaaH = having been surrounded; putra daaraiaH = by their sons and wives; mumuchuH = shed; ashrooNi = tears; pihitaananaaH = their face being covered; bashhpeNa = by tears.

Verse 4

न च आहृष्यन् न च अमोदन् वणिजो न प्रसारयन् |
न च अशोभन्त पण्यानि न अपचन् गृह मेधिनः || २-४८-४

None was either delightful or merry. Merchants no longer exhibited their wares, nor their merchandise looked charming. Those in charge of home did not attend to cooking.

4. na chaahR^ishhyan = (they) did not make rejoice; na amodancha = did not make merry; vaNijaH = merchants; na prasaarayan = did not exhibit their wares; paNyaanicha = even their merchandise; na ashobhante = did not look charming. gR^iha methinaH = Those in charge of home; na apachan = did not cook.

Verse 5

नष्टम् दृष्ट्वा न अभ्यनन्दन् विपुलम् वा धन आगमम् |
पुत्रम् प्रथमजम् लब्ध्वा जननी न अभ्यनन्दत || २-४८-५

None was delightful for instance on finding out a lost fortune, or on getting riches in abundance. No mother did rejoice even on obtaining a son born for the first time.

5. na abhyanandan = none was delightful;dR^shhTam = a lost fortune; dhanaagamam vaa = or on getting wealth; vipulam = in abundance. Jananii = Mother;naabhyanandata = did not rejoice; labdhvaa = on obtaing; putram = a son; prathamajam = born for the first time.

Verse 6

गृहे गृहे रुदन्त्यः च भर्तारम् गृहम् आगतम् |
व्यगर्हयन्तः दुह्ख आर्ता वाग्भिस् तोत्रैः इव द्विपान् || २-४८-६

Oppressed with sorrow and weeping, women in every house heaped reproaches on their husbands who came home, with words as sharp as pricks of the goad which attack an elephant.

6. duhkhaartaaH = oppressed with sorrow; rudantyaH = and lamenting; gR^ihe gR^ihe = (women) in every house; vyagarhayanta = heaped reproaches; bhartaaraam = on husbands; aagatam = who came; gR^iham = home; vaagbhiH = with words; dvipaan iva = like elephants; totraiH = by goads.

Verse 7

किम् नु तेषाम् गृहैः कार्यम् किम् दारैः किम् धनेन वा |
पुत्रैः वा किम् सुखैः वा अपि ये न पश्यन्ति राघवम् || २-४८-७

“What purpose of theirs who do not see Rama, will be served by their dwellings, wife or wealth or sons or pleasures even?”

7. kim = “What purpose; teshhaam = of theirs( will be served); ye = who; na pashyanti = do not see; raaghavam = Rama; gR^IhaiH = by their dwellings? Kim kaaryam = For what purpose; daaraih = their wives?kim = what purpose dhananivaa = by their wealth even? Kim = What purpose? PutraiH vaa = by their sons or; sukhairvaapi = even pleasures even?”

Verse 8

एकः सत् पुरुषो लोके लक्ष्मणः सह सीतया |
यो अनुगच्चति काकुत्स्थम् रामम् परिचरन् वने || २-४८-८

Lakshmana alone is a good man in this world, who was accompanying Rama belonging to Kakutstha dynasty, along with Sita ,duly rendering service to them in the forest.”

8. lakshhma NaH = Lakshmana; ekaH = alone; satpurushhaH = is a good man; loke = in this world; yaH = who; anugachchati = was following; raamam = rama; kaakutstham = belonging to Kakutstha dynasty; siitayaa saha = along with Sita; paricharam rending service; vane = in the forest.”

Verse 9

आपगाः कृत पुण्याः ताः पद्मिन्यः च सरांसि च |
येषु स्नास्यति काकुत्स्थो विगाह्य सलिलम् शुचि || २-४८-९

“Fortunate too are the rivers; lotus ponds and lakes for bathing in whose sacred waters Rama entered into.”

9. kR^ita puNyaaH = fortunate are; taH = such; aapagaaH = rivers; padminyaH = lotus-ponds; saraamsicha = and lakes; snaasyati = bathing; yeshhu = in whose; shuchi = sacred; salilam = waters; kaakutstha = Rama; vigaahya = plunged into;

Verse 10

शोभयिष्यन्ति काकुत्स्थम् अटव्यो रम्य काननाः |
आपगाः च महा अनूपाः सानुमन्तः च पर्वताः || २-४८-१०

“Forests with beautiful row of trees, tracks of land abounding in water, rivers and mountains with alluring peaks will bring splendor to Rama.”

