The dust raised by Rama’s chariot having disappeared for a while, Dasaratha feels dejected and fell insensible on ground. When Kaikeyi comes forward to support him he scolds and asks her not to touch him. Kausalya then lifts him up and persuades him to return to their house. His personal attendants take him to Kausalya’s apartments and seeing him plunged in grief, Kausalya seats herself beside him and began to lament in various ways.
Verse 1
यावत् तु निर्यतः तस्य रजो रूपम् अदृश्यत |
न एव इक्ष्वाकु वरः तावत् सम्जहार आत्म चक्षुषी || २-४२-१
As long as the dust raised by the wheels of Rama’s chariot could be seen, so long did the king not withdraw his gaze from it.
1. yaavat = so long as; rajoruupam = the appearance of dust; adR^ishyata = was seen; tasya = (while) Rama; niryataH = was going; taavat = so long; ikshhvaakuvaraH = Dasaratha the best of Ikshvakus; naiva samjahaara = did not withdraw; aatmachakshhushhii = his eyes.
Verse 2
यावद् राजा प्रियम् पुत्रम् पश्यति अत्यन्त धार्मिकम् |
तावद् व्यवर्धत इव अस्य धरण्याम् पुत्र दर्शने || २-४२-२
As long as the king was seeing his beloved son who was exceedingly virtuous, so long did the dust in the earth appear to be rising for the purpose of seeing his son.
2. yaavat = As long as; raajaa = the king; pashyati = was seeing; priyam = his beloved; putram = son; atyanta dhaarmikam = who was exceedingly virtuous; taavat = so long; dharaNyaam = the dust in earth; vyavardhateva = appeared to be raising; asya putra darshane = for the purpose of seeing his son.
Verse 3
न पश्यति रजो अपि अस्य यदा रामस्य भूमिपः |
तदा आर्तः च विषण्णः च पपात धरणी तले || २-४२-३
When the dust raised by Rama’s chariot was no longer visible, the unfortunate king afflicted by dejection, fell insensible on ground.
3. yadaa = When; rajo api = the dust assuredly; asya raamasya = of the Rama;na pashyati = was no longer seen; tadaa = then; bhuumipaH = the king; aartaHcha = afflicted by; vishhaNNaHcha = dejection; papaata = fell; dharaNiitale = on ground.
Verse 4
तस्य दक्षिणम् अन्वगात् कौसल्या बाहुम् अन्गना |
वामम् च अस्य अन्वगात् पार्श्वम् कैकेयी भरत प्रिया || २-४२-४
When Dasaratha fell down, Kausalya his wife took her place on his right side to lift him up and Kaikeyi of charming limbs took her place on his left side.
4. kausalya = Kausalya; aNganaa = his wife; anvaagaat = took place; tasya dakshhiNam baahum = on his right side .kaikeyiicha = Kaikeyi ;sumadhyamaa = of charming limbs; anvagaat = took her place; vaamam = on the left; paarshvam = side.
Verse 5
ताम् नयेन च सम्पन्नो धर्मेण निवयेन च |
उवाच राजा कैकेयीम् समीक्ष्य व्यथित इन्द्रियः || २-४२-५
The king endowed with wisdom virtue and discretion seeing Kaikeyi beside him, said to her in great agitation as follows:
5. raajaa = The king; sampannaH = endowed with; nayena = wisdom; dharmeNa = virtue; vinayenacha = and discretion; samiikshhya = seeing; taam kaikeyiim = that Kaikeyi; uvaacha = said to her; vyathitendriyaH = in his agitated senses.
Verse 6
कैकेयि मा मम अन्गानि स्प्राक्षीस् त्वम् दुष्ट चारिणी |
न हि त्वाम् द्रष्टुम् इच्चामि न भार्या न च बान्धवी || २-४२-६
“Oh, wicked Kaikeyi! Do not touch my limbs. I do not wish to see you .You are no longer my wife nor a relative.”
