116 – Rama notices anxiety among the sages who live in the vicinity


Rama notices anxiety and perturbation among the sages who live in the vicinity. When an elderly sage among them is asked by Rama about the reason for their anguish, the said sage informs that some demons under the leadership of Khara are molesting the sages and hence the sages wished to leave the place. Rama gives his consent for their leaving. Bidding farewell to them with great respect, Rama retires to his own hermitage.

Verse 1

प्रतिप्रयाते भरते वसन् रामः तपो वने |
लक्षयाम् आस स उद्वेगम् अथ औत्सुक्यम् तपस्विनाम् || २-११६-१

Bharata having returned (to Ayodhya), Rama who was dwelling in the woods, observed anxiety accompanied by perturbation among the sages.

1. bharate = Bharata; pratiprayaate = having returned; raamaH = Rama; tapovane = who was dwelling in the woods; atha = then; lakSayaamaasa = observed; sodvegam = the anxiety; tapasvinaam = of the sages; outsukyam = and their perturbation.

Verse 2

ये तत्र चित्र कूटस्य पुरस्तात् तापस आश्रमे |
रामम् आश्रित्य निरताः तान् अलक्षयद् उत्सुकान् || २-११६-२

He saw there those ascetics-who were formerly quite pleased in that hermitage at Chitrakuta depending as they did on Rama- anxious.

2. alakSayat = (He) saw; tatara = there; taam = those ascetics; purastaat = who were formerly; nirataah = quite pleased; taapasaashrame = at Chitrakuta; aashritya = depending as they did; raamam = on Rama; utsukaan = anxious.

Verse 3

नयनैर् भृकुटीभिः च रामम् निर्दिश्य शन्किताः |
अन्योन्यम् उपजल्पन्तः शनैः चक्रुर् मिथः कथाः || २-११६-३

Pointing out to Rama through the movements of their eyes and eye-brows manifesting their anxiety, they whispered among themselves, narrating some legends in secret.

3. nirdishya = pointing out; raamam = to Rama; nayanaiH = (through the movements) of their eyes; bhR^ikuTiibhishcha = and eye-brows; shankitaah = minifesting their anxiety; upajalpantaH = whispering; shanaiH = slowly; anyonyam = among one another; chakruH = and framing; kathaaH = legends; mithaH = in secret.

Verse 4

तेषाम् औत्सुक्यम् आलक्ष्य रामः तु आत्मनि शन्कितः |
कृत अन्जलिर् उवाच इदम् ऋषिम् कुल पतिम् ततः || २-११६-४

Perceiving their distress, Rama was filled with apprehension about himself and with joined palms spoke the following words to a sage, the leader of that community of ascetics:

4. alakSya = perceiving; teSaam = their; outsukyam = distress; raamastu = Rama; tataH = then; shaNkitaH = was filled with apprechension; svaatmani = about himself; kR^itaajJNaliH = and with joined palms; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these words; R^iSim = to a sage; kulapatim = the leader of that community of ascetics (as follows):

Verse 5

न कच्चिद् भगवन् किंचित् पूर्व वृत्तम् इदम् मयि |
दृश्यते विकृतम् येन विक्रियन्ते तपस्विनः || २-११६-५

“O venerable sage! I fear that the conduct of my forefathers is not seen in me or there is some change for the worse in me, due to which the ascetics feel agitated.”

5. bhagavat = O venerable sage!; (I fear) puurva vR^ittam; the conduct of my forefathers; mayi = is in me; kimchit = or any; idam = this; kashchit = some; vikR^itam = change; nadR^ishyate = is not seen; yena = due to which; tapasvinaH = the ascetics; vikriyante = feel agitated.

Verse 6

प्रमादाच् चरितम् कच्चित् किंचिन् न अवरजस्य मे |
लक्ष्मणस्य ऋषिभिर् दृष्टम् न अनुरूपम् इव आत्मनः || २-११६-६

“Has my younger brother, the high-souled Lakshmana, through inadvertence, behaved unworthy of him while the sages were seeing?”

6. ye avarajasya = has my younger brother; lakSmaNasya = Lakshmana; aatmanaH = the high-souled; pramaadaat = through inadvertence; charitam = behaved; naanuruupam = unworthy of him; na dR^iSTam kashchit = I hope it is not seen; R^iSibhiH = by the sages.

