After damaging the pleasure-grove and after killing the Kinkaras dispatched by Ravana, Hanuma thinks of destroying a sanctuary which is sacred to the guardian-deity of the demons. Hanuma ascends to the top of the sanctuary and after killing the guards posted there, shows his strength by clapping on his arms and by uttering the names of Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva in a roaring voice. Hanuma assumes a gigantic form and uplifting a pillar in that sanctuary, he speedily whirls it around and burns the sanctuary by producing a fire, created out of its friction with the other pillars.
Verse 1,2 & 3
ततः स किम्करान् हत्वा हनूमान् ध्यानम् आस्थितः |
वनम् भग्नम् मया चैत्य प्रासादो न विनाशितः || ५-४३-१
तस्मात् प्रासादम् अपि एवम् इमम् विध्वंसयामि अहम् |
इति संचिन्त्य हनुमान् मनसा दर्शयन् बलम् || ५-४३-२
चैत्य प्रासादम् आप्लुत्य मेरु शृन्गम् इव उन्नतम् |
आरुरोह हरि श्रेष्ठो हनूमान् मारुत आत्मजः || ५-४३-३
After killing the Kinkaras, that Hanuma thought to himself (as follows): “The grove was damaged by me. The lofty palatial mansion of the sanctuary (sacred to the guardian-deity of the demons) has not been destroyed. For that reason, I will cause this mansion to crumble down in the same way.” Thus thinking himself, Hanuma the best among monkeys, son of the wind-god having large jaws, by showing his strength, bounced up and ascended the lofty palatial mansion of the sanctuary, which was as high as a mountain-top of Meru.
1. tataH = then; hattvaa = after killing; kimkaraan = the Kinkaras; saH hanumaan = that Hanuma; aasthitaH = was absorbed; dhyaanam = in thought (as follows); vanam = the grove; bhagnam = was damaged; mayaa = by me; chaitya praasaadaH = the lofty palatial mansion of the sanctuary (sacred to the guardian-deity of the demons); na vinaashitaH = has not been destroyed; tasmaat = for that reason; adya = now; aham = I; imam praasaadam vidhvamsayaami = will cause this mansion to crumble down; evam = in the same way; iti = thus; samchintya = thinking; manasaa = in his mind; hanumaan = Hanuma; harishreSThaH = the best among monkeys; maarutaatmajaH = the son of wind-god; hanumaan = and having large jaws; darshayan = showing; balam = his strength; utplutya = has bounced up; aaruroha = and ascended; chaitya praasaadam = the lofty palatial mansion of the sanctuary; unnatam = which was as high; merushR^Ngamiva = as a Meru mountain-top.
Verse 4
आरुह्य गिरिसम्काशम् प्रासादम् हरियूथपः |
बभौ स सुमहातेजाः प्रतिसूर्य इवोदितः || ५-४३-४
That Hanuma, an army-chief of monkeys, possessing a very great splendour, ascending the lofty palatial mansion similar to a mountain shone like a second rising sun.
4. saH = that Hanuma; hariyuuthapaH = an army-chief of monkeys; sumahaatejaaH = having very great splendour; aaruhya = ascending; praasaadam = the lofty palatial mansion; girisamkaasham = equal to a mountain; babhou = shone; uditaH pratisuuryaH iva = like a second rising son.
Verse 5
सम्प्रधृष्य च दुर्धर्षः चैत्य प्रासादम् उन्नतम् |
हनूमान् प्रज्वलम्ल् लक्ष्म्या पारियात्रा उपमो अभवत् || ५-४३-५
Overpowering the lofty and inviolable of the sanctuary, Hanuma blazing mansion his splendour, meta morposed into a towering sized body equal to that of Pariyatra mountain.
5. sampradhR^iSya cha = overpowring; uttamam chaitya praasaadam = the lofty palatial mansion of the sanctuary; durdharSam = which was inviolable; hanumaan = Hanuma; prajvalan = blazing lakSmyaa = with splendour; abhavat = metamorphosed into; paariyaatropamaH = (a towering sized) body equal to that of pariyatra mountain.
Verse 6
स भूत्वा तु महाकायो हनूमान् मारुत आत्मजः |
धृष्टम् आस्फोटयामास लन्काम् शब्देन पूरयन् || ५-४३-६
Enhancing his body to a very big size by dint of his distinction, Hanuma clapped on his arms strongly, filling the City of Lanka with sound.