6. kaikeyi = Oh;Kaikeyi! tvam = you dushTachaariNii = of wicked conduct; maa spraakshhii = do not touch; mama = my; aNgaani = limbs; nahi ichchhaami = I do not want; drashhTum = to see; tvaam = you; na bhaaryaa = are not my wife; na = nor; baandhavii = a relative
Verse 7
ये च त्वाम् उपजीवन्ति न अहम् तेषाम् न ते मम |
केवल अर्थ पराम् हि त्वाम् त्यक्त धर्माम् त्यजाम्य् अहम् || २-४२-७
“I am not of those who are dependent on you nor are they anything to me. I discord you, by whom righteousness has been discorded and who are solely interested in avariciousness.”
7. aham = I; na = am not; ye cha = of those; anujivanti = who are; dependent ;tvaam = on you; na = nor; te = are they; mama = on me. aham = I; tyajaami = discord; tvaam = you; tvaktadharmaam = who left righteousness; kevalaarthaparaam = and interested in avariciousness alone.
Verse 8
अगृह्णाम् यच् च ते पाणिम् अग्निम् पर्यणयम् च यत् |
अनुजानामि तत् सर्वम् अस्मिम्ल् लोके परत्र च || २-४२-८
All that contract which I entered into by taking your hand and circumambulating the sacred fire, I now renounce in this world and the next. ”
8. tatsarvam = All that; aagR^hNaamitiyat = by taking; te = your; paaNim = hand; paryaNayamchayat = circumabubulating; agnim = the sacred fire; anujaanaami = I renounce; asmin loke = in this world; paratracha = and the next.
Verse 9
भरतः चेत् प्रतीतः स्यात् राज्यम् प्राप्य इदम् अव्ययम् |
यन् मे स दद्यात् पित्र् अर्थम् मा मा तत् दत्तम् आगमत् || २-४२-९
“If Bharata feels cheerful for having got this kingdom which is imperishable, let the obsequial rites performed to me after my death do not reach me”
9. syaatchet = In case; bharataH = Bharata; pratititaH = is cheerful man; praapya = after obtaining; idam raajyam = this kingdom ; avyayam = which is imperishable; yat = what ever; dadyaat = is given ; me = to me; pitrartham = in the form of obsequial rites; maagamat = let it reach; maam = me.
Verse 10
अथ रेणु समुध्वस्तम् तम् उत्थाप्य नर अधिपम् |
न्यवर्तत तदा देवी कौसल्या शोक कर्शिता || २-४२-१०
Meanwhile Kausalya the queen overwhelmed with grief, lifted up the king who was covered with dust and returned to her house.
10. atha = Therafter;kausalya = Kausalya; devii = the queen; shokakarshitaa = overwhelmed with grief; samutthaapya = lifted up; tam naraadhipam = that king; reNusamuddhvastam = who was covered with dust; tadaa = then; nyavartata = returned (home).
Verse 11
हत्वा इव ब्राह्मणम् कामात् स्पृष्ट्वा अग्निम् इव पाणिना |
अन्वतप्यत धर्म आत्मा पुत्रम् संचिन्त्य तापसम् || २-४२-११
The virtuous monarch, thinking deeply of his son Rama, was so desolated as one who has slain a brahmin intentionally or as touching the fire by hand.
11. dharmaatma = The virtuous Dasaratha ; samchinthya :thinking deeply of; putram = his son ;raaghavam = Rama; anvatapyata = was desolated; hatveva = as one who has slain; brahmaNam = a Brahmin; kaamaat = intentionally; spR^ishhTvaa = or as touching; agnim = fire ; paaNinaa = by hand.
Verse 12
निवृत्य एव निवृत्य एव सीदतः रथ वर्त्मसु |
राज्ञो न अतिबभौ रूपम् ग्रस्तस्य अंशुमतः यथा || २-४२-१२
Turning again and again towards the track of the chariot, the countenance of the king in grief lost its radiance like sun losing its radiance when swallowed by Rahu.