10. aaTavyaH = forests; ramya kaananaaH = with beautiful row of trees; mahaanuupaaH = tracks of land abounding in water; aapagaaH cha = rivers; parvataaH = and mountains; saanumantaH = with alluring peaks; shobhayishhyanti = will bring splendor to; kaakutstham = Rama.

Verse 11

काननम् वा अपि शैलम् वा यम् रामः अभिगमिष्यति |
प्रिय अतिथिम् इव प्राप्तम् न एनम् शक्ष्यन्ति अनर्चितुम् || २-४८-११

“Any mountain or forest which Rama will visit, will not fail to respect him like a beloved guest who has arrived.”

11. “yam = Which; shailam vaa = mountain; kaananamvaapi = or forest; raamaH = Rama; adhigamishhyati = will visit; na shakshhyanti = they can not; anarchitum = remain without respecting; enam = him; priyaatithim iva = like a beloved guest; praaptam = who has arrived.”

Verse 12

विचित्र कुसुम आपीडा बहु मन्जलि धारिणः |
अकाले च अपि मुख्यानि पुष्पाणि च फलानि च || २-४८-१२

“Plants with many -colored flowers as their chaplets, bearing copious clusters of blossoms full of bees exhibit themselves at Rama.”

12. nagaaH = Plants; vichitra kusuma piidaaH = with many – colored flowers as their chaplets; bahumaNjari dhaariNaH = bearing copious cluster of blossoms; bhramara shaalinaH = full of bees; darshayishhyanti = exhibit themselves; raaghavam = at Rama.”

Verse 13

अकाले चापि मुख्यानि पुष्पाणि च फलानि च |
दर्शयिष्यन्ति अनुक्रोशात् गिरयो रामम् आगतम् || २-४८-१३

“Even in unseasonable ness, mountains in compassion will present principal flowers and fruits to Rama, on his arrival.”

13. giryaH = mountains; darshayishhyanti = will display; mukhyaani = principal; pushhpaaNi = flowers; phalaanicha = and fruits; raamam = to Rama; aagatam = (when) arrived; akaalechaapi = even in unseasonable ness anukroshaat = with compassion.

Verse 14

प्रस्रविष्यन्ति तोयानि विमलानि महीधराः |
विदर्शयन्तः विविधान् भूयः चित्रामः च निर्झरान् || २-४८-१४

“Mountains will show various wonderful waterfalls again and again, duly streaming forth uncontaminated waters.”

14. “mahiidharaaH = mountains; vidarshayantaH = will show; vividhaan = various; chitraamshcha = wonderful; nirjharaan = waterfalls; bhuuyaH = again and again; prasravishhyanti = streaming forth; vimalaani = uncontaminated; toyaani = waters. “

Verse 15

पादपाः पर्वत अग्रेषु रमयिष्यन्ति राघवम् |
यत्र रामः भयम् न अत्र न अस्ति तत्र पराभवः || २-४८-१५

“Trees on apex of mountains will enrapture Rama. Where there is Rama, there is neither fear nor humiliation”.

15. “paadapaaH = trees; parvataagrashhu = on mountain -peaks; ramayishhyanti = will enrapture; raaghavam = Rama; yatra = where; raamaH = there is Rama; atra = there is ; na = neither; bhayam = fear; naasti = nor; tatra = there is ; paraabhavaH = overthrow.”

Verse 16

स हि शूरः महा बाहुः पुत्रः दशरथस्य च |
पुरा भवति नो दूरात् अनुगच्चाम राघवम् || २-४८-१६

“That Rama the son of Dasaratha, the hero and the mighty armed will come to our view not far from us. Let us run after him.”

16. “saH = that Rama; putraH = the son; dasarathasya = of Dasaratha; shuuraH = the hero and; mahaabaahuH = the mighty armed; puraa bhavati = will become; duurat = distant; naH = from us. Anugachhaama = Let us run after; raaghavam = Rama.”

Verse 17

पादच् चाया सुखा भर्तुस् तादृशस्य महात्मनः |
स हि नाथो जनस्य अस्य स गतिः स परायणम् || २-४८-१७

“The shelter of the feet of the lord and the high-souled Rama is in itself a joy. Rama indeed is the protector of all of us, he the refuge and our supreme asylum ”

17. “paada chchhaayaa = The shelter of feet; bhartuH = of the Lord; mahaatmanaH = and the high-souled; taadR^ishsya = is in such a manner; sukhaa = a joy; saH = He; naatha hi = indeed is protector; asyajanasya = of these people. saH = He; gatiH = the refuge; saH = he; paraayaNam = the supreme asylum.”