6. bhuutvaa = becoming; sumahaakaayaH = one having a very big body; prabhaavaat = by dint of his distinction; maarutaatmajaH = Hanuma; aasphoTayaamaasa = clapped on his arms; dhR^iSTam = strongly; puurayan = filling; laNKaam = the city of Lanka; shabdena = with sound.
Verse 7
तस्य आस्फोटित शब्देन महता श्रोत्र घातिना |
पेतुर्विहङ्गमास्तत्र चैत्यपालाश्च मोहिताः || ५-४३-७
By the great deafening noise, made by clapping on his arms, the birds and also the guards protecting the sanctuary unconsciously fell down.
7. tasya mahataa asphoTita shabdena = by his great sound made by clapping on his arms; shrotraghaatinaa = which deafened the ears; vihaN^gamaaH = the birds; tatra = there; petuH = fell down; chaitya paalaashcha = the guards; protecting the sanctuary also; mohitaaH = (fell down) unconsciously.
Verse 8, 9 10 & 11
अस्त्रविज्जयताम् रामो लक्ष्मणः च महाबलः |
राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेन अभिपालितः || ५-४३-८
दासो अहम् कोसल इन्द्रस्य रामस्य अक्लिष्ट कर्मणः |
हनुमान् शत्रु सैन्यानाम् निहन्ता मारुत आत्मजः || ५-४३-९
न रावण सहस्रम् मे युद्धे प्रतिबलम् भवेत् |
शिलाभिः तु प्रहरतः पादपैः च सहस्रशः || ५-४३-१०
अर्दयित्वा पुरीम् लन्काम् अभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम् |
समृद्ध अर्थो गमिष्यामि मिषताम् सर्व रक्षसाम् || ५-४३-११
“Long live Rama, skilled in archery and the powerful Lakshmana! Long lie the King Sugreeva, protected by Rama! I am Hanuma, the destroyer of the army of adversaries and the son of wind-god. I am the servent of Rama, the king of Kosala kingdom, who is unwearied in action. Even a thousand of Ravanas will not be matching equally with me, who is capable of striking with thousnads of rocks and trees in battle. Here, before the eyes of all the demons, I will annihilate the City of Lanka and after offering salutation to Seetha, I will go back duly completing my task.”
8; 9; 10; 11. jayataam = long live; raamaH = Rama; astravit = skilled in shooting; mahaabalaH = and the powerful; lakSmaNashcha = Lakshmana too; jayati = long live; raajaa = the king; sugriivaH = Sugreeva; abhipaalitaH = protected; raaghaveNa = by Rama; aham = I; hanumaan = am Hanuma; nihantaa = the killer; shatrusainyaanaam = the army of adversaries; maarutaatmajaH = and the son of wind-god; aham = I; daasaH = am the servant; raamasya = of Rama; kosalendrasya = the king of Kosala kingdom; akliSTa karmaNaH = who is unwearied in action; me = to me; praharataH = who is striking; sahasrashaH = with thousands of; shailaabhiH = rocks; paadapaishcha = and trees; yuddhe = in battle; raavaNa sahasram = even a thousand of Ravanas; na bhavet = will not be; pratibalam = matching equally (with me); miSataam = before the eyes of sarvarakSasaam = all the demons; ardayitvaa = annihilating; laN^kaam puriim = the city of Lanka; abhivaadyacha = and offering salutation; maithiliim = Seetha; gamiSyaami = I will go back; samR^iddhaarthaH = after having accomplished my task.
Verse 12
एवम् उक्त्वा विमानस्थः चैत्यस्थान् हरि पुम्गवः |
ननाद भीम निर्ह्रादो रक्षसाम् जनयन् भयम् || ५-४३-१२
Thus uttering to those guards protecting the sanctuary, roared terribly, making a noise and creating a terror to the demons.
12. evam = thus; uktvaa = speaking; chaityasthaan = to the guards protecting the sanctuary; hariyuuthapaH = Hanuma the chief of army of monkeys; vimaanasthaH = standing on the tower; bhiima nirhraadaH = roaring terribly; nanaada = made a noise; janayan = creating bhayam = terror; rakSasaam = to the demons.