12. nivR^ityaiva nivR^ityaiva = Turning again and again ;rathavartmasu = towards the track of the chariot; ruupam = the countenance ;raaG^yaH = of the king ;siidataH = in grief ;naati babhou = lost its radiance ; amshumataHyathaa = like sun ;grastasya = when swallowed by Rahu .*
Verse 13
विललाप च दुह्ख आर्तः प्रियम् पुत्रम् अनुस्मरन् |
नगर अन्तम् अनुप्राप्तम् बुद्ध्वा पुत्रम् अथ अब्रवीत् || २-४२-१३
Afflicted by grief, thinking of his beloved son he lamented. Knowing that his son reached the end of the city, he said as follows:
13. duhkhaartaaH = Afflicted by grief; anusmaran = thinking of ; priyam = his beloved; putram = son ;vilalaapacha = he lamented;.atha = Thereafter; buddhvaa = knowing ; putram = his son;anupraaptam = reaching ; nagaraantam = the end of the city ; abraviit = he said :
Verse 14
वाहनानाम् च मुख्यानाम् वहताम् तम् मम आत्मजम् |
पदानि पथि दृश्यन्ते स महात्मा न दृश्यते || २-४२-१४
“The marks of hooves of excellent horses which carried away my child are seen on the way. But he the great souled one is not being seen”
14. padaani = The marks of hooves; mukhyaanaam = oh excellent ; vaahanaam = horses;vahataam = which carried;mama = my;aatmajam = child ;tam = that Rama ;dR^shyante = were seen; pathi = on the way; saH = He ; mahaatmaa = the great souled; na dR^ishyate = is not seen .
Verse 15 & 16
स नूनम् क्वचित् एव अद्य वृक्ष मूलम् उपाश्रितः |
काष्ठम् वा यदि वा अश्मानम् उपधाय शयिष्यते || २-४२-१५
उत्थास्यति च मेदिन्याः कृपणः पांशु गुण्ठितः |
विनिह्श्वसन् प्रस्रवणात् करेणूनाम् इव ऋषभः || २-४२-१६
“He who slept on comfort on coverings sprinkled with the essence of sandalwood and refreshed by fans waved over by him by the most deserving women, Rama the best of all my sons , will from now on , has to take refuge at the foot of a tree somewhere, lying down on its trunk or rest on a stone.”
15;16. yaH = He who; shete = slept; sukheshhu = in comfort ;upadhaaneshhu = on coverings ;chandana ruushhitaH = sprinkled with the essence of sandalwood; viijyamaana = refreshed by fans over him ; mahaarhaabhiH = by the most deserving ;striibhiH = women; saH = that Rama ;mama sutottamaH = the best of all my sons ;nuunam = will from now on ;upaashritaH = has to take refuge ;vR^ikshhamuulam = at the foot of a tree ;kvachideva = somewhere ;shayishhyate = lying down; kaashhTam vaa = on the trunk ; yadivaa = or ; upadhaaya = rest on; aashmaanam = a stone.”
Verse 17
उत्थास्यति च मेदिन्याः कृपणः पांसुगुण्ठितः |
विनिःस्वसन् प्रस्रवणात्क रेणूनामि वर्ष्भः || २-४२-१७
“The unfortunate one will wake up from the hard earth stained with dust, sighing like a bull-elephant rising from the side of a hill”
17. kR^ipeNaH = The unfortunate one; utthaasyaticha = will wake up; medinyaaH = from the hard earth; paamshugunDitaH = stained with dust ;vivasvasan = sighing;R^ishhabhaH = like a bull elephant ;the lord of ; kareNuunaam = female elephants; prasravaNaat iva = (rising from)the side of a hill.”
