15 – Sumantra arrives at Sri Rama’s chambers


In this chapter, Sumantra enters the royal court and observes all the arrangements made for the coronation of Sri Rama. Ordered by Dasaratha to fetch Sri Rama, he enters the mighty building of Sri Rama.

Verse 1

ते तु ताम् रजनीम् उष्य ब्राह्मणा वेद पारगाः |
उपतस्थुर् उपस्थानम् सह राज पुरोहिताः || २-१५-१

Those brahmans skilled in Vedas stayed there all the night and arrived at a nearby place along with the royal priest, Vashishta.

1. te = these; brahmaNaaH = brahmanas; vedapaaragaaH = skilled in vedas; ushhya = stayed; taam rajiniim = for whole night; upatasthuH = and arrived; upasthaanam = at nearby place; saha raaja purohitaaH = along with royal priest; Vasista.

Verse 2

अमात्या बल मुख्याः च मुख्या ये निगमस्य च |
राघवस्य अभिषेक अर्थे प्रीयमाणाः तु सम्गताः || २-१५-२

Ministers, army chiefs, prominent leaders of the city assembled there, welcoming the cause of Rama’s coronation.

2. amaatyaaH = ministers; balamukhyaasheha = army chiefs; ye = which; mukyaaH = prominent leaders; nigamasya = of the city (those people); samgataaH = assembled; priyamaaNaaH = welcoming; abhishhekaarthe = cause of Rama’s coronation.

Verse 3

उदिते विमले सूर्ये पुष्ये च अभ्यागते अहनि |
अभिषेकाय रामस्य द्विज इन्द्रैः उपकल्पितम् || २-१५-३
कान्चना जल कुम्भाः च भद्र पीठम् स्वलम्क्ऱ्तम् |

The best of brahmanas were prepared to do Rama’s coronation in day-time after the sun rises clearly at the arrival of Pushya star and on arrival of Rama’s auspicious birth time of Cancer.

3. raamasya = Rama’s; abhishhekaaya = coronation; upakalpitam = arranged by; dvijendraiH = the best of brahmanas; udite = after rising; suurye = of sun; vimale = clearly; abhyaagate = on arrival of ; pushhyecha = pushyami star; praapte = and after arrival of; raamasya = Rama’s; janma = birth; sthite = position; karkatakalagne = of auspicious time of cancer.

Verse 4

काञ्चना जलकुमाभश्च भद्रपीठं स्वलङ्कृतम् || २-१५-४
रथश्च सम्यगा स्तीर्णोभास्वता व्याग्रचर्मणा |

Golden water-pots, well-decorated throne and chariot covered well by shining tiger-skin were impressive.

4. kaaJNchanaa = golden; jala kumbhaasheha = water pots; svalaNkR^itam = well decorated; bhadrapiitham = throne; rathashcha = and the chariot; aastiirNaH = covered by; bhaaasvataa = shining; vyaaghracharmaNaa = tiger-skin.

Verse 5 & 6

गङ्गायमुनयोः पुण्यात्सङ्गमादाहृतं जलम् || २-१५-५
याश्चान्याः सरितः पुण्या ह्रदाः कूपाः सरांसि च |
प्राग्वाहाश्चोर्ध्ववाहाश्च तिर्यग्वाहा स्समाहिताः || २-१५-६
ताभ्यश्चैवाहृतं तो यं समुद्रेभ्यश्च सर्वशः |

Water was brought from auspicious conjunction of rivers ganga and Yamuna, from other rivers, lakes, wells, ponds, from streams flowing eastwards, from streams which joined together and from oceans in all sides.

5;6. jalam = water; aahR^itam = brought from; puNyaat = auspicious; gangaayammayoH saN^gaat = conjuction of ganga and yamuna rivers; yaaH = which; anyaaH = other; saritaH = rivers(from them); hradaaH = lakes; kuupaaH = wells; saraamsicha = ponds; pragvaahaaH = those flowing upwards; tiryagvaahaaH = those flowing crossward; samaahitaaH = from those which joined together; taabhyaH cha = from them; samudrebhyaH cha = and from oceans; sarvashaH = from all sides; toyam = water; ahR^itam = was brought.