Verse 18

वयम् परिचरिष्यामः सीताम् यूयम् तु राघवम् |
इति पौर स्त्रियो भर्तृऋन् दुह्ख आर्ताः तत् तत् अब्रुवन् || २-४८-१८

“We shall serve Sita; while you attend on Rama.” Thus, the citizen’s wives, afflicted with agony, spoke in so many words to their husbands.

18. “vayam = we; paricharishhyaamaH = shall serve; siitaam = Sita; yaayamtu = while you (serve); raaghavam = Rama.” iti = Thus; poura striyaH = the citizen’s wives; duhkhaartaaH = afflicted with agony; abruvam = spoke; tattat = this or that word; bhartR^iin = to their husbands.

Verse 19

युष्माकम् राघवो अरण्ये योग क्षेमम् विधास्यति |
सीता नारी जनस्य अस्य योग क्षेमम् करिष्यति || २-४८-१९

“Rama will secure the needs and interests of yours in the forest, while Sita will do the same thing with regard to us womenfolk.”

19. raaghavaH = “Rama; vidhaasyati = will secure; yoga kshhemam = the needs and interests; yushhmaakam = of yours. Siitaa = Sita; karishhyati = will secure; yogakshhemam = the needs and interests; asya janasya naarii = of these people; the women folk.

Verse 20

को न्व् अनेन अप्रतीतेन स उत्कण्ठित जनेन च |
सम्प्रीयेत अमनोज्ञेन वासेन हृत चेतसा || २-४८-२०

“Who will be highly pleased with this residence in the city, which is apprehensible, with anxious people in it and not being a pleasant spot with unsettled minds?”

20. “kaH nu = who will be; sampriyeta = pleased; anena vaasena = with this residence;(in this city); apratitena = which is apprehensible; sotkaNThitajanenacha = with anxious people in it; amanoG^yena = not a pleasant spot; hR^ita chetasaa = with unsettled minds?”

Verse 21

कैकेय्या यदि चेद् राज्यम् स्यात् अधर्म्यम् अनाथवत् |
न हि नो जीवितेन अर्थः कुतः पुत्रैः कुतः धनैः || २-४८-२१

“If it were to be the rule of Kaikeyi, it will not be in consonance with righteousness, with no protector and indeed with no use for our lives, mush less for our sons and riches.”

21. syaadyadi = If it were; raajyam = rule; kaikeyyaaH = by Kaikeyi; adharmyam = it will not be in consonance with righteousness; anaathavat = with no protector; na hi = indeed; no; arthaH = use; jiivitena = by life; naH = to us. KutaH = much less; putraiH = by sons;kutaH = much less;dhanaiH = by riches.

Verse 22

यया पुत्रः च भर्ता च त्यक्ताव् ऐश्वर्य कारणात् |
कम् सा परिहरेद् अन्यम् कैकेयी कुल पांसनी || २-४८-२२

“Whom else Kaikeyi will not abandon? –that Kaikeyi, by whom her son and her husband were forsaken for the sake of power and who brought disgrace to her family.”

22. saa Kaikeyi = “That Kaikeyi; yayaa = by whom; putrascha = her son; bharataacha = and her husband; tyaktaa = were forsaken; aishvarya kaaraNaat = for the sake of power;kula paamsanii = (and)who brought disagrace to her family; kam anyam = whom else; pari haret = she will not abandon?”

Verse 23

कैकेय्या न वयम् राज्ये भृतका निवसेमहि |
जीवन्त्या जातु जीवन्त्यः पुत्रैः अपि शपामहे || २-४८-२३

“We swear even by our sons that while Kaikeyi is surviving and as long as we live, we will never inhabit this kingdom as Kaikeyi’s servants!”

23. kaikeyyaaH = (while) Kaikeyi; jiivantyaaH = is surviving ; vayam = we ;jaatu = ever; na nivasemahi = will not inhabit; raajye = this kingdom; bhR^itakaaH = as (Kaikeyi’s) servants; jiivityaaH = (as long as we are) living; shapaamahe = we swear even; putrairapi = even by our sons.”


Verse 24

या पुत्रम् पार्थिव इन्द्रस्य प्रवासयति निर्घृणा |
कः ताम् प्राप्य सुखम् जीवेद् अधर्म्याम् दुष्ट चारिणीम् || २-४८-२४

“Who can live happily on having obtained (as one’s ruler) that impious woman of wicked conduct, who banished the son of the king without any pity?”

24. “kaH = who; jiivet = can live; sukham = happily; praapya = on having obtained; taam = her; yaa = who; nirjhR^I Naa = without pity; pravaasayati = banished; putram = the son; paarthivendrasya = of king; adharmyaam = the impious woman; dushhTachaariNiim = of wicked conduct?”