Verse 13
तेन शब्देन महता चैत्य पालाः शतम् ययुः |
गृहीत्वा विविधान् अस्त्रान् प्रासान् खड्गान् परश्वधान् || ५-४३-१३
विसृजन्तो महाक्सया मारुतिम् पर्यवारयन् |
Hearing that loud noise, hundreds of guards protecting the sanctuary went, taking many kinds of weapons, spears, swords and axes. Those Kinkaras with huge bodies surrounded Hanuma, duly discharging those weapons.
13. tena mahataa shabdena = by that loud noise; shatam = hundreds of; chaitya paalaaH = guards protecting the sanctuary; yiayuH = went; gR^ihiitvaa = taking; vividhaan = many kinds of; astraan = weapons; praapaan = spears; khaDgaan = swords; parashvathaan = and axes; mahaakaayaaH those kinkaras with huge bodies; paryavaarayan = surrounded; maartutim = Hanuma; visR^ijantaH = discharging (those weapons).
Verse 14 & 15
ते गदाभिर्विचित्राभिः परिघैः काञ्चनाङ्गदैः || ५-४३-१४
अजघ्नर्वानरश्रेष्ठं शरैश्चादित्यसन्निभैः |
आवर्त इव गन्गायाः तोयस्य विपुलो महान् || ५-४३-१५
परिक्षिप्य हरि श्रेष्ठम् स बभौ रक्षसाम् गणः |
They banged Hanuma with various kinds of maces, iron bludgeons plated with gold and arrows shining like the sun. That troop of demons surrounding Hanuma the best among monkeys, shone like a greatly extensive whirlpool in the waters of River Ganga.
14; 15. te = they; ajaghnaH = banged; vaanara shreSTham = Hanuma; vichitraabhiH = gadaaH = with various kinds of maces; parighaiH = with iron bludgeous; kaaN^chanaanN^gadaiH = plated with gold; sharaishcha = and with arrows; aaditya samnibhaiH = shining like the sun. saH = that; rakSasaam gaNaH = troop of demons; parikSipya = surrounding; harishreSTham = Hanuma the best among monkeys; babhau = shone; mahaan vipulaH aavarta iva = like a greatly extensive whirlpool; toyasya = of the water; gaN^gaayaaH = of Rvier Ganga.
Verse 16 & 17
ततो वात आत्मजः क्रुद्धो भीम रूपम् समास्थितः || ५-४३-१६
प्रासादस्य महान् तस्य स्तम्भम् हेम परिष्कृतम् |
उत्पाटयित्वा वेगेन हनूमान् मारुत आत्मजः || ५-४३-१७
ततः तम् भ्रामयामास शत धारम् महाबलः |
Thereupon, the enraged Hanuma assumed a terrific form. Hanuma possessing a gigantic body and the son of wind-god, uprooting a pillar with a hundred edges and decorated with gold in that edifice, then speedily whirled it around.
16; 17. tataH = thereupon; kruddhaH = the enraged; vaataatmajaH = Hanuma; samaasthitaH = assumed; bhiimam = a terrific; ruupam = form; hanumaan = Hanuma; mahaan = possesssing a gigantic body; pavanaatmajaH = the son of wind-god; utpaaTayitvaa = uplifting; stamabham = a pillar; shatadhaaram = with a hundred edges; hema pariSkR^itam = decorated with gold; praasaadasya = of (that) edifice; tataH = and then; bhraamayaamaasa = whirled it round; vegena = with speed.
Verse 18 & 19
तत्र चाग्निः समभवत्प्रासादश्चाप्यदह्यत || ५-४३-१८
दह्यमानं ततो दृष्ट्वा प्रासादं हरियूथपः |
स राक्षस शतम् हत्वा वज्रेण इन्द्र इव असुरान् || ५-४३-१९
अन्तरिक्ष स्थितः श्रीमान् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् |
Fire was also generated there (due to friction with other pillars) The edifice was then consumed by fire. Seeing the edifice burning, that Hanuma killing those hundred demons, like Indra killing demons with his thunderbolt and gloriously staying in the sky, spoke (the following) words:
18; 19. agniH cha = fire also; samabhavat = was generated there (due to friction with other pillars); praasaadashcha = the edifice; tataH adahyata = was then consumed by fire; dR^iSTya = seeing; praasaadam = the edifice; dahyamaanam = burning; saH hariyuuthapaH = that Hanuma; hattvaa = killing; raakSasa shatam = those hundred demons; indraH iva = like Indra; asuraan = (killing) demons; vajreNa = with his thunderbolt; sthitaH = and staying; antarikSe = in the sky; shriimaan = gloriously; abraviit = spoke; idam = these; vachanam = words.