Verse 7

सलाजाः क्षीरिभिश्छन्ना घटाः काञ्चनराजताः || २-१५-७
पद्मोत्पलयुता भान्ति पूर्णाः परमवारिणा |

Gold and silver pots filled with best water together with popped grain and covered by milky sapped leaves, lotuses and water-lilies were shining there.

7. kaaN^chana raajataaH = gold and silver; ghataaH = pots; puurNaaH = filled with; paramavaariNaa = excellent water; salaajaaH = together with popped grain; chhannaaH = covered by; kshiiribhiH = milky sapped leaves; padmotpalayutaaH = along; with lotuses and water lilies; bhaanti = were shining.

Verse 8

क्षौद्रं दधि घृतं लाजा दर्भाः सुमनसः पयः || २-१५-८
वेश्याश्चैव शुभाचाराः सर्वाभरणभूषिताः |

Honey, curd, clarified butter popped grain, sacred grass, flowers and milk were kept ready. Harlots adorned with all types of ornaments were also glimmering there.

8. kshaudram = honey; dadhi = curd; ghR^itam = clarified butter; laajaaH = popped grain; darbhaaH = sacred grass; sumanasaH = flowers; payaH = milk(were glimmering); veshyaaHcha eva = as also harlots; shubhaachaaraaH = with good customs;sarvaabhara Na bhuushhitaaH = and adorned with all types of ornaments.

Verse 9

चन्द्रांशुविकचप्रख्यं काञ्चनं रत्नभुषितम् ||२-१५-९
सज्जं तिष्ठति रामस्य वालव्यजनमुत्तमम् |

An excellent fly-flopper which was like spread-out rays of moon, made of gold, adorned with diamonds was kept ready for Rama.

9. raamasya = Rama’s; uttamam = excellent; vaalavyajanam = fly-flapper; chandraanshu vikachaprakhyam = like spread-out rays of moon; kaanchanam – made with gold; ratna bhuushhitam = adorned with diamonds; tishhTati = was kept; sajjam = ready.

Verse 10

चन्द्रमण्डलसम्काशमातपत्रं च पाण्डुरम् || २-१५-१०
सज्जं द्युतिकरं श्रीमदभिषेकपुरस्कृतम् |

A white umbrella like circular moon, which was kept in advance for the occasion of coronation was also kept ready.

10. paaN^Duram = white; aatapatramcha = umbrella also; chandramN^dalasankaasham = equal to circular moon dyutikaram = which was shining; shriimat = which was beautifl; abhishhekapuraskR^itam = which was kept in advance for the occasion of coronation; sajjam = was ready.

Verse 11

पाण्डुरश्च वृषः सज्जः पाण्डुरोऽस्वश्च सुस्थितः || २-१५-११
प्रसृतश्च गजः श्रीमानौपवाह्यः प्रतीक्षते |

A white bull, a white horse a mighty and beautiful elephant which was fit to be mounted by kings were readily waiting.

11. paaN^DuraH = white; vR^ishhaH cha = bull also; sajjaH = was ready; paaN^DuraH = white; ashvaH cha = horse also; susthitaH = was in well established position; gajaH cha = elephant also; prasR^itaH = which was mighty; shriimaan = which was beautiful; oupaaahyaH = which was fit to be mounted by kings; pratiikshhate = was waiting.

Verse 12

अष्टौ च कन्या माङ्गल्याः सर्वाभरणभूषिताः || २-१५-१२
वादित्राणि च सर्वाणि वन्दिनश्च तथापरे |

Eight auspicious virgins adorned all types of ornaments, various types of musical instruments, panegyrists and others were also waiting.