Verse 7

कच्चित् शुश्रूषमाणा वः शुश्रूषण परा मयि |
प्रमदा अभ्युचिताम् वृत्तिम् सीता युक्तम् न वर्तते || २-११६-७

“I hope that Seetha, who is serving you and who is keen in serving me, does not, I am afraid, behaved properly, according to the conduct suitable for women.”

7. kachhit = I hope that; siitaa = Seetha; shushruuSamaaNaa = who is serving; vaH = you; shushruuSaNaparaa = and who is keen in serving; mayi = me; na vartate = has not behaved; yuktam = properly; vR^ittim = according to the conduct; pramadaabhyamchitaam = suitable for women.

Verse 8

अथ ऋषिर् जरया वृद्धः तपसा च जराम् गतः |
वेपमान इव उवाच रामम् भूत दया परम् || २-११६-८

Then, that grown-up sage, who was elderly both by age and penance, appeared trembling and spoke to Rama, who was ever compassionate to all beings, as follows:

8. atha = then; R^iSiH = the sage; vR^iddhaH = a grown-up man; gataH = and who got; jaraam = old age; tapasaacha = also by penance; vepamaana iva = appeared trembling; uvaacha = and spoke; raamam = to Rama; bhuutadayaaparam = who was ever compassionate to all beings.

Verse 9

कुतः कल्याण सत्त्वायाः कल्याण अभिरतेः तथा |
चलनम् तात वैदेह्याः तपस्विषु विशेषतः || २-११६-९

“O, dear Rama! What is there for us the ascetics to fear above all from Seetha, who is natural in her disposition and is the follower of virtue?”

9. taata = O; dear Rama; kutaH = what is there; tapasviSu = for us the ascetics; chalanam = to fear; visheSataH = above all; vaidehyaaH = from Seetha; kalyaaNa sattvaayaaH = who is natural in her disposition; tathaa = and ; kalyaaNaabhirateH = follower of virtue.

Verse 10

त्वन् निमित्तम् इदम् तावत् तापसान् प्रति वर्तते |
रक्षोभ्यः तेन सम्विग्नाः कथयन्ति मिथः कथाः || २-११६-१०

“It is on account of demons, who, through enmity to you, have begun to oppress the sages. Alarmed by it, they discuss with each other how they can best defend themselves.”

10. rakSobhyaH = It is on account of demons; (who); tvannimittam = through enmity to you; prativartate taavate = have begun to oppress; taapasaan prati = the sages; tena = and by which samvigraaH = fear has arisen; kathayanti = they discuss; mithaH = with each other; kathaaH = how (they may best defend themselves)

Verse 11 & 12

रावण अवरजः कश्चित् खरो नाम इह राक्षसः |
उत्पाट्य तापसान् सर्वान् जन स्थान निकेतनान् || २-११६-११
धृष्टः च जित काशी च नृशंसः पुरुष अदकः |
अवलिप्तः च पापः च त्वाम् च तात न मृष्यते || २-११६-१२

“O, darling! Here, a demon called Khara, Ravana’s younger brother- who is a boaster, victorious in battle, cruel and eater of human flesh, haughty and sinful-having uprooted all the ascetics who dwell in Janasthana, is unable to endure you also.”

11; 12. taataH = O; darling!; iha = here; raakSasaH = a demon; kharonaama = called Khara; raavaNaavarajaH = Ravana’s younger brother; utpaaTya = having uprooted; sarvaan = all; taapasaan = the ascetics; janasthaananiketa = who dwell in Janasthana; dhR^iSTashcha = and who is a boaster; jitakaashiicha = victorious in battle; nR^ishamsaH = cruel; puruSaadakaH = an eater of human flesh; avaliptashcha = haughty; paapashcha = and sinful; na mR^iSyate = is unable to endure; tvaam cha = you also.

Verse 13

त्वम् यदा प्रभृति ह्य् अस्मिन्न् आश्रमे तात वर्तसे |
तदा प्रभृति रक्षांसि विप्रकुर्वन्ति तापसान् || २-११६-१३

“My darling! From which time you came to dwell in this hermitage, from that time inwards, the demons continue to ill-treat the ascetics.”

13. taata = My darling! yadaa = prabhR^iti = from which time; tvam = you; vartase = came to dwell; asmin aashrame = in this hermitage; tadaa prabhR^iti = from that time onwards; rakSaamsi = the demons; viprakurvanti = continue to ill-treat; taapasaan = the ascetics.