Verse 20 & 21
मादृशानाम् सहस्राणि विसृष्टानि महात्मनाम् || ५-४३-२०
बलिनाम् वानर इन्द्राणाम् सुग्रीव वश वर्तिनाम् |
अटन्ति वसुधाम् कृत्स्नाम् वयमये च वानराः || ५-४३-२१
“Thousands of monkeys like me, possessing gigantic bodies of strength, were sent on the orders of Sugreeva. We and other monkeys are now roaming the entire earth.”
20; 21. sahasraaNi = thousands; vaanarendraanaam = of excellent monkeys; maadR^ishaanaam = like me; mahaatmanaam = possessing gigantic bodies; balinaam = having strength; sugriiva vashavartinaam = obeying the orders of Sugreeva; visR^iSTaani = were sent; vayam = we; anye = and other; vaanaraashcha = monkeys; aTanti = are roaming; kR^itsnaam vasudhaam = in the entire earth.
Verse 22
दशनागबलाः केचित्केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः |
केचिन्नागसहस्रस्य बभूवुस्तुल्यविक्रमाः || ५-४३-२२
“Some of the monkeys are having a strength of ten elephants. Some are having a strength of a hundred elephants. Some are having a prowess equal to that of a thousand elephants.”
22. kechit = some (of the monkeys); dashanaaga balaaH = are having a strength of ten elephants; kechit = some; dashaguNottaraaH = are having a strength of hundred elephants; kechit = some; babhuuvuH = are; tulya vikramaaH = having a prowess equal to; naagasahasrasya = that of a thousand elephants.
Verse 23
सन्ति चौघबलाः केचित्केचिद्वायुबलोपमाः |
अप्रमेयबलाश्चान्ये तत्रासन् हरियूथपाः || ५-४३-२३
“Some are having the strength of a strong stream. Some have strength equal to that of wind. Some other army-chiefs of monkeys even cannot be measured.”
23. kechit = some; santi = are; oghabalaaH = having the strength of a strong stream kechit = some; vaayubalopamaa = have strength equal to that of wind; anye = some other; hariyuutapaaH = chiefs of army of monkeys; tatra = in them; aasan = are; aprameya balaashcha = having strength; which even cannot be measured.
Verse 24
ईदृग्विधैस्तु हरिभिर्वऋतो दन्तनखायुधैः |
शतैः शत सहस्रैः च कोटीभिः अयुतैः अपि || ५-४३-२४
आगमिष्यति सुग्रीवः सर्वेषाम् वो निषूदनः |
“Surrounded by hundreds, myriads, lakhs and crores of such monkeys having their teeth and nails as their weapons, Sugreeva, who is capable of destroying you all, will come.”
24. vR^itaH = surrounded by; shataiH = hundreds; ayutaiH = ten thousands; shatasahasraiH = laksha; koTiibhiH = and crores; iidR^igvidhaiH haribhiH = of such monkeys; dantanakhaayudhaiH = sugriivaH = Sugreeva; niSuudanaH = who is capable of destroying; vaH = you; sarveSaam = all; aagamiSyati = will come.
Verse 25
न इयम् अस्ति पुरी लन्का न यूयम् न च रावणः || ५-४३-२५
यस्मात् इक्ष्वाकु नाथेन बद्धम् वैरम् महात्मना |
“You hold enmity with the high souled Rama. For this, the City of Lanka will not be there. Neither you, nor even Ravana will survive.”
25. yasmaat = for what reason; vairam = an enmity; baddhaam = was held; mahaatmanaa ikSvaakunaathena = with the high souled Rama; (for that reason); iyam = this; laN^kaapurii = City of Lanka; naasti = will not be there; yuuyam = you; na = will not exist; raavaNaH chat = even Ravana too; na = will not exist.