12. ashhTau = eight; maaN^galyaaH = auspicious; kanyaaH = virgins; sarvaabharaNa bhuushhitaaH = adorned with all types of ornaments; sarvaaNi = all types of; vaaditraaNi = musical instruments; vandinaH cha = panegyrishts; tathaa = and; pare = others; (were waiting)

Verse 13 & 14

इक्ष्वाकूणां यथा राज्ये संभ्रियेताभिषेचनम् || २-१५-१३
तथाजातीयमादाय राजपुत्राभिषेचन्म् |
ते राजवचनात्तत्र समवेता महीपतिम् || २-१५-१४
अपश्यन्तोऽब्रुवन् को बु राज्ञोनः प्रतिपादयेत् |

The people who gathered there after getting the things required as per orders of king for coronation ceremony to be held in a kingdom of Ikshhvaaku dynasty, could not sight the king and discussed among themselves about how to inform the king regarding their arrival.

13;14. te = they; samavetaaH = who gathered; tatra = there; aadaaya = getting; raajaputraabhishhechanam = the things required for coronation cermony; raaja vachanaat = as per insturctions of king;tathaajaatiiyam = of such a kind; abhishhechanam = of things required for coronation; yathaa = as;sambhriyeta = collected; raajye = in kingdom; ikshhvakuuNaam = of Ikshhvaaku dynasty; apashyamtaH = could not see; mahiipatim = the kings; abruvam = spoke; kaH nu = who; pratipaadayet = will inform; raajJNo = the king; naH = about us.

Verse 15

न पश्यामश्च राजानमुदितश्च दिवाकरः || २-१५-१५
यौवराज्याभिषेकश्च सज्जो रामस्य धीमतः |

” The king is not being seen. The sun has risen. Everything is ready for the coronation of Rama, the wise”.

15. nacha pashyaamaH = (we are ) not seeing; raajaanam = the king; divaakaraH cha = the sun also; uditahH = has risen; dhiimataH = the wise; raamasya = Rama’s yauvaraajyaabhishhekaH cha = crowing ceremony also; sajjaH – is ready.

Verse 16

इति तेषु ब्रुवाणेषु सार्वभौमान् महीपतीन् || २-१५-१६
अब्रवीत्तानिदं सर्वान्सुमन्त्रो राजसत्कृतः |

Sumantra, who received good respect from Dasaratha, heard them thus speaking and addressed those kings, who came from different countries.

16. teshhu bruvaaNeshu = while they were speaking; iti = thus; sumantraH = sumantra; raaja satkR^itaH = who is well respected by king; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; taan mahiipatiin = to those kings; sarvaan saarvaabhaumaan = who belong to all countries entirely.

Verse 17

रामं राज्ञो नियोगेन त्वरया प्रस्थितोऽस्म्यहम् || २-१५-१७
पूज्या राज्ञो भवन्तस्तु रामस्य च विशेषतः |

“I am going to Rama quickly as per king’s directions. But, you are all worthy of worship by Dasaratha and by Rama in particular.”

17. aham = I; prasthitaH asmi = am going on journey; tvarayaa = quickly; raamam = to Rama; niyogena = as per orders of; raajJNaH = king; bhavantaH tu = but you are; puujyaaH = worthy of worship; raajJNaH = to king; raamasya cha visheshhataH = and in particular to Rama.

Verse 18

अयं पृच्छामि वचनात् सुखमायुष्मतामहम् || २-१५-१८
राज्ञः संप्रतिबुद्धस्य चानागमनकारणम् |

“I shall ask as your word about the well-being of king who is now awake and also about the reason of his not coming here.”

18. aayam aham = this I; pR^ichchhaami = shall ask; vachanaat = as word; aayushhmataam = if you who are long- lived; sukham = about well being; raajJNaH = of king; sam pratibuddhasya = who is now awake; anaagamana kaaraaNam cha = and about the reason of not coming.