Verse 14

दर्शयन्ति हि बीभत्सैः क्रूरैर् भीषणकैर् अपि |
नाना रूपैर् विरूपैः च रूपैर् असुख दर्शनैः || २-११६-१४

“They appear in grotesque and harmful forms, filling them with terror, in diverse forms and possessing ugly and unnatural demeanor.”

14. darshayanti = (They) appear; bhiibhatsaiH = in grotesque; kruuraiH = and harmful; ruupaiH = forms; bhiiSaNakairapi = fillign them with terror; naanaaruupaiH = in diverse forms; viruupaishcha = (having) ugly; vikR^ita darshanaiH = and unnatural demeanor.

Verse 15

अप्रशस्तैर् अशुचिभिः सम्प्रयोज्य च तापसान् |
प्रतिघ्नन्त्य् अपरान् क्षिप्रम् अनार्याः पुरतः स्थितः || २-११६-१५

“Flinging filthy and inauspicious objects on some of the ascetics, the wicked demons stand in front of them and kill some ascetics too.”

15. samprajyojya = flinging; aprashastaiH = filthy; ashuchibhiH = and inauspicious objects; taapasaan = on some of the ascetics; anaaryaaH = these wicked demons; sthitaaH = stand; purataH = in front of them; pratighnanti = and kill; aparaan = some ascetics.

Verse 16

तेषु तेषु आश्रमस्थानेषु अबुद्धम् अवलीय च |
रमन्ते तापसामः तत्र नाशयन्तो अल्प चेतसः || २-११६-१६

“Having themselves in those hermitages unnoticed, those evil-minded demons delight themselves in destroying the ascetics there.”

16. avaliiyacha = hiding themselves; teSu teSu = in those; aashramasthaaneSu = hermitages; abuddham = unnoticed; alpachetanaH = those evil-minded demons; ramante = delight; naashayantaH = in destroying; taapasaan = the ascetics; tatra = there.

Verse 17

अपक्षिपन्ति स्रुग् भाण्डान् अग्नीन् सिन्चन्ति वारिणा |
कलशामः च प्रमृद्नन्ति हवने समुपस्थिते || २-११६-१७

“At the time of pouring oblations into the sacred fire, they scatter the sacrificial vessels, sprinkle the fires with water and break the water-pots.”

17. havane = (While) a sacrifice; samupasthite = is undertaken; avakSipanti = (they) scatter; srugbaaNDaan = sacrificial vessels; siNchanti = sprinkle; agniin = the fires; vaariNaa = with water; pramattnanti = and break; kalashaamshcha = the water-pots.

Verse 18

तैर् दुरात्मभिर् आविष्टान् आश्रमान् प्रजिहासवः |
गमनाय अन्य देशस्य चोदयन्त्य् ऋषयो अद्य माम् || २-११६-१८

“Resolved to leave these retreats that have been invaded by evil spirits, the ascetics today are urging me to go to another area.”

18. prajihaasavaH = resolved to leave; aashramaan = these retreats; aamR^iSTaan = that have been invaded; taiH = by them; duraatmabhiH = the evil spirits; R^iSayaH = the ascetics; adya = today; chodayanti = are urging; maam = me; gamanaaya = to go; anyadeshaya = to another area.

Verse 19

तत् पुरा राम शारीराम् उपहिंसाम् तपस्विषु |
दर्शयति हि दुष्टाः ते त्यक्ष्याम इमम् आश्रमम् || २-११६-१९

“O, Rama! Before those wicked beings indeed show bodily injury to the ascetics, we are abandoning this hermitage.”

19. raama = O; Rama!; puraa = before; te duSTaaH = those wicked being; darshayanti hi = indeed show; shaariiraam = bodily; upahimsaam = injury; tapasvishuu = to the ascetics; tyakSyaamaH = we are abandoning; imam aashramam = this hermitage; tat = for that reason.

Verse 20

बहु मूल फलम् चित्रम् अविदूराद् इतो वनम् |
पुराण आश्रमम् एव अहम् श्रयिष्ये सगणः पुनः || २-११६-२०

“Not far from here, there is a colourful grove yielding many roots and fruits. I will take shelter again in that previous hermitage itself, along with an assembly of sages.”

20. aviduuraat = not far; itaH = from here; chitram vanam = there is a colourful grove; bahumuulaphalam = having many roots and fruits; aham = I; shrayiSye = will take shelter; punaH = again; puraaNaashramameva = in that previous hermitage itself; sagaNaH = along with an assembly of sages.