Verse 18
द्रक्ष्यन्ति नूनम् पुरुषा दीघ बाहुम् वने चराः |
रामम् उत्थाय गच्चन्तम् लोक नाथम् अनाथवत् || २-४२-१८
From today the inhabitants of the forest will behold that long armed lord of the world, Rama, rising from the ground and wandering around like an orphan”
18. nuunam = from today; purushhaaH = the men ; vanecharaaH = who are the inhabitants of the forest; drakshhyanti = will behold ; diirghabaahum = that long armed ; lokanaatham = lord of the world; raamam = Rama ; utthaaya = rising from the ground ;gachchhantam = and wandering around ; anaathavat = like an orphan.”
Verse 19
सा नुनं जनकस्येष्टा सुता सुखसदेचिता |
कण्टकाक्रमण क्लान्तावनमद्य गमिष्यति || २-४२-१९
“The daughter of Janaka, who was always accustomed to comforts, will wander exhausted in the forest through the thorny undergrowth ”
19. saa = That Sita; sukhasadochitaa = who was always accustomed to comforts; ishhTaa = the beloved; sutaa = daughter; janakasya = of king Janaka ; adya = now ; gamishhyanti = will wander; vanam = in the forest; kaNTakaakramaNaklaantaa = exhausted through the thorny undergrowth.”
Verse 20
अनभिज्ञा वनानाम् सा नूनम् भयमुपैष्यति |
श्वापदान्र्धितम् श्रुत्वा गमिभीरम् रोमहर्ष्णम् || २-४२-२०
“Sita who was not earlier accustomed to woodlands, from now on will live in terror, hearing the roaring sound of wild beasts ,which was thundering .”
20. saa = Sita ;anabhiG^yaa = who was not accustomed ;vanaanaam = to woodlands ;nuunam = from now on; upaishhyati = will obtain ;bhayam = fear; shrutvaa = hearing ;shvaapadaa narditam = the roaring sound of wild beasts; gambhiiram = which was thundering; romaharshhaNam = causing hair to stand on end.
Verse 21
सकामा भवकैकेयि विधवा राज्य मावस |
न हि तम् पुरुष व्याघ्रम् विना जीवितुम् उत्सहे || २-४२-२१
“Oh, Kaikeyi! Let your desire be fulfilled! Dwell in the kingdom as a widow. I do not indeed wish to survive without Rama the tiger among men.”
21. Kaikeyi = Oh; Kaikeyi! Bhava = be; sakaamaa = your desire fulfilled! aavasa = Dwell ; raajyam = in the kingdom ;vidhavaa = as a widow; na utsahe hi = I do not indeed wish; jiivitum = to live; tamvinaa = without Rama ; purushhavyaaghram = the tiger among men.”
Verse 22
इति एवम् विलपन् राजा जन ओघेन अभिसम्वृतः |
अपस्नातैव अरिष्टम् प्रविवेश पुर उत्तमम् || २-४२-२२
Thus lamenting, the king surrounded by his people, entered Ayodhya the best of cities like entering a disastrous house by one who has taken the funeral bath.
22. ityevam = Thus; vilapam = lamenting; raajaa = the king; abhisamvR^itaH = surrounded; janoughena = by his people ; pravivesha = entered ; purothamam = Ayodhya the best of cities; arishhTam iva = like enering a disastrous house; apasnaataH = by the one who has taken the funeral bath.
Verse 23
शून्य चत्वर वेश्म अन्ताम् सम्वृत आपण देवताम् |
क्लान्त दुर्बल दुह्ख आर्ताम् न अत्याकीर्ण महा पथाम् |
ताम् अवेक्ष्य पुरीम् सर्वाम् रामम् एव अनुचिन्तयन् |
विलपन् प्राविशद् राजा गृहम् सूर्यैव अम्बुदम् || २-४२-२३
Seeing the entire city with its road-junctions and mansions deserted, its shops and temples closed, with its people exhausted with fatigue and plunged in affliction; its highways not very crowded ,the king entered his palace wailing and thinking of Rama alone as the sun enters a cloud.