Verse 19

इत्युक्त्वान्तःपुरद्वारमाजगाम पुराणवित् || २-१५-१९
सदासक्तं च तद्वेश्म सुमन्त्रः प्रविवेश ह |

That Sumantra, knower of sacred works spoke thus, approached entrance of royal palace and entered the inner quarters which is always kept closed.

19. sumantra = Sumantra; puraaNavit = knower of sacred works; iti = thus; uktvaa = spoke; aajagaama = approached; antaHpura dvaaram = entrance of royal palace; praviveshaH = entered; tat = that; vesham = house; saktam = which is kept close; sadaa = always.

Verse 20

तुष्टावास्य तदा वंशं प्रविश्य स विशां पतेः || २-१५-२०
शयनीयं नरेन्ध्रस्य तदसाद्य व्यतिष्ठत |

He entered the inner quarters and praised the king’s dynasty. He approached the royal bedroom and stood there at a distance.

20. tadaa = then; saH = he; pravishya = entered; tushhTaava = praised; asya = this; vishaampateH = kings’s vamsham = dynasty; aasaadya = approached; narendrasya tat shayaniiyam = that king’s bedroom; vyatishhTat = stood at a distance.

Verse 21

सोऽत्यासाद्य तु तद्वेश्म तिरस्करिणि मन्त्रा || २-१५-२१
आशीर्भिर्गुणयुक्ताभिरभितुष्टाव राघवम् |

He entered the bedroom, approached nearer to the curtain there and praised Dasaratha’s qualities with blessings.

21. saH = he; aasaadya = approached; veshma = bed room; tiraskariNimantaraa = as nearere to the curtain; abhitushhTaava = praised; raaghavam = Dasaratha; aashiirbhiH with blessings; guNa yuktaabhiH = countaining qualities.

Verse 22

सोमसूर्यौ च काकुत्स्थ शिववैश्रवणावपि || २-१५-२२
वरुणश्चग्निरिन्द्रश्च विजयम् प्रदिशन्तु ते |

“Oh, king Dasaratha! Let sun and the moon, guardians of the world like Shiva and Kubera, Varuna, Agni and Indra grant victory to you!”

22. kaakutthsa = oh; king Dasaratha! soma suuryau = moon and sund; shivavyashravaNau api = shiva and kubera; varuNaH cha = Varuna; agniH = Agni; indraH cha = Indra; pradishantute = grant; vijayam = victory; te = to you.

Verse 23

गता भगवती रात्रिरः शिवमुपस्थितम् || २-१५-२३
बुद्ध्यस्व नृपशार्दूल कुरु कार्यमनन्तरम् |

“Oh, the best of kings! The venerable night has gone. The auspicious day has come. Wake up and do whatever needs to be done thereafter.”

23. nR^ipashaarduula = oh; the best of kings! bhagavatii = the venerable; raatriH = night; gataa = has gone; shivam = the auspicious; ahaH = day; upasthitam = has come; buddhyasya = wake up; kuru = do; kaaryam = whatever to be done; anantaram = thereafter.

Verse 24

ब्राह्मणा बलमुख्याश्च नैगमाश्चागता नृप || २-१५-२४
दर्शनम् प्रतिकाङ्क्षन्ते प्रतिबुद्ध्यस्व राघव |

“Oh, king Dasaratha ! Brahmanas, chiefs of armed forces and traders are waiting to see you. Please wake up.”

24. raaghava nR^ipa = oh; king born in Raghu dynasty ! braahmaNaaH cha = chiefs of armed forces; nygamaaH cha = and traders; aagataaH = have come; pratikaaN^kshhante = willing; darshanam = to see; paratibuddhyasya = wake up!

Verse 25

स्तुवन्तं तम् तदा सूतं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रकोविदम् || २-१५-२५
प्रतिबुद्ध्य ततो राजा इदं वचनमब्रवीत् |

Then, Dasaratha woke up and spoke these words to Sumantra, who was eulogising him, who was skilled in giving advice and who was his charioteer.