Verse 21

खरः त्वय्य् अपि च अयुक्तम् पुरा तात प्रवर्तते |
सह अस्माभिर् इतो गग्च्छ यदि बुद्धिः प्रवर्तते || २-११६-२१

“O, darling! Khara, the demon will behave unjustly with you in the same way. If your mind feels so inclined, come along with us from here.”

21. taata = O; darling!; kharaH = Khara; (the demon); puraa pravantate = will behave; tvayyapicha = in your case also; ayuktam = unjustly; buddhiH yadi = If your intellect; pravartate = is agreeable; gachchha = come; asmaabhiH saha = along with us; itaH = form here.

Verse 22

सकलत्रस्य संदेहो नित्यम् यत् तस्य राघव |
समर्थस्य अपि हि सतो वासो दुह्ख इह अद्य ते || २-११६-२२

“O, Rama! To you, who live with your wife, though you are competent and ever watchful, there is a danger. Your stay here is conduced with misery now.”

22. raaghava = O; Rama!; te = to you; sakalatrasya = who are with your wife; samarthasyaapi hi sataH = though competent; nityam = and ever; yattasya = watchful; sandehaH = there is a danger; vaasaH = your stag; iha = here; adya = is now; duHkham = difficult.

Verse 23

इत्य् उक्तवन्तम् रामः तम् राज पुत्रः तपस्विनम् |
न शशाक उत्तरैर् वाक्यैर् अवरोद्धुम् समुत्सुकम् || २-११६-२३

Rama the prince could not with his responsive words desist the said sage when he had spoken as aforesaid, eager as he was to leave the place.

23. raamaH = Rama; raajaputram = the prince; na shashaaka = could not; avabandhum = desist; tam tapasvinam = that sage; samutsukam = and eager; uttaraiH = by responsive; vaakyaiH = words.

Verse 24

अभिनन्द्य समापृग्च्छ्य समाधाय च राघवम् |
स जगाम आश्रमम् त्यक्त्वा कुलैः कुल पतिः सह || २-११६-२४

Having greeted, bidding farewell and justifying his statement to Rama, that leader of the community departed, leaving the hermitage, along with a host of sages.

24. saH kulapati = that leader of the community; abhinandya = having greeted; samaapR^ichchhya = bade farewell; samaadhaaya = and justified his statement; raaghavam = to Rama; jagaama = went; tyaktvaa = leaving; aashramam = the hermitage; kulaissaha = along with a company of sages.

Verse 25

रामः संसाध्य तु ऋषि गणम् अनुगमना |
देशात् तस्माच्चित् कुल पतिम् अभिवाद्य ऋषिम् |
सम्यक् प्रीतैः तैर् अनुमत उपदिष्ट अर्थः |
पुण्यम् वासाय स्व निलयम् उपसम्पेदे || २-११६-२५

Accompanying them for a distance from that place, bidding farewell to that group of sages, offering his salutation to that ascetic, the leader of the community and taking leave of them, who were well-pleased and having received their counsel, Rama returned to his dwelling, which was sacred to reside.

25. anugamanaat = accompanying them for a distance; tasmaat deshaat = from that place; samsaadhya = bidding farewell; R^iSigaNam = to that group of sages; abhivaadya = offering salutation; R^iSim = to that ascetic; kulapatim = the leader of the community; anumataH = and taking leave; taiH = of them; samyak = who were well; priitaiH = pleased; upadiSTaarthaH = and having received their counsel; raamaH = Rama; upasampade = reached; svam nilayam = his own home; puNyam = which was sacred; vaasaaya = to reside.

Verse 26

आश्रमम् तु ऋषि विरहितम् प्रभुः |
क्षणम् अपि न जहौ स राघवः |
राघवम् हि सततम् अनुगताः |
स्तापसाः च ऋषि चरित धृत गुणाः || २-११६-२६

That Rama, the lord, did not leave even for a moment that hermitage that had been deserted by the sages. But some ascetics among them who had fixed their mind on Rama (who followed the conduct of the sages) constantly followed Rama.

26. saH raaghavaH = that Rama; prabhuH = the lord; na jahau = did not leave; kSaNampai = even for a moment; aashramam = that hermitage (that had been deserted by the sages); taapasaashcha = but some ascetics among them; dhR^itaguNaaH = who had fixed their mind; raaghavam = on Rama; aarSacharite = who followed the conduct of the sages; satatam = constantly; anugataaH hi = followed Rama.

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