Verse 25

उपद्रुतमिदम् सर्वमनालम्बमनायकम् |
कैकेय्या हि कृते सर्वम् विनाशमुपयास्यति || २-४८-२५

“The whole of this kingdom, without any leader, having no support and visited by calamities, will meet with ruin because of Kaikeyi’s fault.”

25. idam sarvam = ” the whole of this kingdom; upadrutam = visited by calamities; anaalambam = having no support;anaayakam = without any leader; upayaasyati = will meet with;vinaasham = ruin;kaikeyyaaH kR^ite = through Kaikeyi’s fault.”

Verse 26

न हि प्रव्रजिते रामे जीविष्यति मही पतिः |
मृते दशरथे व्यक्तम् विलोपः तत् अनन्तरम् || २-४८-२६

“For, Rama having gone into exile, the monarch will not survive and when Dasaratha is dead, utter regrets will remain thereafter. It is certain!”

26. raame = Rama; pravrajite = having gone to exile; mahiipatiH = the monarch; na jiivishhyati hi = will indeed not survive! mR^ite = After the death; dasharathe = of Dasaratha; vilaapaH = utter moaning sounds; tadanantaram = thereafter; vyaktam = It is certain.

Verse 27

ते विषम् पिबत आलोड्य क्षीण पुण्याः सुदुर्गताः |
राघवम् वा अनुगच्चध्वम् अश्रुतिम् वा अपि गच्चत || २-४८-२७

“So, drink poison duly stirred up, since your merits are exhausted and you are marked out by ill fortune. Otherwise, follow Rama to forest or reach a place where even the name of Kaikeyi may not reach your ears.”

27. te = you; as such; pibata = drink; vishham = poison; aaloDya = duly stirred up; kshhiiNa pu NyaaH = since your merits are exhausted; sudurgataaH = and you are marked out by ill fortune; anugachchhadhvam vaa = or follow; raamam = Rama (to the forest); gachchhati = or reach; ashrutim vaa = (the land where the name of Kaikeyi) may not reach your ears.”

Verse 28

मिथ्या प्रव्राजितः रामः सभार्यः सह लक्ष्मणः |
भरते सम्निषृष्टाः स्मः सौनिके पशवो यथा || २-४८-२८

“Rama has been sent to exile along with Sita and Lakshmana deceitfully. We have been handed over now to Bharata, like the beasts in the hands of a slaughterer.”

28. raamaH = “Rama; pravraajitaH = has been sent to exile; sa siitaH = with Sita; saha lakshhmaNaH = and with Lakshmana; mithyaa = deceit fully; smaH = we have been;sannisR^ishhTaaH = handed over; bharata = to Bharata; sounike yathaa = like to a slaughterer; pashavaH = the beasts.”

Verse 29,30 & 31

पूर्णचन्द्राननः श्यामो गूढजत्रुररिंदमः |
आजानुबाहुः पद्माक्षो रामो लक्ष्मनपूर्वजः || २-४८-२९
पूर्वाभिभाषी मधुरः सत्यवादी महाबलः |
सौम्यः सर्वस्य लोकस्य चन्द्रवत्प्रियदर्शनः || २-४८-३०
नूनम् पुरुषशार्दूलो मत्तमातङ्गविक्रमः |
शोभयुश्यत्यरण्यानि विचरन् स महारथः || २-४८-३१

“Rama, whose face is like the full moon, of dark brown complexion, whose collar-bone is invisible (because of its being covered with flesh), a conqueror of foes, whose arms descend to his knees, whose eyes resemble lotuses, the elder brother of Lakshmana, who takes initiative in speaking and expresses with sweetness, truthful of speech and possessed of extra ordinary strength, is benevolent to all, delightfully charming as the moon, that tiger among men, as mighty as an elephant in rut, that great car-warrior, will surely adorn the woods, while roaming through them..”

29;30;31. raamo = Rama; puurNa chandraananaH = whose face is like the full moon; shyaamo = dark brown of complexion; guuDha jatraH = whose collar bone is invisible (because it is covered with flesh) arindamaH = conquerer of his foes; aajaanubaahuH = whose arms descend to the knees; padmaakshho = whose eyes resemble lotuses; lakshhmaNa puurvajaH = the elder brother of Lakshmana; puurvaabhibhaashhii = who takes initiative in speaking; satyavaadii = speaking with candor; madhuvaH = and sweetness; mahaabalaH = very strong; soumyaH = benevolent; sarvasya lokasya = to all people; chandravat priyadarshanaH = charming sight as the moon; purusha shaarduulo = tiger among men; matta maataN^ga vikramaH = as mighty as an elephant in rut; sa mahaarathaH = that great car- warrior; nuunam = surely; shobhayishjyati = will adorn; araNyaani = the woods; vicharam = while roaming (through them).”