25. tataH thereafter; raajaa = king Dasaratha; pratibuddhya woke up; abraviit = and spoke; idam vachanam = these words; sumantram = to Sumantra; tadaa = then; stuvantam = enlogising; mantrakovidam = skilled in giving advice; suutam = charioteer.

Verse 26

राममानय सूतेति यदस्यभिहितो/अनया || २-१५-२६
किमिदं कारणम् येन ममाज्ञा प्रतिहन्यते |

“Why have you not followed my orders even though you were asked by her to bring Rama.”

26. suuta = oh; the charioteer! kim = what is; idam kaaraNam = this reason; yena by which; mama aajJNaa = my order; pratihamyate = is being rejected; yat abhihitaH api = eventhough you were told; anaya = to bring; raamam = Rama.

Verse 27

न चैव सम्प्रसुप्तोऽहमानयेहाशु राघवम् || २-१५-२७
इति राजा दशरथः सूतं तत्रान्वशात्पुनः |

King Dasaratha ordered that charioteer there again thus – ” I am not sleeping. Bring Rama here soon”.

27. raajaa dasharathaH = king Dasaratha; anvashaat = ordered; suuutam = charioteer; tatra = there; punaH = again; iti = thus; aham nacha eva samprasupataH = “I am not sleeping; aanaya = bring; raamam = Rama; iha = here; aashu = soon.

Verse 28

स राजवचनं श्रुत्वा शिरसा प्रतिपूज्य तम् || २-१५-२८
निर्जगम नृपावासान्मन्यमानः प्रियं महत् |

He listened to king’s words, bowed his head in salutation to him, thought for goodness of king, and came out of the king’s palace.

28. saH – he; shrutvaa – listened to; raajavachanam = king’s words; pratipuujya = paid respect; tam = to him; shirasaa = with head; manyamaanaH = thinking of; mahat = abundant; priyam = goodness; nirjagaama = came out; nR^ipaavaasaat = from king’s house.

Verse 29

प्रसन्नो राजमार्गं च पताकाध्वजशोभितम् || २-१५-२९
हृष्टः प्रमुदितः सूतो जगामाशु विलोकयन् |

That Sumantra with placid mind, went happily seeing the royal roads adorned with flags and banners.

29. suutaH = the charioteer placid; prasannaH = became placeid; jagaama = went; hR^ishhTaH = rejoiced; pramuditaH = with pleasure; vilokayan = seeing; raajamaargamcha = royal roads; pataakaadhvaja shobhitam = adorned with flags and banners.

Verse 30

स सूतस्तत्र शुश्राव रामाधिकरणाः कथाः || २-१५-३०
अभिषेचनसंयुक्तास्सर्वलोकस्य हृष्टवत् |

Sumantra heard the words pertaining to Rama and Rama’s coronation spoken together by joyful people there.

30. suutaH = that charioteer; shushraava = heard; kathaaH = conversatious; raamadhikaraNaaH = about Rama; abhishechana samyuktaaH and Rama’s coronation; sarvalokasya = of all people; hR^ishhTavat = who were joyful.

Verse 31

ततो ददर्श रुचिरं कैलासशिखरप्रभम् || २-१५-३१
रामवेश्म सुमन्त्रस्तु शक्रवेश्मसमप्रभम् |

Then, Sumantra saw Rama’s palace which was lovely shining like top of a mountain and radiant like Indra’s palace.

31. tataH = then; sumantraH tu = Sumantra; dadarshha = saw; raamaveshma = Rama’s palace; ruchiram = which ws lovely; kailaasa sikharaprabham = shining like top of a mountain; shakra veshma samaprabham = radiant like Indra’s palace.