23. aavekshhya = seeing; taam = that; sarvaam = entire; puriim = city ;shuunya chatvara veshmaantaam = with its road junctions and mansions deserted ; samvR^itaapaNa devataam = with its shops and temples closed ; klaanta durbala duHkhaartaam = with people exhausted with fatigue and plunged in affliction ; naatyaakiirNe mahaapathaam = its highways not very crowded ; raajaa = the king ;praavishat = entered ;vilaapan = wailing ;anuchintayan = thinking; raamameva = of Rama alone;ambudam iva = as the cloud ;suuryaH = by a sun.
Verse 24
महा ह्रदम् इव अक्षोभ्यम् सुपर्णेन हृत उरगम् |
रामेण रहितम् वेश्म वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च || २-४२-२४
Bereft of Rama Sita and Lakshmana, the palace looked like a big pool rendered unperturbed due to emptying of snakes in it by Garuda*
24. rahitam = Bereft; raameNa = of Rama;vaidehyaa = Sita ;lakshhmaNenacha = and Lakshmana ;veshma = the palace ;mahaahradam iva = (looked) like a big pool ; akshhobhyam = rendered unperturbed; hR^itoragam = emptied of snakes ;suvarNena = by Garuda.
Verse 25
अथ गद्गदशब्दस्तु विलपन्मनुजाधिपः |
उवाच मृदुमन्धार्थम् वचनम् दीन मस्वरम् || २-४२-२५
The lamenting monarch spoke in trembling accents and in soft, pitiful, indistinct and not clearly intelligible words (as follows):
25. atha = Thereafter; vilapan = the lamenting ;vasudhaadhipaH = monarch ; uvaacha = spoke ; gadgada shabdaH = in trembling accents; mR^idu = in soft; diinam = pitiful ; asvaram = indistinct ; mandaartham = and not clearly intelligible ;vachanam = words .
Verse 26
कौसल्याया गृहम् शीघ्रम् राम मातुर् नयन्तु माम् |
इति ब्रुवन्तम् राजानम् अनयन् द्वार दर्शितः || २-४२-२६
“Take me quickly to the apartment of Kausalya the mother of Rama. Nowhere else my heart will find solace ”
26. nayantu = Take; maam = me; shiighram = quickly; gR^iham = to the apartment ; kausalyaayaaH = of Kausalya ;raama maatuH = the mother of Rama; na anyatra = Nowhere else ; mama hR^idayasya = my heart ;bhavishhyati hi = will indeed find; ashvaasaH = solace .”
Verse 27
इति ब्रुवन्तम् राजान मनयन् द्वार्दर्शिनः |
कौसल्याया गृहम् तत्र न्यवेश्यत विनीतवत् || २-४२-२७
The attendants took the king who was speaking as aforesaid, to Kausalya’s house and there he was gently laid (on a coach).
27. dvaaradarshinaH = the attendants; anayan = took; raajaanam = the king ;bruvantam = who was speaking; iti = thus ;kausalyaaH = to Kausalya’s; gR^iham = house . tatra = there; viniitavat = (he was ) gently; nyaveshyata = laid .
Verse 28
ततः तत्र प्रविष्टस्य कौसल्याया निवेशनम् |
अधिरुह्य अपि शयनम् बभूव लुलितम् मनः || २-४२-२८
Having entered Kausalya’s apartment and even though laid on a coach, his heart became agitated.
28. tataH = Then; pravishhTasya = having entered; kausalyaaH = Kausalya’s; niveshanam = apartment; tasya = his; manaH = heart; babhuuva = became; lulitam = agitated; adhiruhyaapi = even though laid on ;shayanam = a coach .
Verse 29
पुत्रद्वयविहीनम् च स्नुषयापि विवर्जितम् |
अपश्यद्भवनम् राजा नष्टचन्ध्रमिवाम्बरम् || २-४२-२९
Bereft of his two sons and his daughter -in-law also having deserted, the king saw that house devoid of charm as a sky without a moon.