Verse 32

तास्तथा विलपन्त्यस्तु नगरे नागरस्त्रियः |
चुक्रुशुर्दुःखसम्तप्तामृत्योरिव भयागमे || २-४८-३२

Those wives of citizens in the city of Ayodhya, lamenting as aforesaid, began weeping, as though fear has cropped up for a forth-coming death.

32. taaH = those; naagara striiyaH = wives of citizens; nagare = in the city (of Ayodhya); vilapantyaH = lamenting; tathaa = in that manner; chukrushuH = cried; bhayaagame iva = as though fear has cropped up; mR^ityoH = for death.

Verse 33

इत्येव विलपन्तीनाम् स्त्रीणाम् वेश्मसु राघवम् |
जगामास्तम् दिनकरो रजनी चाभ्यवर्तत || २-४८-३३

The sun sank below the horizon and the night fell, while the women in the houses were weeping in that manner about Rama.

33. dinakaraH = the sun; jagaama = sank; astam = below the horizon; rajaniicha = and the night; abhyavartata = fell; striiNaam = ( while) the women; veshmasu = in the houses; vilapantiinaam = were weeping; ityevam = in the way; raaghavam = about Rama.

Verse 34

नष्टज्वलनसम्पाता प्रशान्ताध्यायसत्कथा |
तिमिरेणाभिलिप्तेव तदा सा नगरी बभौ || २-४८-३४

The city of Ayodhya, in which the kindling of fires had ceased and the chanting of Vedas and narration of sacred stories died out, looked as though it was coated with darkness at that time.

34. saa nagarii = That city of Ayodhya; nashhTa jvalana sampataa = in which kindling of fires had ceased; prashantaadhyaaya satkathaa = chanting of Vedas and narration of sacred stories died out; babhou = looked; abhilipteva = as though coated; timireNa = with darkness; tadaa = at this time.

Verse 35

उपशान्तवणिक्पण्या नष्टहर्षा निराश्रया |
अयोध्या नगरी चासीन्नष्टतारमिवाम्बरम् || २-४८-३५

The city of Ayodhya, in which the business of the trading class had come to a stand-still, in which joy had been faded out, which had become (now) support less, looked dim as though stars had disappeared in the sky.

35. ayodhyaa nagarii = The city of Ayodhya; upashaanta vaNikpaNyaa = in which the business of the trading class had come to a stand-still; nashhTa harshhaa = in which joy had faded out; niraashrayaa = which had become support less; aasiit = became; ambaramiva = like a sky; nashhTa taaram = in which the stars had disappeared.

Verse 37

प्रशान्तगीतोत्सव नृत्तवादना |
व्यपास्तहर्षा पिहितापणोदया |
तदा ह्ययोध्या नगरी बभूव सा |
महार्णवः सम्क्षपितोदको यथा ||२-४८-३७

That city of Ayodhya, in which singing, rejoicing, dancing and instrumental music had been completely set at rest, when jpy had departed forever and whose shops had been closed, looked at that time like a grat ocean whose waters had dried up.

37. saa = that;ayodhyaa nagari = city of Ayodhya; prasaanta giitotsava nR^tta vaadanaa = in which singing;rejoicing and instrumental music had been completely set at rest;ivyapaasta harshhaa = whose joy had departed; pihitaa pa Nodayaa = whose shops had been closed; tadaa = then; babhuuva = became; mahaarNavaH yathaa = like a great ocean; samkshhapitodakaH = whose waters had dried up.

Verse 36

तथा स्त्रियो राम निमित्तम् आतुरा |
यथा सुते भ्रातरि वा विवासिते |
विलप्य दीना रुरुदुर् विचेतसः |
सुतैः हि तासाम् अधिको हि सो अभवत् || २-४८-३६

The women whose minds became sick on account of Rama, as one would feel on one’s own son or brother having been sent into exile, cried miserably expressing their grief in various ways. To them, Rama was dearer than their very sons!

36. striyaH = the women; vichetasaH = whose minds became sick; yathaa = as one would feel on; sute = (one’s own) son; bhraatarivaa = or brother; vivaasite = having been sent into exile; aaturaaH = cried; raama nimittam = on account of Rama; diinaH = miserably; vilapya = lamented; ruruduH = (and) wept. taasaam = To them; saH = that Rama; abhavat hi = indeed became; adhikaH = more than; sutaaH = their sons.

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