Verse 32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39&40

महाकवाटपिहितं वितर्दिशतशोभितम् || २-१५-३२
काञ्चनप्रतिमैकाग्रं मणिविद्रुमतोरणम् |
शारदाभ्रघनप्रख्यं दीप्तं मेरुगुहोपमम् || २-१५-३३
मणिभिर्वरमाल्यानां सुमहद्भिरलंकृतम् |
मुक्तामणिभिराकीर्णं चन्धनागुरुभूषितम् || २-१५-३४
गन्धान्मनोज्ञान् विसृजद्धार्दुरं शिखरं यथा |
सारसैश्च मयूरैश्च विनदद्भिर्विराजितम् || २-१५-३५
सुकृतेहामृगाकीर्णं सुकीर्णं भक्तिभिस्तथा |
मन्श्चक्षुश्च भूतानामाददत्तिग्मतेजसा || २-१५-३६
चन्द्रभास्करसंकाशम् कुबेरभवनोपमम् |
महेन्द्रधामप्रतिमं नानापक्षिसमाकुलम् || २-१५-३७
मेरुशृङ्गसमम् सूतो रामवेश्म ददर्श ह |
उपस्थितैः समाकीर्णम् जनैरञ्जलिकारिभिः || २-१५-३८
उपादाय समाक्रान्तैस्तथा जानपदैर्जनैः |
रामाभिषेकसुमुखैरुन्मुखैः समलम्कृतम् || २-१५-३९
महामेघसमप्रख्यमुदग्रं सुविभूषितम् |
नानारत्नसमाकीर्णं कुब्जकैरातकावृतम् || २-१५-४०

Rama’s palace was beautiful with large doors and adorned with hundreds of raised quadrangular seats. There were festooned decorations over doorways with gems and corals. It was adorned with various precious stones and the best of garlands. Pearls were scattered all over abundantly. It was decorated with sandal and aloe woods, spreading out beautiful smells like the peak of a Darddura Mountain. Cranes and peacocks were singing sweetly. Figures of wolves and other art forms were sculptured here and there. It was attracting the eyes and minds of living beings by its brilliance. It was shining like a constellation of moon and the sun. It was full of various kinds of birds. It was as high as Meru mountain. Sumantra saw such a palace of Rama. People who came from different rural parts to see Rama’s coronation were waiting with different gifts in their hands. That house decorated with various diamonds, was looking high like a great cloud. Hunch backed servants and servants of kirata tribe were moving all over the house.

32;33;34;35;36;37;38;39;40. suutaH = Sumantra; dadarshaH = saw; raamaveshma = Rama’s house; mahaakavaata pihitam = with large doors; vitardhishata shobhitam = adorned; with hundreds of raised; quadrangular seats; kaaN^chana pratimaikaagram = having a summit embedded with golden idols; maNividruma toranam = with festooned decorations over doorways with gems and corals; sharadaabhraghanaprakhyam = with brilliance like automnal cloud; diiptam – shining; meruguhopamam – like vace of Meru mountain; alankR^itam = adorned withmaNibhiH = precious stones; sumadbhiH = with large; ramaalyaanaam = – best of garlands; aakiirNam = abundantly seathered ; muktaamaNibhiH = pearls; chandanaagurubhuushhitam = decorated with sandal and aloe woods; visR^ijat = spreading out; manojJNaan = beautiful; gandhaan = smalls; saarasaiH = with cranes; mayuuraishcha = and with peacoks; vinadadbhiH = singing; viraajitam = was illuminated; sukR^itehaa mR^igaakiirNam = surrounded by well-arranged wolves; tathaa = and; sukiirNam = well place; bhaktibhiH = sculptures; aadadat = attracting; manaH minds; chakshhushcha = and eyes; bhuutaanaam = of living beings; chandrabhaaskaraa sankaasham = equal to sund and the moon; kubera bhavanopamana = like palace of kubera; mahendra chaama pratimam = equal to house of Indra; nanaapakshhisamaakulam = full of various kinds of birds; marushR^ingasamam = equal to Meru mountain; samaakiirNam = over spread; janaiH = by people upasthitaiH = who arrived; aN^jalikaaribhiH = with joined palms;tatha = and upadaaya = taking gifts and the like; jaanapadaiH = rural folk; raamaabhishheka sumukhaiH = favouring Rama’s coronation; unmkhaiH = eagerly waiting; alankR^itam = decorated; udagram = elevated; mahaameghasamaprakhyam = like great clouds; suvibhuushhitam = adorned with ; naanaaratnasamaakiirNam = various diamonds spread all over; kubja kairaavakaavR^itam = with hunch backed servants and servant of kirata tribe moving around.