29. putradvaya vihiinam = bereft of two sons; snushhayaapi = and the daughter in law also; vivarjitam = having left; raajaa = the king; apashyat = saw; bhavanam = the house; ambaram iva = as a sky; nashhTochandram = without a moon .
Verse 30
तच् च दृष्ट्वा महा राजो भुजम् उद्यम्य वीर्यवान् |
उच्चैः स्वरेण चुक्रोश हा राघव जहासि माम् || २-४२-३०
Looking at that palace and lifting up his arm, the powerful monarch cried in a loud voice, ” Oh, Rama! You have left us both, your mother and I.”
30. dR^ishhTvaa = Looking at; tat = that house; udyamya = and lifting up; bhujam = his arm; viiryavaan = the powerful; mahaaraajaH = monarch; chukrosha = cried ; uchchaiHsvareNa = in loud voice; haa raaghava = Oh ;Rama! jahaasi = you have left ; maam = us(both your mother and I).
Verse 31
सुखिता बत तम् कालम् जीविष्यन्ति नर उत्तमाः |
परिष्वजन्तः ये रामम् द्रक्ष्यन्ति पुनर् आगतम् || २-४२-३१
“Alas! Those jewels among men who will survive the term of fourteen years, seeing Rama come back and embrace him, will be happy indeed.”
31. bata = Alas! Ye = Those; narottamaH = jewels among men; jiivishhyanti = who will survive; tam kaalam = the term; drakshhyanti = and see; raamam = Rama;punaH aagatam = come back ;parishhvajantaH = and embracing him ;sukhitaaH = will be happy .
Verse 32
अथ रात्र्याम् प्रपन्नायाम् कालरात्र्यामिआत्मनः |
अर्धरात्रे दशरथह् कौसल्यामिदमब्रवीत् || २-४२-३२
Thereupon, the night having fallen, the night resembling the hour of death to him, Dasaratha spoke these words to Kausalya when the midnight struck :
32. atha = thereupon ;raatrayaam = the night ;prasannaam = having fallen; kaala raatryaamiva = (the night) resembling the hour of death ;aatmanaH = to him; dasarathaH = Dasaratha; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words ;kausalyaam = to Kausalya; artharaatre = at that midnight
Verse 33
रामम् मेऽनुगता दृष्टिरद्यापि न निवर्तते |
न त्वाम् पश्यामि कौसल्ये साधु माम् पाणिना स्पृश || २-४२-३३
“Oh, Kausalya! My sight has extinguished along with Rama and not returned. Even now, I am not able to see you properly. Touch me with your hand.”
33. kausalye = “Oh;Kausalya! me dR^ishhTiH = My sight ;anugataa = extinguished along with ; raamam = Rama;na nivartate = and not turned out. adyaapi = Even now; na pashyaami = I cannot see; tvaa = you;saadhu = properly ;spR^isha = touch ;maam = me ;paaNinaa = with your hand.”
Verse 34
तम् रामम् एव अनुविचिन्तयन्तम् |
समीक्ष्य देवी शयने नर इन्द्रम् |
उप उपविश्य अधिकम् आर्त रूपाउप |
विनिह्श्वसन्ती विललाप कृच्च्रम् || २-४२-३४
Perceiving that monarch on the coach absorbed in the thought of Rama alone, Kausalya appeared very sad and sitting beside him, began to sigh and lament with a distressed look.
34. samiikshhya = perceiving; tam narendram = that monarch; shayane = on the coach ;anuvichintayantam = absorbed in the thought ;raamam eva = of Rama alone; devii = Kausalya; adhikam aartaruupaa = appeared very sad ;upaavishya = and sitting down beside him ;viniHshvasantii = began to sigh; vilalaapa = and lament; kR^ichchham = with distressed look.