Verse 41

स वाजियुक्तेन रथेन सारथि |
र्नराकुलं राजकुलम् विराजयन् |
वरूथिना रामगृहाभिपातिना |
पुरस्य सर्वस्य मनांसि हर्शयन् || २-१५-४१

That Sumantra with chariot fastened with horses and having a top, approached towards Rama’s palace, beautifying the human and the royal races, gladdened the hearts of all citizens.

41. saH = that; saarathi = charioteer; rathena = with chariot; vaajiyuktena = fasterned with horses; varuuthinaa = having a top; raamagR^ihaabhipaatinaa = approaching towards Rama’s palace;viraajayam = beautifying; naraakulam = human race; raajakulam = and royal race; harshhayam = gladdened; manaamsi = the hearts; purasya = of the city.

Verse 42

तस्समासाद्य महाधनं महत् |
प्रहृष्टरोमा स बभूव सारथिः |
मृगैर्मयूरैश्च समाकुलोल्बणं |
गृहं वरार्हस्य शचीपतेरिव || २-१५-४२

That palace of the great souled Rama was like Indra’s palace with great wealth. It was filled with various deer and peacocks. After approaching that palace, he became quite thrilled.

42. tataH = then; saH = that; saarathiH = charioteer;babhuuva = became; prahR^ishhTa romaa = hair-risingly thrilled; samaasaadya = after approaching; varaarhasya = excellent Rama’s gR^iham = palace; mahaadhanam = having great wealth; mahat = large; samaakulolbaNam = beautifully; mR^igaiH = deers; mayuuraishcha = and peacocks; shachiipataH iva = like Indra’s palace.

Verse 43

स तत्र कैलासनिभाः स्वलंकृताः |
प्रविश्य कक्ष्यास्त्रिदशालयोपमाः |
प्रियान् वरान् राममते स्थितान् बहून् |
व्यपोह्य शुद्धांतमुपस्थितो रथी || २-१५-४३

The inner apartments of Rama’s palace were well decorated, high as Kailasa mountain and like abodes of deities. Sumantra entered there, passed over many of Rama’s friends who well wishers and approached Rama’s inner apartment.

43. saH = that; rathii = Sumantra; praveshya = entered; kakshhyaaH = inner apartments; kailaasavibhaaH = equal to Kailasa mountain; svalankR^itaaH = well decorated; tridashaalayopamaaH = like; abodes of deities; tatra = there; vyapohya = passed over; bahuun = many of ; raamamate sthitaan = established Rama’s welll wishers;varam = best; priyaan = friends; upasthitaH = approached; shuddhaantam = royal inner apartment.

Verse 44

स तत्र शुश्राव च हर्षयुक्ता |
रामाभिषेकार्थकृता जनानां |
नरेंद्रसूनोरभिमंगळार्थाः |
सर्वस्य लोकस्य गिरः प्रहृष्टः || २-१५-४४

There, Sumantra heard delightful people talking about Rama’s coronation and the rites to be performed for the sake of Rama’s prosperity.

44. tatra = then; saH = he; shushraava = heard; prahR^ishhTaaH = delightful; giraH = words; lokasya = of people; raamaabhishhekaartha kR^itaan = about things done for Rama’s coronation; harshayuktaaH = filled with joy; janaanaam = of people; abhimangalaarthaaH = for the sake of prosperity; narendra suunoH = of Rama.

Verse 45

महेंद्रसद्मप्रतिमं तु वेश्म |
रामस्य रम्यं मृगपक्षिजुष्टं |
ददर्श मेरोरिव शृंगमुच्चं |
विभ्राजमानं प्रभया सुमम्त्रः || २-१५-४५

Rama’s palace was as high as top of the Meru mountain, shining with radiance. The mansion was filled with birds and antelopes. It was like Indra’s mansion. Sumantra saw such a beautiful house of Rama.

45. sumantraH = Sumantra; dadarsha = saw; ramya = beautiful; raamasya veshma = Rama’s palace; mahendrasadmapratimam = equalling the mansion of Mahendra; mR^igapakShijuShTam = filled wih antelopes (and) birds; shR^ingam eva = like top; uchcha = of high; meroH = Meru mountain; vibhraajamaanam = shining; prabhayaa = with radiance.

Verse 46

उपस्थितै रञ्जलिकारिभिश्च |
सोपायनैर्जानपदैर्जनैश्च |
कोट्या परार्धैश्च विमुक्तयानैः |
समाकुलं द्वारपदम् ददर्श || २-१५-४६

He saw crores and millions of rural folk and other people with folded hands approaching the area leaving their respective vehicles.

46. dadarsha = saw; dvaarapadam = area of entrance; samaakulam = filled with; kotyaa = crores; parardhaishcha = and millions of; jaanapadaiH = of rural folk; janaishcha = and people; upasthitaaH = who approached; anjalikaaribhisheha = with folded hands; sopaayanaiH = with gifts; vimuktayaanaiH = who left their respective vehicles.

Verse 47

ततो महामेघमहीधराभं |
प्रभिन्नमत्यङ्कुशमत्यसह्यम् |
रामोपवाह्याम् रुचिरम् ददर्श |
शत्रुम्जयं नागमुदग्रकायम् || २-१५-४७

There he saw a beautiful elephant called Satrunjaya with highly elevated body and Rama’s royal conveyance. It was like a great cloud and a mountain. It was intoxicated, uncontrollable and intolerable.

47. tataH = there after; dadarsha = saw; ruchiram = beautiful; naagam = elephant; shatrunjayam = called satrunjayam; udagrakaayam = with highly elevated; raamopavaahyam = Rama’s royal vehichle; mahaamegha mahiidharaabham = like great cloud and mountain;prabhinnam = intoxicated; atyaN^kusham = uncontrollabel; asahyam = intolerable.

Verse 48

स्वलंकृतान् सास्वरथान् सकुम्जरा |
नमात्यमुखयांश्च ददर्श वल्लभान् |
व्यपोह्य सूतः सहितान्समंततः |
समृद्धमंतःपुर माविवेश ह || २-१५-४८

The ministers in chief who were beloved to the king, were well-adorned and came there on horse-carriages and elephants. Sumantra passed over the people gathered there on all sides and entered the rich inner apartment.

48. dadarsha = saw; amaatya mukhyaamshaha = the ministers in chief; vallabhaan = who were beloved to the king; svalankR^itaan = who were well-adorned; saashvarathaan = with horse carriages sakunjaraan = the people; gathered; tataH = on all sides; aviveshaH = entered; samR^iddham = rich; antaHpuram = inner apartment.

Verse 49

ततोऽद्रिकूटाचलमेघसन्नि भं |
महाविमानोपमवेश्मसंयुतम् |
अवार्यमाणः प्रविवेश सारथिः |
प्रभूतरत्नं मकरो यथार्णवम् || २-१५-४९

Then, that Sumantra entered Rama’s palace, which was like top of a mountain, like an unmoving cloud, which contained houses equal to excellent divine cars, like crocodile entering the ocean containing a number of precious stones. Nobody obstructed him.

49. tataH = then; saarathiH = the charioter; pravivesha = entered; mahaavimaanopama veshma samyutam = that Rama’s palace containing houses equal to excellent divine cars; adrikuutaachala magha sannibham = similar to top of mountain; and immoveable cloud; makaro yathaa = like crocodile(entering) arNavam = ocean; prabhuutaratnam = containg; a number of precious stones; avaaryamaaNaH = without being obstructed by anyone.

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